disable-common.inc 4.5 KB

  1. # History files in $HOME
  2. blacklist-nolog ${HOME}/.history
  3. blacklist-nolog ${HOME}/.*_history
  4. blacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/systemd
  5. blacklist-nolog ${HOME}/.adobe
  6. blacklist-nolog ${HOME}/.macromedia
  7. read-only ${HOME}/.local/share/applications
  8. # X11 session autostart
  9. blacklist ${HOME}/.xinitrc
  10. blacklist ${HOME}/.xprofile
  11. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/autostart
  12. blacklist /etc/xdg/autostart
  13. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/Autostart
  14. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/share/autostart
  15. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde/Autostart
  16. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde/share/autostart
  17. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/plasma-workspace/shutdown
  18. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/plasma-workspace/env
  19. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
  20. blacklist ${HOME}/.fluxbox/startup
  21. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/openbox/autostart
  22. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/openbox/environment
  23. blacklist ${HOME}/.gnomerc
  24. blacklist /etc/X11/Xsession.d/
  25. # VirtualBox
  26. blacklist ${HOME}/.VirtualBox
  27. blacklist ${HOME}/VirtualBox VMs
  28. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/VirtualBox
  29. # VeraCrypt
  30. blacklist ${PATH}/veracrypt
  31. blacklist ${PATH}/veracrypt-uninstall.sh
  32. blacklist /usr/share/veracrypt
  33. blacklist /usr/share/applications/veracrypt.*
  34. blacklist /usr/share/pixmaps/veracrypt.*
  35. blacklist ${HOME}/.VeraCrypt
  36. # var
  37. blacklist /var/spool/cron
  38. blacklist /var/spool/anacron
  39. blacklist /var/run/acpid.socket
  40. blacklist /var/run/minissdpd.sock
  41. blacklist /var/run/rpcbind.sock
  42. blacklist /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  43. blacklist /var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock
  44. blacklist /var/lib/mysqld/mysql.sock
  45. blacklist /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
  46. blacklist /var/run/docker.sock
  47. # etc
  48. blacklist /etc/cron.*
  49. blacklist /etc/profile.d
  50. blacklist /etc/rc.local
  51. blacklist /etc/anacrontab
  52. # General startup files
  53. read-only ${HOME}/.xinitrc
  54. read-only ${HOME}/.xserverrc
  55. read-only ${HOME}/.profile
  56. # Shell startup files
  57. read-only ${HOME}/.antigen
  58. read-only ${HOME}/.bash_login
  59. read-only ${HOME}/.bashrc
  60. read-only ${HOME}/.bash_profile
  61. read-only ${HOME}/.bash_logout
  62. read-only ${HOME}/.zsh.d
  63. read-only ${HOME}/.zshenv
  64. read-only ${HOME}/.zshrc
  65. read-only ${HOME}/.zshrc.local
  66. read-only ${HOME}/.zlogin
  67. read-only ${HOME}/.zprofile
  68. read-only ${HOME}/.zlogout
  69. read-only ${HOME}/.zsh_files
  70. read-only ${HOME}/.tcshrc
  71. read-only ${HOME}/.cshrc
  72. read-only ${HOME}/.csh_files
  73. read-only ${HOME}/.profile
  74. # Initialization files that allow arbitrary command execution
  75. read-only ${HOME}/.caffrc
  76. read-only ${HOME}/.dotfiles
  77. read-only ${HOME}/dotfiles
  78. read-only ${HOME}/.mailcap
  79. read-only ${HOME}/.exrc
  80. read-only ${HOME}/_exrc
  81. read-only ${HOME}/.vimrc
  82. read-only ${HOME}/_vimrc
  83. read-only ${HOME}/.gvimrc
  84. read-only ${HOME}/_gvimrc
  85. read-only ${HOME}/.vim
  86. read-only ${HOME}/.emacs
  87. read-only ${HOME}/.emacs.d
  88. read-only ${HOME}/.nano
  89. read-only ${HOME}/.tmux.conf
  90. read-only ${HOME}/.iscreenrc
  91. read-only ${HOME}/.muttrc
  92. read-only ${HOME}/.mutt/muttrc
  93. read-only ${HOME}/.msmtprc
  94. read-only ${HOME}/.reportbugrc
  95. read-only ${HOME}/.xmonad
  96. read-only ${HOME}/.xscreensaver
  97. # The user ~/bin directory can override commands such as ls
  98. read-only ${HOME}/bin
  99. # top secret
  100. blacklist ${HOME}/.ssh
  101. blacklist ${HOME}/.cert
  102. blacklist ${HOME}/.gnome2/keyrings
  103. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/share/apps/kwallet
  104. blacklist ${HOME}/.kde/share/apps/kwallet
  105. blacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/kwalletd
  106. blacklist ${HOME}/.config/keybase
  107. blacklist ${HOME}/.netrc
  108. blacklist ${HOME}/.gnupg
  109. blacklist ${HOME}/.caff
  110. blacklist ${HOME}/.smbcredentials
  111. blacklist ${HOME}/*.kdbx
  112. blacklist ${HOME}/*.kdb
  113. blacklist ${HOME}/*.key
  114. blacklist /etc/shadow
  115. blacklist /etc/gshadow
  116. blacklist /etc/passwd-
  117. blacklist /etc/group-
  118. blacklist /etc/shadow-
  119. blacklist /etc/gshadow-
  120. blacklist /etc/passwd+
  121. blacklist /etc/group+
  122. blacklist /etc/shadow+
  123. blacklist /etc/gshadow+
  124. blacklist /etc/ssh
  125. blacklist /var/backup
  126. # system management
  127. blacklist ${PATH}/umount
  128. blacklist ${PATH}/mount
  129. blacklist ${PATH}/fusermount
  130. blacklist ${PATH}/su
  131. blacklist ${PATH}/sudo
  132. blacklist ${PATH}/xinput
  133. blacklist ${PATH}/evtest
  134. blacklist ${PATH}/xev
  135. blacklist ${PATH}/strace
  136. blacklist ${PATH}/nc
  137. blacklist ${PATH}/ncat
  138. # system directories
  139. blacklist /sbin
  140. blacklist /usr/sbin
  141. blacklist /usr/local/sbin
  142. # prevent lxterminal connecting to an existing lxterminal session
  143. blacklist /tmp/.lxterminal-socket*
  144. # disable terminals running as server resulting in sandbox escape
  145. blacklist ${PATH}/gnome-terminal
  146. blacklist ${PATH}/gnome-terminal.wrapper
  147. blacklist ${PATH}/xfce4-terminal
  148. blacklist ${PATH}/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
  149. blacklist ${PATH}/mate-terminal
  150. blacklist ${PATH}/mate-terminal.wrapper
  151. blacklist ${PATH}/lilyterm
  152. blacklist ${PATH}/pantheon-terminal
  153. blacklist ${PATH}/roxterm
  154. blacklist ${PATH}/roxterm-config
  155. blacklist ${PATH}/terminix
  156. blacklist ${PATH}/urxvtc
  157. blacklist ${PATH}/urxvtcd