upload.load.need('js/dragresize.js', function() { return window.dragresize }) upload.modules.addmodule({ name: 'download', delkeys: {}, // Dear santa, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/template_strings template: '\

\ \
\ DownloadView In BrowserDelete\
\ ', init: function () { $(document).on('click', '#editpaste', this.editpaste.bind(this)) }, route: function (route, content) { if (content != 'noref') { return this } }, render: function (view) { view.html(this.template) this._ = {} this._.view = view this._.detailsarea = view.find('#downloaddetails') this._.filename = view.find('#downloaded_filename') this._.btns = view.find('#btnarea') this._.deletebtn = view.find('#deletebtn') this._.dlbtn = view.find('#dlbtn') this._.viewbtn = view.find('#inbrowserbtn') this._.viewswitcher = view.find('.viewswitcher') this._.newupload = view.find('#newupload') this._.editpaste = view.find('#editpaste') this._.dlarea = view.find('#dlarea') this._.title = $('title') $('#footer').hide() }, initroute: function (content) { delete this._['text'] this._.filename.hide() this._.title.text("Up1") this._.btns.hide() this._.editpaste.hide() this._.newupload.hide() this._.content = {} this._.content.main = this._.content.loading = $('

').prop('id', 'downloadprogress').text('Downloading') this._.detailsarea.empty().append(this._.content.main) this._.deletebtn.hide() upload.updown.download(content, this.progress.bind(this), this.downloaded.bind(this)) }, unrender: function () { this._.title.text('Up1') delete this['_'] }, /* These mimes are trusted, anything not on this list will not embed nor provide view in browser links. Some embed exceptions apply like svg will embed but will not directly link and pdf vice versa. ALl text mime types support view in browser and translate to text/plain */ assocations: { 'application/javascript': 'text', 'application/x-javascript': 'text', 'application/xml': 'text', 'image/svg+xml': 'svg', // PDF for now only offers 'view in browser' 'application/pdf': 'pdf', 'application/x-pdf': 'pdf', 'text/plain': 'text', 'audio/aac': 'audio', 'audio/mp4': 'audio', 'audio/mpeg': 'audio', 'audio/ogg': 'audio', 'audio/wav': 'audio', 'audio/webm': 'audio', 'video/mp4': 'video', 'video/ogg': 'video', 'video/webm': 'video', 'audio/wave': 'audio', 'audio/wav': 'audio', 'audio/x-wav': 'audio', 'audio/x-pn-wav': 'audio', 'audio/vnd.wave': 'audio', 'image/tiff': 'image', 'image/x-tiff': 'image', 'image/bmp': 'image', 'image/x-windows-bmp': 'image', 'image/gif': 'image', 'image/x-icon': 'image', 'image/jpeg': 'image', 'image/pjpeg': 'image', 'image/png': 'image', 'image/webp': 'image', 'text/': 'text' }, // Mime types to use for "View in browser" for safety reasons such as html we use text/plain // Other display types such as PDF and images you want native viewing so we leave those // SVG can be unsafe for viewing in a browser directly safeassocations: { 'text': 'text/plain', 'svg': 'text/plain' }, getassociation: function(mime) { for (var key in this.assocations) { if (mime.startsWith(key)) { return this.assocations[key] } } }, downloaded: function (data) { this._.filename.text(data.header.name) this._.title.text(data.header.name + ' - Up1') var stored = this.delkeys[data.ident] if (!stored) { try { stored = localStorage.getItem('delete-' + data.ident) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } if (stored && !isiframed()) { this._.deletebtn.show().prop('href', (upload.config.server ? upload.config.server : '') + 'del?delkey=' + stored + '&ident=' + data.ident) } this._.newupload.show() var association = this.getassociation(data.header.mime) var safemime = this.safeassocations[association] var decrypted = new Blob([data.decrypted], { type: data.header.mime }) var safedecrypted = new Blob([decrypted], { type: safemime ? safemime : data.header.mime }) var url = URL.createObjectURL(decrypted) var safeurl = URL.createObjectURL(safedecrypted) this._.viewbtn.prop('href', safeurl).hide() this._.dlbtn.prop('href', url) this._.dlbtn.prop('download', data.header.name) delete this._['content'] this._.detailsarea.empty() if (!!association) { this._.viewbtn.show() } if (association == 'image' || association == 'svg') { var imgcontent = $('
').prop('id', 'previewimg').addClass('preview').appendTo(this._.detailsarea) var previewimg = $('').addClass('dragresize').appendTo(imgcontent).prop('src', url) } else if (association == 'text') { var textcontent = $('
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').prop('id', 'linenos').appendTo(textcontent) var pre = $('

            var code = $('').appendTo(pre)

            var fr = new FileReader()

            fr.onload = function () {

                var text = fr.result

                this._.text = {}

                this._.text.header = data.header

                this._.text.data = text



                var length = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length

                for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    linenos.append((i + 1) + '
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