Radio Randio developers are free to stream Radio Randio and its contents in any way, with any means and for any purpose. People who wish to contribute to Radio Randio must understand and accept that. If an artist decide to share his work with us and our listeners, we will cite him as the original
author of his work, but in order to make our collaboration possible it is important that:
- The code must be released under the terms of some open source license that grant us the right to use and share the code.
- The music generated and the data used to generate it (for example samples) must be released using licenses
that grant to us the possibility to stream freely without restrictions.
If you use samples or other data that is released under the terms of a license that require citation of the original author, remember to do that and write all required references inside the info.txt file and the patch. It is forbidden the use of samples, compositions or anything that is protected by any form of copyright that does not grant
the possibility to share the work freely and without payment and/or belonging to any kind of copyright collection society. The verification of the copyright status of each part of a patch is a duty of the author of the patch itself, and must be
done before sending the patch to Randio. Either if the author of a patch is member of any kind of copyright collection society or not, Randio and its developers
can not be held responsible for issues regarding the author of a patch and any copyright collection society. When we receive a patch and its complementary files from an author we trust that the sender has the rights to send us that
patch and its complementary files. The author of the patch, will be cited during the stream of its music by writing his name and the name of the piece
as Icecast metadata. The correct operation of this citation process is not 100% guaranteed but it should work. We like and accept the following licenses:
- Creative Commons licenses that also allow commercial use of the work.
- BSD licenses.
Neither Randio nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from Randio and its
software and its music without specific prior written permission. Once a patch is sent as described in the How to contribute section, the author of the patch implicitly accept this policy,
and grant to Radio Randio developers the right to use that patch for any purpose, even commercial ones. This policy can change in any time and without prior notice. If you don't agree to this policy, do not use this service.