2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00
< ? php
* Controller that handles javascript related functions .
* @ author Time . ly Network Inc .
* @ since 2.0
* @ package AI1EC
* @ subpackage AI1EC . Controller
class Ai1ec_Javascript_Controller {
2017-11-09 17:36:04 +01:00
// The js handle used when enqueueing
const JS_HANDLE = 'ai1ec_requirejs' ;
2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00
2017-11-09 17:36:04 +01:00
// The namespace for require.js functions
const REQUIRE_NAMESPACE = 'timely' ;
// the name of the configuration module for the frontend
const FRONTEND_CONFIG_MODULE = 'ai1ec_calendar' ;
//the name of the get parameter we use for loading js
const LOAD_JS_PARAMETER = 'ai1ec_render_js' ;
// just load backend scripts
const LOAD_ONLY_BACKEND_SCRIPTS = 'common_backend' ;
// just load backend scripts
const LOAD_ONLY_FRONTEND_SCRIPTS = 'common_frontend' ;
// Are we in the backend
const IS_BACKEND_PARAMETER = 'is_backend' ;
// Are we on the calendar page
const IS_CALENDAR_PAGE = 'is_calendar_page' ;
// this is the value of IS_BACKEND_PARAMETER which triggers loading of backend script
const TRUE_PARAM = 'true' ;
// the javascript file for event page
const EVENT_PAGE_JS = 'event.js' ;
// the javascript file for calendar page
const CALENDAR_PAGE_JS = 'calendar.js' ;
// the file for the calendar feedsa page
const CALENDAR_FEEDS_PAGE = 'calendar_feeds.js' ;
// add new event page js
const ADD_NEW_EVENT_PAGE = 'add_new_event.js' ;
// event category page js
const EVENT_CATEGORY_PAGE = 'event_category.js' ;
// less variable editing page
const LESS_VARIBALES_PAGE = 'less_variables_editing.js' ;
// settings page
const SETTINGS_PAGE = 'admin_settings.js' ;
//widget creator page
const WIDGET_CREATOR = 'widget-creator.js' ;
//ticketing page
const TICKETING = 'ticketing.js' ;
//cache file
const CALENDAR_JS_CACHE_FILE = '/public/js_cache/calendar.js' ;
* @ var Ai1ec_Registry_Object
private $_registry ;
* The core js pages to load .
* Used to avoid errors when extensions add pages .
* @ var array
private $_core_pages = array (
self :: CALENDAR_FEEDS_PAGE => true ,
self :: ADD_NEW_EVENT_PAGE => true ,
self :: EVENT_CATEGORY_PAGE => true ,
self :: LESS_VARIBALES_PAGE => true ,
self :: SETTINGS_PAGE => true ,
self :: EVENT_PAGE_JS => true ,
self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS => true ,
self :: WIDGET_CREATOR => true ,
self :: TICKETING => true ,
* Holds an instance of the settings object
* @ var Ai1ec_Settings
private $_settings ;
* @ var Ai1ec_Locale
private $_locale ;
* @ var Ai1ec_Scripts
private $_scripts_helper ;
* @ var Ai1ec_Acl_Aco
private $_aco ;
* @ var Ai1ec_Template_Link_Helper
private $_template_link_helper ;
* @ var bool
protected $_frontend_scripts_loaded = false ;
* Public constructor .
* @ param Ai1ec_Registry_Object $registry
* @ return void
public function __construct ( Ai1ec_Registry_Object $registry ) {
$this -> _registry = $registry ;
$this -> _settings = $registry -> get ( 'model.settings' );
$this -> _locale = $registry -> get ( 'p28n.wpml' );
$this -> _aco = $registry -> get ( 'acl.aco' );
$this -> _template_link_helper = $registry -> get ( 'template.link.helper' );
// this will need to be modified
$this -> _scripts_helper = $registry -> get ( 'script.helper' );
* Load javascript files for frontend pages .
* @ wp - hook ai1ec_load_frontend_js
* @ param $is_calendar_page boolean Whether we are displaying the main
* calendar page or not
* @ return void
public function load_frontend_js ( $is_calendar_page , $is_shortcode = false ) {
$page = null ;
// ======
// = JS =
// ======
if ( $this -> _are_we_accessing_the_single_event_page () === true ) {
$page = self :: EVENT_PAGE_JS ;
if ( $is_calendar_page === true ) {
$page = self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS ;
if ( null !== $page ) {
$this -> add_link_to_render_js ( $page , false );
* Render the javascript for the appropriate page .
* @ return void
public function render_js () {
$common_js = '' ;
$js_cache = $this -> _settings -> get ( 'cache_dynamic_js' );
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ self :: LOAD_JS_PARAMETER ] ) ) {
return null ;
$page_to_load = $_GET [ self :: LOAD_JS_PARAMETER ];
$scripts_updated = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.option' ) -> get ( 'calendarjsupdated' );
if (
$js_cache &&
$page_to_load === self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS &&
'1' === $scripts_updated &&
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'filesystem.checker' ) -> check_file_exists (
) {
Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper :: stop ( 0 );
return ;
if (
isset ( $_GET [ self :: IS_BACKEND_PARAMETER ] ) &&
$_GET [ self :: IS_BACKEND_PARAMETER ] === self :: TRUE_PARAM
) {
$common_js = file_get_contents ( $js_path . 'pages/common_backend.js' );
} else if (
$page_to_load === self :: EVENT_PAGE_JS ||
$page_to_load === self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS ||
$page_to_load === self :: LOAD_ONLY_FRONTEND_SCRIPTS
) {
if (
$page_to_load === self :: LOAD_ONLY_FRONTEND_SCRIPTS &&
true === $this -> _frontend_scripts_loaded
) {
return ;
if ( false === $this -> _frontend_scripts_loaded ) {
$common_js = file_get_contents (
$js_path . 'pages/common_frontend.js'
$this -> _frontend_scripts_loaded = true ;
// Create the config object for Require.js.
$require_config = $this -> create_require_js_config_object ();
// Load Require.js script.
$require = file_get_contents ( $js_path . 'require.js' );
// Load appropriate jQuery script based on browser.
$jquery = $this -> get_jquery_version_based_on_browser (
isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ] )
: ''
// Load the main script for the page.
$page_js = '' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> _core_pages [ $page_to_load ] ) ) {
$page_js = file_get_contents ( $js_path . 'pages/' . $page_to_load );
// Load translation module.
$translation = $this -> get_frontend_translation_data ();
$permalink = $this -> _template_link_helper
-> get_permalink ( $this -> _settings -> get ( 'calendar_page_id' ) );
$full_permalink = $this -> _template_link_helper
-> get_full_permalink ( $this -> _settings -> get ( 'calendar_page_id' ) );
$translation [ 'calendar_url' ] = $permalink ;
$translation [ 'full_calendar_url' ] = $full_permalink ;
$translation_module = $this -> create_require_js_module (
// Load Ai1ec config script.
$config = $this -> create_require_js_module (
'ai1ec_config' ,
$this -> get_translation_data ()
// Let extensions add their scripts.
$extension_files = array ();
$extension_files = apply_filters (
'ai1ec_render_js' ,
$extension_files ,
$ext_js = '' ;
foreach ( $extension_files as $file ) {
$ext_js .= file_get_contents ( $file );
// Finally, load the page_ready script to execute code that must run after
// all scripts have been loaded.
$page_ready = file_get_contents (
$js_path . 'scripts/common_scripts/page_ready.js'
$javascript = $require . $require_config . $translation_module .
$config . $jquery . $common_js . $ext_js . $page_js . $page_ready ;
// add to blank spaces to fix issues with js
// being truncated onn some installs
$javascript .= ' ' ;
if (
$js_cache &&
$page_to_load === self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS &&
'0' === $scripts_updated ||
! $this -> _registry -> get ( 'filesystem.checker' ) -> check_file_exists (
) {
$js_saved = false ;
try {
$js_saved = file_put_contents (
$js_path . '../js_cache/' . self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS ,
if ( $js_saved ) {
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.option' ) -> set ( 'calendarjsupdated' , '1' );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> _settings -> set ( 'cache_dynamic_js' , false );
$this -> _echo_javascript ( $javascript );
* Sets the flag to revalidate cached js files on next render .
public function revalidate_cache () {
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.option' ) -> set ( 'calendarjsupdated' , '0' );
* Get a compiled javascript file ( used by extensions )
* @ param string $name
* @ return string
public function get_module ( $name ) {
return file_get_contents ( $js_path . $name );
* Check what file needs to be loaded and add the correct link .
* @ wp - hook init
* @ return void
public function load_admin_js () {
// Initialize dashboard view
$script_to_load = FALSE ;
if ( $this -> are_we_on_calendar_feeds_page () === TRUE ) {
// Load script for the importer plugins
$script_to_load [] = self :: CALENDAR_FEEDS_PAGE ;
// Start the scripts for the event category page
if ( $this -> _are_we_editing_event_categories () === TRUE ) {
// Load script required when editing categories
$script_to_load [] = self :: EVENT_CATEGORY_PAGE ;
if ( $this -> _are_we_editing_less_variables () === TRUE ) {
// Load script required when editing categories
$script_to_load [] = self :: LESS_VARIBALES_PAGE ;
// Load the js needed when you edit an event / add a new event
if (
true === $this -> _are_we_creating_a_new_event () ||
true === $this -> _are_we_editing_an_event ()
) {
// Load script for adding / modifying events
$script_to_load [] = self :: ADD_NEW_EVENT_PAGE ;
if ( true === $this -> _are_we_accessing_the_calendar_settings_page () ) {
$script_to_load [] = self :: SETTINGS_PAGE ;
if ( true === $this -> _are_we_creating_widgets () ) {
$script_to_load [] = self :: WIDGET_CREATOR ;
if (
true === $this -> _are_we_managing_tickets () ||
true === $this -> _are_we_managing_events_list ()
) {
$script_to_load [] = self :: TICKETING ;
if ( false === $script_to_load ) {
$script_to_load [] = apply_filters ( 'ai1ec_backend_js' , self :: LOAD_ONLY_BACKEND_SCRIPTS );
foreach ( $script_to_load as $value ) {
$this -> add_link_to_render_js ( $value , true );
* Loads version 1.9 or 2.0 of jQuery based on user agent .
* If $user_agent is null ( due to lack of HTTP header ) we always serve
* jQuery 2.0 .
* @ param string $user_agent
* @ return string
public function get_jquery_version_based_on_browser ( $user_agent ) {
$jquery = 'jquery_timely20.js' ;
preg_match ( '/MSIE (.*?);/' , $user_agent , $matches );
if ( count ( $matches ) > 1 ) {
//Then we're using IE
$version = ( int ) $matches [ 1 ];
if ( $version <= 8 ) {
//IE 8 or under!
$jquery = 'jquery_timely19.js' ;
return file_get_contents ( $js_path . $jquery );
* Creates a requirejs module that can be used for translations
* @ param string $object_name
* @ param array $data
* @ return string
public function create_require_js_module ( $object_name , array $data ) {
foreach ( ( array ) $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! is_scalar ( $value ) )
continue ;
$data [ $key ] = html_entity_decode ( ( string ) $value , ENT_QUOTES , 'UTF-8' );
$json_data = json_encode ( $data );
$prefix = self :: REQUIRE_NAMESPACE ;
$script = " $prefix .define( ' $object_name ', $json_data ); " ;
return $script ;
* Create the array needed for translation and passing other settings to JS .
* @ return $data array the dynamic data array
public function get_translation_data () {
$force_ssl_admin = force_ssl_admin ();
if ( $force_ssl_admin && ! is_ssl () ) {
force_ssl_admin ( false );
$ajax_url = ai1ec_admin_url ( 'admin-ajax.php' );
force_ssl_admin ( $force_ssl_admin );
$settings = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.settings' );
$locale = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'p28n.wpml' );
$blog_timezone = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.option' )
-> get ( 'gmt_offset' );
$application = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'bootstrap.registry.application' );
$data = array (
'calendar_feeds_nonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'ai1ec_ics_feed_nonce' ),
// ICS feed error messages
'duplicate_feed_message' => esc_html (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'This feed is already being imported.' )
'invalid_url_message' => esc_html (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Please enter a valid iCalendar URL.' )
'invalid_website_message' => esc_html (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Please enter a valid Website URL.' )
'invalid_registration_message' => esc_html (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Please enter a valid Registration URL, starting with https:// or http://.' )
'invalid_email_message' => esc_html (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Please enter a valid email address.' )
'choose_image_message' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Choose Image' ),
'now' => $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.system' )
-> current_time (),
'size_less_variable_not_ok' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'The value you have entered is not a valid CSS length.'
'confirm_reset_theme' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Are you sure you want to reset your theme options to their default values?'
'error_message_not_valid_lat' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Please enter a valid latitude. A valid latitude is comprised between +90 and -90.'
'error_message_not_valid_long' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Please enter a valid longitude. A valid longitude is comprised between +180 and -180.'
'error_message_not_entered_lat' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Latitude" is a required field.'
'error_message_not_entered_long' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Longitude" is a required field.'
'ai1ec_contact_url_not_valid' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'The URL you have entered in the <b>Organizer Contact Info</b> > <b>Website URL</b> seems to be invalid.'
'ai1ec_ticket_ext_url_not_valid' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'The URL you have entered in the <b>Event Cost and Tickets</b> > <b>Tickets or Registration URL</b> seems to be invalid.'
'ai1ec_contact_email_not_valid' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'The Email you have entered in the <b>Organizer Contact Info</b> > <b>E-mail</b> seems to be invalid.'
'general_url_not_valid' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Please remember that URLs must start with either "http://" or "https://".'
'calendar_loading' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'ticketing_required_fields' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'<b>Required or incorrect fields for Ticketing are outlined red.</b>'
'ticketing_repeat_not_supported' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( '<b>The Repeat option was selected but recurrence is not supported by Event with Tickets.</b>'
'ticketing_no_tickets_included' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( ' < b >
The Event has the cost option Tickets selected but no ticket was included .</ b > '
'discovery_event_success' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Event was imported successfully.'
'discovery_event_error' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'An error occurred when importing event. Please, try later.'
'language' => $this -> _registry -> get ( 'p28n.wpml' ) -> get_lang (),
'ajax_url' => $ajax_url ,
// 24h time format for time pickers
'twentyfour_hour' => $settings -> get ( 'input_24h_time' ),
// Date format for date pickers
'date_format' => $settings -> get ( 'input_date_format' ),
// Names for months in date picker header (escaping is done in wp_localize_script)
'month_names' => $locale -> get_localized_month_names (),
// Names for days in date picker header (escaping is done in wp_localize_script)
'day_names' => $locale -> get_localized_week_names (),
// Start the week on this day in the date picker
'week_start_day' => $settings -> get ( 'week_start_day' ),
'week_view_starts_at' => $settings -> get ( 'week_view_starts_at' ),
'week_view_ends_at' => $settings -> get ( 'week_view_ends_at' ),
'google_maps_api_key' => $settings -> get ( 'google_maps_api_key' ),
'blog_timezone' => $blog_timezone ,
'affix_filter_menu' => $settings -> get ( 'affix_filter_menu' ),
'affix_vertical_offset_md' => $settings -> get ( 'affix_vertical_offset_md' ),
'affix_vertical_offset_lg' => $settings -> get ( 'affix_vertical_offset_lg' ),
'affix_vertical_offset_sm' => $settings -> get ( 'affix_vertical_offset_sm' ),
'affix_vertical_offset_xs' => $settings -> get ( 'affix_vertical_offset_xs' ),
'calendar_page_id' => $settings -> get ( 'calendar_page_id' ),
'region' => ( $settings -> get ( 'geo_region_biasing' ) ) ? $locale -> get_region () : '' ,
'site_url' => trailingslashit (
ai1ec_get_site_url ()
'javascript_widgets' => array (),
'widget_creator' => array (
'preview' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Preview:' ),
'preview_loading' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Loading preview <i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-spin ai1ec-fa-spinner"></i>'
'ticketing' => array (
'details' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Ticketing Details' ),
'hide_details' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Hide Ticketing Details' ),
'loading_details' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Loading tickets details...' ),
'type_and_price' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Type and price' ),
'info' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Info' ),
'information' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Information' ),
'report' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Report' ),
'sale_dates' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Sale dates' ),
'limits' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Limits' ),
'actions' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Actions' ),
'sold' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Sold:' ),
'left' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Left:' ),
'start' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Start:' ),
'end' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'End:' ),
'min' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Min:' ),
'max' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Max:' ),
'attendees' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Attendees' ),
'hide_attendees' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Hide Attendees' ),
'attendees_list' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Attendees List' ),
'guest_name' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Guest Name' ),
'status' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Status' ),
'email' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Email' ),
'no_attendees' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'No attendees for this ticket type.' ),
'edit' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Edit' ),
'code' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Code' ),
'unlimited' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Unlimited' ),
'open_for_sale' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Open for sale' ),
'no_delete_text' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'You have sold tickets for this ticket type. Please change it\'s status to "Canceled" and make refunds to all users that purchased tickets.' ),
'cancel_message' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'You have sold tickets for this ticket type. Please make refunds to all users that purchased tickets' )
'review' => array (
'message_sent' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Your message has been sent. Thank you for your feedback.' ),
'message_error' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Your message has not been sent. Please try again or contact us.' )
'load_views_error' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ (
'Something went wrong while fetching events.<br>The request status is: %STATUS% <br>The error thrown was: %ERROR%'
'load_views_error_popup_title' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Response text received from server' ),
'load_views_error_link_popup' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Click here for technical details' ),
'cookie_path' => $this -> _registry -> get (
) -> get_path_for_cookie (),
'disable_autocompletion' => $settings -> get ( 'disable_autocompletion' ),
'end_must_be_after_start' => __ ( 'The end date can\'t be earlier than the start date.' , AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'show_at_least_six_hours' => __ ( 'For week and day view, you must select an interval of at least 6 hours.' , AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
'ai1ec_permalinks_enabled' => $application -> get ( 'permalinks_enabled' ),
return apply_filters ( 'ai1ec_js_translations' , $data );
* Get the array with translated data for the frontend
* @ return array
public function get_frontend_translation_data () {
$data = array (
'export_url' => AI1EC_EXPORT_URL ,
// Replace desired CSS selector with calendar, if selector has been set
$calendar_selector = $this -> _settings -> get ( 'calendar_css_selector' );
if ( $calendar_selector ) {
$page = get_post (
$this -> _settings -> get ( 'calendar_page_id' )
$data [ 'selector' ] = $calendar_selector ;
$data [ 'title' ] = $page -> post_title ;
// DEPRECATED: Only still here for backwards compatibility with Ai1ec 1.x.
$data [ 'fonts' ] = array ();
$fonts_dir = AI1EC_DEFAULT_THEME_URL . 'font_css/' ;
$data [ 'fonts' ][] = array (
'name' => 'League Gothic' ,
'url' => $fonts_dir . 'font-league-gothic.css' ,
$data [ 'fonts' ][] = array (
'name' => 'fontawesome' ,
'url' => $fonts_dir . 'font-awesome.css' ,
return $data ;
* Echoes the Javascript if not cached .
* Echoes the javascript with the correct content .
* Since the content is dinamic , i use the hash function .
* @ param string $javascript
* @ return void
private function _echo_javascript ( $javascript ) {
$conditional_get = new HTTP_ConditionalGet ( array (
'contentHash' => md5 ( $javascript )
$conditional_get -> sendHeaders ();
if ( ! $conditional_get -> cacheIsValid ) {
$http_encoder = $this -> _registry -> get (
'http.encoder' ,
array (
'content' => $javascript ,
'type' => 'text/javascript'
$compression_level = null ;
if ( $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.settings' ) -> get ( 'disable_gzip_compression' ) ) {
// set the compression level to 0 to disable it.
$compression_level = 0 ;
$http_encoder -> encode ( $compression_level );
$http_encoder -> sendAll ();
Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper :: stop ( 0 );
* Create the config object for requirejs .
* @ return string
public function create_require_js_config_object () {
$version = AI1EC_VERSION ;
$namespace = self :: REQUIRE_NAMESPACE ;
$config = <<< JSC
$namespace . require . config ( {
waitSeconds : 15 ,
urlArgs : 'ver=$version' ,
baseUrl : '$js_url'
} );
2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00
2017-11-09 17:36:04 +01:00
return $config ;
* Check if we are in the calendar feeds page
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are in the calendar feeds page FALSE otherwise
public function are_we_on_calendar_feeds_page () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$post_type = isset ( $_GET [ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'post_type' ] : FALSE ;
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : FALSE ;
if ( $post_type === FALSE || $page === FALSE ) {
return FALSE ;
$is_calendar_feed_page = $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit.php' &&
$post_type === 'ai1ec_event' &&
$page === 'all-in-one-event-calendar-feeds' ;
return $is_calendar_feed_page ;
* Add the link to render the javascript
* @ param string $page
* @ param boolean $backend
* @ return void
public function add_link_to_render_js ( $page , $backend ) {
$load_backend_script = 'false' ;
if ( true === $backend ) {
$load_backend_script = self :: TRUE_PARAM ;
$is_calendar_page = false ;
if (
true === is_page ( $this -> _settings -> get ( 'calendar_page_id' ) ) ||
self :: CALENDAR_PAGE_JS === $page
) {
$is_calendar_page = self :: TRUE_PARAM ;
$url = add_query_arg (
array (
// Add the page to load
self :: LOAD_JS_PARAMETER => $page ,
// If we are in the backend, we must load the common scripts
self :: IS_BACKEND_PARAMETER => $load_backend_script ,
// If we are on the calendar page we must load the correct option
self :: IS_CALENDAR_PAGE => $is_calendar_page ,
trailingslashit ( ai1ec_get_site_url () )
if (
$this -> _settings -> get ( 'cache_dynamic_js' ) &&
$is_calendar_page &&
'1' === $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.option' ) -> get ( 'calendarjsupdated' ) &&
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'filesystem.checker' ) -> check_file_exists (
) {
$url = plugin_dir_url ( 'all-in-one-event-calendar/public/js_cache/.' ) . $page ;
if ( true === $backend ) {
$this -> _scripts_helper -> enqueue_script (
self :: JS_HANDLE ,
$url ,
array ( 'postbox' ),
} else {
$this -> _scripts_helper -> enqueue_script (
self :: JS_HANDLE ,
$url ,
array (),
* check if we are editing an event
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are editing an event FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_editing_an_event () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$post_id = isset ( $_GET [ 'post' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'post' ] : FALSE ;
$action = isset ( $_GET [ 'action' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'action' ] : FALSE ;
if ( $post_id === FALSE || $action === FALSE ) {
return FALSE ;
$editing = (
'post.php' === $path_details [ 'basename' ] &&
'edit' === $action &&
$this -> _aco -> is_our_post_type ( $post_id )
return $editing ;
* check if we are viewing events list
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are on the events list FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_managing_events_list () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$post_type = isset ( $_GET [ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'post_type' ] : FALSE ;
if ( FALSE === $post_type ) {
return FALSE ;
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : '' ;
$events_list = (
'edit.php' === $path_details [ 'basename' ] &&
'ai1ec_event' === $post_type &&
ai1ec_is_blank ( $page )
return $events_list ;
* check if we are creating a new event
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are creating a new event FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_creating_a_new_event () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$post_type = isset ( $_GET [ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'post_type' ] : '' ;
return $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'post-new.php' &&
$post_type === AI1EC_POST_TYPE ;
* Check if we are accessing the settings page
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are accessing the settings page FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_accessing_the_calendar_settings_page () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : '' ;
return $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit.php' &&
$page === AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME . '-settings' ;
protected function _are_we_creating_widgets () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : '' ;
return $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit.php' &&
$page === AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME . '-widget-creator' ;
protected function _are_we_managing_tickets () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : '' ;
return $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit.php' &&
$page === AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME . '-tickets' ;
* Check if we are editing less variables
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are accessing a single event page FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_editing_less_variables () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$page = isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'page' ] : '' ;
return $path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit.php' && $page === AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME . '-edit-css' ;
* Check if we are accessing the events category page
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are accessing the events category page FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_editing_event_categories () {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) ) {
return FALSE ;
$path_details = pathinfo ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );
$post_type = isset ( $_GET [ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET [ 'post_type' ] : '' ;
return (
$path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'edit-tags.php' ||
$path_details [ 'basename' ] === 'term.php'
) && $post_type === AI1EC_POST_TYPE ;
* Check if we are accessing a single event page
* @ return boolean TRUE if we are accessing a single event page FALSE otherwise
private function _are_we_accessing_the_single_event_page () {
return $this -> _aco -> is_our_post_type ();
2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00