2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00
< ? php
* Event create / update form backend view layer .
* Manage creation of boxes ( containers ) for our control elements
* and instantiating , as well as updating them .
* @ author Time . ly Network , Inc .
* @ since 2.0
* @ package Ai1EC
* @ subpackage Ai1EC . View
class Ai1ec_View_Add_New_Event extends Ai1ec_Base {
2017-11-09 17:36:04 +01:00
* Create hook to display event meta box when creating or editing an event .
* @ wp_hook add_meta_boxes
* @ return void
public function event_meta_box_container () {
add_meta_box (
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Event Details' ),
array ( $this , 'meta_box_view' ),
'normal' ,
add_meta_box (
AI1EC_POST_TYPE . '_features' ,
Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Empower your calendar, build your community' ),
array ( $this , 'features_info' ),
'side' ,
* Add Event Details meta box to the Add / Edit Event screen in the dashboard .
* @ return void
public function features_info ( $post ) {
$message = __ (
'<ul class="ai1ec-features-list"><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Pull events from other calendars</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Pull events from Facebook</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Add a Newsletter</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Get public event submissions</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Charge people to post events</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">Add social sharing</a></li><li><a href="https://time.ly/hub" target="_blank">And more</a></li></ul>' ,
echo $message ;
* Add Event Details meta box to the Add / Edit Event screen in the dashboard .
* @ return void
public function meta_box_view ( $post ) {
$theme_loader = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'theme.loader' );
$empty_event = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.event' );
// ==================
// = Default values =
// ==================
// ATTENTION - When adding new fields to the event remember that you must
// also set up the duplicate-controller.
// TODO: Fix this duplication.
$all_day_event = '' ;
$instant_event = '' ;
$start = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.time' );
$end = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.time' , '+1 hour' );
$timezone_name = null ;
$timezones_list = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.timezone' ) -> get_timezones ( true );
$show_map = false ;
$google_map = '' ;
$venue = '' ;
$country = '' ;
$address = '' ;
$city = '' ;
$province = '' ;
$postal_code = '' ;
$contact_name = '' ;
$contact_phone = '' ;
$contact_email = '' ;
$contact_url = '' ;
$cost = '' ;
$is_free = '' ;
$cost_type = 'free' ;
$rrule = '' ;
$rrule_text = '' ;
$repeating_event = false ;
$exrule = '' ;
$exrule_text = '' ;
$exclude_event = false ;
$exdate = '' ;
$show_coordinates = false ;
$longitude = '' ;
$latitude = '' ;
$coordinates = '' ;
$ticket_url = '' ;
$instance_id = false ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'instance' ] ) ) {
$instance_id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'instance' ] );
if ( $instance_id ) {
add_filter (
'print_scripts_array' ,
array ( $this , 'disable_autosave' )
try {
// on some php version, nested try catch blocks fail and the exception would never be caught.
// this is why we use this approach.
$excpt = null ;
$event = null ;
try {
$event = $this -> _registry -> get (
'model.event' ,
get_the_ID (),
} catch ( Ai1ec_Event_Not_Found_Exception $excpt ) {
$ai1ec_localization_helper = $this -> _registry
-> get ( 'p28n.wpml' );
$translatable_id = $ai1ec_localization_helper
-> get_translatable_id ();
if ( false !== $translatable_id ) {
$event = $this -> _registry -> get (
'model.event' ,
$translatable_id ,
if ( null !== $excpt ) {
throw $excpt ;
// Existing event was found. Initialize form values with values from
// event object.
$all_day_event = $event -> is_allday () ? 'checked' : '' ;
$instant_event = $event -> is_instant () ? 'checked' : '' ;
$start = $event -> get ( 'start' );
$end = $event -> get ( 'end' );
$timezone_name = $event -> get ( 'timezone_name' );
$multi_day = $event -> is_multiday ();
$show_map = $event -> get ( 'show_map' );
$google_map = $show_map ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ;
$show_coordinates = $event -> get ( 'show_coordinates' );
$coordinates = $show_coordinates ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ;
$longitude = ( float ) $event -> get ( 'longitude' , 0 );
$latitude = ( float ) $event -> get ( 'latitude' , 0 );
// There is a known bug in Wordpress (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15158) that saves 0 to the DB instead of null.
// We handle a special case here to avoid having the fields with a value of 0 when the user never inputted any coordinates
if ( ! $show_coordinates ) {
$longitude = '' ;
$latitude = '' ;
$venue = $event -> get ( 'venue' );
$country = $event -> get ( 'country' );
$address = $event -> get ( 'address' );
$city = $event -> get ( 'city' );
$province = $event -> get ( 'province' );
$postal_code = $event -> get ( 'postal_code' );
$contact_name = $event -> get ( 'contact_name' );
$contact_phone = $event -> get ( 'contact_phone' );
$contact_email = $event -> get ( 'contact_email' );
$contact_url = $event -> get ( 'contact_url' );
$cost = $event -> get ( 'cost' );
$ticket_url = $event -> get ( 'ticket_url' );
$rrule = $event -> get ( 'recurrence_rules' );
$exrule = $event -> get ( 'exception_rules' );
$exdate = $event -> get ( 'exception_dates' );
$repeating_event = ! empty ( $rrule );
$exclude_event = ! empty ( $exrule );
$is_free = '' ;
$free = $event -> is_free ();
if ( ! empty ( $free ) ) {
$is_free = 'checked="checked" ' ;
$cost = '' ;
if ( $repeating_event ) {
$rrule_text = ucfirst (
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'recurrence.rule' )
-> rrule_to_text ( $rrule )
if ( $exclude_event ) {
$exrule_text = ucfirst (
$this -> _registry -> get ( 'recurrence.rule' )
-> rrule_to_text ( $exrule )
} catch ( Ai1ec_Event_Not_Found_Exception $excpt ) {
// Event does not exist.
// Leave form fields undefined (= zero-length strings)
$event = null ;
// Time zone; display if set.
$timezone = '' ;
$timezone_string = null ;
$date_timezone = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.timezone' );
if (
! empty ( $timezone_name ) &&
$local_name = $date_timezone -> get_name ( $timezone_name )
) {
$timezone_string = $local_name ;
if ( null === $timezone_string ) {
$timezone_string = $date_timezone -> get_default_timezone ();
if ( $timezone_string ) {
$timezone = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'date.system' )
-> get_gmt_offset_expr ( $timezone_string );
if ( empty ( $timezone_name ) ) {
* Actual Olsen timezone name is used when value is to be directly
* exposed to user in some mean . It ' s possible to use named const .
* `'sys.default'` only when passing value to date . time library .
$timezone_name = $date_timezone -> get_default_timezone ();
// This will store each of the accordion tabs' markup, and passed as an
// argument to the final view.
$boxes = array ();
$parent_event_id = null ;
if ( $event ) {
$parent_event_id = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.event.parent' )
-> event_parent ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
// ===============================
// = Display event time and date =
// ===============================
$args = array (
'all_day_event' => $all_day_event ,
'instant_event' => $instant_event ,
'start' => $start ,
'end' => $end ,
'repeating_event' => $repeating_event ,
'rrule' => $rrule ,
'rrule_text' => $rrule_text ,
'exclude_event' => $exclude_event ,
'exrule' => $exrule ,
'exrule_text' => $exrule_text ,
'timezone' => $timezone ,
'timezone_string' => $timezone_string ,
'timezone_name' => $timezone_name ,
'exdate' => $exdate ,
'parent_event_id' => $parent_event_id ,
'instance_id' => $instance_id ,
'timezones_list' => $timezones_list ,
$boxes [] = $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'box_time_and_date.php' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
// =================================================
// = Display event location details and Google map =
// =================================================
$args = array (
'select_venue' => apply_filters ( 'ai1ec_admin_pre_venue_html' , '' ),
'save_venue' => apply_filters ( 'ai1ec_admin_post_venue_html' , '' ),
'venue' => $venue ,
'country' => $country ,
'address' => $address ,
'city' => $city ,
'province' => $province ,
'postal_code' => $postal_code ,
'google_map' => $google_map ,
'show_map' => $show_map ,
'show_coordinates' => $show_coordinates ,
'longitude' => $longitude ,
'latitude' => $latitude ,
'coordinates' => $coordinates ,
$boxes [] = $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'box_event_location.php' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
// ===================================
// = Display event ticketing options =
// ===================================
if ( $event ) {
$cost_type = get_post_meta (
$event -> get ( 'post_id' ),
'_ai1ec_cost_type' ,
if ( ! $cost_type ) {
if ( $ticket_url || $cost ) {
$cost_type = 'external' ;
} else {
$cost_type = 'free' ;
$api = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.api.api-ticketing' );
$api_reg = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.api.api-registration' );
$ticketing = $api_reg -> is_signed () && $api_reg -> is_ticket_available () && $api_reg -> is_ticket_enabled ();
$message = $api -> get_sign_message ();
$ticket_error = null ;
$ticket_event_imported = false ;
$tickets = array ( null );
$tax_options = null ;
if ( ! $api_reg -> is_ticket_available () ) {
$message = __ (
'Ticketing is currently not available for this website. Please, try again later.' ,
} else if ( ! $api_reg -> is_ticket_enabled () ) {
$message = __ (
'Timely Ticketing saves time & money. Create ticketing/registration right here and now. You do not pay any ticketing fees (other than regular PayPal transaction costs). Create as many ticketing/registration as you\'d like.<br /><br />Ticketing feature is not enabled for this website. Please sign up for Ticketing plan <a href="https://time.ly/tickets-existing-users/" target="_blank">here</a>.' ,
if ( $event ) {
$is_ticket_event = ! is_null ( $api -> get_api_event_id ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) ) );
$ticket_event_account = $api -> get_api_event_account ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
$ticket_event_imported = $api -> is_ticket_event_imported ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
if ( $ticketing || $ticket_event_imported ) {
if ( 'tickets' === $cost_type ) {
if ( $ticket_event_imported ) {
$response = json_decode ( $api -> get_ticket_types ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) ) );
if ( isset ( $response -> data ) && 0 < count ( $response -> data ) ) {
$tickets = array_merge ( $tickets , $response -> data );
if ( isset ( $response -> error ) ) {
$ticket_error = $response -> error ;
} else {
$response = $api -> get_event ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
if ( isset ( $response -> data ) && 0 < count ( $response -> data ) ) {
$tickets = array_merge ( $tickets , $response -> data -> ticket_types );
$tax_options = $response -> data -> tax_options ;
if ( isset ( $response -> error ) ) {
$ticket_error = $response -> error ;
$uid = $event -> get_uid ();
} else {
$uid = $empty_event -> get_uid ();
$uid = $event -> get_uid ();
} else {
$is_ticket_event = false ;
$ticket_event_account = '' ;
$uid = $empty_event -> get_uid ();
if ( $ticketing ) {
if ( $event ) {
$ticket_currency = $api -> get_api_event_currency ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
if ( $api -> is_ticket_event_from_another_account ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) ) ) {
$ticket_error = sprintf (
__ ( 'This Event was created using a different account %s. Changes are not allowed.' , AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
$api -> get_api_event_account ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) )
if ( ! isset ( $ticket_currency ) || is_null ( $ticket_currency ) ) {
//for new ticket events get the currency from the payments settings
$payments_settings = $api -> get_payment_settings ();
if ( null !== $payments_settings ) {
$ticket_currency = $payments_settings [ 'currency' ];
} else {
$ticket_currency = 'USD' ;
} else {
$ticket_currency = '' ;
$args = array (
'cost' => $cost ,
'cost_type' => $cost_type ,
'ticket_url' => $ticket_url ,
'event' => $empty_event ,
'uid' => $uid ,
'tickets' => $tickets ,
'ticketing' => $ticketing ,
'valid_payout_details' => $api -> has_payment_settings (),
'tickets_message' => $message ,
'start' => $start ,
'end' => $end ,
'tickets_loading_error' => $ticket_error ,
'ticket_event_imported' => $ticket_event_imported ,
'is_free' => $is_free ,
'ticket_currency' => $ticket_currency ,
'is_ticket_event' => $is_ticket_event ,
'ticket_event_account' => $ticket_event_account ,
'tax_options' => $tax_options
$boxes [] = $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'box_event_cost.php' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
// =========================================
// = Display organizer contact information =
// =========================================
$submitter_html = null ;
if ( $event ) {
$submitter_info = $event -> get_submitter_info ();
if ( null !== $submitter_info ) {
if ( 1 === $submitter_info [ 'is_organizer' ] ) {
$submitter_html = Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( '<span class="ai1ec-info-text">The event was submitted by this Organizer.</span>' );
} else if ( isset ( $submitter_info [ 'email' ] ) ||
isset ( $submitter_info [ 'name' ] ) ) {
$submitted_by = '' ;
if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank ( $submitter_info [ 'name' ] ) ) {
$submitted_by = sprintf ( '<strong>%s</strong>' , htmlspecialchars ( $submitter_info [ 'name' ] ) );
if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank ( $submitter_info [ 'email' ] ) ) {
if ( '' !== $submitted_by ) {
$submitted_by .= Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( ', email: ' );
$submitted_by .= sprintf ( '<a href="mailto:%s" target="_top">%s</a>' , $submitter_info [ 'email' ], $submitter_info [ 'email' ] ) ;
$submitter_html = sprintf ( Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( '<span class="ai1ec-info-text">The event was submitted by %s.</span>' ),
$args = array (
'contact_name' => $contact_name ,
'contact_phone' => $contact_phone ,
'contact_email' => $contact_email ,
'contact_url' => $contact_url ,
'event' => $empty_event ,
'submitter_html' => $submitter_html
$boxes [] = $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'box_event_contact.php' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
// ==========================
// = Parent/Child relations =
// ==========================
if ( $event ) {
$parent = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.event.parent' )
-> get_parent_event ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
if ( $parent ) {
try {
$parent = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.event' , $parent );
} catch ( Ai1ec_Event_Not_Found_Exception $exception ) { // ignore
$parent = null ;
if ( $parent ) {
$children = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.event.parent' )
-> get_child_event_objects ( $event -> get ( 'post_id' ) );
$args = compact ( 'parent' , 'children' );
$args [ 'registry' ] = $this -> _registry ;
$boxes [] = $theme_loader -> get_file (
'box_event_children.php' ,
$args ,
) -> get_content ();
$boxes = apply_filters ( 'ai1ec_add_new_event_boxes' , $boxes , $event );
// Display the final view of the meta box.
$args = array (
'boxes' => $boxes ,
if ( $this -> _is_post_event ( $post ) ) {
// ======================
// = Display Box Review =
// ======================
$review = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'model.review' );
$review_content = $review -> get_content ( $theme_loader );
if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank ( $review_content ) ) {
$args [ 'review_box' ] = $review_content ;
echo $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'add_new_event_meta_box.php' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
* Add Banner Image meta box to the Add / Edit Event .
* @ return void
public function banner_meta_box_view ( $post ) {
$banner_image_meta = get_post_meta ( $post -> ID , 'ai1ec_banner_image' );
$theme_loader = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'theme.loader' );
$args = array (
'src' => $banner_image_meta && $banner_image_meta [ 0 ]
? $banner_image_meta [ 0 ] : false ,
'set_text' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Set banner image' ),
'remove_text' => Ai1ec_I18n :: __ ( 'Remove banner image' ),
echo $theme_loader
-> get_file ( 'banner-image.twig' , $args , true )
-> get_content ();
* disable_autosave method
* Callback to disable autosave script
* @ param array $input List of scripts registered
* @ return array Modified scripts list
public function disable_autosave ( array $input ) {
wp_deregister_script ( 'autosave' );
$autosave_key = array_search ( 'autosave' , $input );
if ( false === $autosave_key || ! is_scalar ( $autosave_key ) ) {
unset ( $input [ $autosave_key ] );
return $input ;
* Renders Bootstrap inline alert .
* @ param WP_Post $post Post object .
* @ return void Method does not return .
public function event_inline_alert ( $post ) {
if ( $this -> _is_post_event ( $post ) ) {
$theme_loader = $this -> _registry -> get ( 'theme.loader' );
echo $theme_loader -> get_file ( 'box_inline_warning.php' , null , true )
-> get_content ();
private function _is_post_event ( $post ) {
return isset ( $post -> post_type ) && AI1EC_POST_TYPE === $post -> post_type ;
2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00