The [All-in-One Event Calendar]( from [Timely]( is a beautiful way to list your events in WordPress and easily share them with the rest of the world.
Our events calendar is easy to manage. Combines clean visual design with a powerful set of features to create the most advanced website calendar system available for WordPress.
Timely events calendar offers full ics/ical support. You can import events from other Website calendars and offer users the ability to subscribe to your events calendar.
Importing and exporting iCalendar (.ics) feeds is one of the strongest features of the All-in-One Event Calendar system. Enter an event on one site and you can have it appear automatically in another website's calendar. You can even send events from a specific category or tag (or combination of categories and tags).
* Fixed: Open Graph meta tags now matches correct dates and URLs for recurrent events.
* Fixed: Prevents duplicate post IDs from being passed to update_meta_cache() after searching for events, creating a much smaller database query. Thanks to @zrothauser for the fix.
* Fixed: Removed use of deprecated WP function (get_currentuserinfo()).
* Fixed: Removed link from event's view when event was imported from a CSV/ICS file.
* Fixed: Removed Ticketing TRY (Turkish Lira) currency as it is unsupported by PayPal.
* Fixed: The API sign up/sign in process would fail sometimes.
* Fixed: Multi-days events were overlapping in month view.
* Fixed: For recurrent events, the month name in the "Repeats" tooltip was all lowercase.
= Version 2.5.16 =
* Improved: Changed some error messages for Ticketing and API access.
= Version 2.5.15 =
* Fixed: Importing calendar into Google Calendar wasn't working is some specific cases.
* Fixed: Posterboard event end date wasn't being translated properly.
= Version 2.5.14 =
* Fixed: Some users reported there were not receiving notifications from frontend submissions.
* Fixed: Some users were still experiencing the http_build_query() error even after upgrading the WordPress to version 2.6.1
= Version 2.5.13 =
* Fixed: Some users were still experiencing the http_build_query() error even after upgrading the WordPress to version 2.6.1
= Version 2.5.12 =
* Fixed: Importing calendar into Google Calendar wasn't working when calendar was using HTTPS protocol.
= Version 2.5.11 =
* Fixed: Duplication of recurrent events for events imported from Google Calendar.
* Fixed: Choosing a date using calendar button will move user to top of the page instead of bottom of the page in the Posterboard view.
= Version 2.5.10 =
* Fixed: The timezone will only show in the event if the "Display events in calendar time zone" option is checked in the Settings page.
= Version 2.5.9 =
* Changed: Now the “Free Event” checkbox in the “Event Cost and Tickets” section is unchecked by default when adding an event.
* Changed: Now the timezone of start/end date of the event is always being shown in the event’s page.
* Fixed: Attempt to fix CSS issues in some installations.
* Fixed: A warning message would pop-up when the feed’s table wasn’t created yet and WP debug flag was set to on.
* Fixed: Widget creator – Even when “No navigation bar” option was specified for the “Full Calendar”, the navigation bar would show.
* Fixed: Now Ticketing displays the correct currency selected.
= Version 2.5.8 =
* Fixed: API Sign in wasn't refreshing correctly the subscriptions.
= Version 2.5.7 =
* Fixed: Exhibition of recurrent events which start date is older than 3 years.
* Fixed: All day events weren't being imported correctly.
* Fixed: Now "Add Tax & Invoice Options" ( Tickets) opens correctly in Safari.
* Fixed: API Sign out wasn't working for some users.
= Version 2.5.6 =
* Changed: Added Google Maps API Key setting. Starting June 22nd, 2016, Google may request an API key in order to make Google Maps work.
= Version 2.5.5 =
* Changed: When importing feeds, you can now choose to keep event's original date/time or convert it to the calendar's timezone
= Version 2.5.4 =
* Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7
* Fixed: Calendar was crashing when FrontEnd Submissions was installed
= Version 2.5.3 =
* Fixed: When using Agenda view some calendars were not showing today's events, only the next ones
* Fixed: Timezone of imported events was not being considered correctly
* Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7
* Fixed: When saving settings, the user was being taken to the "List of events" page
* Improved: Add option to Sign out of Timely Network
* Improved: Cached CSS files will be automatically regenerated after version upgrade
= Version 2.5.2 =
* Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.2
= Version 2.5.1 =
* Fixed: Advanced and Add-ons tabs are now working correctly in the Settings page
= Version 2.5.0 =
* Changed: ICS feeds are now handled through API
* Added support for Timely Ticketing to the tickets button
* Fixed: Error was popping up when clicking on "Your Saved Events" button
* Fixed: Tickets button were appearing twice on Month view popup
* Fixed: A few users were getting error while trying to upgrade plugin
= Version 2.4.1 =
* Fixed: Security vulnerability related to stored XSS
* Fixed: Security vulnerability related to not sanitizing correctly some URLs
* Improved: Exhibition of ticket's quantity field, that was too small and no number could be seen
= Version 2.4.0 =
* Improved: Changed the default number of ticket in the dropdown to 0 on any ticket type, instead of 2.
* Improved: Allowing user to change sender's name from 'WordPress' to their own name (site name) when sending email notification.
* Improved: Allowing user to edit ticket even after sale starts.
* Improved: Allowing user to delete ticket event even after sale starts.
* Improved: Event's custom fields are now exported when using the "Export to XML" opton.
* Improved: Timely Network Sign up was moved to Ticketing beta page.
* Improved: Support all major currencies for ticketing (USD, EUR, CAD, etc).
* Fixed: When "No end time" option was selected and start time was 11:45pm, the event used to show on the next day.
* Fixed: It was not possible to add or change the Venue image.
* Fixed: Event with Timely Tickets was not showing Buy Ticket button when imported on another site.
* Fixed: Recurrent events start/end time of imported events was incorrect for subsequents instances of the event.
* Fixed: Immediately option of Timely Tickets was not being saved.
* Fixed: Venue option of the event used to be exported as a category.
* Fixed: Some items of Add-ons page was using broken urls.
= Version 2.3.12 =
* Improved: Added "Videos" button in the box support section.
* Improved: Restructured event cost vs ticketing for a better user experience.
* Improved: Edit event page to prevent invalid email for Organizer.
* Improved: Added error notices if required PHP extensions (mbstring and iconv) are missing when the plugin is installed.
* Improved: Performance optimizations for embedded widgets.
* Improved: External widgets snippet code for better compatibility with SSL sites.
* Fixed: Image does not appear in the month view pop-up window.
* Fixed: Ticketing Beta - Every ticket type dropdown defaults to 1 instead of the actual minimum.
* Fixed: Ticketing Beta - Ticket Types got misaligned when one ticket is closed.
* Fixed: The link in Advanced Settings about the GZIP compression issue was wrong
* Fixed: Event recurrence: "Custom Repeat" preselected days would be off 1 day on some timezones
* Fixed: Export to Google Calendar was exporting wrong content
* Fixed: Ticketing Beta - User could not update the status of a ticket type if there were sold tickets for it
* Fixed: Ticketing Beta - Block users from creating tickets for a recurrent event
* Updated: The admin dashboard links on the right side in the Settings page
* Updated: Increased the "Medium size" for the images of imported events from 300px to 600px
= Version 2.3.10 =
* Initial ticketing implementation - If you want to be a Beta user for this exciting new feature, then please visit [this page](
= Version 2.3.9 =
* Improved JS caching stability in different environments
* Improved automatically detection of line ending style and fixed CSV import issues for files created in Mac OS X
* Improved the alert displaying an error (often a "Syntax error") with the details of the wrong response received from server
* Fixed the text in the "Venue location" - correct symbols instead of HTML
* Fixed cloning events with Duplicate Post plugin conflicts are resolved
* Fixed: "Shortcodes" Calendars now work correctly
* Fixed: Empty Calendar view caused by a MySQL error in the server log
* Fixed: The last version was showing the event as "free event" unless you enter a ticket url
* Fixed: "Cost" and "External Tickets URL" fields are no longer required for paid events
* Fixed: Featured images appears on the Event details popup
= Version 2.3.8 =
* Improved loading speed of Calendar views by caching
* Improved loading speed of SuperWidget and other external widgets
* Improved loading speed by enabling Front-end Rendering by default
* Fixed: Plugin does not clean up DB after being uninstalled
* Fixed: Translations are not working anymore for all words
* Fixed: Feed import feature does not import for Repeat custom dates
* Tweak: Included translations in the plugin, thanks to @netaction for pointing this
= Version 2.3.7 =
* Fixes DB update issue on some sites. Reverted changes made on version 2.3.5 related to the ICS Feed URL column type.
= Version 2.3.6 =
* Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.2
= Version 2.3.5 =
* Fixed compatibility with WordPress 4.4
* Event location details Google maps pin marks the wrong place
* When an event with ticket option is exported to an ICS feed, the description will include the "Buy ticket URL" (if filled)
* Fixed ICS import issue
= Version 2.3.4 =
* Fixed ICS import issue
= Version 2.3.3 =
* Fixed bug with month view navigation
= Version 2.3.2 =
* Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 4.3
= Version 2.3.1 =
* Fixing piece of code that was incompatible with PHP versions prior
to 5.3 while we strive to provide good experience to all WordPress
= Version 2.3.0 =
* Some custom recurrence rules (having multiple definitions) weren't
correctly processed
* Sometimes links to other dates weren't showing on Agenda view
* Edits to a recurring event would fail to save
* Settings page would fail to load in rare circumstances
* Updates were failing with some PHP versions
* Dates would not change when navigating back in time
* Make sure event preview is not showing unreadable characters (HTML)
* Tag and Category names can now contain apostrophe
* Remove code related to inclusion in Network of calendars (was
working only if user opted-in)
* Deleting an event instance before saving no longer affects the main
recurring event
* Event Contributor role now can edit events
* Editing custom recurrence dates now displays them in the date picker
* Made it easier to detect and interact with events rendering using
* Rendering proper page while calendar is not fully configured
* Made it possible for 3rd party developers to add buttons to event
details page .ics feeds can now be edited.
* Made it possible for 3rd party developers to add elements to ICS feeds
import screen
* Made it possible to filter by author
* Calendar should load a bit faster due to different JavaScript
* Allowed Newsletters to include events occuring far in the future
= Version 2.2.1 =
* Fixed ICS issue where old events were imported when option was not
* Fixed issue where the map covered other fields when creating a new
* Fixed an issue where events occuring on the last day of a month would
appear on the first of the month
* Posterboad will now show the event time in the local timezone
* Removed browser request to share user's location details
= Version 2.2.0 =
* Implemented frontend renderring for improved performance
* Implemented Google’s new NoCaptcha, a better way of detecting spam
* Allow users to create recurring events with no pattern by clicking
dates in the calendar
* Created a new menu item “Organize” that contains Categories, Tags,
Venues, and Filter Groups
* New plugin that allows filter search by keyword for Hubs
* Added the ability to select colours for terms of Filter Groups
* Added the ability to map imported taxonomy to existing Filter Group
* Exposed Filter Groups on the Frontend Event Submission form
* Improved JavaScript components loading speed
* Created a workaround option for dealing with a bug in Google’s
handling of timezones on .ics feeds
* Optimized cache usage: regenerating files only when a change
justifies it
* Categories/tags information is updated during Feeds import
* The subscribe to calendar button now drops up, reducing theme
* Made it possible to easily introduce template modifications
* Improved display of event dates to ensure year will show
* Improved URLs handling when WordPress is upgraded to use SSL
* Made it possible to have Powered by logo on a calendar
* Improved tooltip behaviour and removed them from mobile
* Clarified the option to import past events
* Persistent notices now contain easily accessible information helping
determine the cause and resolution for the message
* Improved calendar embedding options by making it more compatible
with different platforms
* Improved menu labels for Frontend Event Submissions
* Made it possible to modify values that are passed to templates
* Made it possible to filter upcoming events widget by more values
* Clarified where it is appropriate to use JavaScript widgets vs
WordPress widgets or shortcodes
* Improved database queries performance (affects large deployments)
* Improved add-on dependency message
* Fixed issue where it was impossible to remove a color from a
* Fixed issue where calendar navigation stopped responding
* Fixed issue where on some servers JavaScript was not fully rendered
* Improved CSS handling so that it would not be recompiled unless
* Improved compatibility with iCalendar applications by removing end
time from events that have none
* Made it possible to set an end time on events that were previously
set to no end time
* Fixed an issue where settings translation was not updatable
* Fixed issue where the “now” marker in week and day view was missing
* Fixed a conflict with the views dropdown and the subscribe button
* Fixed issue where multi-day events were displayed incorrectly in day
* Fixed a conflict where WPML and a static calendar homepage resulted
in a 404
* Fixed recurring events import: detecting modifications with greater
* Temporary disabled microformatting to avoid conflicts with 3rd party
* Fixed an issue where the licence key menu is not available if the
add-on has no settings
* Next/Prev navigation is present again at the bottom of the calendar
* Fixed an issue with date parsing in PHP version 5.2.4
* Fixed an issue where “back to calendar” and “buy tickets” buttons
were missing
* Fixed an issue where featured image was not visible on the event
details page
* Fixed a plugin conflict with the popular “Gallery” plugin
* Fixed an issue where event footers were not being rendered
* In some cases, if browser identifier is unavailable, invalid
JavaScript markup was being produced
* Make sure timezone setting is respect whenever it’s made in site, or
calendar settings
* In case of rendering error user will be presented with a friendly
message and calendar will try to re-configure
* Fixed an issue where LESS would fail to compile on install
* Fixed error which was appearing when choosing calendar viewable
hours which do not pass validation
* Editing event imported from Feed doesn’t break it’s relationship
with feed
* Fixed issue where custom permalinks resulted in a 404
* Fixed issue where shortcodes used on the calendar page conflicted
with Agenda View
* When importing events from some calendars meta fields contained
unreadable data
* Fixed issue where “no end time” could not be unchecked
* Fixed an issue where the Google map preview was obscuring the
address fields
* Fixed an issue where the “Post your Event” and “Add your Feed”
buttons were not visible on shortcode calendars
* Event detail pages will now always open in a modal from calendars
embedded using the SuperWidget
* Resolved conflict with the Form Maker plugin
* Fixed an issue where an unauthorized user could access the clone
event feature
= Version 2.1.9 =
* Improved calendar feeds import from Google calendar
* Made calendar behaviour across browsers more consistent – fixed issue
where some of the elements remained inactive after loading
* Improved cache handling to allow easier development of child calendar
* Improved memory handling – some heavy tasks are delayed or not
* Improved legacy theme detection
* Improved notifications mechanism to make informational notices clearly
* Improved SuperWidget navigation by handling more operations without
resorting to rendering in base calendar context
* Fixed event limit handling in shortcode – now number of events
indicated when creating the shortcode is respected
* Removed unwanted URLs from print view
* Fixed multi day events display in Month view
* Fixed word-wrapping rendering in month view – got rid of unwanted
rendering artefacts
* Fixed timezone handling on calendar views – unknown timezones are now
treated as default calendar timezone
= Version 2.1.8 =
* Fixed issue where core themes were sometimes incorrectly treated as
legacy ones
* Fixed issue where some elements in child themes weren't correctly
* Fixed issue where event details link was being malformed in some
* Improved compatibility with some 3rd party themes
= Version 2.1.7 =
* Fixed issue where a stopping error may have been encountered when
3rd party plugins do not properly use include_once family functions
* Fixed issue where address autocomplete wasn't properly disabled
* Fixed issue where clicking "Back to calendar" was redirecting to
default calendar when a site had more than one calendar embedded via
* Fixed issue where on some browsers and operating systems extra
characters were being rendered on screen
* Fixed issue where some 3rd party plugins were injecting non-readable
data into the event excerpt view
* Fixed issue where all-day view was not rendering correctly at all
* Improved print-view to use compact agenda view
= Version 2.1.6 =
* If an event's timezone is different from the site's it will now be
displayed on the event details page
* Improved calendar view customization by allowing selection of fonts
* Made CSS cached filename unique on every theme save to improve caching
* Improved AJAX failure handling
* Improved button layout on HTML4 sites
* Improved the UI of the filter bar when empty
* Improved CSS rendering in widgets, to avoid conflicts
* Improved performance by re-compiling CSS afer changes require it
* Made it possible to use area between filter bar and main calendar as a
widget area with certain themes
* Prevent potential issues with incompatible add-on versions by checking
them during activation
* Showing add-ons available for All-in-One Event Calendar in a
dedicated page
* Fixed issue with unescaped HTML in the widget title
* Fixed wording - using proper WordPress name wherever applicable
* Fixed issue with double-escaped HTML in Agenda view (strange
characters in titles)
* Fixed invalid constant use which was causing some strings to be not
* Fixed event title rendering in a widget
* Fixed span class appearing on all day events in the sidebar widget
* Fixed imported all day events appearing a month ahead in Month View
* Fixed an issue where base64 fonts caused errors with older versions of
* Fixed an issue with ics feeds importing past events
* Fixed an issue where theme options need to be resaved after update
* Fixed an issue where font awesome icons were missing in Firefox
* Fixed a conflict with sortcodes and front end rendering
* Fixed an issue where an event missing a timezone caused a fatal error
* Fixed a styling issue with Select2 fields on the settings page
* Fixed an issue where the post your event button did not display on a
calendar set with shortcode
* Fixed an issue where some calendars displayed extra space below
* Fixed an issue where certain feeds would create double images
* Fixed a navigation issue with a calendar embedded by shortcode
* Fixed issue where Agenda View displaed multiple images
* Fixed an issue where clicking a link in js widgets did not open the
* Fixed issue where clearing filters changed spacing
* Fixed issue where clearing filters reset the calendar to default view
* Fixed issue where in some cases views would not change
* Fixed issue where featured images were missing from Streamview in
* Fixed issue where the timezone of events imported from Google was set
to UTC
= Version 2.1.5 =
* Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 4.0 and added new Timely icon
= Version 2.1.4 =
* Improved context awareness of cache clean-up function to protect
from accidentally removing files that do not belong to the plugin
= Version 2.1.3 =
* Added possibility to keep old events during ICS feeds update
* Made subscribe dropdown button mobile friendly
* Implemented microformats 2 improving SEO and reducing theme and plugin
* Improved compatibility with JetPack - sharing elements no longer
appear on empty pop-over elements
* Enabled translation of some previously untranslatable strings
* Made it possible to translate view names
* Fixed ICS import which was failing due to unrecognized timezones for
excluded dates
* Fixed pagination in Agenda view
* Fixed `the_title` filter to only add hEvent class names to our post
* Improved cache behavior - no longer stressing when write to file cache
* Improved cache fall-back to database when faster means are unavailable
* Fixed potential error which could have prevented settings from being
saved on some systems
* Fixed JetPack compatibility
* Fixed widget pop-up which was displaying event sharing information in
some cases
= Version 2.1.2 =
* Fixed issue where settings weren't saving in some cases
* Fixed issue where permalinks for events weren't working until "save"
was clicked in permalinks settings page
* Fixed issue where excluded dates from ICS feeds weren't correctly
= Version 2.1.1 =
* Added ability to select mobile specific default views
* Improved filter bar layout for mobile rendering
* Improved CSS load times by using cached CSS file when possible
* Changed single event alias from /ai1ec_event to /event
* Allow multiple calendars on a single page
* Allow developers to modify values before they are passed to templates
* Improved CSS compiling decreasing page load times
* When file cache is not available CSS is stored in database and output in
<style> tag directly for increased performance and to mitigate potential