build_dir_hashmap( $path, $exclusions ); } } ksort( $hashmap ); return $hashmap; } /** * Builds hashmap for given directory. * * @param string $directory Directory for hashmap creation. * @param array $exclusions List of excluded file names. * * @return array Hashmap. */ public function build_dir_hashmap( $directory, $exclusions = array() ) { $directory_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $directory ); $recursive_iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $directory_iterator ); $files = new RegexIterator( $recursive_iterator, '/^.+\.(less|css|php)$/i', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH ); $hashmap = array(); foreach ( $files as $file ) { $file_info = new SplFileInfo( $file[0] ); $file_path = $file_info->getPathname(); if ( in_array( $file_info->getFilename(), $exclusions ) ) { continue; } $key = str_replace( array( $directory, '/' ), array( '', '\\' ), $file_path ); $hashmap[ $key ] = array( 'size' => $file_info->getSize(), 'sha1' => sha1_file( $file_path ), ); } ksort( $hashmap ); return $hashmap; } /** * Returns hashmap for current theme. * * @return mixed|null Hashmap or null if none. * * @throws Ai1ec_Bootstrap_Exception */ public function get_current_theme_hashmap() { $cur_theme = $this->_registry->get( 'model.option' )->get( 'ai1ec_current_theme' ); $file_location = $cur_theme['theme_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if ( ! file_exists( $file_location ) ) { return null; } return require $file_location; } /** * Builds file hashmap for current theme. * * @return array Hashmap. * * @throws Ai1ec_Bootstrap_Exception * @throws Ai1ec_Invalid_Argument_Exception */ public function build_current_theme_hashmap() { $paths = $this->_registry->get( 'theme.loader' )->get_paths(); return $this->build_dirs_hashmap( array_keys( $paths['theme'] ), array( 'ai1ec_parsed_css.css', '', 'index.php', ) ); } /** * Returns theme structrure for one of core themes. * * @param string $stylesheet Theme stylesheet. Expected one of * ['plana','vortex','umbra','gamma']. * * @return array Theme structure * * @throws Ai1ec_Invalid_Argument_Exception */ public function build_theme_structure( $stylesheet ) { $themes = array( 'plana', 'vortex', 'umbra', 'gamma' ); if ( ! in_array( $stylesheet, $themes ) ) { throw new Ai1ec_Invalid_Argument_Exception( 'Theme ' . $stylesheet . ' compilation is not supported.' ); } $root = AI1EC_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1EC_THEME_FOLDER; return array( 'theme_root' => $root, 'theme_dir' => $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $stylesheet, 'theme_url' => AI1EC_URL . '/public/' . AI1EC_THEME_FOLDER . '/' . $stylesheet, 'stylesheet' => $stylesheet, 'legacy' => false, ); } /** * Compares files hashmaps. If $src key doesn't exist in $dst, it's just * ommited. This is intended for LESS compilation check. Current theme * may contain more LESS files than base one, what does not matter as * other files should be changed accordingly. * * @param array $src Source hashmap. Should be computed from current * theme contents. * @param array $dst Base hashmap. Should be taken from * file. * * @return bool Comparision result. True if they are equal. */ public function compare_hashmaps( array $src, array $dst ) { foreach ( $src as $key => $value ) { if ( ! isset( $dst[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } $dst_value = $dst[ $key ]; if ( $dst_value !== $value ) { return false; } } return true; } }