_registry->get( 'model.settings' ); $enqueuables = array( 'widgets.php' => array( array( 'style', 'widget.css', ), ), 'edit-tags.php' => array( array( 'style', 'colorpicker.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), array( 'style', 'taxonomies.css', ), ), 'term.php' => array( array( 'style', 'colorpicker.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), array( 'style', 'taxonomies.css', ), ), $settings->get( 'settings_page' ) => array( array( 'script', 'common', ), array( 'script', 'wp-lists', ), array( 'script', 'postbox', ), array( 'style', 'settings.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), ), $settings->get( 'feeds_page' ) => array( array( 'script', 'common', ), array( 'script', 'wp-lists', ), array( 'script', 'postbox', ), array( 'style', 'settings.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), array( 'style', 'plugins/plugins-common.css', ), ), $settings->get( 'less_variables_page' ) => array( array( 'style', 'settings.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), array( 'style', 'bootstrap_colorpicker.css', ), ), ); if ( isset( $enqueuables[$hook_suffix] ) ) { return $this->process_enqueue( $enqueuables[$hook_suffix] ); } $aco = $this->_registry->get( 'acl.aco' ); $post_pages = array( 'post.php' => true, 'post-new.php' => true ); if ( isset( $post_pages[$hook_suffix] ) || $aco->are_we_editing_our_post() ) { return $this->process_enqueue( array( array( 'style', 'bootstrap.min.css', ), array( 'style', 'add_new_event.css', ), ) ); } } /** * Enqueue scripts and styles. * * @param array $item_list List of scripts/styles to enqueue. * * @return bool Always true */ public function process_enqueue( array $item_list ) { foreach ( $item_list as $item ) { if ( 'script' === $item[0] ) { wp_enqueue_script( $item[1] ); } else { wp_enqueue_style( $this->gen_style_hook( $item[1] ), AI1EC_ADMIN_THEME_CSS_URL . $item[1], array(), AI1EC_VERSION ); } } return true; } /** * Generate a style hook for use with WordPress. * * @param string $script Name of enqueable script. * * @return string Hook to use with WordPress. */ public function gen_style_hook( $script ) { return 'ai1ec_' . preg_replace( '|[^a-z]+|', '_', basename( $script, '.css' ) ); } }