request_api( 'POST', AI1EC_API_URL . 'auth/authenticate', json_encode( $body ), true, array( 'Authorization' => null ) ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $response_body = (array) $response->body; // Save calendar ID as 0 first, otherwise the auth data won't be saved in the database before creating/finding the calendar $this->save_ticketing_settings( $response_body['message'], true, $response_body['auth_token'], 0, $body['email'] ); // Now save the calendar ID $this->save_calendar_id( $this->_get_ticket_calendar() ); $this->has_payment_settings(); $this->get_subscriptions( true ); $this->sync_api_settings(); } else { $error_message = $this->save_error_notification( $response, __( 'We were unable to Sign you In for Network', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); $this->save_ticketing_settings( $error_message, false, '', 0, null ); } return $response; } /** * @return object Response body in JSON. */ public function signup() { $body['name'] = $_POST['ai1ec_name']; $body['email'] = $_POST['ai1ec_email']; $body['password'] = $_POST['ai1ec_password']; $body['password_confirmation'] = $_POST['ai1ec_password_confirmation']; $body['phone'] = $_POST['ai1ec_phone']; $body['calendar_type'] = $_POST['ai1ec_calendar_type']; $body['terms'] = $_POST['ai1ec_terms']; $response = $this->request_api( 'POST', AI1EC_API_URL . 'auth/register', json_encode( $body ), true ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $response_body = (array) $response->body; // Save calendar ID as 0 first, otherwise the auth data won't be saved in the database before creating the calendar $this->save_ticketing_settings( $response_body['Registration'], true, $response_body['auth_token'] , 0, $body['email'] ); // Now save the calendar ID $this->save_calendar_id( $this->_create_calendar() ); $this->has_payment_settings(); $this->get_subscriptions( true ); $this->sync_api_settings(); } else { $error_message = $this->save_error_notification( $response, __( 'We were unable to Sign you Up for Network', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); $this->save_ticketing_settings( $error_message, false, '', 0, null ); } return $response; } /** * @return object Response body in JSON. */ protected function availability() { $api_features = get_transient( 'ai1ec_api_features' ); if ( false === $api_features || ( defined( 'AI1EC_DEBUG' ) && AI1EC_DEBUG ) ) { $response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . 'feature/availability', null, true ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $api_features = (array) $response->body; } else { $api_features = array(); } // Save for 5 minutes $minutes = 5; set_transient( 'ai1ec_api_features', $api_features, $minutes * 60 ); } return $api_features; } protected function is_feature_available( $feature_code ) { $availability = $this->availability(); if ( ! is_null( $availability ) ) { foreach ( $availability as $value ) { if ( isset( $value->code ) && $feature_code === $value->code && isset( $value->available ) && true === $value->available ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @return object Response body in JSON. */ protected function settings() { $calendar_settings = get_transient( 'ai1ec_calendar_settings' ); if ( false === $calendar_settings || ( defined( 'AI1EC_DEBUG' ) && AI1EC_DEBUG ) ) { $response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars/' . $this->_get_ticket_calendar() . '/settings', null, true ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $calendar_settings = (array) $response->body; } else { $calendar_settings = array(); } // Save for 5 minutes $minutes = 5; set_transient( 'ai1ec_calendar_settings', $calendar_settings, $minutes * 60 ); } return $calendar_settings; } public function is_api_sign_up_available() { return $this->is_feature_available( Ai1ec_Api_Features::CODE_API_ACCESS ); } public function is_ticket_available() { return $this->is_feature_available( Ai1ec_Api_Features::CODE_TICKETING ); } public function is_ticket_enabled() { return $this->has_subscription_active( Ai1ec_Api_Features::CODE_TICKETING ); } /** * Clean the ticketing settings on WP database only */ public function signout() { $calendar_id = $this->_get_ticket_calendar( false ); if ( 0 >= $calendar_id ) { $this->clear_ticketing_settings(); return false; } $response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . "calendars/$calendar_id/signout", null, true ); // Consider "Unauthorized" status (401) a valid response if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) || 401 === wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response->raw ) ) { $this->clear_ticketing_settings(); return array( 'message' => '' ); } else { $error_message = $this->save_error_notification( $response, __( 'We were unable to Sign you Out of Network', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); return array( 'message' => $error_message ); } } /** * @return object Response body from API. */ public function save_payment_preferences() { $calendar_id = $this->_get_ticket_calendar(); if ( 0 >= $calendar_id ) { return false; } $settings = array( 'payment_method' => $_POST['ai1ec_payment_method'], 'paypal_email' => $_POST['ai1ec_paypal_email'], 'first_name' => $_POST['ai1ec_first_name'], 'last_name' => $_POST['ai1ec_last_name'], 'currency' => $_POST['ai1ec_currency'] ); $custom_headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $response = $this->request_api( 'PUT', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars/' . $calendar_id . '/payment', $settings, true, //decode response body $custom_headers ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $this->save_payment_settings( $settings ); $notification = $this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' ); $notification->store( __( 'Payment preferences were saved.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'updated', 0, array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ), false ); return $response->body; } else { $this->save_error_notification( $response, __( 'Payment preferences were not saved.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); return false; } } public function _order_comparator( $order1, $order2 ) { return strcmp( $order1->created_at, $order2->created_at ) * -1; } /** * @return object Response body in JSON. */ public function get_purchases() { $response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars/' . $this->_get_ticket_calendar() . '/sales', null, //body true //decode response body ); if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) { $result = $response->body; if ( isset( $result->orders ) ) { usort( $result->orders, array( "Ai1ec_Api_Registration", "_order_comparator" ) ); return $result->orders; } else { return array(); } } else { $this->save_error_notification( $response, __( 'We were unable to get the Sales information from Network', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); return array(); } } /** * Sync settings from API after signing in */ public function sync_api_settings() { // Sync feeds subscriptions try { $api_feed = $this->_registry->get( 'model.api.api-feeds' ); $api_feed->get_and_sync_feed_subscriptions(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $error_message = 'Some feeds were not imported to Network. Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); $notification = $this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' ); $notification->store( $error_message, 'error', 0, array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ), false ); } } }