2019-07-25 14:11:00 +02:00

606 lines
20 KiB

* Handles exception and errors
* @author Network Inc.
* @since 2.0
* @package AI1EC
* @subpackage AI1EC.Exception
class Ai1ec_Exception_Handler {
* @var string The option for the messgae in the db
const DB_DEACTIVATE_MESSAGE = 'ai1ec_deactivate_message';
* @var string The GET parameter to reactivate the plugin
const DB_REACTIVATE_PLUGIN = 'ai1ec_reactivate_plugin';
* @var callable|null Previously set exception handler if any
protected $_prev_ex_handler;
* @var callable|null Previously set error handler if any
protected $_prev_er_handler;
* @var string The name of the Exception class to handle
protected $_exception_class;
* @var string The name of the ErrorException class to handle
protected $_error_exception_class;
* @var string The message to display in the admin notice
protected $_message;
* @var array Mapped list of errors that are non-fatal, to be ignored
* in production.
protected $_nonfatal_errors = null;
* Store exception handler that was previously set
* @param callable|null $_prev_ex_handler
* @return void Method does not return
public function set_prev_ex_handler( $prev_ex_handler ) {
$this->_prev_ex_handler = $prev_ex_handler;
* Store error handler that was previously set
* @param callable|null $_prev_er_handler
* @return void Method does not return
public function set_prev_er_handler( $prev_er_handler ) {
$this->_prev_er_handler = $prev_er_handler;
* Constructor accepts names of classes to be handled
* @param string $exception_class Name of exceptions base class to handle
* @param string $error_class Name of errors base class to handle
* @return void Constructor newer returns
public function __construct( $exception_class, $error_class ) {
$this->_exception_class = $exception_class;
$this->_error_exception_class = $error_class;
$this->_nonfatal_errors = array(
E_WARNING => true,
E_USER_NOTICE => true,
E_NOTICE => true,
E_STRICT => true,
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0' ) >= 0 ) {
// wrapper `constant( 'XXX' )` is used to avoid compile notices
// on earlier PHP versions.
$this->_nonfatal_errors[constant( 'E_DEPRECATED' )] = true;
$this->_nonfatal_errors[constant( 'E_USER_DEPRECATED') ] = true;
* Return add-on, which caused the exception or null if it was Core.
* Relies on `plugin_to_disable` method which may be implemented by
* an exception. If it returns non empty value - it is returned.
* @param Exception $exception Actual exception which was thrown.
* @return string|null Add-on identifier (plugin url), or null.
public function is_caused_by_addon( $exception ) {
$addon = null;
if ( method_exists( $exception, 'plugin_to_disable' ) ) {
$addon = $exception->plugin_to_disable();
if ( empty( $addon ) ) {
$addon = null;
if ( null === $addon ) {
$position = strlen( dirname( AI1EC_PATH ) ) + 1;
$length = strlen( AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME );
$trace_list = $exception->getTrace();
array( 'file' => $exception->getFile() )
foreach ( $trace_list as $trace ) {
if (
! isset( $trace['file'] ) ||
! isset( $trace['file'][$position] )
) {
$file = substr(
strpos( $trace['file'], '/', $position ) - $position
if ( 0 === strncmp( AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME, $file, $length ) ) {
if ( AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME !== $file ) {
$addon = $file . '/' . $file . '.php';
if ( 'core' === strtolower( $addon ) ) {
return null;
return $addon;
* Get tag-line for disabling.
* Extracts plugin name from file.
* @param string $addon Name of disabled add-on.
* @return string Message to display before full trace.
public function get_disabled_line( $addon ) {
$file = dirname( AI1EC_PATH ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $addon;
$line = '';
if (
is_file( $file ) &&
'|Plugin Name:\s*(.+)|',
file_get_contents( $file ),
) {
$line = '<p><strong>' .
__( 'The add-on "%s" has been disabled due to an error:' ),
__( trim( $matches[1] ), dirname( $addon ) )
) .
return $line;
* Global exceptions handling method
* @param Exception $exception Previously thrown exception to handle
* @return void Exception handler is not expected to return
public function handle_exception( $exception ) {
if ( defined( 'AI1EC_DEBUG' ) && true === AI1EC_DEBUG ) {
echo '<pre>';
$this->var_debug( $exception );
echo '</pre>';
// if it's something we handle, handle it
$backtrace = $this->_get_backtrace( $exception );
if ( $exception instanceof $this->_exception_class ) {
// check if it's a plugin instead of core
$disable_addon = $this->is_caused_by_addon( $exception );
$message = method_exists( $exception, 'get_html_message' )
? $exception->get_html_message()
: $exception->getMessage();
$message = '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
if ( $exception->display_backtrace() ) {
$message .= $backtrace;
if ( null !== $disable_addon ) {
include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
// deactivate the plugin. Fire handlers to hide options.
deactivate_plugins( $disable_addon );
global $ai1ec_registry;
$ai1ec_registry->get( 'notification.admin' )
$this->get_disabled_line( $disable_addon ) . $message,
array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ),
$this->redirect( $exception->get_redirect_url() );
} else {
// check if it has a methof for deatiled html
$this->soft_deactivate_plugin( $message );
// if it's a PHP error in our plugin files, deactivate and redirect
else if ( $exception instanceof $this->_error_exception_class ) {
$exception->getMessage() . $backtrace
// if another handler was set, let it handle the exception
if ( is_callable( $this->_prev_ex_handler ) ) {
call_user_func( $this->_prev_ex_handler, $exception );
* Throws an Ai1ec_Error_Exception if the error comes from our plugin
* @param int $errno Error level as integer
* @param string $errstr Error message raised
* @param string $errfile File in which error was raised
* @param string $errline Line in which error was raised
* @param array $errcontext Error context symbols table copy
* @throws Ai1ec_Error_Exception If error originates from within Ai1EC
* @return boolean|void Nothing when error is ours, false when no
* other handler exists
public function handle_error(
$errcontext = array()
) {
// if the error is not in our plugin, let PHP handle things.
$position = strpos( $errfile, AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME );
if ( false === $position ) {
if ( is_callable( $this->_prev_er_handler ) ) {
return call_user_func_array(
return false;
// do not disable plugin in production if the error is rather low
if (
isset( $this->_nonfatal_errors[$errno] ) && (
! defined( 'AI1EC_DEBUG' ) || false === AI1EC_DEBUG
) {
$message = sprintf(
'All-in-One Event Calendar: %s @ %s:%d #%d',
return error_log( $message, 0 );
// let's get the plugin folder
$tail = substr( $errfile, $position );
$exploded = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tail );
$plugin_dir = $exploded[0];
// if the error doesn't belong to core, throw the plugin exception to trigger disabling
// of the plugin in the exception handler
if ( AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME !== $plugin_dir ) {
$exc = implode(
array( $this, 'return_first_char' ),
explode( '-', $plugin_dir )
// all plugins should implement an exception based on this convention
// which is the same convention we use for constants, only with just first letter uppercase
$exc = str_replace( 'aioec', 'Ai1ec', $exc ) . '_Exception';
if ( class_exists( $exc ) ) {
$message = sprintf(
'All-in-One Event Calendar: %s @ %s:%d #%d',
throw new $exc( $message );
throw new Ai1ec_Error_Exception(
public function return_first_char( $name ) {
return $name[0];
* Perform what's needed to deactivate the plugin softly
* @param string $message Error message to be displayed to admin
* @return void Method does not return
protected function soft_deactivate_plugin( $message ) {
add_option( self::DB_DEACTIVATE_MESSAGE, $message );
* Perform what's needed to reactivate the plugin
* @return boolean Success
public function reactivate_plugin() {
return delete_option( self::DB_DEACTIVATE_MESSAGE );
* Get message to be displayed to admin if any
* @return string|boolean Error message or false if plugin is not disabled
public function get_disabled_message() {
global $wpdb;
$row = $wpdb->get_row(
"SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1",
if ( is_object( $row ) ) {
return $row->option_value;
} else { // option does not exist, so we must cache its non-existence
return false;
* Add an admin notice
* @param string $message Message to be displayed to admin
* @return void Method does not return
public function show_notices( $message ) {
// save the message to use it later
$this->_message = $message;
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'render_admin_notice' ) );
* Render HTML snipped to be displayed as a notice to admin
* @hook admin_notices When plugin is soft-disabled
* @return void Method does not return
public function render_admin_notice() {
$redirect_url = esc_url( add_query_arg(
) );
$label = __(
'All-in-One Event Calendar has been disabled due to an error:',
$message = '<div class="message error">';
$message .= '<p><strong>' . $label . '</strong></p>';
$message .= $this->_message;
$message .= ' <a href="' . $redirect_url .
'" class="button button-primary ai1ec-dismissable">' .
'Try reactivating plugin',
$message .= '</a>';
$message .= '<p></p></div>';
echo $message;
* Redirect the user either to the front page or the dashbord page
* @return void Method does not return
protected function redirect( $suggested_url = null ) {
$url = ai1ec_get_site_url();
if ( is_admin() ) {
$url = null !== $suggested_url
? $suggested_url
: ai1ec_get_admin_url();
Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper::redirect( $url );
* Had to add it as var_dump was locking my browser.
* Taken from
* @param mixed $variable
* @param int $strlen
* @param int $width
* @param int $depth
* @param int $i
* @param array $objects
* @return string
public function var_debug(
$strlen = 400,
$width = 25,
$depth = 10,
$i = 0,
&$objects = array()
) {
$search = array( "\0", "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v" );
$replace = array( '\0', '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v' );
$string = '';
switch ( gettype( $variable ) ) {
case 'boolean' :
$string .= $variable ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'integer' :
$string .= $variable;
case 'double' :
$string .= $variable;
case 'resource' :
$string .= '[resource]';
case 'NULL' :
$string .= "null";
case 'unknown type' :
$string .= '???';
case 'string' :
$len = strlen( $variable );
$variable = str_replace(
substr( $variable, 0, $strlen ),
$count );
$variable = substr( $variable, 0, $strlen );
if ( $len < $strlen ) {
$string .= '"' . $variable . '"';
} else {
$string .= 'string(' . $len . '): "' . $variable . '"...';
case 'array' :
$len = count( $variable );
if ( $i == $depth ) {
$string .= 'array(' . $len . ') {...}';
} elseif ( ! $len) {
$string .= 'array(0) {}';
} else {
$keys = array_keys( $variable );
$spaces = str_repeat( ' ', $i * 2 );
$string .= "array($len)\n" . $spaces . '{';
$count = 0;
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( $count == $width ) {
$string .= "\n" . $spaces . " ...";
$string .= "\n" . $spaces . " [$key] => ";
$string .= $this->var_debug(
$i + 1,
$count ++;
$string .= "\n" . $spaces . '}';
case 'object':
$id = array_search( $variable, $objects, true );
if ( $id !== false ) {
$string .= get_class( $variable ) . '#' . ( $id + 1 ) . ' {...}';
} else if ( $i == $depth ) {
$string .= get_class( $variable ) . ' {...}';
} else {
$id = array_push( $objects, $variable );
$array = ( array ) $variable;
$spaces = str_repeat( ' ', $i * 2 );
$string .= get_class( $variable ) . "#$id\n" . $spaces . '{';
$properties = array_keys( $array );
foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
$name = str_replace( "\0", ':', trim( $property ) );
$string .= "\n" . $spaces . " [$name] => ";
$string .= $this->var_debug(
$i + 1,
$string .= "\n" . $spaces . '}';
if ( $i > 0 ) {
return $string;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS );
do {
$caller = array_shift( $backtrace );
} while (
$caller &&
! isset( $caller['file'] )
if ( $caller ) {
$string = $caller['file'] . ':' . $caller['line'] . "\n" . $string;
echo nl2br( str_replace( ' ', '&nbsp;', htmlentities( $string ) ) );
* Get HTML code with backtrace information for given exception.
* @param Exception $exception
* @return string HTML code.
protected function _get_backtrace( $exception ) {
$backtrace = '';
$trace = nl2br( $exception->getTraceAsString() );
$ident = sha1( $trace );
if ( ! empty( $trace ) ) {
$request_uri = '';
if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
// Remove all whitespaces
$request_uri = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
// Convert request URI and strip tags
$request_uri = strip_tags( htmlspecialchars_decode( $request_uri ) );
// Limit URL to 100 characters
$request_uri = substr($request_uri, 0, 100);
$button_label = __( 'Toggle error details', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME );
$title = __( 'Error Details:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME );
$backtrace = <<<JAVASCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( function($) {
$( "a[data-rel='$ident']" ).click( function() {
jQuery( "#ai1ec-error-$ident" ).slideToggle( "fast" );
return false;
<blockquote id="ai1ec-error-$ident" style="display: none;">
<p>Request Uri: $request_uri</p>
<a href="#" data-rel="$ident" class="button">$button_label</a>
return $backtrace;