1872 lines
89 KiB
1872 lines
89 KiB
* iCalcnv ver 3.0
* copyright (c) 2011 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson kigkonsult
* kigkonsult.se/index.php
* ical@kigkonsult.se
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
define( 'ICALCNVVERSION', 'iCalcnv 3.0' );
* This class implements the iCalcnv class
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-05
class iCalcnv {
* @access private
* @var object
private $log;
* @access private
* @var array
private $config;
* __construct
* @access public
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-07
* @param object $log
* @return void
public function __construct( & $log = false ) {
$this->log = $log;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( '************ '.get_class( $this ).' initiate ************', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
/** set config defaults */
* function csv2iCal
* Convert csv file to iCal format and send file to browser (default) or save Ical file to disk
* Definition iCal : rcf2445, http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#rfc2445
* Definition csv : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
* Using iCalcreator: http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator
* csv directory/file read/write
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-21
* @return bool return FALSE when error
public function csv2iCal() {
$timeexec = array( 'start' => microtime( TRUE ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( ' ********** START **********', PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$conf = array();
foreach( $this->config as $key => $value ) {
if( in_array( strtolower( $key ), array( 'inputdirectory', 'outputdirectory'
,'inputfilename', 'outputfilename'
,'backup', 'save', 'skip' )))
if( in_array( $key, array( 'del', 'sep', 'nl' )))
$conf[$key] = "$value";
else {
$conf[strtoupper( $value )] = strtoupper( $key ); // flip map names
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$value mapped to $key", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$fp = false;
$string_to_parse = $this->getConfig( 'string_to_parse' );
if( $string_to_parse ) {
$fp = fopen( 'php://temp/maxmemory:' . 1024*1024, 'rw' );
fputs( $fp, $string_to_parse );
fseek( $fp, 0 );
} else {
/** check input/output directory and filename */
$inputdirFile = $outputdirFile = '';
$inputFileParts = $outputFileParts = array();
$remoteInput = $remoteOutput = FALSE;
if( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'input', 'csv', $inputdirFile, $inputFileParts, $remoteInput )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( "ERROR 2, invalid input ($inputdirFile)", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'output', FALSE, $outputdirFile, $outputFileParts, $remoteOutput )) {
if( FALSE === $this->setConfig( 'outputfilename', $inputFileParts['filename'].'.ics' )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 3,invalid output ('.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.csv)', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
$outputdirFile = $this->getConfig ('outputdirectory' ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.ics';
$outputFileParts = pathinfo( $outputdirFile );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "output set to '$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT..FILE:$inputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$this->log->log( "OUTPUT.FILE:$outputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** read csv file into input array */
ini_set( 'auto_detect_line_endings', true );
$fp = fopen( $inputdirFile, "r" );
if( FALSE === $fp ) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 4, unable to read file: '$inputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return FALSE;
$rows = array();
while ( FALSE !== ( $row = fgetcsv( $fp, FALSE, $conf['sep'], $conf['del'] )))
$rows[] = $row;
fclose( $fp );
ini_set( 'auto_detect_line_endings', false );
$cntrows = count( $rows );
/** iCalcreator checks when setting directory and filename */
$calendar = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vcalendar();
if( FALSE !== ( $unique_id = $this->getConfig( 'unique_id' )))
$calendar->setConfig( 'unique_id', $unique_id );
if( ! $this->getConfig( 'outputobj' ) ) {
if( $remoteOutput ) {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'url', $outputdirFile )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 5, iCalcreator: invalid url: '$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return FALSE;
else {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'directory', $outputFileParts['dirname'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 6, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid directory: '".$outputFileParts['dirname']."'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'filename', $outputFileParts['basename'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 7, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid filename: '".$outputFileParts['basename']."'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec',PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return FALSE;
$timeexec['fileOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
/** info rows */
$actrow = 0;
for( $row = $actrow; $row < $cntrows; $row++ ) {
if( empty( $rows[$row] ) ||
( 1 >= count( $rows[$row] )) ||
( '' >= $rows[$row][1] ) ||
( 'iCal' == substr( $rows[$row][0], 0, 4 )) ||
( 'kigkonsult.se' == $rows[$row][0] ))
elseif( 'TYPE' == strtoupper( $rows[$row][0] )) {
$actrow = $row;
elseif( 'CALSCALE' == strtoupper( $rows[$row][0] ))
$calendar->setProperty( 'CALSCALE', $rows[$row][1] );
elseif( 'METHOD' == strtoupper( $rows[$row][0] ))
$calendar->setProperty( 'METHOD', $rows[$row][1] );
elseif( 'X-' == substr( $rows[$row][0], 0, 2 ))
$calendar->setProperty( $rows[$row][0], $rows[$row][1] );
elseif( 2 >= count( $rows[$row] ))
else {
$actrow = $row;
$timeexec['infoOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
$cntprops = 0;
$proporder = array();
/** fix opt. vtimezone */
if(( $actrow < $cntrows) && ( in_array( 'tzid', $rows[$actrow] ) || in_array( 'TZID', $rows[$actrow] ))) {
foreach( $rows[$actrow] as $key => $header ) {
$header = strtoupper( $header );
if( isset( $conf[$header] )) {
$proporder[$conf[$header]] = $key; // check map of userfriendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row ix:$key => $header, replaced by ".$conf[$header], PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$proporder[$header] = $key;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "comp proporder=".implode(',',array_flip( $proporder )), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$allowedProps = array( 'VTIMEZONE' => array( 'TZID', 'LAST-MODIFIED', 'TZURL' )
$comp = $subcomp = $actcomp = FALSE;
for( $row = $actrow; $row < $cntrows; $row++ ) {
if( empty( $rows[$row] ) || ( 1 >= count( $rows[$row] )))
$compname = strtoupper( $rows[$row][0] );
if( 'TYPE' == $compname ) { // next header
$actrow = $row;
if( $comp && $subcomp ) {
$comp->setComponent( $subcomp );
$subcomp = FALSE;
if( 'VTIMEZONE' == $compname ) {
if( $comp )
$calendar->setComponent( $comp );
$comp = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vtimezone();
$actcomp = & $comp;
$cntprops += 1;
elseif( 'STANDARD' == $compname ) {
$subcomp = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vtimezone( 'STANDARD' );
$actcomp = & $subcomp;
elseif( 'DAYLIGHT' == $compname ) {
$subcomp = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vtimezone( 'DAYLIGHT' );
$actcomp = & $subcomp;
else {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "skipped $compname", PEAR_LOG_WARNING );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) { // insert all properties into component
if(( 2 > $col ) || ( 'ORDER' == strtoupper( $propName )))
$propName = strtoupper( $propName );
if(( 'X-' != substr( $propName, 0, 2 )) &&
( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[$compname] ))) { // check if allowed property for the component
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "skipped $compname: $propName", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if( isset( $rows[$row][$col] ) && !empty( $rows[$row][$col] )) {
$rows[$row][$col] = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r" ), $conf['nl'], $rows[$row][$col] );
$value = ( FALSE !== strpos( $rows[$row][$col], $conf['nl'] )) ? explode( $conf['nl'], $rows[$row][$col] ) : array( $rows[$row][$col] );
foreach( $value as $val ) {
if( empty( $val ) && ( '0' != $val ))
$del = ( FALSE !== strpos( $val, ':' )) ? ';' : ':';
if( FALSE !== $actcomp->parse( "$propName$del$val" )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "iCalcreator->parse( '$propName $val' )", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
elseif( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 8, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: parse error: '$propName$del$val'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
} // end foreach( $value
} // end if( isset
} // end foreach( $proporder
} // end for( $row = $actrow
if( $comp && $subcomp )
$comp->setComponent( $subcomp );
if( $comp )
$calendar->setComponent( $comp );
$comp = $subcomp = $actcomp = FALSE;
$timeexec['zoneOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
/** fix data */
$proporder = array();
if(( $actrow < $cntrows) && isset( $rows[$actrow][0] ) && ( 'TYPE' == strtoupper( $rows[$actrow][0] ))) {
foreach( $rows[$actrow] as $key => $header ) {
$header = strtoupper( $header );
if( isset( $conf[$header] )) {
$proporder[$conf[$header]] = $key; // check map of user friendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row ix:'$key => $header', mapped to '".$conf[$header]."'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$proporder[$header] = $key;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "comp proporder=".implode(',',array_flip( $proporder )), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$comp = $subcomp = $actcomp = FALSE;
$allowedComps = array( 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL', 'VFREEBUSY' );
for( $row = $actrow; $row < $cntrows; $row++ ) {
if( empty( $rows[$row] ) || ( 1 >= count( $rows[$row] )))
if( $comp && $subcomp ) {
$comp->setComponent( $subcomp );
$subcomp = FALSE;
$compname = strtoupper( $rows[$row][0] );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "'$compname' START", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
if( in_array( $compname, $allowedComps )) {
if( $comp )
$calendar->setComponent( $comp );
$className = 'kigkonsult\\iCalcreator\\' . $rows[$row][0];
$comp = new $className;
$actcomp = & $comp;
$cntprops += 1;
elseif( 'VALARM' == $compname ) {
$subcomp = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\valarm();
$actcomp = & $subcomp;
else {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "skipped $compname", PEAR_LOG_WARNING );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) { // insert all properties into component
if(( 2 > $col ) || ( 'ORDER' == strtoupper( $propName )))
$propName = strtoupper( $propName );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$compname $propName START (col=$col)", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if(( 'X-' != substr( $propName, 0, 2 )) &&
( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[$compname] ))) { // check if allowed property for the component
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "skipped $compname $propName", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
if(( isset( $rows[$row][$col] ) && !empty( $rows[$row][$col] )) ||
(( 'SEQUENCE' == $propName ) && ('0' == $rows[$row][$col] ))) {
$rows[$row][$col] = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r" ), $conf['nl'], $rows[$row][$col] );
$value = ( FALSE !== strpos( $rows[$row][$col], $conf['nl'] )) ? explode( $conf['nl'], $rows[$row][$col] ) : array( $rows[$row][$col] );
$ctests = array ( '://', 'fax:', 'cid:', 'sms:', 'tel:', 'urn:', 'crid:', 'news:', 'pres:', 'mailto:', 'MAILTO:' );
foreach( $value as $val ) {
if( empty( $val ) && ( '0' != $val ) && ( 0 != $val ))
if( 'GEO' == $propName ) {
$parseval = ( FALSE !== strpos( $val, ':' )) ? "GEO$val" : "GEO:$val";
if( FALSE === $actcomp->parse( $parseval )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 11, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: parse error: '$parseval'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
elseif( 'REQUEST-STATUS' == $propName ) { // 'REQUEST-STATUS' without any parameters.. .
if( FALSE === $actcomp->parse( "$propName:$val" )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 12, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: parse error: '$propName:$val'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$cntm = $pos = 0;
foreach( $ctests as $tst )
$cntm += substr_count( $val, $tst );
$cntc = substr_count( $val, ':' );
$cntq = substr_count( $val, '=' );
$cnts = substr_count( $val, ';' );
if(( 0 == $cntq ) && ( 0 == $cnts )) // no parameters
$del = ':';
elseif(( 1 == $cntc ) && (( $cntq + 1 ) == $cnts )) // parameters and colon
$del = ';';
elseif( $cntc == ( $cntm + 1))
$del = ';';
$del = (( 1 > $cntm ) && ( 0 < $cntc )) ? ';' : ':';
if(( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 )) ||
( in_array( $propName, array( 'CATEGORIES', 'COMMENT', 'CONTACT', 'DESCRIPTION', 'LOCATION', 'RESOURCES', 'SUMMARY' )))) {
$val = str_replace( ',', '\,', $val );
if( FALSE !== ( $pos = strpos( $del.$val, ':' ))) {
while( FALSE !== ( $pos2 = strpos( $val, ';', $pos+1 ))) {
$val = substr( $val, 0, $pos2).'\;'.substr( $val, ( $pos2 + 1 ));
if( $this->log ) $this->log->log( "pos=$pos pos2=$pos2 val='$val'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$pos = $pos2+1;
if( FALSE === $actcomp->parse( "$propName$del$val" )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 13, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: parse error: '$propName$del$val'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
elseif( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "iCalcreator->parse( '$propName$del$val' )", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
} // end foreach( $value as $val
} // end if( isset( $rows[$row][$col]
} // end foreach( $proporder
} // end for( $row = $actrow;
if( $comp && $subcomp )
$comp->setComponent( $subcomp );
if( $comp )
$calendar->setComponent( $comp );
$save = $this->getConfig( 'save' );
if( $this->log ) {
$timeexec['exit'] = microtime( TRUE );
$msg = "INPUT '$inputdirFile'";
$msg .= ' fileOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['fileOk'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' infoOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['infoOk'] - $timeexec['fileOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' zoneOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['zoneOk'] - $timeexec['infoOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' compOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['zoneOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec';
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$msg = "'$inputdirFile' (".$cntprops.' components) start:'.date( 'H:i:s', $timeexec['start'] );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec';
if( $save )
$msg .= " -> '$outputdirFile'";
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** return calendar, save or send the file */
if( $this->getConfig( 'outputobj' ) ) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' returning iCalcreator vcalendar instance", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
return $calendar;
$d = $calendar->getConfig( 'directory' );
$f = $calendar->getConfig( 'filename' );
if( $save ) {
if( FALSE !== $calendar->saveCalendar()) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' saved '$df'", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
return TRUE;
else { // ??
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 16, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' can't write to output file : '$df'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
else {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' returning : '$f'", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$output = $calendar->createCalendar();
$filesize = strlen( $output );
if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) && substr_count( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip' )) {
$output = gzencode( $output, 9 );
$filesize = strlen( $output );
header( 'Content-Encoding: gzip' );
header( 'Vary: *' );
header( 'Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8' );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='$f'" );
header( 'Cache-Control: max-age=10' );
header( 'Content-Length: '.$filesize );
echo $output;
return TRUE;
* getConfig
* @access public
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-15
* @param string $key
* @param string $subkey, opt.
* @return mixed
public function getConfig( $key, $subkey=FALSE ) {
if(( '2' <= $key) && ( '99' > $key )) // iCal2csv column
$continue = TRUE;
elseif( in_array( strtolower( $key ), array( 'inputdirectory', 'outputdirectory'
,'inputfilename', 'outputfilename'
,'inputurl', 'outputobj'
,'backup', 'save'
,'del', 'sep', 'nl', 'skip' )))
$key = strtolower( $key );
$key = strtoupper( $key );
if( FALSE !== $subkey ) {
if( isset( $this->config[$key][$subkey] ))
return $this->config[$key][$subkey];
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "config keys '$key' '$subkey' not found", PEAR_LOG_WARNING );
return FALSE;
if( isset( $this->config[$key] ))
return $this->config[$key];
if( $this->log && !ctype_digit((string) $key ) && !in_array( $key, array( 'backup', 'outputobj', 'save' )))
$this->log->log( "config key '$key' not found", PEAR_LOG_WARNING );
return FALSE;
* setConfig
* @access public
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-15
* @param array $config
* @return bool return FALSE when error
public function setConfig( $config=FALSE, $value=FALSE ) {
if( !$config ) {
$this->config = array();
$this->setConfig( 'inputdirectory', '.' );
$this->setConfig( 'outputdirectory', '.' );
$this->setConfig( 'del', '"' );
$this->setConfig( 'sep', ',' );
$this->setConfig( 'nl', PHP_EOL );
$this->setConfig( 'unique_id', ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] )) ? gethostbyname( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) : 'localhost' );
$this->setConfig( 'extension_check', true );// Check for extension by default
$this->setConfig( 'string_to_parse', false );// By default you have a file
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'All config default values are set', PEAR_LOG_INFO );
return TRUE;
if( is_array( $config )) { // ensure right order when setting config's
$confKeys = array_keys( $config );
$confOrder = array( 'inputdirectory', 'inputfilename', 'save', 'outputdirectory', 'outputfilename', 'backup', );
foreach( $confKeys as $key )
$confKeys[strtolower( $key )] = $key;
foreach( $confOrder as $key ) {
if( isset( $confKeys[$key] )) {
if( FALSE === $this->setConfig( $key, $config[$confKeys[$key]] ))
return FALSE;
unset( $config[$confKeys[$key]] );
foreach( $config as $key => $value ) {
if( FALSE === $this->setConfig( $key, $value ))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "setConfig: $config => ".var_export( $value, TRUE ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
if(( '2' <= $config) && ( '99' > $config )) {
$this->config[$config] = strtoupper( $value );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "column $config contains ".strtoupper( $value ), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$key = strtolower( $config );
switch( $key ) {
case 'inputdirectory':
case 'outputdirectory':
$directory = realpath( $value );
$msg = FALSE;
if(( 'ouputdirectory' == $key ) && !is_dir( $directory ) && ( FALSE === @mkdir( $directory )))
$msg = "Can't create directory ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && !file_exists( $directory ))
$msg = "No directory exists ($directory)";
if( !$msg && !is_dir( $directory ))
$msg = "Invalid directory: ($directory)";
if( !$msg && ( 'inputdirectory' == $key ) && !is_readable( $directory ))
$msg = "Directory not readable ($directory)";
if( !$msg && ( 'ouputdirectory' == $key ) && !is_writable( $directory ))
$msg = "Directory not writeable ($directory)";
if( $msg ) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$key set to '$directory'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$this->config[$key] = $directory;
case 'inputfilename':
$this->config[$key] = $value;
if( $value && ( FALSE === $this->_fileCheckRead())) {
unset( $this->config[$key] );
return FALSE;
case 'outputfilename':
$this->config[$key] = $value;
if( $value && ( FALSE !== $this->getConfig( 'save' ))
&& ( FALSE === $this->_fileCheckWrite( $key ))) {
unset( $this->config[$key] );
return FALSE;
case 'backup':
if( $value && ( FALSE !== $this->getConfig( 'outputfilename' ))
&& ( FALSE !== $this->getConfig( 'save' ))
&& ( FALSE === $this->_fileCheckWrite( $key )))
return FALSE; // it's ok, no break here.. .
case 'save':
case 'inputurl':
case 'outputobj':
case 'del': // iCal2csv field delimiter
case 'sep': // iCal2csv field separator
case 'nl': // iCal2csv new line character(-s)
$this->config[$key] = $value;
case 'skip': // iCal2csv column
if( !is_array( $value ))
$this->config['skip'][] = strtoupper( $value );
foreach( $value as $six => $skipp )
$this->config['skip'][$six] = strtoupper( $skipp );
$this->config[strtoupper( $key )] = $value;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( strtoupper( $key )." mapped to $value", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
} // end switch
return TRUE;
* function _fileCheckRead
* Check if input file is a file and readable
* @access private
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-05
* @return bool return FALSE when error
private function _fileCheckRead() {
$msg = FALSE;
$dirFile = $this->config['inputdirectory'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->config['inputfilename'];
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "START file='$dirFile'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if( !$msg && !file_exists( $dirFile )) $msg = "No file exists ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && !is_file( $dirFile )) $msg = "File no file ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && !is_readable( $dirFile )) $msg = "File not readable ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && ( 0 >= filesize( $dirFile ))) $msg = "File empty ($dirFile)";
if( $msg ) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( " ok ($dirFile)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
return TRUE;
* function _fileCheckWrite
* Check if a filename is a writeable file
* file is created if missing
* if file exists,it may be backuped with ext .YmdHis.old
* @access private
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-05
* @param string $operation
* @return bool return FALSE when error
private function _fileCheckWrite( $operation='check' ) {
$msg = FALSE;
$dirFile = $this->config['outputdirectory'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->config['outputfilename'];
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "($operation), file='$dirFile'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if( FALSE !== $this->getConfig( 'save' )) {
if( !$msg && !file_exists( $dirFile ) && ( FALSE === touch( $dirFile )))
$msg = "Can't create file ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && !is_file( $dirFile )) $msg = "File no file ($dirFile)";
if( !$msg && !is_writable( $dirFile )) $msg = "File not writeable ($dirFile)";
if( $msg ) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "($operation) $msg", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( 0 < filesize( $dirFile ) && ( 'backup' == $operation ) && ( FALSE !== $this->getConfig( 'save' ))) { // file exists, make unique backup
$dirFileOld = $dirFile.'.'.date( 'YmdHis', filemtime( $dirFile )).'.old';
if( @copy( $dirFile, $dirFileOld ))
if ( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "Existing file ($dirFile) saved as $dirFileOld", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
else { // ??
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "($operation), unable to backup file ($dirFile) as '$dirFileOld'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "($operation) ok ($dirFile)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
return TRUE;
* function _fixio
* Check if a filename is a writeable file
* file is created if missing
* if file exists,it may be backuped with ext .YmdHis.old
* @access private
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-12
* @param string $operation
* @param mixed $ext
* @param string $dirFile
* @param array $fileParts
* @param bool $remote
* @return bool return FALSE when error
private function _fixIO( $operation, $ext, & $dirFile, & $fileParts, & $remote ) {
if( FALSE !== ( $dirFile = $this->getConfig( $operation.'filename' ))) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "found (1): '$dirFile'", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if( $this->getConfig( 'extension_check' ) ) {
if( $ext && ( strtolower( $ext ) !== strtolower( substr( $dirFile, -3 )))) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 1, '$ext' wanted, invalid file extension found ($dirFile)", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
$dirFile = $this->getConfig( $operation.'directory' ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dirFile;
$fileParts = pathinfo( $dirFile );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'fileParts (1):'.var_export( $fileParts, TRUE ), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return TRUE;
elseif(( 'input' == $operation ) && FALSE !== ( $dirFile = $this->getConfig( 'inputurl' ))) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "found (2): $dirFile", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$fileParts = parse_url( $dirFile );
$fileParts = array_merge( $fileParts, pathinfo( $fileParts['path'] ));
$remote = (( 'http://' == strtolower( substr( $dirFile, 0, 7 ))) || ( 'webcal://' == strtolower( substr( $dirFile, 0, 9 )))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'fileParts (2):'.var_export( $fileParts, TRUE ), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
return TRUE;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "No $operation found!!", PEAR_LOG_WARNING );
return FALSE;
* function iCal2csv
* Convert iCal file to csv format and send file to browser (default) or save csv file to disk
* Definition iCal : rcf2445, http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#rfc2445
* Definition csv : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
* Using iCalcreator: http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator
* ical directory/file read/write error OR iCalcreator parse error will be directed to log
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-21
* @param object $calendar opt. iCalcreator calendar instance
* @return bool returns FALSE when error
public function iCal2csv( $calendar=FALSE ) {
$timeexec = array( 'start' => microtime( TRUE ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( ' ********** START **********', PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** check input/output directory and filename */
$inputdirFile = $outputdirFile = '';
$inputFileParts = $outputFileParts = array();
$remoteInput = $remoteOutput = FALSE;
if( $calendar ) {
$inputdirFile = $calendar->getConfig( 'DIRFILE' );
$inputFileParts = pathinfo( $inputdirFile );
$inputFileParts['dirname'] = realpath( $inputFileParts['dirname'] );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'fileParts:'.var_export( $inputFileParts, TRUE ), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
elseif( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'input', 'ics', $inputdirFile, $inputFileParts, $remoteInput )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( "ERROR 2, invalid input ($inputdirFile)", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'output', FALSE, $outputdirFile, $outputFileParts, $remoteOutput )) {
if( FALSE === $this->setConfig( 'outputfilename', $inputFileParts['filename'].'.csv' )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 3, invalid output ('.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.csv)', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
$outputdirFile = $this->getConfig( 'outputdirectory' ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.csv';
$outputFileParts = pathinfo( $outputdirFile );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "output set to '$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT..FILE:$inputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$this->log->log( "OUTPUT.FILE:$outputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
if( $calendar )
$calnl = $calendar->getConfig( 'nl' );
else { /** iCalcreator set config, read and parse input iCal file */
$calendar = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vcalendar();
if( FALSE !== ( $unique_id = $this->getConfig( 'unique_id' )))
$calendar->setConfig( 'unique_id', $unique_id );
$calnl = $calendar->getConfig( 'nl' );
if( $remoteInput ) {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'url', $inputdirFile )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 4, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid url", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
else {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'directory', $inputFileParts['dirname'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 5, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid directory: '".$inputFileParts['dirname']."'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'filename', $inputFileParts['basename'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 6, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid filename: '".$inputFileParts['basename']."'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $calendar->parse()) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 7, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator parse error", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
} // end if( !$calendar )
$timeexec['fileOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
if( !function_exists( 'iCaldate2timestamp' )) {
function iCaldate2timestamp( $d ) {
if( 6 > count( $d ))
return mktime( 0, 0, 0, $d['month'], $d['day'], $d['year'] );
return mktime( $d['hour'], $d['min'], $d['sec'], $d['month'], $d['day'], $d['year'] );
if( !function_exists( 'fixiCalString' )) {
function fixiCalString( $s ) {
$s = str_replace( '\,', ',', $s );
$s = str_replace( '\;', ';', $s );
$s = str_replace( '\n ', chr(10), $s );
$s = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $s );
return $s;
/** create output array */
$rows = array();
/** info rows */
$rows[] = array( 'kigkonsult.se', ICALCREATOR_VERSION, ICALCNVVERSION, date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ));
$inputdirFile = ( $remoteInput ) ? $inputdirFile : $inputFileParts['basename'];
$rows[] = array( 'iCal input', $inputdirFile, 'csv output', $outputFileParts['basename'] );
if( FALSE !== ($prop = $calendar->getProperty( 'CALSCALE' )))
$rows[] = array( 'CALSCALE', $prop );
if( FALSE !== ( $prop = $calendar->getProperty( 'METHOD' )))
$rows[] = array( 'METHOD', $prop );
while( FALSE !== ( $xprop = $calendar->getProperty()))
$rows[] = array( $xprop[0], $xprop[1] );
$timeexec['infoOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
if( FALSE === ( $propsToSkip = $this->getConfig( 'skip')))
$propsToSkip = array();
/** fix property order list */
$proporderOrg = array();
for( $key = 2; $key < 99; $key++ ) {
if( FALSE !== ( $value = $this->getConfig( $key ))) {
$proporderOrg[$value] = $key;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$value in column $key", 7 );
/** fix vtimezone property order list */
$proporder = $proporderOrg;
$proporder['TYPE'] = 0;
$proporder['ORDER'] = 1;
$pix = 2;
foreach( $props as $prop ) {
if( isset( $proporder[$prop] )) continue;
if( in_array( $prop, $propsToSkip )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$prop removed from output", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
while( in_array( $pix, $proporder )) $pix++;
$proporder[$prop] = $pix++;
/** remove unused properties from and add x-props to property order list */
$maxpropix = 11;
if( $maxpropix != ( count( $proporder ) - 1 ))
$maxpropix = count( $proporder ) - 1;
$compsinfo = $calendar->getConfig( 'compsinfo');
$potmp = array();
$potmp[0] = 'TYPE';
$potmp[1] = 'ORDER';
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' != $compinfo['type'] )
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $compinfo['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['props']
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
foreach( $compinfo2['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['sub']['props']
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
} // end foreach compinfo - vtimezone
ksort( $potmp, SORT_NUMERIC );
$proporder = array_flip( array_values( $potmp ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "timezone proporder=".implode(',',array_flip($proporder)), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
/** create vtimezone info */
$row = count( $rows ) - 1;
if( 2 < count( $proporder )) {
$row += 1;
/** create vtimezone header row */
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if( isset( $this->config[$propName] )) {
$rows[$row][$col] = $this->config[$propName]; // check map of userfriendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row, col=$col: $propName, replaced by ".$this->config[$propName], PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$rows[$row][$col] = $propName;
$allowedProps = array( 'VTIMEZONE' => array( 'TZID', 'LAST-MODIFIED', 'TZURL' )
/** create vtimezone data rows */
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' != $compinfo['type'] )
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col )
$rows[$row][] = ''; // set all cells empty
$rows[$row][$proporder['TYPE']] = $compinfo['type'];
$rows[$row][$proporder['ORDER']] = $compinfo['ordno'];
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps['VTIMEZONE'] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 8, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo['props'][$propName] )) {
if( 'LAST-MODIFIED' == $propName )
$fcn = 'createLastModified';
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $comp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 9, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unknown property: '$propName' ($fcn)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $comp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$rows[$row][$proporder[$propName]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$rows[$row][$proporder[$xprop[0]]] = fixiCalString( $output );
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col )
$rows[$row][] = ''; // set all cells empty
$rows[$row][$proporder['TYPE']] = $compinfo2['type'];
$rows[$row][$proporder['ORDER']] = $compinfo['ordno'].':'.$compinfo2['ordno'];
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo2['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 10, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo2['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo2['props'][$propName] )) {
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $scomp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 11, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unknown property: '$propName' ($fcn)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $scomp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$rows[$row][$proporder[$propName]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$rows[$row][$proporder[$xprop[0]]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']['props'] ))
} // end foreach
} // end vtimezone
$timeexec['zoneOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
$maxColCount = count( $proporder );
/** fix property order list */
$proporder = $proporderOrg;
$proporder['TYPE'] = 0;
$proporder['ORDER'] = 1;
$pix = 2;
foreach( $props as $prop ) {
if( isset( $proporder[$prop] )) continue;
if( in_array( $prop, $propsToSkip )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$prop removed from output", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
while( in_array( $pix, $proporder )) $pix++;
$proporder[$prop] = $pix++;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "comp proporder (0)=".implode(',',array_flip($proporder)), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
/** remove unused properties from and add x-props to property order list */
if( $maxpropix < (count( $proporder ) - 1))
$maxpropix = count( $proporder ) - 1;
$potmp = array();
$potmp[0] = 'TYPE';
$potmp[1] = 'ORDER';
// $potmp[2] = 'UID';
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' == $compinfo['type'] )
foreach( $compinfo['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // while( $xprop
} // end elseif( 'X-PROP'
} // end foreach( $compinfo['props']
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
foreach( $compinfo2['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['sub']['props']
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
ksort( $potmp, SORT_NUMERIC );
$proporder = array_flip( array_values( $potmp ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "comp proporder=".implode(',',array_flip($proporder)), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
if( $maxColCount < count( $proporder ))
$maxColCount = count( $proporder );
/** create header row */
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if( isset( $this->config[$propName] )) {
$rows[$row][$col] = $this->config[$propName]; // check map of userfriendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row, col=$col: $propName, replaced by ".$this->config[$propName], PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$rows[$row][$col] = $propName;
/** create data rows */
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' == $compinfo['type'] )
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col )
$rows[$row][] = ''; // set all cells empty
$rows[$row][$proporder['TYPE']] = $compinfo['type'];
$rows[$row][$proporder['ORDER']] = $compinfo['ordno'];
// $rows[$row][$proporder['UID']] = $compinfo['uid'];
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 12, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo['props'][$propName] )) {
switch( $propName ) {
$fcn = 'createLastModified';
$fcn = 'createRecurrenceid';
case 'RELATED-TO':
$fcn = 'createRelatedTo';
$fcn = 'createRequestStatus';
$fcn = 'createPercentComplete';
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $comp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 12, INPUT FILE:"'.$inputdirFile.'" iCalcreator: unknown property: "'.$propName.'" ('.$fcn.')', PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $comp->$fcn()));
if( 'SEQUENCE:0' == $output ) {
$rows[$row][$proporder[$propName]] = '0';
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$rows[$row][$proporder[$propName]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$rows[$row][$proporder[$xprop[0]]] = fixiCalString( $output );
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col )
$rows[$row][] = ''; // set all cells empty
$rows[$row][$proporder['TYPE']] = $compinfo2['type'];
$rows[$row][$proporder['ORDER']] = $compinfo['ordno'].':'.$compinfo2['ordno'];
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo2['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 13, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo2['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo2['props'][$propName] )) {
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $scomp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 14, INPUT FILE:"'.$inputdirFile.'" iCalcreator: unknown property: "'.$propName.'" ('.$fcn.')', PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $scomp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$rows[$row][$proporder[$propName]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$rows[$row][$proporder[$xprop[0]]] = fixiCalString( $output );
} // if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
} // foreach( $compsinfo as
$timeexec['compOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
/** fix csv format */
// fields that contain commas, double-quotes, or line-breaks must be quoted,
// a quote within a field must be escaped with an additional quote immediately preceding the literal quote,
// space before and after delimiter commas may be trimmed (which is prohibited by RFC 4180)
// a line break within an element must be preserved.
// Fields may ALWAYS be enclosed within double-quote characters, whether necessary or not.
foreach( $rows as $row => $line ) {
for( $col = 0; $col < $maxColCount; $col++ ) {
if( !isset( $line[$col] ) || ( empty( $line[$col] ) && ( '0' != $line[$col] ))) {
$rows[$row][$col] = $this->config['del'].$this->config['del'];
if( ctype_digit( $line[$col] ))
$cell = str_replace( $this->config['del'], $this->config['del'].$this->config['del'], $line[$col] );
$rows[$row][$col] = $this->config['del'].$cell.$this->config['del'];
$rows[$row] = implode( $this->config['sep'], $rows[$row] );
$output = implode( $this->config['nl'], $rows ).$this->config['nl'];
$save = $this->getConfig( 'save' );
if( $this->log ) {
$timeexec['exit'] = microtime( TRUE );
$msg = "'$inputdirFile'";
$msg .= ' fileOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['fileOk'] - $timeexec['start'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$msg .= ' infoOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['infoOk'] - $timeexec['fileOk'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$msg .= ' zoneOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['zoneOk'] - $timeexec['infoOk'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$msg .= ' compOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['compOk'] - $timeexec['zoneOk'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$msg .= ' csvOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['compOk'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE ).'sec';
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$msg = "'$inputdirFile' (".count($compsinfo).' components) start:'.date( 'H:i:s', $timeexec['start'] );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), PEAR_LOG_NOTICE ).'sec';
if( $save )
$msg .= " -> '$outputdirFile'";
$msg .= ', size='.strlen( $output );
$msg .= ', '.count( $rows )." rows, $maxColCount cols";
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** save or send the file */
if( $save ) {
if( FALSE !== file_put_contents( $outputdirFile, $output )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' saved as '$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
return TRUE;
else {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 15, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' Invalid write to output file : '.$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' redirected as '".$outputFileParts['basename']."'", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** return data, auto gzip */
$filesize = strlen( $output );
if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) && substr_count( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip' )) {
$output = gzencode( $output, 9 );
$filesize = strlen( $output );
header( 'Content-Encoding: gzip');
header( 'Vary: *');
header( 'Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8' );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$outputFileParts['basename'].'"' );
header( 'Cache-Control: max-age=10' );
header( 'Content-Length: '.$filesize );
echo $output;
* function iCal2xls
* Convert iCal file to xls format and send file to browser (default) or save xls file to disk
* Definition iCal : rcf2445, http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#rfc
* Using iCalcreator: http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator
* Based on PEAR Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1 (and OLE-1.0.0RC1)
* to be installed as
* pear install channel://pear.php.net/OLE-1.0.0RC1
* pear install channel://pear.php.net/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <ical@kigkonsult.se>
* @since 3.0 - 2011-12-21
* @param object $calendar opt. iCalcreator calendar instance
* @return bool returns FALSE when error
public function iCal2xls( $calendar =FALSE ) {
$timeexec = array( 'start' => microtime( TRUE ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( ' ********** START **********', PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** check input/output directory and filename */
$inputdirFile = $outputdirFile = '';
$inputFileParts = $outputFileParts = array();
$remoteInput = $remoteOutput = FALSE;
if( $calendar ) {
$inputdirFile = $calendar->getConfig( 'DIRFILE' );
$inputFileParts = pathinfo( $inputdirFile );
$inputFileParts['dirname'] = realpath( $inputFileParts['dirname'] );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'fileParts:'.var_export( $inputFileParts, TRUE ), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
elseif( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'input', 'ics', $inputdirFile, $inputFileParts, $remoteInput )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( "ERROR 2, invalid input ($inputdirFile)", PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $this->_fixIO( 'output', FALSE, $outputdirFile, $outputFileParts, $remoteOutput )) {
if( FALSE === $this->setConfig( 'outputfilename', $inputFileParts['filename'].'.xls' )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( number_format(( microtime( TRUE ) - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).' sec', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 3, invalid output ('.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.csv)', PEAR_LOG_ERR );
return FALSE;
$outputdirFile = $this->getConfig( 'outputdirectory' ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$inputFileParts['filename'].'.xls';
$outputFileParts = pathinfo( $outputdirFile );
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "output set to '$outputdirFile'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "INPUT..FILE:$inputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$this->log->log( "OUTPUT.FILE:$outputdirFile", PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
$save = $this->getConfig( 'save' );
if( $calendar )
$calnl = $calendar->getConfig( 'nl' );
else { /** iCalcreator set config, read and parse input iCal file */
$calendar = new kigkonsult\iCalcreator\vcalendar();
if( FALSE !== ( $unique_id = $this->getConfig( 'unique_id' )))
$calendar->setConfig( 'unique_id', $unique_id );
$calnl = $calendar->getConfig( 'nl' );
if( $remoteInput ) {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'url', $inputdirFile )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 3 INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid url", 3 );
return FALSE;
else {
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'directory', $inputFileParts['dirname'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 4 INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid directory: '".$inputFileParts['dirname']."'", 3 );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $calendar->setConfig( 'filename', $inputFileParts['basename'] )) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 5 INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: invalid filename: '".$inputFileParts['basename']."'", 3 );
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === $calendar->parse()) {
if( $this->log ) {
$this->log->log( "ERROR 6 INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator parse error", 3 );
return FALSE;
} // end if( !$calendar )
$timeexec['fileOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
if( !function_exists( 'iCaldate2timestamp' )) {
function iCaldate2timestamp( $d ) {
if( 6 > count( $d ))
return mktime( 0, 0, 0, $d['month'], $d['day'], $d['year'] );
return mktime( $d['hour'], $d['min'], $d['sec'], $d['month'], $d['day'], $d['year'] );
if( !function_exists( 'fixiCalString' )) {
function fixiCalString( $s ) {
global $calnl;
$s = str_replace( '\,', ',', $s );
$s = str_replace( '\;', ';', $s );
$s = str_replace( '\n ', chr(10), $s );
$s = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $s );
$s = str_replace( "$calnl", chr(10), $s );
return utf8_decode( $s );
/** Creating a workbook */
require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';
if( $save )
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer( $outputdirFile );
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$workbook->setVersion(8); // Use Excel97/2000 Format
/** opt. sending HTTP headers */
if( !$save )
$workbook->send( $outputFileParts['basename'] );
/** Creating a worksheet */
$worksheet = & $workbook->addWorksheet( $inputFileParts['filename'] );
/** fix formats */
$format_bold = & $workbook->addFormat();
$timeexec['wrkbkOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
/** info rows */
$row = -1;
$worksheet->writeString( ++$row, 0, 'kigkonsult.se', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 1, ICALCREATOR_VERSION, $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 2, ICALCNVVERSION.' iCal2xls', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 3, date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ));
$filename = ( $remoteInput ) ? $inputdirFile : $inputFileParts['basename'];
$worksheet->writeString( ++$row, 0, 'iCal input', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 1, $filename );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 2, 'xls output', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 3, $outputFileParts['basename'] );
if( FALSE !== ( $prop = $calendar->getProperty( 'CALSCALE' ))) {
$worksheet->writeString( ++$row, 0, 'CALSCALE', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 1, $prop );
if( FALSE !== ( $prop = $calendar->getProperty( 'METHOD' ))) {
$worksheet->writeString( ++$row, 0, 'METHOD', $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 1, $prop );
while( FALSE !== ( $xprop = $calendar->getProperty())) {
$worksheet->writeString( ++$row, 0, $xprop[0], $format_bold );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, 1, $xprop[1] );
$timeexec['infoOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
if( FALSE === ( $propsToSkip = $this->getConfig( 'skip')))
$propsToSkip = array();
/** fix property order list */
$proporderOrg = array();
for( $key = 2; $key < 99; $key++ ) {
if( FALSE !== ( $value = $this->getConfig( $key ))) {
$proporderOrg[$value] = $key;
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "$value in column $key", 7 );
/** fix vtimezone property order list */
$proporder = $proporderOrg;
$proporder['TYPE'] = 0;
$proporder['ORDER'] = 1;
$pix = 2;
foreach( $props as $prop ) {
if( isset( $proporder[$prop] )) continue;
if( in_array( $prop, $propsToSkip )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "'$prop' removed from output", 7 );
while( in_array( $pix, $proporder )) $pix++;
$proporder[$prop] = $pix++;
/** remove unused properties from and add x-props to property order list */
$maxpropix = 11;
if( $maxpropix != ( count( $proporder ) - 1 ))
$maxpropix = count( $proporder ) - 1;
$compsinfo = $calendar->getConfig( 'compsinfo');
$potmp = array();
$potmp[0] = 'TYPE';
$potmp[1] = 'ORDER';
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' != $compinfo['type'] )
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $compinfo['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['props']
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
foreach( $compinfo2['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['sub']['props']
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
} // end foreach compinfo - vtimezone
ksort( $potmp, SORT_NUMERIC );
$proporder = array_flip( array_values( $potmp ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "timezone proporder=".implode(',',array_flip($proporder)), 7 );
/** create vtimezone info */
if( 2 < count( $proporder )) {
$row += 1;
/** create vtimezone header row */
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if( isset( $this->config[$propName] )) {
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $col, $this->config[$propName], $format_bold ); // check map of userfriendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row, col=$col: $propName, replaced by ".$this->config[$propName], 7 );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $col, $propName, $format_bold );
$allowedProps = array( 'VTIMEZONE' => array( 'TZID', 'LAST-MODIFIED', 'TZURL' )
/** create vtimezone data rows */
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' != $compinfo['type'] )
$row += 1;
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['TYPE'], $compinfo['type'] );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['ORDER'], $compinfo['ordno'] );
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps['VTIMEZONE'] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 7, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo['props'][$propName] )) {
if( 'LAST-MODIFIED' == $propName )
$fcn = 'createLastModified';
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $comp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 8 INPUT FILE:"'.$filename.'" iCalcreator: unknown property: "'.$propName.'" ('.$fcn.')', PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $comp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$propName], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$xprop[0]], fixiCalString( $output ));
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
$row += 1;
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['TYPE'], $compinfo2['type'] );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['ORDER'], $compinfo['ordno'].':'.$compinfo2['ordno'] );
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo2['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 9, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo2['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo2['props'][$propName] )) {
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $scomp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( 'ERROR 10 INPUT FILE:"'.$filename.'" iCalcreator: unknown property: "'.$propName.'" ('.$fcn.')', PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $scomp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$propName], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$xprop[0]], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']['props'] ))
} // end foreach
} // end vtimezone
$timeexec['zoneOk'] = microtime( TRUE );
$maxColCount = count( $proporder );
/** fix property order list */
$proporder = $proporderOrg;
$proporder['TYPE'] = 0;
$proporder['ORDER'] = 1;
$pix = 2;
foreach( $props as $prop ) {
if( isset( $proporder[$prop] )) continue;
if( in_array( $prop, $propsToSkip )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "'$prop' removed from output", 7 );
while( in_array( $pix, $proporder )) $pix++;
$proporder[$prop] = $pix++;
/** remove unused properties from and add x-props to property order list */
if( $maxpropix < (count( $proporder ) - 1))
$maxpropix = count( $proporder ) - 1;
$potmp = array();
$potmp[0] = 'TYPE';
$potmp[1] = 'ORDER';
// $potmp[2] = 'UID';
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' == $compinfo['type'] )
foreach( $compinfo['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // while( $xprop
} // end elseif( 'X-PROP'
} // end foreach( $compinfo['props']
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
foreach( $compinfo2['props'] as $propName => $propcnt ) {
if( !in_array( $propName, $potmp ) && isset( $proporder[$propName] ))
$potmp[$proporder[$propName]] = $propName;
elseif( 'X-PROP' == $propName ) {
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
if( !in_array( $xprop[0], $potmp )) {
$maxpropix += 1;
$potmp[$maxpropix] = $xprop[0];
} // end if
} // end while xprop
} // end X-PROP
} // end $compinfo['sub']['props']
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
ksort( $potmp, SORT_NUMERIC );
$proporder = array_flip( array_values( $potmp ));
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "comp proporder=".implode(',',array_flip($proporder)), 7 );
if( $maxColCount < count( $proporder ))
$maxColCount = count( $proporder );
/** create header row */
$row += 1;
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if( isset( $this->config[$propName] )) {
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $col, $this->config[$propName], $format_bold ); // check map of userfriendly name to iCal property name
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "header row, col=$col: $propName, replaced by ".$this->config[$propName], 7 );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $col, $propName, $format_bold );
/** create data rows */
foreach( $compsinfo as $cix => $compinfo) {
if( 'vtimezone' == $compinfo['type'] )
$row += 1;
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['TYPE'], $compinfo['type'] );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['ORDER'], $compinfo['ordno'] );
// $worksheet->write( $row, $proporder['UID'], $compinfo['uid'] );
$comp = $calendar->getComponent( $compinfo['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 11, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo['props'][$propName] )) {
switch( $propName ) {
$fcn = 'createLastModified';
$fcn = 'createRecurrenceid';
case 'RELATED-TO':
$fcn = 'createRelatedTo';
$fcn = 'createRequestStatus';
$fcn = 'createPercentComplete';
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $comp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 12 INPUT FILE:'$filename' iCalcreator: unknown property: '$propName' ($fcn)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $comp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$propName], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $comp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$xprop[0]], fixiCalString( $output ));
if( isset( $compinfo['sub'] )) {
foreach( $compinfo['sub'] as $compinfo2 ) {
$row += 1;
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['TYPE'], $compinfo2['type'] );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder['ORDER'], $compinfo['ordno'].':'.$compinfo2['ordno'] );
$scomp = $comp->getComponent( $compinfo2['ordno'] );
foreach( $proporder as $propName => $col ) {
if(( 'TYPE' == $propName ) || ( 'ORDER' == $propName ))
if( 'X-' == substr( $propName, 0, 2 ))
if( !in_array( $propName, $allowedProps[strtoupper( $compinfo2['type'] )] )) { // check if component allows property
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 13, INPUT FILE:'$inputdirFile' iCalcreator: unvalid property for component '".$compinfo2['type']."': '$propName'", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
if( isset( $compinfo2['props'][$propName] )) {
$fcn = 'create'.strtoupper( substr( $propName, 0, 1 )).strtolower( substr( $propName, 1 ));
if( !method_exists ( $scomp, $fcn )) {
if( $this->log )
$this->log->log( "ERROR 14 INPUT FILE:'$filename' iCalcreator: unknown property: '$propName' ($fcn)", PEAR_LOG_INFO );
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $scomp->$fcn()));
$output = str_replace( $propName.';', '', $output );
$output = str_replace( $propName.':', '', $output );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$propName], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end if( isset( $compinfo2['props'][$propName]
} // end foreach( $proporder
if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP'] )) {
while( $xprop = $scomp->getProperty()) {
$output = str_replace( "$calnl ", '', rtrim( $xprop[1] ));
$output = str_replace( '\\n ', chr(10), $output );
$worksheet->writeString( $row, $proporder[$xprop[0]], fixiCalString( $output ));
} // end if( isset( $compinfo2['props']['X-PROP']
} // end foreach( $compinfo['sub']
} // end if( isset( $compinfo['sub']
} // foreach( $compsinfo as
if( $this->log ) {
$timeexec['exit'] = microtime( TRUE );
$msg = "'$filename'";
$msg .= ' fileOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['fileOk'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' wrkbkOk:'.number_format(( $timeexec['wrkbkOk'] - $timeexec['fileOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' infoOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['infoOk'] - $timeexec['wrkbkOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' zoneOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['zoneOk'] - $timeexec['infoOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' compOk:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['zoneOk'] ), 5 );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).'sec';
$msg .= ', '.($row+1)." rows, $maxColCount cols";
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG );
$msg = "'$filename' (".count($compsinfo).' components) start:'.date( 'H:i:s', $timeexec['start'] );
$msg .= ' total:' .number_format(( $timeexec['exit'] - $timeexec['start'] ), 5 ).'sec';
if( $save )
$msg .= " saved as '$outputdirFile'";
$msg .= " redirected as '".$outputFileParts['basename']."'";
$this->log->log( $msg, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE );
/** Close and, opt., send the file */
if( $this->log )
return TRUE;