2017-03-16 16:59:53 +01:00

537 lines
17 KiB

* Common class for Timely API communication.
* @author Network, Inc.
* @since 2.4
* @package Ai1EC
* @subpackage Ai1EC.Model
abstract class Ai1ec_Api_Abstract extends Ai1ec_App {
const WP_OPTION_KEY = 'ai1ec_api_settings';
protected $_settings;
* Post construction routine.
* Override this method to perform post-construction tasks.
* @return void Return from this method is ignored.
protected function _initialize() {
$this->_settings = $this->_registry->get( 'model.settings' );
protected function get_ticketing_settings( $find_attribute = null, $default_value_attribute = null ) {
$api_settings = get_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, null );
if ( ! is_array( $api_settings ) ) {
$api_settings = array(
'enabled' => $this->_settings->get( 'ticketing_enabled' ),
'message' => $this->_settings->get( 'ticketing_message' ),
'token' => $this->_settings->get( 'ticketing_token' ),
'calendar_id' => $this->_settings->get( 'ticketing_calendar_id' )
update_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, $api_settings );
$this->_settings->set( 'ticketing_message' , '' );
$this->_settings->set( 'ticketing_enabled' , false );
$this->_settings->set( 'ticketing_token' , '' );
$this->_settings->set( 'ticketing_calendar_id', null );
if ( is_null( $find_attribute ) ) {
return $api_settings;
} else {
if ( isset( $api_settings[$find_attribute] ) ) {
return $api_settings[$find_attribute];
} else {
return $default_value_attribute;
* @param String $message last message received from the Sign up or Sign in process
* @param bool $enabled true or false is ticket is enabled
* @param string $token autenthication token
* @param int @calendar_id remote id of the calendar
* @param string $account Email used to create the account
protected function save_ticketing_settings( $message, $enabled, $token, $calendar_id, $account ) {
$api_settings = $this->get_ticketing_settings();
$api_settings['message'] = $message;
$api_settings['enabled'] = $enabled;
$api_settings['token'] = $token;
$api_settings['calendar_id'] = $calendar_id;
$api_settings['account'] = $account;
return update_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, $api_settings );
protected function clear_ticketing_settings() {
delete_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY );
// Clear transient API data
delete_site_transient( 'ai1ec_api_feeds_subscriptions' );
delete_site_transient( 'ai1ec_api_subscriptions' );
delete_site_transient( 'ai1ec_api_features' );
* Save the Payment settings localy (same saved on the API)
* @param array Preferences to save
public function save_payment_settings( array $values ) {
$api_settings = $this->get_ticketing_settings();
if ( null !== $values ) {
$api_settings['payment_settings'] = $values;
} else {
unset( $api_settings['payment_settings'] );
return update_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, $api_settings );
* Get the saved payments settings (the same saved on the API)
public function get_payment_settings() {
return $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'payment_settings' );
* Check if the current WP instance has payments settings configured
public function has_payment_settings() {
$payment_settings = $this->get_payment_settings();
if ( null === $payment_settings ) {
//code to migrate the settings save on ticketing api and
//bring them to the core side
$payment_settings = $this->get_payment_preferences();
if ( is_object( $payment_settings ) ) {
$payment_settings = (array) $payment_settings;
$this->save_payment_settings( (array) $payment_settings );
return ( null !== $payment_settings &&
'paypal' === $payment_settings['payment_method'] &&
false === ai1ec_is_blank( $payment_settings['paypal_email'] ) ) ;
* @return object Response from API, or empty defaults
public function get_payment_preferences() {
$calendar_id = $this->_get_ticket_calendar();
$settings = null;
if ( 0 < $calendar_id ) {
$response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . "calendars/$calendar_id/payment",
null, //no body
true //decode response body
if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) {
$settings = $response->body;
if ( is_null( $settings ) ) {
return (object) array( 'payment_method'=>'paypal', 'paypal_email'=> '', 'first_name'=>'', 'last_name'=>'', 'currency'=> 'USD' );
} else {
if ( ! isset( $settings->currency ) ) {
$settings->currency = 'USD';
return $settings;
public function get_timely_token() {
return $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'token' );
protected function save_calendar_id ( $calendar_id ) {
$api_settings = $this->get_ticketing_settings();
$api_settings['calendar_id'] = $calendar_id;
return update_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, $api_settings );
* Get the header array with authorization token
protected function _get_headers( $custom_headers = null ) {
$headers = array(
'content-type' => 'application/json'
$headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'token', '' );
if ( null !== $custom_headers ) {
foreach ( $custom_headers as $key => $value ) {
if ( null === $value ) {
unset( $headers[$key] );
} else {
$headers[$key] = $value;
return $headers;
* Create a standarized message to return
* 1) If the API respond with http code 400 and with a JSON body, so, we will consider the API message to append in the base message.
* 2) If the API does not responde with http code 400 or does not have a valid a JSON body, we will show the API URL and the http message error.
protected function _transform_error_message( $base_message, $response, $url, $ask_for_reload = false ) {
$api_error = $this->get_api_error_msg( $response );
$result = null;
if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank( $api_error ) ) {
$result = sprintf(
__( '%s.<br/>Detail: %s.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
$base_message, $api_error
} else {
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$error_message = sprintf(
__( 'API URL: %s.<br/>Detail: %s', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
} else {
$error_message = sprintf(
__( 'API URL: %s.<br/>Detail: %s - %s', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ),
wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response )
$mailto = '<a href="" target="_top"></a>';
if ( true === $ask_for_reload ) {
$result = sprintf(
__( '%s. Please reload this page to try again. If this error persists, please contact us at %s. In your report please include the information below.<br/>%s.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
} else {
$result = sprintf(
__( '%s. Please try again. If this error persists, please contact us at %s. In your report please include the information below.<br/>%s.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ),
$result = trim( $result );
$result = str_replace( '..', '.', $result );
$result = str_replace( '.,', '.', $result );
return $result;
* Search for the API message error
public function get_api_error_msg( $response ) {
if ( isset( $response ) && false === is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$response_body = json_decode( $response['body'], true );
if ( is_array( $response_body ) &&
isset( $response_body['errors'] ) ) {
$errors = $response_body['errors'];
if ( false === is_array( $errors )) {
$errors = array( $errors );
$messages = null;
foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank( $value ) ) {
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$value = implode ( ', ', $value );
$messages[] = $value;
if ( null !== $messages && false === empty( $messages ) ) {
return implode ( ', ', $messages);
return null;
* Get the ticket calendar from settings, if the calendar does not exists in
* settings, then we will try to find on the API
* @return string JSON.
protected function _get_ticket_calendar( $createIfNotExists = true ) {
$ticketing_calendar_id = $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'calendar_id', 0 );
if ( 0 < $ticketing_calendar_id ) {
return $ticketing_calendar_id;
} else {
if ( ! $createIfNotExists ) {
return 0;
// Try to find the calendar in the API
$ticketing_calendar_id = $this->_find_user_calendar();
if ( 0 < $ticketing_calendar_id ) {
$this->save_calendar_id( $ticketing_calendar_id );
return $ticketing_calendar_id;
} else {
// If the calendar doesn't exist in the API, create a new one
$ticketing_calendar_id = $this->_create_calendar();
if ( 0 < $ticketing_calendar_id ) {
$this->save_calendar_id( $ticketing_calendar_id );
return $ticketing_calendar_id;
} else {
return 0;
* Find the existent calendar when the user is signing in
protected function _find_user_calendar() {
$body = array(
'title' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
'url' => ai1ec_site_url()
$response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars',
json_encode( $body )
if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) {
if ( is_array( $response->body ) ) {
return $response->body[0]->id;
} else {
return $response->body->id;
} else {
return 0;
* Create a calendar when the user is signup
protected function _create_calendar() {
$body = array(
'title' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
'url' => ai1ec_site_url(),
'timezone' => $this->_settings->get( 'timezone_string' )
$response = $this->request_api( 'POST', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars',
json_encode( $body )
if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) {
return $response->body->id;
} else {
$this->log_error( $response, 'Created calendar' );
return 0;
* Check if the current WP instance is signed into the API
public function is_signed() {
return ( true === $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'enabled', false ) );
* Get the current email account
public function get_current_account() {
return $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'account', '' );
* Get the current calendar id
public function get_current_calendar() {
return $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'calendar_id', 0 );
* Get the last message return by Signup or Signup process
public function get_sign_message() {
return $this->get_ticketing_settings( 'message', '' );
* Clear the last message return by Signup or Signup process
public function clear_sign_message() {
$api_settings = $this->get_ticketing_settings();
$api_settings['message'] = '';
return update_option( self::WP_OPTION_KEY, $api_settings );
* @return array List of subscriptions and limits
protected function get_subscriptions( $force_refresh = false ) {
$subscriptions = get_site_transient( 'ai1ec_api_subscriptions' );
if ( false === $subscriptions || $force_refresh || ( defined( 'AI1EC_DEBUG' ) && AI1EC_DEBUG ) ) {
$response = $this->request_api( 'GET', AI1EC_API_URL . 'calendars/' . $this->_get_ticket_calendar() . '/subscriptions',
if ( $this->is_response_success( $response ) ) {
$subscriptions = (array) $response->body;
} else {
$subscriptions = array();
// Save for 15 minutes
$minutes = 15;
set_site_transient( 'ai1ec_api_subscriptions', $subscriptions, $minutes * 60 );
return $subscriptions;
* Check if calendar should have a specific feature enabled
public function has_subscription_active( $feature ) {
$subscriptions = $this->get_subscriptions();
return array_key_exists( $feature, $subscriptions );
* Check if feature has reached its limit
public function subscription_has_reached_limit( $feature ) {
$has_reached_limit = true;
$subscriptions = $this->get_subscriptions();
if ( array_key_exists( $feature, $subscriptions ) ) {
$quantity = (array) $subscriptions[$feature];
$provided = $quantity['provided'];
$used = $quantity['used'];
if ( $provided - $used > 0 ) {
$has_reached_limit = false;
return $has_reached_limit;
* Make the request to the API endpons
* @param $url The end part of the url to make the request.
* $body The body to send the message
* $method POST | GET | PUT, etc
* or send a customized message to be showed in case of error
* $decode_response_body TRUE (default) to decode the body response
* @return stdClass with the the fields:
* is_error TRUE or FALSE
* error in case of is_error be true
* body in case of is_error be false
protected function request_api( $method, $url, $body = null, $decode_response_body = true, $custom_headers = null ) {
$request = array(
'method' => $method,
'headers' => $this->_get_headers( $custom_headers ),
'timeout' => self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
if ( ! is_null( $body ) ) {
$request[ 'body' ] = $body;
$response = wp_remote_request( $url, $request );
$result = new stdClass();
$result->url = $url;
$result->raw = $response;
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$result->is_error = true;
$result->error = $response->get_error_message();
} else {
$result->response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
if ( 200 === $result->response_code ) {
if ( true === $decode_response_body ) {
$result->body = json_decode( $response['body'] );
if ( false === is_null( $result->body ) ) {
$result->is_error = false;
} else {
$result->is_error = true;
$result->error = __( 'Error decoding the response', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME );
unset( $result->body );
} else {
$result->is_error = false;
$result->body = $response['body'];
} else {
$result->is_error = true;
$result->error = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response );
return $result;
* Make a post request to the api
* @param rest_endpoint Partial URL that can include {calendar_id} that will be replaced by the current calendar signed
public function call_api( $method, $endpoint, $body = null, $decode_response_body = true, $custom_headers = null ) {
$calendar_id = $this->_get_ticket_calendar();
if ( 0 >= $calendar_id ) {
return false;
$url = AI1EC_API_URL . str_replace( '{calendar_id}', $calendar_id, $endpoint );
$body = json_encode( $body );
return $this->request_api( $method, $url, $body, $decode_response_body, $custom_headers );
* Save an error notification to be showed to the user on WP header of the page
* @param $response The response got from request_api method.
* $custom_error_message The custom message to show before the detailed message
* @return full error message
protected function save_error_notification( $response, $custom_error_response ) {
$error_message = $this->_transform_error_message(
$response->error_message = $error_message;
$notification = $this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' );
$notification->store( $error_message, 'error', 0, array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ), false );
error_log( $custom_error_response . ': ' . $error_message . ' - raw error: ' . print_r( $response->raw, true ) );
return $error_message;
* Save an error notification to be showed to the user on WP header of the page
* @param $response The response got from request_api method.
* $custom_error_message The custom message to show before the detailed message
* @return full error message
protected function log_error( $response, $custom_error_response ) {
$error_message = $this->_transform_error_message(
error_log( $custom_error_response . ': ' . $error_message . ' - raw error: ' . print_r( $response->raw, true ) );
return $error_message;
* Useful method to check if the response of request_api is a successful message
public function is_response_success( $response ) {
return $response != null &&
( !isset( $response->is_error ) || ( isset( $response->is_error ) && false === $response->is_error ) );