929 lines
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929 lines
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# SQLite plugin in Markdown (litcoffee)
#### Use coffee compiler to compile this directly into Javascript
#### License for common script: MIT or Apache
# Top-level SQLite plugin objects
## root window object:
root = @
## constant(s):
READ_ONLY_REGEX = /^(\s|;)*(?:alter|create|delete|drop|insert|reindex|replace|update)/i
# per-db state
## global(s):
# per-db map of locking and queueing
# XXX NOTE: This is NOT cleaned up when a db is closed and/or deleted.
# If the record is simply removed when a db is closed or deleted,
# it will cause some test failures and may break large-scale
# applications that repeatedly open and close the database.
# [BUG #210] TODO: better to abort and clean up the pending transaction state.
# XXX TBD this will be renamed and include some more per-db state.
txLocks = {}
## utility functions:
# Errors returned to callbacks must conform to `SqlError` with a code and message.
# Some errors are of type `Error` or `string` and must be converted.
newSQLError = (error, code) ->
sqlError = error
code = 0 if !code # unknown by default
if !sqlError
sqlError = new Error "a plugin had an error but provided no response"
sqlError.code = code
if typeof sqlError is "string"
sqlError = new Error error
sqlError.code = code
if !sqlError.code && sqlError.message
sqlError.code = code
if !sqlError.code && !sqlError.message
sqlError = new Error "an unknown error was returned: " + JSON.stringify(sqlError)
sqlError.code = code
return sqlError
nextTick = window.setImmediate || (fun) ->
window.setTimeout(fun, 0)
Utility that avoids leaking the arguments object. See
argsArray = (fun) ->
return ->
len = arguments.length
if len
args = []
i = -1
while ++i < len
args[i] = arguments[i]
return fun.call this, args
return fun.call this, []
## SQLite plugin db-connection handle
#### NOTE: there can be multipe SQLitePlugin db-connection handles per open db.
#### SQLite plugin db connection handle object is defined by a constructor function and prototype member functions:
SQLitePlugin = (openargs, openSuccess, openError) ->
# console.log "SQLitePlugin openargs: #{JSON.stringify openargs}"
# _should_ already be checked by openDatabase:
if !(openargs and openargs['name'])
throw newSQLError "Cannot create a SQLitePlugin db instance without a db name"
dbname = openargs.name
if typeof dbname != 'string'
throw newSQLError 'sqlite plugin database name must be a string'
@openargs = openargs
@dbname = dbname
@openSuccess = openSuccess
@openError = openError
@openSuccess or
@openSuccess = ->
console.log "DB opened: " + dbname
@openError or
@openError = (e) ->
console.log e.message
@open @openSuccess, @openError
SQLitePlugin::databaseFeatures = isSQLitePluginDatabase: true
# Keep track of state of open db connections
# XXX TBD this will be moved and renamed or
# combined with txLocks.
SQLitePlugin::openDBs = {}
SQLitePlugin::addTransaction = (t) ->
if !txLocks[@dbname]
txLocks[@dbname] = {
queue: []
inProgress: false
txLocks[@dbname].queue.push t
if @dbname of @openDBs && @openDBs[@dbname] isnt DB_STATE_INIT
# XXX TODO: only when queue has length of 1 [and test it!!]
if @dbname of @openDBs
console.log 'new transaction is waiting for open operation'
# XXX TBD TODO: in this case (which should not happen), should abort and discard the transaction.
console.log 'database is closed, new transaction is [stuck] waiting until db is opened again!'
SQLitePlugin::transaction = (fn, error, success) ->
# FUTURE TBD check for valid fn here
if !@openDBs[@dbname]
error newSQLError 'database not open'
@addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, fn, error, success, true, false)
SQLitePlugin::readTransaction = (fn, error, success) ->
# FUTURE TBD check for valid fn here (and add test for this)
if !@openDBs[@dbname]
error newSQLError 'database not open'
@addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, fn, error, success, false, true)
SQLitePlugin::startNextTransaction = ->
self = @
nextTick =>
if !(@dbname of @openDBs) || @openDBs[@dbname] isnt DB_STATE_OPEN
console.log 'cannot start next transaction: database not open'
txLock = txLocks[self.dbname]
if !txLock
console.log 'cannot start next transaction: database connection is lost'
# XXX TBD TODO (BUG #210/??): abort all pending transactions with error cb [and test!!]
# @abortAllPendingTransactions()
else if txLock.queue.length > 0 && !txLock.inProgress
# start next transaction in q
txLock.inProgress = true
SQLitePlugin::abortAllPendingTransactions = ->
# extra debug info:
# if txLocks[@dbname] then console.log 'abortAllPendingTransactions with transaction queue length: ' + txLocks[@dbname].queue.length
# else console.log 'abortAllPendingTransactions with no transaction lock state'
txLock = txLocks[@dbname]
if !!txLock && txLock.queue.length > 0
# XXX TODO: what to do in case there is a (stray) transaction in progress?
#console.log 'abortAllPendingTransactions - cleanup old transaction(s)'
for tx in txLock.queue
tx.abortFromQ newSQLError 'Invalid database handle'
# XXX TODO: consider cleaning up (delete) txLocks[@dbname] resource,
# in case it is known there are no more pending transactions
txLock.queue = []
txLock.inProgress = false
SQLitePlugin::open = (success, error) ->
if @dbname of @openDBs
console.log 'database already open: ' + @dbname
# for a re-open run the success cb async so that the openDatabase return value
# can be used in the success handler as an alternative to the handler's
# db argument
nextTick =>
success @
console.log 'OPEN database: ' + @dbname
opensuccesscb = =>
# NOTE: the db state is NOT stored (in @openDBs) if the db was closed or deleted.
console.log 'OPEN database: ' + @dbname + ' - OK'
#if !@openDBs[@dbname] then call open error cb, and abort pending tx if any
if !@openDBs[@dbname]
console.log 'database was closed during open operation'
# XXX TODO [BUG #210] (and test!!):
# if !!error then error newSQLError 'database closed during open operation'
# @abortAllPendingTransactions()
if @dbname of @openDBs
@openDBs[@dbname] = DB_STATE_OPEN
if !!success then success @
txLock = txLocks[@dbname]
if !!txLock && txLock.queue.length > 0 && !txLock.inProgress
openerrorcb = =>
console.log 'OPEN database: ' + @dbname + ' FAILED, aborting any pending transactions'
# XXX TODO: newSQLError missing the message part!
if !!error then error newSQLError 'Could not open database'
delete @openDBs[@dbname]
# store initial DB state:
@openDBs[@dbname] = DB_STATE_INIT
cordova.exec opensuccesscb, openerrorcb, "SQLitePlugin", "open", [ @openargs ]
SQLitePlugin::close = (success, error) ->
if @dbname of @openDBs
if txLocks[@dbname] && txLocks[@dbname].inProgress
# XXX TBD: wait for current tx then close (??)
console.log 'cannot close: transaction is in progress'
error newSQLError 'database cannot be closed while a transaction is in progress'
console.log 'CLOSE database: ' + @dbname
# XXX [BUG #209] closing one db handle disables other handles to same db
delete @openDBs[@dbname]
if txLocks[@dbname] then console.log 'closing db with transaction queue length: ' + txLocks[@dbname].queue.length
else console.log 'closing db with no transaction lock state'
# XXX [BUG #210] TODO: when closing or deleting a db, abort any pending transactions [and test it!!]
cordova.exec success, error, "SQLitePlugin", "close", [ { path: @dbname } ]
console.log 'cannot close: database is not open'
if error then nextTick -> error()
SQLitePlugin::executeSql = (statement, params, success, error) ->
# XXX TODO: better to capture the result, and report it once
# the transaction has completely finished.
# This would fix BUG #204 (cannot close db in db.executeSql() callback).
mysuccess = (t, r) -> if !!success then success r
myerror = (t, e) -> if !!error then error e
myfn = (tx) ->
tx.addStatement(statement, params, mysuccess, myerror)
@addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, myfn, null, null, false, false)
SQLitePlugin::sqlBatch = (sqlStatements, success, error) ->
if !sqlStatements || sqlStatements.constructor isnt Array
throw newSQLError 'sqlBatch expects an array'
batchList = []
for st in sqlStatements
if st.constructor is Array
if st.length == 0
throw newSQLError 'sqlBatch array element of zero (0) length'
sql: st[0]
params: if st.length == 0 then [] else st[1]
sql: st
params: []
myfn = (tx) ->
for elem in batchList
tx.addStatement(elem.sql, elem.params, null, null)
@addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, myfn, error, success, true, false)
## SQLite plugin transaction object for batching:
SQLitePluginTransaction = (db, fn, error, success, txlock, readOnly) ->
# FUTURE TBD check this earlier:
if typeof(fn) != "function"
This is consistent with the implementation in Chrome -- it
throws if you pass anything other than a function. This also
prevents us from stalling our txQueue if somebody passes a
false value for fn.
throw newSQLError "transaction expected a function"
@db = db
@fn = fn
@error = error
@success = success
@txlock = txlock
@readOnly = readOnly
@executes = []
if txlock
@addStatement "BEGIN", [], null, (tx, err) ->
throw newSQLError "unable to begin transaction: " + err.message, err.code
# Workaround for litehelpers/Cordova-sqlite-storage#409
# extra statement in case user function does not add any SQL statements
# TBD This also adds an extra statement to db.executeSql()
@addStatement "SELECT 1", [], null, null
SQLitePluginTransaction::start = ->
@fn this
catch err
# If "fn" throws, we must report the whole transaction as failed.
txLocks[@db.dbname].inProgress = false
if @error
@error newSQLError err
SQLitePluginTransaction::executeSql = (sql, values, success, error) ->
if @finalized
throw {message: 'InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11: This transaction is already finalized. Transactions are committed after its success or failure handlers are called. If you are using a Promise to handle callbacks, be aware that implementations following the A+ standard adhere to run-to-completion semantics and so Promise resolution occurs on a subsequent tick and therefore after the transaction commits.', code: 11}
if @readOnly && READ_ONLY_REGEX.test(sql)
@handleStatementFailure(error, {message: 'invalid sql for a read-only transaction'})
@addStatement(sql, values, success, error)
# This method adds the SQL statement to the transaction queue but does not check for
# finalization since it is used to execute COMMIT and ROLLBACK.
SQLitePluginTransaction::addStatement = (sql, values, success, error) ->
sqlStatement = if typeof sql is 'string'
params = []
if !!values && values.constructor == Array
for v in values
t = typeof v
params.push (
if v == null || v == undefined then null
else if t == 'number' || t == 'string' then v
else v.toString()
success: success
error: error
sql: sqlStatement
params: params
SQLitePluginTransaction::handleStatementSuccess = (handler, response) ->
if !handler
rows = response.rows || []
payload =
item: (i) ->
length: rows.length
rowsAffected: response.rowsAffected or 0
insertId: response.insertId or undefined
handler this, payload
SQLitePluginTransaction::handleStatementFailure = (handler, response) ->
if !handler
throw newSQLError "a statement with no error handler failed: " + response.message, response.code
if handler(this, response) isnt false
throw newSQLError "a statement error callback did not return false: " + response.message, response.code
SQLitePluginTransaction::run = ->
txFailure = null
tropts = []
batchExecutes = @executes
# NOTE: If this is zero it will not work. Workaround is applied in the constructor.
# FUTURE TBD: It would be better to fix the problem here.
waiting = batchExecutes.length
@executes = []
# my tx object (this)
tx = @
handlerFor = (index, didSucceed) ->
(response) ->
if !txFailure
if didSucceed
tx.handleStatementSuccess batchExecutes[index].success, response
tx.handleStatementFailure batchExecutes[index].error, newSQLError(response)
catch err
# NOTE: txFailure is expected to be null at this point.
txFailure = newSQLError(err)
if --waiting == 0
if txFailure
tx.executes = []
tx.abort txFailure
else if tx.executes.length > 0
# new requests have been issued by the callback
# handlers, so run another batch.
mycbmap = {}
i = 0
while i < batchExecutes.length
request = batchExecutes[i]
mycbmap[i] =
success: handlerFor(i, true)
error: handlerFor(i, false)
qid: null # TBD NEEDED to pass @brodybits/Cordova-sql-test-app for some reason
sql: request.sql
params: request.params
mycb = (result) ->
#console.log "mycb result #{JSON.stringify result}"
for resultIndex in [0 .. result.length-1]
r = result[resultIndex]
type = r.type
# NOTE: r.qid can be ignored
res = r.result
q = mycbmap[resultIndex]
if q
if q[type]
q[type] res
cordova.exec mycb, null, "SQLitePlugin", "backgroundExecuteSqlBatch", [{dbargs: {dbname: @db.dbname}, executes: tropts}]
SQLitePluginTransaction::abort = (txFailure) ->
if @finalized then return
tx = @
succeeded = (tx) ->
txLocks[tx.db.dbname].inProgress = false
if tx.error and typeof tx.error is 'function'
tx.error txFailure
failed = (tx, err) ->
txLocks[tx.db.dbname].inProgress = false
if tx.error and typeof tx.error is 'function'
tx.error newSQLError 'error while trying to roll back: ' + err.message, err.code
@finalized = true
if @txlock
@addStatement "ROLLBACK", [], succeeded, failed
SQLitePluginTransaction::finish = ->
if @finalized then return
tx = @
succeeded = (tx) ->
txLocks[tx.db.dbname].inProgress = false
if tx.success and typeof tx.success is 'function'
failed = (tx, err) ->
txLocks[tx.db.dbname].inProgress = false
if tx.error and typeof tx.error is 'function'
tx.error newSQLError 'error while trying to commit: ' + err.message, err.code
@finalized = true
if @txlock
@addStatement "COMMIT", [], succeeded, failed
SQLitePluginTransaction::abortFromQ = (sqlerror) ->
# NOTE: since the transaction is waiting in the queue,
# the transaction function containing the SQL statements
# would not be run yet. Simply report the transaction error.
if @error
@error sqlerror
## SQLite plugin object factory:
# OLD:
dblocations = [ "docs", "libs", "nosync" ]
iosLocationMap =
'default' : 'nosync'
'Documents' : 'docs'
'Library' : 'libs'
SQLiteFactory =
NOTE: this function should NOT be translated from Javascript
back to CoffeeScript by js2coffee.
If this function is edited in Javascript then someone will
have to translate it back to CoffeeScript by hand.
openDatabase: argsArray (args) ->
if args.length < 1 || !args[0]
throw newSQLError 'Sorry missing mandatory open arguments object in openDatabase call'
#first = args[0]
#openargs = null
#okcb = null
#errorcb = null
#if first.constructor == String
# openargs = {name: first}
# if args.length >= 5
# okcb = args[4]
# if args.length > 5 then errorcb = args[5]
# openargs = first
# if args.length >= 2
# okcb = args[1]
# if args.length > 2 then errorcb = args[2]
if args[0].constructor == String
throw newSQLError 'Sorry first openDatabase argument must be an object'
openargs = args[0]
# check here
if !openargs.name
throw newSQLError 'Database name value is missing in openDatabase call'
if !openargs.iosDatabaseLocation and !openargs.location and openargs.location isnt 0
throw newSQLError 'Database location or iosDatabaseLocation setting is now mandatory in openDatabase call.'
if !!openargs.location and !!openargs.iosDatabaseLocation
throw newSQLError 'AMBIGUOUS: both location and iosDatabaseLocation settings are present in openDatabase call. Please use either setting, not both.'
dblocation =
if !!openargs.location and openargs.location is 'default'
else if !!openargs.iosDatabaseLocation
if !dblocation
throw newSQLError 'Valid iOS database location could not be determined in openDatabase call'
openargs.dblocation = dblocation
if !!openargs.createFromLocation and openargs.createFromLocation == 1
openargs.createFromResource = "1"
if !!openargs.androidDatabaseImplementation and openargs.androidDatabaseImplementation == 2
openargs.androidOldDatabaseImplementation = 1
if !!openargs.androidLockWorkaround and openargs.androidLockWorkaround == 1
openargs.androidBugWorkaround = 1
okcb = null
errorcb = null
if args.length >= 2
okcb = args[1]
if args.length > 2 then errorcb = args[2]
new SQLitePlugin openargs, okcb, errorcb
deleteDatabase: (first, success, error) ->
args = {}
if first.constructor == String
#console.log "delete db name: #{first}"
#args.path = first
#args.dblocation = dblocations[0]
throw newSQLError 'Sorry first deleteDatabase argument must be an object'
#console.log "delete db args: #{JSON.stringify first}"
if !(first and first['name']) then throw new Error "Please specify db name"
dbname = first.name
if typeof dbname != 'string'
throw newSQLError 'delete database name must be a string'
args.path = dbname
#dblocation = if !!first.location then dblocations[first.location] else null
#args.dblocation = dblocation || dblocations[0]
if !first.iosDatabaseLocation and !first.location and first.location isnt 0
throw newSQLError 'Database location or iosDatabaseLocation setting is now mandatory in deleteDatabase call.'
if !!first.location and !!first.iosDatabaseLocation
throw newSQLError 'AMBIGUOUS: both location and iosDatabaseLocation settings are present in deleteDatabase call. Please use either setting value, not both.'
dblocation =
if !!first.location and first.location is 'default'
else if !!first.iosDatabaseLocation
if !dblocation
throw newSQLError 'Valid iOS database location could not be determined in deleteDatabase call'
args.dblocation = dblocation
# XXX [BUG #210] TODO: when closing or deleting a db, abort any pending transactions (with error callback)
delete SQLitePlugin::openDBs[args.path]
cordova.exec success, error, "SQLitePlugin", "delete", [ args ]
## Self test:
SelfTest =
DBNAME: '___$$$___litehelpers___$$$___test___$$$___.db'
start: (successcb, errorcb) ->
SQLiteFactory.deleteDatabase {name: SelfTest.DBNAME, location: 'default'},
(-> SelfTest.start2(successcb, errorcb)),
(-> SelfTest.start2(successcb, errorcb))
start2: (successcb, errorcb) ->
SQLiteFactory.openDatabase {name: SelfTest.DBNAME, location: 'default'}, (db) ->
check1 = false
db.transaction (tx) ->
tx.executeSql 'SELECT UPPER("Test") AS upperText', [], (ignored, resutSet) ->
if !resutSet.rows
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'Missing resutSet.rows'
if !resutSet.rows.length
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'Missing resutSet.rows.length'
if resutSet.rows.length isnt 1
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
"Incorrect resutSet.rows.length value: #{resutSet.rows.length} (expected: 1)"
if !resutSet.rows.item(0).upperText
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
'Missing resutSet.rows.item(0).upperText'
if resutSet.rows.item(0).upperText isnt 'TEST'
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
"Incorrect resutSet.rows.item(0).upperText value: #{resutSet.rows.item(0).data} (expected: 'TEST')"
check1 = true
, (sql_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "SQL error: #{sql_err}"
, (tx_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "TRANSACTION error: #{tx_err}"
, () ->
if !check1
return SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
'Did not get expected upperText result data'
# DELETE INTERNAL STATE to simulate the effects of location refresh or change:
delete db.openDBs[SelfTest.DBNAME]
delete txLocks[SelfTest.DBNAME]
SelfTest.start3 successcb, errorcb
, (open_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "Open database error: #{open_err}"
start3: (successcb, errorcb) ->
SQLiteFactory.openDatabase {name: SelfTest.DBNAME, location: 'default'}, (db) ->
db.sqlBatch [
'CREATE TABLE TestTable(id integer primary key autoincrement unique, data);'
[ 'INSERT INTO TestTable (data) VALUES (?);', ['test-value'] ]
], () ->
firstid = -1 # invalid
db.executeSql 'SELECT id, data FROM TestTable', [], (resutSet) ->
if !resutSet.rows
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'Missing resutSet.rows'
if !resutSet.rows.length
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'Missing resutSet.rows.length'
if resutSet.rows.length isnt 1
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
"Incorrect resutSet.rows.length value: #{resutSet.rows.length} (expected: 1)"
if resutSet.rows.item(0).id is undefined
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
'Missing resutSet.rows.item(0).id'
firstid = resutSet.rows.item(0).id
if !resutSet.rows.item(0).data
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
'Missing resutSet.rows.item(0).data'
if resutSet.rows.item(0).data isnt 'test-value'
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb,
"Incorrect resutSet.rows.item(0).data value: #{resutSet.rows.item(0).data} (expected: 'test-value')"
db.transaction (tx) ->
tx.executeSql 'UPDATE TestTable SET data = ?', ['new-value']
, (tx_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "UPDATE transaction error: #{tx_err}"
, () ->
readTransactionFinished = false
db.readTransaction (tx2) ->
tx2.executeSql 'SELECT id, data FROM TestTable', [], (ignored, resutSet2) ->
if !resutSet2.rows
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet2.rows'
if !resutSet2.rows.length
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet2.rows.length'
if resutSet2.rows.length isnt 1
throw newSQLError "Incorrect resutSet2.rows.length value: #{resutSet2.rows.length} (expected: 1)"
if !resutSet2.rows.item(0).id
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet2.rows.item(0).id'
if resutSet2.rows.item(0).id isnt firstid
throw newSQLError "resutSet2.rows.item(0).id value #{resutSet2.rows.item(0).id} does not match previous primary key id value (#{firstid})"
if !resutSet2.rows.item(0).data
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet2.rows.item(0).data'
if resutSet2.rows.item(0).data isnt 'new-value'
throw newSQLError "Incorrect resutSet2.rows.item(0).data value: #{resutSet2.rows.item(0).data} (expected: 'test-value')"
readTransactionFinished = true
, (tx2_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "readTransaction error: #{tx2_err}"
, () ->
if !readTransactionFinished
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'readTransaction did not finish'
db.transaction (tx3) ->
tx3.executeSql 'DELETE FROM TestTable'
tx3.executeSql 'INSERT INTO TestTable (data) VALUES(?)', [123]
, (tx3_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "DELETE transaction error: #{tx3_err}"
, () ->
secondReadTransactionFinished = false
db.readTransaction (tx4) ->
tx4.executeSql 'SELECT id, data FROM TestTable', [], (ignored, resutSet3) ->
if !resutSet3.rows
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet3.rows'
if !resutSet3.rows.length
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet3.rows.length'
if resutSet3.rows.length isnt 1
throw newSQLError "Incorrect resutSet3.rows.length value: #{resutSet3.rows.length} (expected: 1)"
if !resutSet3.rows.item(0).id
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet3.rows.item(0).id'
if resutSet3.rows.item(0).id is firstid
throw newSQLError "resutSet3.rows.item(0).id value #{resutSet3.rows.item(0).id} incorrectly matches previous unique key id value value (#{firstid})"
if !resutSet3.rows.item(0).data
throw newSQLError 'Missing resutSet3.rows.item(0).data'
if resutSet3.rows.item(0).data isnt 123
throw newSQLError "Incorrect resutSet3.rows.item(0).data value: #{resutSet3.rows.item(0).data} (expected 123)"
secondReadTransactionFinished = true
, (tx4_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "second readTransaction error: #{tx4_err}"
, () ->
if !secondReadTransactionFinished
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, 'second readTransaction did not finish'
db.close () ->
SQLiteFactory.deleteDatabase {name: SelfTest.DBNAME, location: 'default'}, successcb, (cleanup_err)->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "Cleanup error: #{cleanup_err}"
, (close_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "close error: #{close_err}"
, (select_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "SELECT error: #{select_err}"
, (batch_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "sql batch error: #{batch_err}"
, (open_err) ->
SelfTest.finishWithError errorcb, "Open database error: #{open_err}"
finishWithError: (errorcb, message) ->
SQLiteFactory.deleteDatabase {name: SelfTest.DBNAME, location: 'default'}, ->
errorcb newSQLError message
, (err2)-> errorcb newSQLError "Cleanup error: #{err2} for error: #{message}"
## Exported API:
root.sqlitePlugin =
isSQLitePlugin: true
echoTest: (okcb, errorcb) ->
ok = (s) ->
if s is 'test-string'
errorcb "Mismatch: got: '#{s}' expected 'test-string'"
error = (e) ->
errorcb e
cordova.exec ok, error, "SQLitePlugin", "echoStringValue", [{value:'test-string'}]
selfTest: SelfTest.start
openDatabase: SQLiteFactory.openDatabase
deleteDatabase: SQLiteFactory.deleteDatabase
## vim directives
#### vim: set filetype=coffee :
#### vim: set expandtab :