/* global cordova:false */ /* globals window */ /*! * Module dependencies. */ var exec = cordova.require('cordova/exec'); /** * PushNotification constructor. * * @param {Object} options to initiate Push Notifications. * @return {PushNotification} instance that can be monitored and cancelled. */ var PushNotification = function(options) { this._handlers = { 'registration': [], 'notification': [], 'error': [] }; // require options parameter if (typeof options === 'undefined') { throw new Error('The options argument is required.'); } // store the options to this object instance this.options = options; // triggered on registration and notification var that = this; var success = function(result) { if (result && typeof result.registrationId !== 'undefined') { that.emit('registration', result); } else if (result && result.additionalData && typeof result.additionalData.actionCallback !== 'undefined') { var executeFuctionOrEmitEventByName = function(callbackName, context, arg) { var namespaces = callbackName.split('.'); var func = namespaces.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { context = context[namespaces[i]]; } if (typeof context[func] === 'function') { context[func].call(context, arg); } else { that.emit(callbackName, arg); } }; executeFuctionOrEmitEventByName(result.additionalData.actionCallback, window, result); } else if (result) { that.emit('notification', result); } }; // triggered on error var fail = function(msg) { var e = (typeof msg === 'string') ? new Error(msg) : msg; that.emit('error', e); }; // wait at least one process tick to allow event subscriptions setTimeout(function() { exec(success, fail, 'PushNotification', 'init', [options]); }, 10); }; /** * Unregister from push notifications */ PushNotification.prototype.unregister = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.unregister failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.unregister failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } var that = this; var cleanHandlersAndPassThrough = function() { if (!options) { that._handlers = { 'registration': [], 'notification': [], 'error': [] }; } successCallback(); }; exec(cleanHandlersAndPassThrough, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'unregister', [options]); }; /** * subscribe to a topic * @param {String} topic topic to subscribe * @param {Function} successCallback success callback * @param {Function} errorCallback error callback * @return {void} */ PushNotification.prototype.subscribe = function(topic, successCallback, errorCallback) { if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.subscribe failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.subscribe failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'subscribe', [topic]); }; /** * unsubscribe to a topic * @param {String} topic topic to unsubscribe * @param {Function} successCallback success callback * @param {Function} errorCallback error callback * @return {void} */ PushNotification.prototype.unsubscribe = function(topic, successCallback, errorCallback) { if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.unsubscribe failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.unsubscribe failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'unsubscribe', [topic]); }; /** * Call this to set the application icon badge */ PushNotification.prototype.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber = function(successCallback, errorCallback, badge) { if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'setApplicationIconBadgeNumber', [{badge: badge}]); }; /** * Get the application icon badge */ PushNotification.prototype.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber = function(successCallback, errorCallback) { if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'getApplicationIconBadgeNumber', []); }; /** * Get the application icon badge */ PushNotification.prototype.clearAllNotifications = function(successCallback, errorCallback) { if (!successCallback) { successCallback = function() {}; } if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.clearAllNotifications failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('PushNotification.clearAllNotifications failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'clearAllNotifications', []); }; /** * Listen for an event. * * Any event is supported, but the following are built-in: * * - registration * - notification * - error * * @param {String} eventName to subscribe to. * @param {Function} callback triggered on the event. */ PushNotification.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) { if (!this._handlers.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) { this._handlers[eventName] = []; } this._handlers[eventName].push(callback); }; /** * Remove event listener. * * @param {String} eventName to match subscription. * @param {Function} handle function associated with event. */ PushNotification.prototype.off = function (eventName, handle) { if (this._handlers.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) { var handleIndex = this._handlers[eventName].indexOf(handle); if (handleIndex >= 0) { this._handlers[eventName].splice(handleIndex, 1); } } }; /** * Emit an event. * * This is intended for internal use only. * * @param {String} eventName is the event to trigger. * @param {*} all arguments are passed to the event listeners. * * @return {Boolean} is true when the event is triggered otherwise false. */ PushNotification.prototype.emit = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var eventName = args.shift(); if (!this._handlers.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) { return false; } for (var i = 0, length = this._handlers[eventName].length; i < length; i++) { var callback = this._handlers[eventName][i]; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(undefined,args); } else { console.log('event handler: ' + eventName + ' must be a function'); } } return true; }; PushNotification.prototype.finish = function(successCallback, errorCallback, id) { if (!successCallback) { successCallback = function() {}; } if (!errorCallback) { errorCallback = function() {}; } if (!id) { id = 'handler'; } if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') { console.log('finish failure: success callback parameter must be a function'); return; } if (typeof errorCallback !== 'function') { console.log('finish failure: failure parameter not a function'); return; } exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'finish', [id]); }; /*! * Push Notification Plugin. */ var module = {}; module.exports = { /** * Register for Push Notifications. * * This method will instantiate a new copy of the PushNotification object * and start the registration process. * * @param {Object} options * @return {PushNotification} instance */ init: function(options) { return new PushNotification(options); }, hasPermission: function(successCallback, errorCallback) { exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'PushNotification', 'hasPermission', []); }, /** * PushNotification Object. * * Expose the PushNotification object for direct use * and testing. Typically, you should use the * .init helper method. */ PushNotification: PushNotification };