# Automated cordova tests. Installs the correct cordova platform, # installs the plugin, installs the test app, and then runs it on # a device or emulator. # # usage: .\bin\test.ps1 [android|ios|windows|wp8] # # N.B. if you functionally change this script you _must_ change .\bin\test.sh too. # param([string]$platform) if (! $platform) { echo "usage: .\bin\test.sh [android|ios|windows|wp8]" exit 1 } if (! (get-command coffee) ) { echo "you need coffeescript. please install with:" echo "npm install -g coffee-script" exit 1 } if (! (get-command cordova) ) { echo "you need cordova. please install with:" echo "npm install -g cordova" exit 1 } pushd spec if (!$?) { # run from the bin/ directory echo "re-pushing" pushd ../spec } try { # compile coffeescript coffee --no-header -cl -o ../www ../SQLitePlugin.coffee.md if (!$?) { echo "coffeescript compilation failed" exit 1 } echo "compiled coffeescript to javascript" # move everything to a temp folder to avoid infinite recursion errors if (test-path ../.plugin) { rm -force -recurse ../.plugin -ErrorAction ignore } mkdir -ErrorAction ignore ../.plugin | out-null cp -recurse ../scripts, ../src, ../package.json, ../plugin.xml, ../www ../.plugin # update the plugin, run the test app cordova platform add $platform cordova plugin rm com.phonegap.plugins.sqlite cordova plugin add ../.plugin cordova run $platform } finally { popd }