/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ ///VARIABILI GLOBALI/// var FONTE = FONTE || {}; FONTE.dbName = "xm24"; FONTE.dbHandler; FONTE.updatedCategoriesCount; FONTE.updatedPostsCount; FONTE.neededPostsCount; FONTE.tagsPageInitiated = false; FONTE.categoriesList = [8, 497]; FONTE.categories = { ilove : [497,647,590], //ilove, 4mar, solid info : [8,42,68,3], //ilove, 4mar, solid }; FONTE.page_loaded = { ilove : 0, info : 0, }; FONTE.hrefseguente = ""; FONTE.contentListId = '#mostralistainfo'; FONTE.contentListClass = '.news'; FONTE.ajaxError = false; /* * data ultimo aggiornamento */ function displayLastUpdateDate() { var lastUpdate = window.localStorage.getItem('db_update_date'); if (lastUpdate) { var data = lastUpdate.split('T'); var datagiorno = data[0]; var dataora = data[1]; $("#datadiritti").empty(); $("#datadirittiora").empty(); display_results("#datadiritti", datagiorno); display_results("#datadirittiora", dataora); if (data) { $("#boxdata").css("display", "block"); } } else { toastr.warning('Warn: manca la data del tuo ultimo aggiornamento. Aggiorna al più presto.'); } } function alterContent(url) { var paginacorrente = $("body").pagecontainer("getActivePage").attr("id"); switch (url) { case '#index': $("#navheader").addClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").addClass("hide"); break; case '#about': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").addClass("hide"); if(window.localStorage.getItem('app_firsttime') === "false") { $("#init-btn").addClass("hide"); } else { window.localStorage.setItem('app_firsttime', false); } break; case '#ilove': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").addClass("hide"); postsUpdate(FONTE.categories.ilove); break; case '#info': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").addClass("hide"); postsUpdate(FONTE.categories.info); break; case '#events': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").addClass("hide"); EVENTS.render(); break; case '#aggiorna': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); $("#navfooter").removeClass("hide"); // ultimoAggiornamento(); break; case '#ultime': case '#tag': $("#navheader").removeClass("hide"); 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if (idPost !== "") { myJsonPost(idPost, "#titolosingle", "#mostracontentsingle"); } }); } function postInList() { //SCRITTURA $("body").on('click', '.listevoci li > a', function (event) { // console.log("HUU_post in list"); var idOra = $(this).attr("data-post"); var _class = $(this).attr("class"); $("#titolosingle").empty(); $("#mostracontentsingle").empty(); //console.log(idOra); myJsonPost(idOra, "#titolosingle", "#mostracontentsingle", _class); // Prevent the usual navigation behavior event.preventDefault(); /*se serve idTAg, mettiamolo nell'url!! e anche nella page!*/ $("#singleQpost").attr("id", '#singleQpost?id=' + idOra); $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("load", '#singleQpost' + idOra, { showLoadMsg: false }); $("#navfooter").removeClass("hide"); location.hash = '#singleQpost?id=' + idOra; }); } function cercaMe() { var input_text = $("input.cerca").val(); input_text = encodeURIComponent(input_text); var jsonurl = weburl + "wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=10&search=" + input_text + ""; 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" + title + "
" + cleanTime + "