2017-06-07 11:28:07 +02:00
# d_hack
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
## Distro Hackmeeting
### List of documentations that we will bring to hackmeeting!
2017-06-10 15:28:15 +02:00
2018-04-23 11:00:01 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### Per fare i booklet,
ovvero libretti frontee retro con due pagine per pagina.
2018-04-23 11:00:01 +02:00
*For a free and universal alternative you can use the `pdfbook` script, part of the `pdfjam` collection which is usually included in LaTeX distributions*
$ pdfbook Bilbao_Acabado-book.pdf -o Bilbao_Acabado_booklet.pdf
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### Per le zine già impaginate in Booklet
2018-04-23 11:00:01 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
es: jvns.ca x la stampa:
2017-06-10 15:28:15 +02:00
1. fai prima le pagine PARI, in ordine INVERSO, se è più di una copia ricordati FASCICOLA!
2018-04-23 11:00:01 +02:00
2. girale e mettile a faccia in giù con la testa a sinistra
2017-06-10 15:28:15 +02:00
3. stampa le DISPARI, se è più di una copia ricordati FASCICOLA!
2017-06-07 11:34:05 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### Printed BOOK
* Soberania Tecnologica (IT)(ES) (Vol 1 e Vol 2) [finite copie cartacee 2018]
* +KAOS (IT)(EN) --lo portano quelli di AI (?)
* Guide d’ autodéfense numérique [http://guide.boum.org/ ](http://guide.boum.org/ ) (FR) [finite copie 2018]
2017-06-09 12:07:48 +02:00
* Distro [Ippolita ](http://www.ippolita.net/ ) (ci pensan loro..)
2018-07-03 15:19:34 +02:00
* [ZAPRUDER 45 ](https://storieinmovimento.org/2018/04/23/quarantacinquesimo-numero/ ) lo porta chi fa il talk?
* [Stop al panico MANUALE DI AUTODIFESA LEGALE ](https://mutuosoccorso.noblogs.org/post/2018/03/11/uscita-stop-al-panico/ ) lo porta chi fa il talk?
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
* Distro [Circex ](https://circex.org/en )(ci pensan loro..)
2017-06-09 12:07:48 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### Self-printed BOOK about tecnology:
2017-06-09 12:07:48 +02:00
* [Sovranità Tecnologica ](http://digitigrafo.it/doc/ST/ ) Vol 1 (IT) (stampa hacklabBO)
* [Usability in Free Software ](http://jancborchardt.net/usability-in-free-software ) (EN) (stampa hacklabBO, autore informato)
2017-06-09 12:10:03 +02:00
* Pisa community network guide [https://eigenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/HowToNet.pdf ](https://eigenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/HowToNet.pdf )
* Chupadados (PT) [https://chupadados.codingrights.org/ ](https://chupadados.codingrights.org/ )
2018-07-03 15:07:11 +02:00
* [AUTODIFESA DIGITALE CON OTTICA FEMMINISTA ](https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Manuals_with_a_gender_perspective ) (EN) (SP)
2018-07-03 15:19:34 +02:00
* [Edizione italiana della Guide d'autodéfense numerique ](https://numerique.noblogs.org/ )
2017-06-07 11:34:05 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### Small TIPs
2017-06-07 11:34:05 +02:00
2017-06-09 11:48:51 +02:00
* EFF Border Search Pocket Guide [https://www.eff.org/it/node/95203 ](https://www.eff.org/it/node/95203 )
2017-06-09 12:45:54 +02:00
* EFF Biometrich collection (EN) [https://www.eff.org/sls/tech/biometrics ](https://www.eff.org/sls/tech/biometrics )
* What is an IMSI? (EN) [https://www.eff.org/sls/tech/cell-site-simulators ](https://www.eff.org/sls/tech/cell-site-simulators )
* You can say NO (EN) [https://www.eff.org/files/eff_police_tips_2011.pdf ](https://www.eff.org/files/eff_police_tips_2011.pdf ) 1 p
* Digital self-defense glossary (EN) [https://ssd.eff.org/en/glossary ](https://ssd.eff.org/en/glossary )
< * https://www.eff.org/document/law-enforcement-primer-civilian-oversight-bodies-nacole-2015>
2017-06-09 11:48:51 +02:00
2017-06-10 15:28:15 +02:00
6 copie ciascuna:
* [jvns Linux debugging tools ](https://jvns.ca/zines/#linux-debugging-tools )
* [jvns strace-zine ](https://jvns.ca/zines/#strace-zine )
* [jvns networking hack ](https://jvns.ca/zines/#networking-ack )
* [jvns tcpdump guide ](https://jvns.ca/zines/#tcpdump )
2017-06-09 12:45:54 +02:00
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
### About communities:
2017-06-09 12:45:54 +02:00
* [Violenza sessuale negli spazi anarchici ](https://anarcoqueer.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/violenza-sessuale-negli-ambienti-anarchici-critiche-e-suggerimenti-sui-modi-di-affrontarla/violenza-sessuale-negli-ambienti-anarchici/ ) 72 pp
2020-09-16 11:20:16 +02:00
* [Non nasciamo maschi ](https://git.lattuga.net/hacklabbo/NonNasciamoMaschi/ ) 51pp