Trans Hackmeeting

August 9-13th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)

Call for Nodes


We recognise that no infrastructure can be fully autonomous, since autonomy is relative to context. Discussing autonomous infrastructures would they be digital or not, engages us to acknowledge their context of existence and think our relation to it. This transhackmeeting will take place in a context of resistance where we can imagine the decolonisation of technologies. We want to address this situation both from our situation in Europe and in Tarnac, as well as from the production of technologies. The transhackmeeting is self-organized, we imagine that all person present reflects on hacking practice and production.

Reaction of President El Bechir to the movement of opposition, and its attempts at getting organised through the Internet in 2013:

"We noticed this last days the calls to topple the regime launched
from persons hidden behind their keyboards"

" We tell them if you want to topple the regime face us directly in
the street, I dare you to come down to the streets, but you will not
come, since you havent forgotten what happened ...  This reigme will
not be toppled by keyboards and whatsapp"

" This is in your dreams, we didn't come trought the internet, we came
through blood !"

-- El Bechir announce on television.(in power since the military coup
of 1989) declared in the village of Kasala.


The Transhackmeeting started with the will to bring together the Spanish and Italian annual hackmeetings. The Transhackmeeting happened twice in 2004 and 2007. This new event, 11 years later, takes pride in this filiation, and wants to gather hackers from across Europe in the central ground of Tarnac, halfway between the Southern hacklabs and the Northern hackerspaces. A group of people gathered during FOSDEM to organize the meeting, including one person from Tarnac who proposed the place. During 2017 surged the idea to reactivate the Transhackmeeting and through various gatherings and discussions in the hackmeetings and various European events emerged the plan to meet in Tarnac. Durante el año 2017 surge la idea de volver a recuperar el encuentro y tras diversas puestas en común en los hackmeetings y otros eventos europeos, se plantea un encuentro en Tarnac. Mid-May we went to Tarnac to meet the people there and study the feasability of making the event happen there. We were received like friends and found a welcoming and ready collective to harbor the resurgence of the Transhackmeeting.

Traditionally the Transhackmeeting is self-organized, which means that you, as a participant, are part of the organization. The principal venue for THK organization is the mailing-list

By subscribing to this list, and coming to the transhackmeeting you are becoming part of the organization ;P








Free entrance - Nobody is remunerated for their activity


Please register on the mailing list: THK ML




For translation, discussion have started with COATI collective from Barcelona to have all the necessary devices for direct translations, we will need voluntary translator, from/to different languages.

We are also looking at providing LSF / LSI translation when possible.