Ver Fonte

First version of Python port

jigen há 6 anos atrás
2 ficheiros alterados com 220 adições e 0 exclusões
  1. 3 0
  2. 217 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import errno
+import argparse
+import configparser
+import logging
+import mysql.connector
+# Get list of defined domains in vhosts configuration database
+domains_list_stmt = """SELECT DISTINCT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(urls.dns_name, '.', -2)) AS domain_names 
+FROM urls INNER JOIN (hosts_urls, hosts, vhosts_features, vhosts) 
+ON (urls.url_id = hosts_urls.url_id and urls.url_id = vhosts.url_id and vhosts.vhost_id = vhosts_features.vhost_id) 
+WHERE (hosts_urls.http = 'Y' and hosts.hostname =  %(webserver)s)
+# Get domain_id if defined in nameserver database
+domain_id_stmt="SELECT as domain_id FROM domains WHERE"
+subdomains_list_stmt = "SELECT DISTINCT(urls.dns_name) AS domain_names "\
+                       "FROM urls INNER JOIN (hosts_urls, hosts, vhosts_features, vhosts ) "\
+                       "ON (urls.url_id = hosts_urls.url_id and urls.url_id = vhosts.url_id and vhosts.vhost_id = vhosts_features.vhost_id) "\
+                       "WHERE (hosts_urls.http = 'Y' and hosts.hostname =  %(webserver)s and "\
+                       "urls.dns_name LIKE %(domain)s)"
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+def init_prog(argv):
+    """
+    Parse command line args and config file
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Manage LetsEncrypt certificates")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=open,
+                        required=False,
+                        default=default_conf_file,
+                        help="Specifity config file (default: {})".format(default_conf_file))
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+        config.read_file(args.config)
+    except Exception as e:
+        logger.error("Error parsing configuration {}".format(e))
+        exit(-1)
+    return args, config
+def connect_db(conf_dict):
+    try:
+        cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**conf_dict)
+    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
+        if err.errno == mysql.connector.errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
+            logger.error("Something is wrong with your user name or password")
+        elif err.errno == mysql.connector.errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:
+            logger.error("Database does not exist")
+        else:
+            logger.error(err)
+        return None
+    return cnx
+def get_subdomain_list(config,  domain, ot_conn, ex_subdomains=tuple()):
+    """
+    Return a Python list containing subdomain of domain paramer
+    eg:  ['']
+    """ 
+    result_dict=dict()
+    ot_cursor=ot_conn.cursor()
+    ot_cursor.execute(subdomains_list_stmt, {'webserver':config['main']['webserver'].strip(" '\""),
+                                             'domain':"%{}%".format(domain)})
+    subdomains_res = ot_cursor.fetchall()
+    ot_cursor.close()
+    #if filtered:
+    subdomains_filtered = [s[0].decode('utf-8') for s in subdomains_res
+                               if not(s[0].decode('utf-8').startswith(ex_subdomains))]
+    # else:
+    #     subdomains_filtered = [s[0].decode('utf-8') for s in subdomains_res]
+    return subdomains_filtered
+def get_domain_list(config,  ot_conn, dns_conn):
+    """
+    Return a dictionary of domains and properties
+    eg:{'': {manage_ns=True, domain_id=92}, 
+    '': {managed_ns=False}}
+    """
+    result_dict=dict()
+    ot_cursor=ot_conn.cursor()
+    ot_cursor.execute(domains_list_stmt, {'webserver':config['main']['webserver'].strip(" '\"")})
+    dns_cursor=dns_conn.cursor()
+    for domain_barr, in ot_cursor:
+        domain_name = domain_barr.decode("utf-8")
+        try:
+            dns_cursor.execute(domain_id_stmt, {'domain':domain_name})
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error(e)
+            exit(-1)
+        dns_res = dns_cursor.fetchall()
+        if dns_cursor.rowcount == 1 :
+            result_dict.update({domain_name: {'managed_ns':True, 'domain_id':dns_res[0][0]}})
+        elif dns_cursor.rowcount == 0:
+            result_dict.update({domain_name: {'managed_ns':False, 'domain_id':None}})
+        else:
+            logger.error('Unexpected result for domain {}'.format(domain_name))
+    dns_cursor.close()
+    ot_cursor.close()
+    return result_dict
+def acme_request(config, domain_name, acme_test='DNS-01', dryrun=False, domains_list=None):
+    args = config['certbot']['base_args']
+    if dryrun:
+        args += "--dry-run "
+        args += "-m {} ".format(config['certbot']['email'])
+        args += "--server {} ".format(config['certbot']['server'])
+    if acme_test == 'DNS-01':
+        args += "--manual certonly "
+        args += "--preferred-challenges dns-01 "
+        args += "--manuale-auth-hook {} ".format(config['certbot']['auth_hook'])
+        args += "--manuale-cleanup-hook {} ".format(config['certbot']['cleanup_hook'])
+        args += "-d {},*.{}".format(domain_name, domain_name)
+    elif acme_test == 'HTTP-01':
+        args += "--webroot certonly "        
+        args += "--preferred-challenges http-01 "
+        args += "-w {}/{}/htdocs ".format(config['apache']['webroot'], domain_name)
+        if domains_list is None:
+            args += "-d {}".format(domain_name)
+        else:
+            args += "--expand --cert-name {} ".format(domain_name)        
+            args += "-d {}".format(",".join(domains_list))
+    else:
+        logger.error('acme test {} not supported'.format(acme_test))
+        return False
+    if dryrun:
+"{} {}".format(config['certbot']['bin'], args))
+    else:
+        os.system("{} {}".format(config['certbot']['bin'], args))
+    return True
+def symlink_force(target, link_name):
+    try:
+        os.symlink(target, link_name)
+    except e:
+        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+            os.remove(link_name)
+            os.symlink(target, link_name)
+        else:
+            raise e
+def link_cert(config, source, dest, dryrun=False):
+    src_name = os.path.join(config['certbot']['live_certificates_dir'], source)
+    link_name = os.path.join(config['apache']['certificates_root'], dest)
+    if dryrun:
+'{} -> {}'.format(link_name,src_name))
+        return
+    else:
+        symlink_force(src_name, link_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    args, config = init_prog(sys.argv)
+    dryrun=config['main'].getboolean('dryrun')
+    ot_conn=connect_db(dict(config['ot_db']))
+    dns_conn=connect_db(dict(config['dns_db']))
+    # Caso speciale per le webmail
+    vhost_name = config['webmail']['vhost'].strip()
+    webmails_list = ["webmail.{}".format(d.strip()) for d in config['webmail']['domains'].split(',')]
+    if acme_request(config, vhost_name, acme_test='HTTP-01', dryrun=dryrun, domains_list=webmails_list):           
+        link_cert(config, vhost_name, vhost_name, dryrun=dryrun)
+    else:
+        logger.error('Error asking certificate for {}'.format(vhost_name))
+    # Subdomains da escludere
+    ex_subdomains = tuple([s.strip() for s in config['main']['special_subdomains'].split(',') if len(s.strip())>0])
+    domains_dict = get_domain_list(config, ot_conn, dns_conn)
+    for domain_name, domain_feat in domains_dict.items():
+        domain_feat['subdomains']=get_subdomain_list(config, domain_name, ot_conn, ex_subdomains=ex_subdomains)
+        # Controlla se i nameserver sono gestiti da noi
+        if domain_feat['managed_ns']:
+            # Nel caso il nameserver sia gestito, chiedi certificati per il dominio e la wildcard
+            if acme_request(config, domain_name, acme_test='DNS-01', dryrun=dryrun):
+                 link_cert(config, domain_name, domain_name, dryrun=dryrun)     
+                 # Crea il link per ogni subdomain
+                 for subdomain in domain_feat['subdomains']:
+                     link_cert(config, domain_name, subdomain, dryrun=dryrun)
+        else:
+            # Nel caso i nameserver NON siano gestiti, allora chiedi un certificato per ogni sottodominio
+            # Crea il link per ogni subdomain
+            for subdomain in domain_feat['subdomains']:
+                if acme_request(config, subdomain, acme_test='HTTP-01', dryrun=dryrun):
+                    link_cert(config, subdomain, subdomain, dryrun=dryrun)
+    ot_conn.close()
+    dns_conn.close()