[en] Byoblu
isolateByoblu edited this page 3 years ago

The Mastodon instance social.byoblu.com moves around the video-blog Byoblu, also called «citizens’ think-thank», led by Claudio Messora. Byoblu platforms and amplifies sexist, trans/homo/queerphobic, racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic contents.
These contents are conveyed under the cover of "independent information", and clothed of presentability, credibility, post-ideology, neutrality, impartiality. Messora uses to depict himself as if he were of any service to the cause of freedom of information. [0]
Byoblu nurtures nationalist and populist rethoric in a anti-UE/anti-glob way, diverting just stances towards fake solutions. For the sake of completeness, Byoblu is also known to platform highly spreadable and profitable contents like fake news, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, which are instrumental to convey far-right and post-ideological policies.
In addition to Mastodon, Byoblu has satellite accounts on Youtube, Telegram, Facebook, and others. We estimate EUR ~5.000 revenue via Youtube plus EUR tenths of tousands via donations and other sources. [1]
Currently, social.byoblu.com is the instance with the highest number of accounts among Italian-speaking instances in the fediverse. Judging to its contents, it candidates to the far-right breeding ground in the fediverse.

[0] Freedom of information in Italy has been at stake compared to similar regions.
[1] ~EUR 40.000 in the month of April 2020 only by donations.