cover fix

This commit is contained in:
itec78 2021-08-19 10:58:31 +02:00
parent e0ed5e50c5
commit cf62814378
4 changed files with 158 additions and 502 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ media/

copertina.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 42 KiB

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@ -21,28 +21,26 @@ def copertina(text):
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
import io
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A5
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize
FONT = 'Roboto'
SIZE = 48
SIZE = 36
packet = io.BytesIO()
# create a new PDF with Reportlab
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont("Roboto", "template/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf"))
can = canvas.Canvas(packet, pagesize=A4)
can = canvas.Canvas(packet, pagesize=A5)
can.setFont(FONT, SIZE)
PAGE_WIDTH = defaultPageSize[0]
#PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1]
text_width = stringWidth(text,FONT, SIZE)
can.drawString((PAGE_WIDTH - text_width) / 2, 150, text)
can.drawString((PAGE_WIDTH - text_width) / 2, 100, text)
#move to the beginning of the StringIO buffer
@ -60,178 +58,180 @@ def copertina(text):
def main():
# Scarica tutti i post da Mastodon
# Scarica tutti i post da Mastodon
print("Scarico i post")
print("Scarico i post")
def default(o):
if isinstance(o, (, datetime.datetime)):
return o.isoformat()
def default(o):
if isinstance(o, (, datetime.datetime)):
return o.isoformat()
if not os.path.isfile('oloturiadump.json'):
mastodon = Mastodon(api_base_url = "")
all_vgos = []
last_id = None
if not os.path.isfile('oloturiadump.json'):
mastodon = Mastodon(api_base_url = "")
all_vgos = []
last_id = None
while True:
statuses = list(filter(lambda s: s['account']['username'] == 'oloturia', mastodon.timeline_hashtag("vgo", local=True, max_id=last_id)))
if not statuses:
all_vgos += list(map(
lambda s: {
'id': s['id'],
'uri': s['uri'],
'content': s['content'],
'replies_count': s['replies_count'],
#'replies': mastodon.status_context(s['id']) if s['replies_count'] > 0 else [],
'created': s['created_at'],
'reblogs': s['reblogs_count'],
'favourites': s['favourites_count'],
'media': s['media_attachments']
, statuses))
last_id = statuses[-1]['id']
while True:
statuses = list(filter(lambda s: s['account']['username'] == 'oloturia', mastodon.timeline_hashtag("vgo", local=True, max_id=last_id)))
if not statuses:
all_vgos += list(map(
lambda s: {
'id': s['id'],
'uri': s['uri'],
'content': s['content'],
'replies_count': s['replies_count'],
#'replies': mastodon.status_context(s['id']) if s['replies_count'] > 0 else [],
'created': s['created_at'],
'reblogs': s['reblogs_count'],
'favourites': s['favourites_count'],
'media': s['media_attachments']
, statuses))
last_id = statuses[-1]['id']
#print(json.dumps(all_vgos, default=default))
#print(json.dumps(all_vgos, default=default))
with open('oloturiadump.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(all_vgos, json_file, indent=4, default=default)
with open('oloturiadump.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(all_vgos, json_file, indent=4, default=default)
# Scarica tutte le immagini
# Scarica tutte le immagini
print("Scarico le immagini")
with open('oloturiadump.json') as json_file:
all_vgos = json.load(json_file)
os.makedirs('media', exist_ok=True)
print("Scarico le immagini")
with open('oloturiadump.json') as json_file:
all_vgos = json.load(json_file)
os.makedirs('media', exist_ok=True)
for vgo in all_vgos:
vgo_num = html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).split(' ')[0]
vgo_name = os.linesep.join([s for s in html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).splitlines() if s]).splitlines()[-1]
#print(vgo_num +' - '+ vgo_name)
#print(str(vgo['id']) +' '+ vgo['uri'])
vgo_dict[vgo_num] = vgo_name
for media in vgo['media']:
#print(str(media['id']) +' '+ media['url'])
ext = os.path.splitext(media['preview_url'])[1]
img_name = os.path.join('media',str(media['id']) + ext)
if not os.path.isfile(img_name):
img_data = requests.get(media['preview_url']).content
with open(img_name, 'wb') as handler:
with open('template.html') as html_file:
html_base =
with open('mediagallery.html') as html_file:
html_mediagallery =
# Genera i PDF
print("Genero i PDF")
os.makedirs('pdf', exist_ok=True)
for vgo in all_vgos:
vgo_num = html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).split(' ')[0]
vgo_name = os.linesep.join([s for s in html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).splitlines() if s]).splitlines()[-1]
html_name = 'oloturia.html'
pdf_name = os.path.join('pdf', vgo_num + '.pdf')
if not os.path.isfile(pdf_name):
print(vgo_num +' - '+ vgo_name)
media_num = 0
mediagallery_tot = ''
media_tot = len(vgo['media'])
sizes = "622px" if media_tot == 1 else "311px"
style = [
["inset: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%;"],
["inset: auto 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 100%;","inset: auto auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 100%;"],
["inset: auto 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 100%;","inset: auto auto 2px 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;"],
["inset: auto 2px 2px auto; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: auto auto 2px 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;"]
for vgo in all_vgos:
vgo_num = html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).split(' ')[0]
vgo_name = os.linesep.join([s for s in html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).splitlines() if s]).splitlines()[-1]
#print(vgo_num +' - '+ vgo_name)
#print(str(vgo['id']) +' '+ vgo['uri'])
vgo_dict[vgo_num] = vgo_name
for media in vgo['media']:
mediagallery = html_mediagallery
ext = os.path.splitext(media['url'])[1]
#print(str(media['id']) +' '+ media['url'])
ext = os.path.splitext(media['preview_url'])[1]
img_name = os.path.join('media',str(media['id']) + ext)
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[media]", img_name)
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[style]", style[media_tot-1][media_num])
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[sizes]", sizes)
mediagallery_tot = mediagallery_tot + mediagallery
media_num = media_num + 1
content = html_base
content = content.replace("[content]", vgo['content'])
content = content.replace("[date]", datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(vgo['created']).strftime("%-d %B %Y, %H:%M"))
content = content.replace("[reply]", str(vgo['replies_count']))
content = content.replace("[reblogs]", str(vgo['reblogs']))
content = content.replace("[favourites]", str(vgo['favourites']))
content = content.replace("[mediagallery]", mediagallery_tot)
if not os.path.isfile(img_name):
img_data = requests.get(media['preview_url']).content
with open(img_name, 'wb') as handler:
with open(html_name, 'w') as handler:
with open('template.html') as html_file:
html_base =
with open('mediagallery.html') as html_file:
html_mediagallery =
options = {
'page-size': 'A5',
'margin-top': '0.5cm',
'margin-right': '0.5cm',
'margin-bottom': '0.5cm',
'margin-left': '0.5cm',
'encoding': "UTF-8",
'quiet': ''
# Genera i PDF
print("Genero i PDF")
os.makedirs('pdf', exist_ok=True)
for vgo in all_vgos:
vgo_num = html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).split(' ')[0]
vgo_name = os.linesep.join([s for s in html2text.html2text(vgo['content']).splitlines() if s]).splitlines()[-1]
html_name = 'oloturia.html'
pdf_name = os.path.join('pdf', vgo_num + '.pdf')
if not os.path.isfile(pdf_name):
print(vgo_num +' - '+ vgo_name)
media_num = 0
mediagallery_tot = ''
media_tot = len(vgo['media'])
sizes = "622px" if media_tot == 1 else "311px"
style = [
["inset: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%;"],
["inset: auto 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 100%;","inset: auto auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 100%;"],
["inset: auto 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 100%;","inset: auto auto 2px 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;"],
["inset: auto 2px 2px auto; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: auto auto 2px 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px 2px auto auto; width: 50%; height: 50%;","inset: 2px auto auto 2px; width: 50%; height: 50%;"]
for media in vgo['media']:
mediagallery = html_mediagallery
ext = os.path.splitext(media['url'])[1]
img_name = os.path.join('media',str(media['id']) + ext)
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[media]", img_name)
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[style]", style[media_tot-1][media_num])
mediagallery = mediagallery.replace("[sizes]", sizes)
mediagallery_tot = mediagallery_tot + mediagallery
media_num = media_num + 1
content = html_base
content = content.replace("[content]", vgo['content'])
content = content.replace("[date]", datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(vgo['created']).strftime("%-d %B %Y, %H:%M"))
content = content.replace("[reply]", str(vgo['replies_count']))
content = content.replace("[reblogs]", str(vgo['reblogs']))
content = content.replace("[favourites]", str(vgo['favourites']))
content = content.replace("[mediagallery]", mediagallery_tot)
with open(html_name, 'w') as handler:
options = {
'page-size': 'A5',
'margin-top': '0.5cm',
'margin-right': '0.5cm',
'margin-bottom': '0.5cm',
'margin-left': '0.5cm',
'encoding': "UTF-8",
'quiet': ''
pdfkit.from_file(html_name, pdf_name, options=options)
# Genera i libretti
print("Genero i libretti")
os.makedirs('books', exist_ok=True)
for book_num in range(1, int(len(vgo_dict) / 50) + 1):
pdfWriter = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
pagstart = (book_num - 1) * 50 + 1
pagend = book_num * 50
# aggiungere copertina
pdfWriter.addPage(copertina(str(pagstart).zfill(3) + " - " + str(pagend).zfill(3)))
for vgo_num in [str(x).zfill(3) for x in range(pagstart, pagend + 1)]:
pdf_name = os.path.join('pdf', vgo_num + '.pdf')
pdfkit.from_file(html_name, pdf_name, options=options)
#print(vgo_num + " - " + vgo_dict[vgo_num])
pdfFileObj = open(pdf_name, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0)
# aggiungere indice ed eventualmente pagina finale
# Genera i libretti
print("Genero i libretti")
os.makedirs('books', exist_ok=True)
for book_num in range(1, int(len(vgo_dict) / 50) + 1):
pdfWriter = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
pagstart = (book_num - 1) * 50 + 1
pagend = book_num * 50
# aggiungere copertina
pdfWriter.addPage(copertina(str(pagstart).zfill(3) + " - " + str(pagend).zfill(3)))
for vgo_num in [str(x).zfill(3) for x in range(pagstart, pagend + 1)]:
pdf_name = os.path.join('pdf', vgo_num + '.pdf')
#print(vgo_num + " - " + vgo_dict[vgo_num])
pdfFileObj = open(pdf_name, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0)
# aggiungere indice ed eventualmente pagina finale
book_name = os.path.join('books', 'book' + str(book_num).zfill(2) + '.pdf')
with open(book_name, 'wb') as pdfOutput:
book_name = os.path.join('books', 'book' + str(book_num).zfill(2) + '.pdf')
with open(book_name, 'wb') as pdfOutput:
if __name__ == "__main__":