#--- # Excerpted from "Agile Web Development with Rails", # published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. # Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, # courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails4 for more book information. #--- #--- # Excerpted from "Agile Web Development with Rails, 4rd Ed.", # published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. # Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, # courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails4 for more book information. #--- # encoding: utf-8 Product.delete_all Product.create(:title => 'Web Design for Developers', :description => %{

Web Design for Developers will show you how to make your web-based application look professionally designed. We'll help you learn how to pick the right colors and fonts, avoid costly interface and accessibility mistakes -- your application will really come alive. We'll also walk you through some common Photoshop and CSS techniques and work through a web site redesign, taking a new design from concept all the way to implementation.

}, :image_url => '/images/wd4d.jpg', :price => 42.95) # . . . Product.create(:title => 'Programming Ruby 1.9', :description => %{

Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.

}, :image_url => '/images/ruby.jpg', :price => 49.50) # . . . Product.create(:title => 'Rails Test Prescriptions', :description => %{

Rails Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to testing Rails applications, covering Test-Driven Development from both a theoretical perspective (why to test) and from a practical perspective (how to test effectively). It covers the core Rails testing tools and procedures for Rails 2 and Rails 3, and introduces popular add-ons, including Cucumber, Shoulda, Machinist, Mocha, and Rcov.

}, :image_url => '/images/rtp.jpg', :price => 43.75)