test_helper.rb 1.1 KB

  1. #---
  2. # Excerpted from "Agile Web Development with Rails",
  3. # published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
  4. # Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
  5. # courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
  6. # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
  7. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails4 for more book information.
  8. #---
  9. ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test"
  10. require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
  11. require 'rails/test_help'
  12. class ActiveSupport::TestCase
  13. ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending!
  14. # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order.
  15. #
  16. # Note: You'll currently still have to declare fixtures explicitly in integration tests
  17. # -- they do not yet inherit this setting
  18. fixtures :all
  19. # ...
  20. # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...
  21. def login_as(user)
  22. session[:user_id] = users(user).id
  23. end
  24. def logout
  25. session.delete :user_id
  26. end
  27. def setup
  28. login_as :one if defined? session
  29. end
  30. end