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<h2>A wireless comunity mesh network in Appennino</h2>
Andrea - Bologna - Italy<br/><br/>
<small>rc3 - 2021</small>
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<h2>What we are doing</h2>
A community mesh network in countryside.
<!--h2 class="sfondo">Where?</h2-->
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<p>Libremesh </p>
<p>LibreMesh is a modular framework for creating OpenWrt-based firmwares for wireless mesh nodes. </p>
<div class="sfondo"> <p>Mesh networks are such networks where all participants (nodes) are able to route traffic from other participants. So there are not central points and the physical topology can be completely random.</p>
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</ul><li> Scalability; </li>
<li> Network segmentation; </li>
<li> Layer 2 roaming inside certain areas;</li>
<li> Modularity;</li> <li>Compatibility of most of the existing scenarios;</lI>
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<p> A single firmware image for all of your network (for ground level, for backbone, for companies, for quick deployments, etc.)
And NEWS: deploy configuration based on MAC address.
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<!--h2>WHEN? </h2-->
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<p> https://libremesh.org/docs/en_quick_starting_guide.html!</p>
<div class="sfondo"> <h2 >https://ninux.org </h2></div>
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<h2>Our Mesh network</h2>
<li>Starting from march 2017</li>
<li>15 nodes</li>
<li>hardware: 50 people, 3 technicians, tplink, ubiquiti, librerouter.org, secondhands routers and antennas</li>
<li>software: libremesh.org (flavour of openwrt); routing protocols: batman adv (level2) and babeld (level3)</li>
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<li>Nextcloud - cloud</li>
<li>Transmission - torrent</li>
<li>umap - maps</li>
<li>Prometheus - monitoring</li>
<li>H5ai - Repository for firmwares</li>
<li>Graphana - graphs</li>
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<h3>feminist technologies</h3>
<p>technology is a proportion of skills and dependencies</p>
<li>do not do things alone</li>
<li>testing environment</li>
<li>document everything and explain the choice of algorithms</li>
<li>give yourself the time to study</li>
<li>not be too much specialized</li>
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<h3>perifericas kefir vedetas</h3>
Introdução a redes autônomas
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<li>intimacy and consensus</li>
<li>memory and narrations</li>
<li>interconnection seeds</li>
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<h3>A network over another network</h3>
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<h3> Campia Aperti </h3>
<li>food autonomy</li>
<li>consensus method</li>
<li>shared warranty</li>
<li>sense of limit</li>
<aside class="notes">HOW<li>food autonomy (those who live in the area decide what to grow, eat and produce)</li>
<li>shared warranty: participatory BIO certification!= centralized BIO certification</li>
<li>is like a web od trus: everyone of the farmers at every markets check the product of the other.. is easyer of what looklike, because we live in the valleys.. you see is a product come from th big distribution and not from a near filds</li>
<li>sense of limit, shared ideas and mutualism, understand the diversity, planned together</li>
<li>economy of relationship, based on knowledge and not competition</li></aside>
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<!--h3>Consensus method</h3-->
<aside class="notes"> is a non-monopolistic method, based on trust, and richness given by the diversity of points of view.
it is a negotiation between content and relationship, between trust and technical agreement.
It does not mean unanimity (which gives difficulty in expressing doubts), means CONSENSUALITY, trust, understanding,
Leave the possibility to CHANGE. Not hides the problems.
We use a formal consensus method, there are many small assemblies with reports and plenary assemblies with
<p>not ask: "we are all agree?", but better: "someone have more doubs?"</p>
<li>active consent</li>
<li>consent and doubt</li>
<li>active dissent</li>
<aside class="notes"> active dissent, means that the way that we are taking is against some principles</aside>
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<h2>Shared agreements</h2>
<li>reports </li>
<li>time keeper</li>
<li>right to listen/ to be listen</li>
<li>everyone talks for herselves (no meta discussion)</li>
<aside class="notes"> people that take care of the method
the base agreement are really important. </aside>
<li>people that take care of the process </li>
<li>take lessons</li>
<li>ask external help</li>
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<h2>Our mesh network community</h2>
<li>meeting 1 a year</li>
<li>informal roles</li>
<li>different responsabilities</li>
<aside class="notes">AI is a antifascist/antisexist/antiracist server, more than 12 ml, more differents comunications tools, also commercial; we are 143 fearmers, probably a bit more than 1000 thousen people</aside>
<h2>free Software and free people?</h2>
<li>problem of informed consensus</li>
<li>cultural responsability</li>
<li>shared management</li>
<h2>free Software and free people?</h2>
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<h2>Became an ISP</h2>
<p>a huge step?</p> <!--ul>
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<h3>List of issues</h3>
<li>design together</li>
<li>have a testing infrastructure</li>
<li>understand a common good</li>
<li>policy of service and content</li>
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<small>CC 4 - by-nc-sa ; slide in reveal.js</small>
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