05_benchmark-opinions.md 1.0 KB

#6.5 Benchmark opinions

Talk to people what they think and especially don’t like about comparable software that is in broad use.

What do you currently use?
What do you do with it, which features do you use (most)?
In which situations do you use it?
What do you love about it? What do you hate about it?
What do you think about the handling?
Did you ever recommend it to friends? What did you say?
What is your overall impression of it?
What more would you like to do with it that you can’t at the moment?
What would make you use an alternative? 

Most important is what they love and what they hate about their current software. What does in fact annoy them, what is completely awesome? Feature wishes are less interesting because they are future predictions you need to approach with caution (Nielsen, 2001).

This is possible nearly everywhere and with nearly everyone: Chat people up at lunch, riding the train, when using rideshare. Most like to talk about what annoys them if you have a genuine interest.