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<title>Reflection about identity </title>
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## Identity
### Ideas and reflections around the concept of identity
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## This is not a lesson.
- reflection
- experiences
- tools
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### Identity
- Personal → who am I to myself
- Cultural → who am I to the comunit(y|ies) I belong to
- Legal → who am I to the autority (the state)
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### Only one identity for all?
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### Identity?
- a number in a document
- an email adress/ a phone number
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### Fake identity
- crime
- violation of a contraction for a service
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##### The _crime_ concern
##### the **pubblic officier** or the **pubblic service**
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### Identity theft (!)
##### It's a crime
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### User agrement
- EULA End-User Licence Agreement
- Software license
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### To create not canonical identities
- an email (also disposable)
- online money
- a telephone number (not alwasy,luckily)
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### Interesting tools
- Tor Browser
- `proxychains`
- Torsocks [torify only exist for backward compatibility]
- Tails
- a password manager (for example `pass`)
- VPN (?)
- Firefox containers (?)
- Qubeos | whonix
- Njalla
<h3>Disposable email</h3>
<a href="https://10minutemail.com/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/disp_mail.png"></img>
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### online money
- Cryptocurrency
- bitcoin + tumbrl service
- monero
- Prepaid debit card
<a href="https://localbitcoins.net/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/localbitcoins.png"></img>
<h3>btc mixer</h3>
<a href="https://localbitcoins.net/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/tumbrl.png"></img>
<a href="https://www.mygiftcard.it/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/gift_card.png"></img>
<img width="50%" src="imgs/epipoli_gold.png"></img>
<h3>Tor Browser Bundle</h3>
<img width="50%" src="imgs/tbb1.png"></img>
<h3>Tor Browser Bundle</h3>
<img width="70%" src="imgs/tbb_tor_button.png"></img>
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### `proxychains`
`ssh op@somewhere → proxychains ssh op@somewhere`
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### `Torsocks`
`ssh op@somewhere → torsocks ssh op@somewhere`
<a href="https://tails.boum.org/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/tails.png"></img>
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### Tails
- live from a computer (more safe?)
- in a virtual machine (more practical, more dificult to configure the persistent)
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<a href="https://www.qubes-os.org/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/Qubes_security_domains.png"></img>
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<a href="https://www.whonix.org/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/whonix.png"></img>
<a href="https://njal.la/" target="_blank">
<img width="60%" src="imgs/njalla.png"></img>
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### Password Manager
$ pass identities/
├── j.doe
│   ├── site1.com
│   ├── site2.com
│   ├── site3.com
│   ├── site4.com
│   │   ├── webmail
│   │   └── www
│   └── site5.com
└── m.guascone
├── site1.it
├── site2.it
│   ├── mail
│   ├── srv
│   └── www
└── site3.com
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### Easy
- Buy and configure a VPS
- Have a website
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### Dificult
- gmail account
- facebook account
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### even more dificult
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### Telephone number
- anonimous SIM
* UK
* France
* Polony
* ...
- VoIP
* skype
* twilio
* ...
- Online telephone number for receive sms
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## Share experience
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# Thanks
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