From f3faf8f4ccd9a612fa9343e2f30fadab4caa760a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: uf0 Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2019 11:54:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] a lot of --- index.html | 346 ++++++++- index.js | 9 +- layers/aree_omogenee_multi.json | 8 - logo.png | Bin 0 -> 10594 bytes map/index.html | 258 +++++++ map/map.js | 474 ++++++++++++ package.json | 14 +- static/aree_omogenee.json | 1 + static/luoghi_monumentali_buffer.json | 22 + static/mercati_buffer.json | 92 +++ static/musei_buffer.json | 33 + static/ospedali_cliniche_buffer.json | 34 + static/parchi_buffer.json | 62 ++ static/scuole_buffer.json | 225 ++++++ static/stazioni_ferrovie_buffer.json | 36 + static/stazioni_metro_buffer.json | 93 +++ style.css | 248 +++++- yarn.lock | 1012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- 18 files changed, 2920 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 layers/aree_omogenee_multi.json create mode 100644 logo.png create mode 100644 map/index.html create mode 100644 map/map.js create mode 100644 static/aree_omogenee.json create mode 100644 static/luoghi_monumentali_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/mercati_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/musei_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/ospedali_cliniche_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/parchi_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/scuole_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/stazioni_ferrovie_buffer.json create mode 100644 static/stazioni_metro_buffer.json diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index be24e83..b569b0f 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -2,32 +2,346 @@ + Daspo free zone + + - -
- -
- +

+ La città dei ricchi, la guerra ai poveri e i voti del Municipio + 1. +

+ +

+ La questione del DASPO, così come è stata raccontata negli + ultimi giorni di luglio, si presta ad alcune analisi e, vista + senza la patina di retorica e senza l’arrampicata sugli specchi, + racconta la trasformazione della città nella sua versione + moderna e post-moderna. Andiamo con ordine, ed esaminiamo la + vicenda nei differenti aspetti di intersezione con la vita della + città. +

+ +

+ a Baggio perdiamo perchè ci sono i rom. +

Beppe Sala

+ le grigliate [degli stranieri] impediscono l’uso dei parchi + pubblici. +

Anna Scavuzzo
+ +

Il dispositivo normativo.


+ Tutto nasce dal decreto Minniti (DL 14/2017), che per primo ha + allargato il DASPO, nato come provvedimento sportivo, all’ambito + “civile”, unendo al classico rispetto per la legalità il nuovo + concetto di rispetto del decoro urbano. Il decreto sicurezza + Salvini (DL 113/2018), relativo a immigrazione e sicurezza urbana, + ha solo esteso le aree di applicazione ai presidi sanitari, a + fiere e mercati, ed alle strade, ed ha confermato blocco stradale + blocco ferroviario. La nuova delibera di giunta di Milano del + 22/7, e di consiglio del 26/7, è un atto volontario di chiaro + significato politico, appesantisce le misure repressive, mescola + cause ed effetti, e rivela una precisa vocazione ideologica. + Formalmente si tratta di una modifica al regolamento di polizia + municipale, e prevede come misura repressiva, il cosiddetto + “allontanamento”. Oltre alle aree definite dai decreti, e cioè + aree verdi, luoghi di istruzione, zone di interesse artistico etc, + la delibera individua 11 aree specifiche, zone privilegiate in cui + il provvedimento di allontanamento può essere attuato dagli + agenti. +


Le motivazioni del provvedimento.


+ Iniziamo subito a smantellare il primo fondamento della delibera + di giunta. Nel senso che la delibera non poggia su nessun + fondamento solido, ma solo su fragili, scivolosi se non + inconsistenti appoggi. Non c’è nessuna analisi, e nessun dato. + Nella città smart, dove i dati sono più importanti delle persone + (di sicuro valgono di più,,,), non esiste una statistica dei reati + connessi e relativi al provvedimento adottato. Non c’è una + valutazione delle situazioni di ubriachezza molesta, né di + accattonaggio molesto, né di permanenza molesta di senza fissa + dimora. Non c’è perchè non è un problema, non esiste una + emergenza, non c’è in città una impennata improvvisa di + comportamenti … “molesti”. L’assessore Scavuzzo, a domanda precisa + (a Radiopopolare, in due occasioni), non fornisce nessun dato + relativo alla situazione dell’ordine pubblico ed ai presunti reati + che potrebbero portare alla applicazione del daspo o + dell’allontanamento. +


Il nuovo paradigma.


+ Si passa, in modo silente, al concetto di "sicurezza percepita" o + di "disordine percepito". Non contano i numeri, le statistiche, + gli arresti o le denunce. Sindaco ed Assessore si basano sulla + sensazione di insicurezza e di pericolo percepiti dalla + popolazione. Qui però è necessario un piccolo approfondimento. + Quando Sala e Scavuzzo parlano di “residenti” che si sentono in + pericolo, hanno già fatto una scelta precisa, sociale, economica, + addirittura antropologica. Hanno catalogato tra i residenti coloro + - e solo coloro - che hanno comportamenti ordinati, precisi, + puliti, e soprattutto che non si ubriacano, che non sporcano per + terra, che non stazionano su una panchina, che non fanno una + grigliata nel parco, che non chiedono l’elemosina per la via. La + nuova catalogazione avviene sulla base del comportamento. Una + nuova definizione di poveri appare all’orizzonte, non più legata + all’aspetto economico (a cui dovrebbe seguire una politica + sociale, welfare etc.), ma connessa con un modo di agire, valutato + in modo arbitrario, e per di più colpevolizzante. I poveri non + sono più coloro che non hanno denaro (perché hanno perso il + lavoro, perchè sono stati sfrattati, perché non consumano + adeguatamente…) ma sono coloro che si comportano male. E quindi + sono poveri per colpa loro, perchè si comportano in modo non + adeguato. +


Cui prodest?


+ Abbiamo visto che il linguaggio adottato dal Daspo-Allontanamento + è quello del disagio percepito. Che a volte contraddice e supera i + dati reali, e invoca provvedimenti sulla base di una sensazione + costruita ad arte. Quindi diventa inutile perseguire i reati + maggiori, quelli che creano maggior danno alla collettività (si + pensi ad esempio all’evasione fiscale o ai crimini di tipo + finanziario). Diventa allora urgente perseguire i reati minori, + quelli che minano il decoro e generano l’insicurezza che tanto + preoccupa la classe media, cioè il soggetto sociale e politico che + più ha da perdere e si sente minacciata dal disordine, ovviamente + “percepito”. Questa classe media, questa borghesia che a Milano è + sempre meno “media” e sempre più “alta”, va coccolata a tutti i + costi, perché a Milano, e in tutta Italia, è diventata la base + elettorale del PD. Sala e Scavuzzo non possono permettersi di + perderla, devono tenersela stretta. +


Il linguaggio.


+ Il linguaggio adottato da Sala-Scavuzzo è un cedimento totale alla + logica leghista: quando dice, in veste di assessore, che “i + venditori abusivi impediscono l’utilizzo dei mezzi pubblici”, + afferma una cosa evidentemente falsa e non congrua, ma sta + costruendo una logica ed un pensiero in piena assonanza con il + pensiero di destra. Se chiedo l’elemosina, non ti impedisco di + passare sul parciapiede, se cuocio una salamella, non ti inibisco + di passeggiare per il parco. Come ha già scritto bene qualcuno in + rete, per giustificare il Daspo-Allontanamento bisogna parlare + così. E disegnare così la città. +


Le aree e la nuova geografia della città.


+ La definizione delle aree di applicazione dell'"ordine di + allontanamento" diventa ad personam. Se i decreti Minniti e + Salvini identificavano tipologie, la delibera del Comune di Milano + identifica 11 aree specifiche. Il prossimo passo potrebbe essere + quello di identificare e schedare le persone specifiche da + allontanare. La città che emerge è una specie di Cisgiordania in + salsa milanese. Una endemica presenza di aree sulle quali sarà + possibile applicare il Daspo, ed una residuale maglia fatta di + interstizi nella quale - almeno in teoria - il daspo non è + applicabile. Inoltre ci sono gli eventi temporanei, per i quali + non è chiara l’applicazione: le aree dei mercati sono sempre sotto + effetto daspo oppure lo sono solo il giorno in cui si tiene il + mercato? Le fermate degli autobus sono punti sensibili? … Forse la + questione non è nemmeno così importante. La città è quasi + completamente soggetta a Daspo, la nuova mappa, per ora + incompleta, ci dice di una metropoli in cui risulta modificata la + sostanza “ontolgica” di spazio pubblico. Si pone un attacco forte + al concetto stesso di città, che è pubblica oppure non è (città). +


+ vai alla pagina della mappa + + launch + +


Quello che ci sta dietro.


+ Dobbiamo riflettere anche su un nuovo cambio di paradigma. La + delibera introduce divieti, sanzioni e pene sulla base di + comportamenti che - al momento - non costituiscono esattamente un + reato. Ma c’è un problema più grave: il provvedimento non si pone + nessuna domanda sulle cause che hanno determinato i comportamenti + colpevolizzati. Chiaro, si tratta solo di una modifica del + regolamento di polizia, però avrebbe fatto piacere leggere che + dietro ad ogni provvedimento era previsto un intervento di servizi + sociali, di operatori alla persona, di mediatori culturali. Se ci + sono mendicanti in giro, non sarebbe meglio domandarsi chi siano, + che storie abbiano dietro, che bisogni esprimano, che sofferenze + manifestino? Se ci sono comunità di stranieri che fanno festa la + domenica in un parco pubblico, perché dovremmo indispettirci? Sono + gruppi di persone che nei giorni di festa si radunano in uno + spazio pubblico e si incontrano mangiando e bevendo. Esprimono un + bisogno, forse una nostalgia, probabilmente una sofferenza. + Domandarsi come e perché è il primo passo indispensabile per + capire. E se sporcano, forse è sufficiente un minimo intervento + dell’AMSA o al limite dare una sanzione amministrativa. Invece + nulla di tutto ciò. Si risolve il problema (se di questo di può + parlare) con un allontanamento, di fatto tornando a prima della + legge Basaglia, quando quelli “strani” dovevano stare dietro ad un + muro. Dietro al muro il problema scompare, e infatti non dice + assolutamente nulla di cosa accade a coloro che sono stati + allontanati, né di cosa succedere delle aree dove questi dovranno + spostarsi. Riflettiamo. Gli abitanti del Municipio 1 di solito le + grigliate le fanno sulle terrazze o nella casa in montagna. Lo + spazio pubblico, il parco, serve proprio a chi non ha né la + terrazza né la casa al mare. +


La brutta figura.


+ Inseguire la destra sembra essere il nuovo political-style della + giunta Sala. Tanto che il provvedimento in Consiglio Comunale è + stato votato da Lega, Forza italia e M5S. Tuttavia la rincorsa + verso destra non riesce a pagare dello sforzo fatto. La sinistra + che vuole fare cose di destra fallisce per inesperienza, o per + stupidità. Da domani sarà possibile allontanare il parcheggiatore + abusivo che sta davanti alla Triennale. Bene, ma poiché quella è + una zona di parcheggio, tempo 20 minuti e arriverà un nuovo + parcheggiatore, anch’egli abusivo, e così via, fintanto che il + giro sarà completo e dopo un mese tornerà il primo parcheggiatore. + Meglio avrebbe fatto la destra, quella vera, che sarebbe + intervenuta prima con una bella ronda notturna e poi con una + espulsione definitiva. +


L’odore dei soldi.


+ Tutto questo ragionare di allontanamento e di comportamenti + deviati non può che farci pensare all’unico motore acceso nella + grande metropoli, ovvero al meccanismo della rendita. I valori + immobiliari non possono essere messi in discussione, i trend di + crescita dei prezzi delle case rappresentano l’unica dinamica + positiva in un paese sempre più precarizzato e segmentato. Il + Daspo e l’Allontanamento possono diventare un ottimo strumento di + governo del territorio. +

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45.448149145382878 ], [ 9.157705307006836, 45.448329789796972 ], [ 9.162039756774902, 45.449323323733282 ], [ 9.166803359985352, 45.450286733867713 ], [ 9.167962074279783, 45.45064800842561 ], [ 9.16907787322998, 45.451490973394776 ], [ 9.169678688049316, 45.452333925764975 ], [ 9.169507026672363, 45.452695187209677 ], [ 9.170107841491699, 45.45380906209661 ], [ 9.172511100769043, 45.455223952527973 ], [ 9.176974296569824, 45.452303820540152 ], [ 9.176996158509786, 45.452302684523879 ], [ 9.172554016113281, 45.455239004363008 ], [ 9.177800297125566, 45.458814261464013 ], [ 9.173369407653809, 45.461605570307583 ], [ 9.173583984375, 45.46247847129996 ], [ 9.175558090209961, 45.465939842175736 ], [ 9.176845550537109, 45.467986465836603 ], [ 9.177746772766112, 45.468046659525271 ], [ 9.179420471191406, 45.467625302354797 ], [ 9.180707931518553, 45.467715593442186 ], [ 9.182295799255371, 45.468257336929362 ], [ 9.18281078338623, 45.468738882324715 ], [ 9.183239936828613, 45.469912631990901 ], [ 9.182982444763184, 45.470785404359233 ], [ 9.182596206665037, 45.47183873232273 ], [ 9.187445640563963, 45.47292213483351 ], [ 9.190492630004883, 45.473223076279339 ], [ 9.195127487182617, 45.472380436181439 ], [ 9.19929027557373, 45.468829171628379 ], [ 9.200577735900879, 45.467113650127622 ], [ 9.200448989868164, 45.465638861840681 ], [ 9.199762344360352, 45.46422423274015 ], [ 9.193539619445801, 45.457541887792722 ], [ 9.192724227905273, 45.45727096521167 ], [ 9.189763069152832, 45.456789321853584 ], [ 9.187703132629395, 45.455916332781364 ], [ 9.184995748742733, 45.456529330118165 ], [ 9.184184074401855, 45.455630350663704 ], [ 9.183990955352783, 45.453688644250562 ], [ 9.184591770172119, 45.452409188756789 ], [ 9.184570312499998, 45.45195760929937 ], [ 9.181158542633055, 45.452198452126623 ], [ 9.180343151092529, 45.452273715299221 ], [ 9.180343151092529, 45.45249950421438 ], [ 9.178763649364079, 45.452313005208119 ] ], [ [ 9.178004264763031, 45.452250300101113 ], [ 9.178133010864258, 45.452243610042231 ], [ 9.178144234891745, 45.452244845128973 ], [ 9.178004264763031, 45.452250300101113 ] ] ], [ [ [ 9.187949895858765, 45.47298232325123 ], [ 9.187467098236084, 45.472929658389248 ], [ 9.182606935501099, 45.471861303420795 ], [ 9.182306528091431, 45.471793590099466 ], [ 9.180482625961304, 45.473162888118729 ], [ 9.181544780731201, 45.473802384038329 ], [ 9.180922508239746, 45.477488748437452 ], [ 9.182134866714478, 45.481107169557475 ], [ 9.18231725692749, 45.481250096182343 ], [ 9.181523323059082, 45.48255146403347 ], [ 9.181716442108154, 45.484018287713489 ], [ 9.182682037353516, 45.483975035766825 ], [ 9.184441566467285, 45.483929903265349 ], [ 9.184733927249907, 45.483943066915344 ], [ 9.18495386838913, 45.484014526675978 ], [ 9.185144305229185, 45.484119835631681 ], [ 9.185348153114319, 45.48426463512434 ], [ 9.186632931232452, 45.485364723011003 ], [ 9.186767041683197, 45.485483192732858 ], [ 9.186927974224091, 45.4855772161443 ], [ 9.187166690826416, 45.485656195688655 ], [ 9.187426865100861, 45.485706968194393 ], [ 9.187625348567963, 45.485706968194393 ], [ 9.187746047973633, 45.485684402641944 ], [ 9.188105463981627, 45.485618586395631 ], [ 9.188239574432373, 45.48562234732605 ], [ 9.18832004070282, 45.485643032438951 ], [ 9.188534617424011, 45.486361365283656 ], [ 9.188601672649384, 45.486355723961914 ], [ 9.19380784034729, 45.486917972916835 ], [ 9.194000959396362, 45.486449745917064 ], [ 9.194089472293854, 45.486395213202186 ], [ 9.194236993789673, 45.486301191156045 ], [ 9.194298684597015, 45.486133831525635 ], [ 9.194376468658447, 45.486105624797389 ], [ 9.194623231887817, 45.486088700753648 ], [ 9.195148944854736, 45.48611690749037 ], [ 9.195513725280762, 45.484868275752724 ], [ 9.189655780792236, 45.480001356574043 ], [ 9.190138578414917, 45.479963743505877 ], [ 9.189419746398924, 45.479226522300706 ], [ 9.189194440841675, 45.478556996725949 ], [ 9.189033508300781, 45.478429108913481 ], [ 9.188507795333862, 45.476969662732429 ], [ 9.188454151153564, 45.475329621404256 ], [ 9.187874794006348, 45.473388593389558 ], [ 9.187949895858765, 45.47298232325123 ] ] ] ] } } -] -} diff --git a/logo.png b/logo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c63875dcc160b951e307bbb33edbead945404ed2 GIT binary patch literal 10594 zcmYLvXIK+k)b7xG2kAvX1VoCI(1{?uN)Zu45dmq^dsoUqnny%>6Y0{VNkS8lA}xY+ z0wRzELNy_Dxbb}Ve)q>bd7rh`ti5Mv&&-;4y~$=Kx^&cB)Bpg`>FYf(2LK}6--D8z zU>TiVeNFhG^3}5m000{1zX#D2BKiUV1OWX9_bo#Ub`h5kd8`*fzwEQG-HIq3g&5NT zp166+cp+)-xQC>JOqAM=|A0k_wMc20IvL|uJx*JGmT*?MRh;8aztoF+v`X5_so_qK zqSUXCj#pzqU}pOK3Y&PEt?Q1Ui{Hcyc@+!A=nwpP6&*2$lP|(!qP_Bv!6U_SoK%7T zl+kQRR>7{ldsbNga4sh_?rV1Q<3XNRwvM{Qyn_MDG?-ThGgo1gYFEF-NH3yJwly8* z`zcA4z4pGa&kwPL#LRubAbYmRx=WJiC<8+gepR1g4d&3H06%u|(>=rCerjUgZly@3 zUwtaZAyULEA60ASC&6krx}0G#>iGAG45pd6)qEk{HD&QvP@`AyS^g^l;7Tl>)Y5S7jrV)CW3r% zs9M&~0^gRW=wh5JG!>U!Zlb_M^Piq0 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+ ‹ home +


+ Mappa versione 0.1 +

+ +

+ Il Comune di Milano non ha rilasciato (e forse mai lo farà) la + mappa dell'area DASPO. +


+ Ci abbiamo pensato noi!
+ La mappa che trovi qui sotto rappresenta la + prima versione,creata dal collettivo + Offtopic, dell'area DASPO + approvata in Consiglio Comunale. Nella delibera comunale vengono + indicate: una serie di aree definite (che chiamiamo macro aree) e + delle altre aree o luoghi di interesse suddivisi in 6 livelli. Di + tutti i singoli elementi di questi 6 livelli (es: una scuola) + viene inclusa una zona adiacente pari a 100 metri. +


+ Abbiamo rilasciato ogni livello sotto licenza + Creative Commons + in formato GeoJson. In questo modo chiunque può riutilizzali, + modificarli ed aggiornali liberamente.
+ Questa prima versione ha delle mancanze (quindi l'area è destinata + a crescere) e contiene ancora delle imprecisioni. Trovi i dettalgi + nella tabella sottostante. Pubblicheremo in seguito informazioni e + dati più dettagliati. +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
1 + scuole e plessi scolastici di ogni ordine e grado, gli + istituti universitari e di ricerca + Open data Comune di Milano- + cloud_download +
2 + aree destinate allo svolgimento di fiere, mercati, + pubblici spettacoli + Open data Comune di Milanosolo mercati aperti stradali, da rifinire + cloud_download +
3 + aree adibite a verde pubblico + Open data Comune di Milanosolo parchi, da aggiungere altre aeree verdi + cloud_download +
4 + i presidi sanitari, gli ospedali, le case di cura e le + cliniche + OpenStreetMapsolo ospedali e cliniche, incompleto + cloud_download +
5 + i complessi monumentali, i parchi archeologici + Beni Culturalielenco non completo + cloud_download +
6 + i siti e luoghi della cultura + OpenStreetMapsolo musei al momento + cloud_download +
7 + macro-aree + Comune di Milano- + cloud_download +
8 + stazioni ferroviarie + OpenStreetMap + già introdotte da precedente decreto Minniti (DL 14/2017) + + cloud_download +
9 + stazioni metropolitana + OpenStreetMap + già introdotte da precedente decreto Minniti (DL 14/2017) + + cloud_download +


Attiva/Disattiva livelli
+ +

+ Clicca sull'icona in alto a destra della mappa per vedere se ti + trovi all'interno dell'area DASPO. +

+ + + + + + + diff --git a/map/map.js b/map/map.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1b85a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/map/map.js @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +import * as mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl"; +import Bbox from "@turf/bbox"; +import BboxPolygon from "@turf/bbox-polygon"; +import Center from "@turf/center"; +import BooleanContains from "@turf/boolean-contains"; +import BooleanOverlap from "@turf/boolean-overlap"; +import Buffer from "@turf/buffer"; +import confini from "../layers/confini.json"; +import confiniHole from "../layers/confini_hole.json"; +import aree_omogenee from "../layers/aree_omogenee.json"; +import scuole_buffer from "../layers/scuole_buffer.json"; +import luoghi_monumentali_buffer from "../layers/luoghi_monumentali_buffer.json"; +import mercati_buffer from "../layers/mercati_buffer.json"; +import musei_buffer from "../layers/musei_buffer.json"; +import ospedali_cliniche_buffer from "../layers/ospedali_cliniche_buffer.json"; +import stazioni_ferrovie_buffer from "../layers/stazioni_ferrovie_buffer.json"; +import stazioni_metro_buffer from "../layers/stazioni_metro_buffer.json"; +import parchi_buffer from "../layers/parchi_buffer.json"; +import "../style.css"; + +mapboxgl.accessToken = + "pk.eyJ1IjoidGVvIiwiYSI6IllvZUo1LUkifQ.dirqtn275pAKdnqtLM2HSw"; + +const bounds = Bbox(confini); +const maxBounds = Bbox(Buffer(confini, 100)); +const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ + container: "map", + zoom: 11, + center: Center(confini).geometry.coordinates, + style: "mapbox://styles/teo/cjyxhh5n92wy51ck4a4uiymtu/draft", + maxBounds: [[maxBounds[0], maxBounds[1]], [maxBounds[2], maxBounds[3]]], + maxZoom: 16 +}); + +map.addControl(new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl()); +const nav = new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(); +map.addControl(nav, "top-right"); +map.addControl(new mapboxgl.FullscreenControl()); + +map.fitBounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]], { + padding: 20 +}); + +// const slider = document.getElementById("slider"); +// const sliderValue = document.getElementById("slider-value"); + +map.on("load", function() { + map.setLayoutProperty("building", "visibility", "none"); + map.setLayoutProperty("building-outline", "visibility", "none"); + + map.addSource("aree_omogeneeSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: aree_omogenee + }); + + map.addSource("scuoleBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: scuole_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("luoghiMonumentaliBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: luoghi_monumentali_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("mercatiBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: mercati_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("museiBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: musei_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("ospedaliClinicheBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: ospedali_cliniche_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("stazioniFerrovieBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: stazioni_ferrovie_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("stazioniMetroBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: stazioni_metro_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("parchiBufferSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: parchi_buffer + }); + + map.addSource("confiniHoleSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: confiniHole + }); + + map.addSource("confiniSource", { + type: "geojson", + data: confini + }); + + map.addSource("osmbuildings", { + type: "vector", + url: "" + }); + + const layers = map.getStyle().layers; + //console.log(layers); + let labelLayerId = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { + if (layers[i].type === "symbol" && layers[i].layout["text-field"]) { + labelLayerId = layers[i].id; + break; + } + } + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "aree_omogenee", + type: "fill", + source: "aree_omogeneeSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "parchi_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "parchiBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "mercati_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "mercatiBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "scuole_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "scuoleBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "musei_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "museiBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "ospedaliClinicheBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "stazioniFerrovieBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "stazioni_metro_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "stazioniMetroBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", + type: "fill", + source: "luoghiMonumentaliBufferSource", + layout: { visibility: "visible" }, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-opacity": 1 + } + }, + "building-outline" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "buildings-base", + type: "fill", + source: "osmbuildings", + "source-layer": "building", + // filter: ["all", ["==", "minHeight", 0]], + // layout: {}, + paint: { + "fill-color": "#fff", + "fill-opacity": { stops: [[16, 0], [17.5, 1]] } + } + }, + labelLayerId + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "buildings-3d", + type: "fill-extrusion", + source: "osmbuildings", + "source-layer": "building", + paint: { + "fill-extrusion-color": "#f5553d", + "fill-extrusion-height": [ + "interpolate", + ["linear"], + ["zoom"], + 15, + 0, + 15.05, + [ + "number", + ["get", "height"], + ["*", ["number", ["get", "levels"], 3], 3] + ] + ], + "fill-extrusion-base": [ + "interpolate", + ["linear"], + ["zoom"], + 15, + 0, + 15.05, + [ + "number", + ["get", "minHeight"], + ["*", ["number", ["get", "minLevel"], 0], 3] + ] + ], + + "fill-extrusion-opacity": { + stops: [[15, 0], [15.5, 1], [16, 1], [17.5, 0.6]] + } + }, + //filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] + filter: ["match", ["get", "id"], "", true, false] + }, + labelLayerId + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "confiniHole", + source: "confiniHoleSource", + type: "fill", + paint: { + "fill-color": "#fff" + } + }, + "settlement-subdivision-label" + ); + + map.addLayer( + { + id: "confini", + source: "confiniSource", + type: "line", + paint: { + "line-color": "#000" + } + }, + "settlement-subdivision-label" + ); +}); + +map.on("moveend", function() { + if (map.getZoom() >= 15) { + const aulenti = aree_omogenee.features.filter( + f => === " Garibladi, Como, Gae Aulenti" + )[0]; + + let buildings = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ + layers: ["buildings-base"], + filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] + }); + + let features = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ + layers: [ + "aree_omogenee", + "parchi_buffer", + "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", + "mercati_buffer", + "musei_buffer", + "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", + "scuole_buffer", + "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", + "stazioni_metro_buffer" + ] + }); + + const filtered = buildings + .filter(b => { + let inside = false; + for (let feature of features) { + //console.log(b, feature); + if (BooleanContains(feature, b)) { + inside = true; + break; + } else { + inside = false; + } + } + return inside; + }) + .map(b =>; + + const ids = [ Set(filtered)].filter(i => i); + + const filter = ["match", ["get", "id"], ids, true, false]; + + if (ids.length) { + map.setFilter("buildings-3d", filter); + } + } +}); + +map.on("zoomend", function() { + if (map.getZoom() >= 15) { + const aulenti = aree_omogenee.features.filter( + f => === " Garibladi, Como, Gae Aulenti" + )[0]; + + let buildings = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ + layers: ["buildings-base"], + filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] + }); + + let features = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ + layers: [ + "aree_omogenee", + "parchi_buffer", + "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", + "mercati_buffer", + "musei_buffer", + "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", + "scuole_buffer", + "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", + "stazioni_metro_buffer" + ] + }); + + const filtered = buildings + .filter(b => { + let inside = false; + for (let feature of features) { + //console.log(b, feature); + if (BooleanContains(feature, b)) { + inside = true; + break; + } else { + inside = false; + } + } + return inside; + }) + .map(b =>; + + const ids = [ Set(filtered)].filter(i => i); + + const filter = ["match", ["get", "id"], ids, true, false]; + + if (ids.length) { + map.setFilter("buildings-3d", filter); + } + } +}); + +var toggleableLayerIds = [ + { id: "scuole_buffer", label: "Scuole e università" }, + { id: "mercati_buffer", label: "Mercati stradali" }, + { id: "parchi_buffer", label: "Parchi" }, + { id: "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", label: "Ospedali e cliniche" }, + { id: "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", label: "Luoghi monumentali" }, + { id: "musei_buffer", label: "Musei" }, + { id: "aree_omogenee", label: "Macro aree" }, + { id: "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", label: "Stazioni ferroviarie" }, + { id: "stazioni_metro_buffer", label: "Stazioni metropolitane" } +]; + +for (var i = 0; i < toggleableLayerIds.length; i++) { + var layer = toggleableLayerIds[i]; + + var link = document.createElement("a"); + link.href = "#"; + link.className = "active"; + link.textContent = i + 1 + ". " + layer.label; + link.setAttribute("layerid",; + + link.onclick = function(e) { + var clickedLayer = this.getAttribute("layerid"); + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + + var visibility = map.getLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility"); + + if (visibility === "visible") { + map.setLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility", "none"); + this.className = ""; + } else { + this.className = "active"; + map.setLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility", "visible"); + } + }; + + var layers = document.getElementById("menu"); + layers.appendChild(link); +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c073023..56d5076 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,4 +1,10 @@ { + "scripts": { + "prebuild": "rm -rf dist", + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", + "start": "parcel index.html", + "build": "parcel build index.html --public-url /daspo-free-zone" + }, "dependencies": { "@turf/bbox": "^6.0.1", "@turf/bbox-polygon": "^6.0.1", @@ -12,6 +18,12 @@ "devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "^7.5.4", "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.5.0", - "babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0" + "babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0", + "cssnano": "^4.1.10", + "parcel-plugin-static-files-copy": "^2.2.0" + }, + "staticFiles": { + "staticPath": "static", + "watcherGlob": "**" } } diff --git a/static/aree_omogenee.json b/static/aree_omogenee.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce85191 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/aree_omogenee.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"stroke":"#555555","stroke-width":2,"stroke-opacity":1,"fill":"#555555","fill-opacity":0.5,"area":"Porta Venezia, Buenos 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9.217431888517391, 45.493261981050964 ], [ 9.217464382069206, 45.493360868061586 ], [ 9.217546201661809, 45.493609900932988 ], [ 9.21775917157238, 45.494278613061695 ], [ 9.217772001047889, 45.494318995826141 ], [ 9.217921627367256, 45.49483677598851 ], [ 9.218069082049491, 45.494815699307239 ], [ 9.218070132306819, 45.494819057694109 ], [ 9.217922742579544, 45.494840592783646 ], [ 9.217977526919242, 45.495026053682288 ], [ 9.217989414341162, 45.495066314106779 ], [ 9.218008136288784, 45.495129693171208 ], [ 9.218160325691832, 45.495107456862897 ], [ 9.218160372716548, 45.495107607323135 ], [ 9.218008187023871, 45.495129864839576 ], [ 9.218100148944592, 45.495441059350803 ], [ 9.218260129615979, 45.495982434535527 ], [ 9.218326346475601, 45.4962065699468 ], [ 9.218352673371651, 45.496295928556592 ], [ 9.218504308492452, 45.496273832330616 ], [ 9.21850964149254, 45.496292343688253 ], [ 9.218979289019147, 45.496225422363601 ], [ 9.218365565594691, 45.49633523254986 ], [ 9.218404903454681, 45.496443974939602 ], [ 9.218494607916291, 45.49671373254224 ], [ 9.218490861070572, 45.496851129694164 ], [ 9.218568911013611, 45.497109751535206 ], [ 9.218667973745699, 45.497445616720945 ], [ 9.218759263651213, 45.497644221713699 ], [ 9.218783628107328, 45.497691206783259 ], [ 9.218767539930917, 45.49772786388057 ], [ 9.218859820615517, 45.498060344697777 ], [ 9.218923781312867, 45.498051564823385 ], [ 9.218926262406654, 45.498059896349858 ], [ 9.21886232623036, 45.498069138890386 ], [ 9.218911587311913, 45.498237671314847 ], [ 9.219047808842264, 45.498729495214825 ], [ 9.21913334402354, 45.49871777864503 ], [ 9.21913356464897, 45.498743677434781 ], [ 9.219055759249812, 45.498756058662124 ], [ 9.219120964929417, 45.498958709589537 ], [ 9.219201191145324, 45.499067371234183 ], [ 9.219208737578617, 45.499090997162838 ], [ 9.219399428582198, 45.499714353044332 ], [ 9.219421085728813, 45.499790573713732 ], [ 9.219563035648077, 45.499770627327145 ], [ 9.219568894521721, 45.49978651393657 ], [ 9.219426503389588, 45.499808671064514 ], [ 9.219523172255037, 45.500115893697995 ], [ 9.219614228214342, 45.500405519829833 ], [ 9.21966022678013, 45.500553418818214 ], [ 9.219825774236181, 45.501064001039154 ], [ 9.219888625112818, 45.501257671043959 ], [ 9.220009311124198, 45.501238303063168 ], [ 9.220009518385663, 45.501238959089861 ], [ 9.219888860921648, 45.501258396285486 ], [ 9.219945145984344, 45.501431174534872 ], [ 9.219986939444629, 45.501571660060215 ], [ 9.220218105762303, 45.502349204720609 ], [ 9.22033487003319, 45.502332038479992 ], [ 9.220337468801992, 45.502340771845937 ], [ 9.220221043898489, 45.502358824429344 ], [ 9.220252131387866, 45.502457964904629 ], [ 9.2204056883935, 45.502968966988405 ], [ 9.220405492069293, 45.503278306505301 ], [ 9.220498744065988, 45.503278335731387 ], [ 9.220557715420679, 45.50347432621929 ], [ 9.220674945772581, 45.503863655693742 ], [ 9.220780144680804, 45.503847992753151 ], [ 9.220780758995973, 45.503850094528758 ], [ 9.22067564003882, 45.503865946665115 ], [ 9.220729787264533, 45.50404348989926 ], [ 9.220749362890636, 45.504114200223164 ], [ 9.2208792231415, 45.504582555239118 ], [ 9.221006910418268, 45.504565049599151 ], [ 9.221006997167326, 45.504565327663663 ], [ 9.220879309434764, 45.504582866170978 ], [ 9.220921950206968, 45.5047363652576 ], [ 9.220989209830076, 45.504979074090954 ], [ 9.221016442374365, 45.505079881985132 ], [ 9.221156466506207, 45.505061178812447 ], [ 9.221163969894578, 45.505086054056733 ], [ 9.221024671824802, 45.505107907589618 ], [ 9.221066901751842, 45.505241002406301 ], [ 9.221140032104705, 45.505466671529994 ], [ 9.22118090107478, 45.505628749359488 ], [ 9.221319120034881, 45.505611516851694 ], [ 9.221330573323481, 45.505648830811005 ], [ 9.221192976250713, 45.505670785092271 ], [ 9.221478352244992, 45.506555103717609 ], [ 9.221495221863151, 45.506610458318193 ], [ 9.221672569707481, 45.507192690156913 ], [ 9.221850378765781, 45.507803644896185 ], [ 9.221876915008407, 45.50789484003321 ], [ 9.22199928357351, 45.508331947820537 ], [ 9.22260523200856, 45.508248080127316 ], [ 9.223019548602474, 45.5081961686585 ], [ 9.222007652751053, 45.508359551588455 ], [ 9.222060527846157, 45.50852145537943 ], [ 9.222210925461999, 45.508989777771369 ], [ 9.22223996382343, 45.509096991616808 ], [ 9.222387328270235, 45.509077259647384 ], [ 9.222390888022682, 45.509089240932283 ], [ 9.222243801896454, 45.509110591473302 ], [ 9.222265460270252, 45.509184355285434 ], [ 9.222550699612821, 45.510157321999806 ], [ 9.222708166908774, 45.510134500262481 ], [ 9.222708168532407, 45.510134505624997 ], [ 9.222550701413178, 45.510157328140686 ], [ 9.222665893069941, 45.51055022940831 ], [ 9.222822961080967, 45.510527464730401 ], [ 9.222823381506551, 45.510528904713645 ], [ 9.223812844049119, 45.51038608888669 ], [ 9.223812144629077, 45.510386203998266 ], [ 9.222823400258763, 45.510528968929258 ], [ 9.222828962492649, 45.510548012870714 ], [ 9.222673221333038, 45.510573643375572 ], [ 9.222696442790481, 45.510643397133059 ], [ 9.22284713892129, 45.511162621743523 ], [ 9.222879297844568, 45.511269220700413 ], [ 9.222896134245715, 45.511326468778982 ], [ 9.223087951791369, 45.5119778775572 ], [ 9.223097418422876, 45.512010066531637 ], [ 9.223237983307625, 45.512487322940537 ], [ 9.223385624895121, 45.512465827786833 ], [ 9.223385644612513, 45.512465895906821 ], [ 9.223238006037979, 45.512487400098628 ], [ 9.223277903164316, 45.512622800537578 ], [ 9.223425300051268, 45.512601331546385 ], [ 9.223431843449246, 45.512622166980819 ], [ 9.223285331720756, 45.512646409986353 ], [ 9.223324228138166, 45.512762606935652 ], [ 9.223418221061653, 45.51304340428635 ], [ 9.223557151396102, 45.513020416596277 ], [ 9.223557503881322, 45.513021508070281 ], [ 9.22341863271623, 45.513044630222012 ], [ 9.223615830878543, 45.513630061396618 ], [ 9.223621178226027, 45.513649618994698 ], [ 9.22363054248661, 45.513683756884859 ], [ 9.223634560014125, 45.51369845635255 ], [ 9.223770398989716, 45.513680105099411 ], [ 9.223771164513543, 45.513682463478979 ], [ 9.223635293266284, 45.513701117569312 ], [ 9.223636976679707, 45.513707178343665 ], [ 9.223647183672684, 45.513748009953773 ], [ 9.223785750761769, 45.513730888323018 ], [ 9.223790002021502, 45.513746448009101 ], [ 9.223796424977083, 45.513770000778614 ], [ 9.223659750193088, 45.513791859374336 ], [ 9.223678548976586, 45.513849959580071 ], [ 9.223783562271393, 45.514174324250874 ], [ 9.223891920517449, 45.514566172856398 ], [ 9.224130396815818, 45.51536384215013 ], [ 9.224362678001647, 45.516140836834275 ], [ 9.22450436478869, 45.516119901617486 ], [ 9.224504923561314, 45.516121660192198 ], [ 9.224506542127338, 45.516126927185596 ], [ 9.224365100667859, 45.516148763165084 ], [ 9.224579214093827, 45.516834232828735 ], [ 9.224697883677182, 45.517236042865726 ], [ 9.22470445203737, 45.517258396584964 ], [ 9.224754390362268, 45.517427840154163 ], [ 9.224772677122143, 45.517490158987577 ], [ 9.22602660787267, 45.517308301023967 ], [ 9.224772880081753, 45.517490849279902 ], [ 9.224963666333199, 45.518138451379379 ], [ 9.225107709383179, 45.518117478828941 ], [ 9.22510894654719, 45.518121653183854 ], [ 9.224965074050473, 45.518143166089523 ], [ 9.224966489379264, 45.518147843988679 ], [ 9.224215351728791, 45.518263193490391 ], [ 9.224445136144682, 45.519002696011391 ], [ 9.224458181082415, 45.519044643547979 ], [ 9.224816136894919, 45.518989630006075 ], [ 9.224817829311057, 45.518994938956354 ], [ 9.225010037058667, 45.518964657859705 ], [ 9.225273511713123, 45.519948582131995 ], [ 9.225531376152656, 45.520026178021332 ], [ 9.225562933194123, 45.520119172315894 ], [ 9.225659907397331, 45.52043939890897 ], [ 9.225688411820014, 45.520544138222988 ], [ 9.226610940170191, 45.520420066558351 ], [ 9.225832340836668, 45.520548061520685 ], [ 9.225836667064907, 45.520561066506026 ], [ 9.225700561579043, 45.520583894131235 ], [ 9.225728509787125, 45.520666240574911 ], [ 9.22584642830852, 45.52105582822962 ], [ 9.225992937751926, 45.521033914556604 ], [ 9.2259966641593, 45.521047584897921 ], [ 9.225851283432267, 45.521071206477586 ], [ 9.225965136941374, 45.521417473225327 ], [ 9.226510301507698, 45.523238107098024 ], [ 9.226639259412131, 45.52321902601895 ], [ 9.226650134853077, 45.523255185831957 ], [ 9.229155672579273, 45.522882802485015 ], [ 9.229070966616037, 45.522601203416315 ], [ 9.228571615197366, 45.520942174683732 ], [ 9.228526442219462, 45.52076274045298 ], [ 9.22850303477175, 45.520676885497473 ], [ 9.228356468157907, 45.520696631891717 ], [ 9.228352171798868, 45.520683566904069 ], [ 9.228498792671751, 45.520662005537567 ], [ 9.228480212214352, 45.520599569737662 ], [ 9.228453129253726, 45.520509167370321 ], [ 9.228426656836458, 45.520420153953047 ], [ 9.228356147261595, 45.520229144452415 ], [ 9.228344282478636, 45.520193482291795 ], [ 9.22832960356858, 45.520094233908587 ], [ 9.228220194777245, 45.519722091983958 ], [ 9.228109979017518, 45.519344352207725 ], [ 9.227940902238917, 45.519368731646907 ], [ 9.227935840675018, 45.519353817684362 ], [ 9.228104671096373, 45.519327028552802 ], [ 9.228048867451809, 45.519153229163912 ], [ 9.227875753530149, 45.51918069797086 ], [ 9.227875747058816, 45.51918067941692 ], [ 9.228048860506606, 45.519153207534387 ], [ 9.227915984552579, 45.518739410901752 ], [ 9.227875620326225, 45.518613573121378 ], [ 9.227863466988108, 45.518565811846322 ], [ 9.227057749611813, 45.51866713188474 ], [ 9.227069956425717, 45.518647092064796 ], [ 9.227706747543374, 45.518551681670679 ], [ 9.227695924016279, 45.51851598168102 ], [ 9.227838845141285, 45.518488736289385 ], [ 9.227817083405105, 45.518432321847982 ], [ 9.227815616890449, 45.518428537456678 ], [ 9.227608730533522, 45.517730588678113 ], [ 9.227464759864448, 45.517751679524309 ], [ 9.227463823135228, 45.517748500417959 ], [ 9.227607655778753, 45.517726999487941 ], [ 9.227421825776869, 45.5171126178058 ], [ 9.227408694353041, 45.517062835375413 ], [ 9.227358105902905, 45.516869977056139 ], [ 9.227210656992629, 45.516889092454782 ], [ 9.227205455087237, 45.51687139178312 ], [ 9.22619404954334, 45.517018289869313 ], [ 9.226210546757617, 45.517015701600876 ], [ 9.227205192095006, 45.516870499172988 ], [ 9.22720212813125, 45.516860126357898 ], [ 9.22734859203714, 45.516837145941189 ], [ 9.227221028529849, 45.516435324082316 ], [ 9.227006830037276, 45.515738407610684 ], [ 9.226865344792424, 45.515759900240674 ], [ 9.226863709442419, 45.515754430781811 ], [ 9.227004906482694, 45.515732253474802 ], [ 9.22676261835006, 45.514969817402864 ], [ 9.226494752073675, 45.51411162503922 ], [ 9.226412209171801, 45.513803049487038 ], [ 9.226293685964453, 45.513818720520121 ], [ 9.226293128819071, 45.513816706062052 ], [ 9.225827893726372, 45.513880305880136 ], [ 9.225164053485132, 45.51396807291475 ], [ 9.225164856954992, 45.513967944328783 ], [ 9.226411534501908, 45.513800546811126 ], [ 9.226318327147187, 45.513457447841112 ], [ 9.226304648466058, 45.513407295466777 ], [ 9.226167230314623, 45.513425821910289 ], [ 9.226167141404574, 45.513425547159208 ], [ 9.226304563697786, 45.513406984969684 ], [ 9.226290162568874, 45.513354285128784 ], [ 9.226152963016974, 45.513372817231144 ], [ 9.226148704563085, 45.513357475060396 ], [ 9.226145531287111, 45.51334586645914 ], [ 9.226281161132784, 45.51332413867933 ], [ 9.226270660454581, 45.513291738794209 ], [ 9.226259493542527, 45.513257342769379 ], [ 9.226246933214238, 45.513218477637579 ], [ 9.225242385830876, 45.513378945157328 ], [ 9.22524415417673, 45.513378650699529 ], [ 9.226246914487309, 45.51321841970011 ], [ 9.226066329377463, 45.512659803928393 ], [ 9.226053643693351, 45.512620527979045 ], [ 9.226032511521749, 45.512553372917225 ], [ 9.225995899945818, 45.512437044305258 ], [ 9.225964352325965, 45.512336817768741 ], [ 9.225924295485587, 45.512209287296784 ], [ 9.225890121266252, 45.512091239938222 ], [ 9.225635718079586, 45.511211896387614 ], [ 9.225586873549906, 45.511043087145424 ], [ 9.227113032915016, 45.510822757153832 ], [ 9.227095454530918, 45.51076256360377 ], [ 9.226584203474285, 45.5090858142093 ], [ 9.226478955835653, 45.508715312429722 ], [ 9.225223607873172, 45.508891601024587 ], [ 9.226475728078128, 45.508704307792371 ], [ 9.226377462391952, 45.508379541795442 ], [ 9.226359238667452, 45.508316184191685 ], [ 9.226229574895108, 45.507865897310509 ], [ 9.226084246438983, 45.507361159698775 ], [ 9.22607399173398, 45.507329096917715 ], [ 9.226070536556469, 45.507309139674248 ], [ 9.226021329038067, 45.507025233066429 ], [ 9.225991444840817, 45.50685244691779 ], [ 9.225962278927565, 45.50685494090645 ], [ 9.225964957502336, 45.506834827437096 ], [ 9.225987677121379, 45.506832521588635 ], [ 9.22597408343538, 45.506766300523751 ], [ 9.226073052340311, 45.506023129333066 ], [ 9.225817894212163, 45.506006328831212 ], [ 9.225811138496601, 45.505973315077277 ], [ 9.225616821664492, 45.505992975131633 ], [ 9.225605749999191, 45.505992238465758 ], [ 9.225506544315214, 45.505999414981986 ], [ 9.225809865205118, 45.505967239849475 ], [ 9.225777671524028, 45.505817184971306 ], [ 9.225635167743528, 45.50515251106728 ], [ 9.225634747539241, 45.505095817223534 ], [ 9.22563434518613, 45.505043262518186 ], [ 9.223766594560297, 45.505050317760556 ], [ 9.223712178224428, 45.504862200004766 ], [ 9.223679199502087, 45.50474859189729 ], [ 9.223540053421171, 45.504768563715565 ], [ 9.223538149292832, 45.504762563379259 ], [ 9.223677195791947, 45.50474182218904 ], [ 9.223639097446361, 45.504615536944868 ], [ 9.22360169915328, 45.504491551708178 ], [ 9.223562685277638, 45.504362303057988 ], [ 9.223530896776907, 45.504254485351737 ], [ 9.223401785493436, 45.504273307538341 ], [ 9.223399240419582, 45.504264147181907 ], [ 9.223527809867878, 45.504244311524644 ], [ 9.22335429816504, 45.50368821342709 ], [ 9.223244248559249, 45.503705191849662 ], [ 9.223240743643677, 45.503692533544147 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45.50270885387885 ], [ 9.226169286555548, 45.502710497960841 ], [ 9.226081608521302, 45.50294223471969 ], [ 9.227703931771508, 45.503245739302244 ], [ 9.227833760123964, 45.50327000071352 ], [ 9.228019026123395, 45.502779771607557 ], [ 9.227935282036816, 45.503033000342462 ], [ 9.228063480454434, 45.503053964226417 ], [ 9.229367003729912, 45.503274108272997 ], [ 9.22996480279947, 45.501523692878052 ], [ 9.228652324654966, 45.501302036683214 ], [ 9.228530727502086, 45.501282152326766 ], [ 9.228425462291346, 45.501262973757377 ], [ 9.226654513524835, 45.500939174771787 ], [ 9.225744807538975, 45.500772973779462 ], [ 9.225669327058082, 45.500759161640161 ], [ 9.225587008233141, 45.500743910182017 ], [ 9.224672980294672, 45.50057504296646 ], [ 9.224629128416373, 45.500567017022782 ], [ 9.224595136337671, 45.500560708248003 ], [ 9.224268507872846, 45.501431001025274 ], [ 9.224592731881726, 45.500560263747602 ], [ 9.224485830084872, 45.500540579509959 ], [ 9.222395540783804, 45.500157590149499 ], [ 9.222338683544439, 45.500311041881289 ], [ 9.222288201135751, 45.500151273048942 ], [ 9.222242482246132, 45.500005001781467 ], [ 9.222074820794008, 45.499416260011749 ], [ 9.221931181747793, 45.499436489172268 ], [ 9.221928745258777, 45.499428746829722 ], [ 9.221918474912179, 45.499392606602399 ], [ 9.222058742637513, 45.499367021218411 ], [ 9.222036018539768, 45.499305410566677 ], [ 9.22188135052839, 45.498794454328156 ], [ 9.221916568256901, 45.49869531607532 ], [ 9.221819308947671, 45.498346454199151 ], [ 9.221793909678132, 45.498261532507954 ], [ 9.221717960468979, 45.497986946402996 ], [ 9.221628963933711, 45.497999120597157 ], [ 9.221627328373126, 45.497994370172542 ], [ 9.221716511963562, 45.497981789840622 ], [ 9.221660932545214, 45.497786925856175 ], [ 9.221587026101664, 45.497593795904145 ], [ 9.221510160445664, 45.497608343648473 ], [ 9.221505771269783, 45.497593634847199 ], [ 9.221580925338943, 45.497578399610163 ], [ 9.22146324577322, 45.497291295985093 ], [ 9.221462512478963, 45.497247723609945 ], [ 9.221440831575624, 45.497099556330227 ], [ 9.221408748501966, 45.496985027718431 ], [ 9.221322943352979, 45.496996915842267 ], [ 9.221322810594819, 45.496996480099419 ], [ 9.221408616877598, 45.49698455850703 ], [ 9.221325410558517, 45.496688359424397 ], [ 9.221232893273061, 45.496701213411676 ], [ 9.22121341429912, 45.496636987813076 ], [ 9.221302027783885, 45.496619489897682 ], [ 9.221224384866131, 45.496425015215337 ], [ 9.221169337889091, 45.496302853526345 ], [ 9.221081724527428, 45.496164582840024 ], [ 9.221059610865373, 45.496064702541872 ], [ 9.221015995673643, 45.495926617304079 ], [ 9.220994364496967, 45.495851544863122 ], [ 9.220916335564539, 45.495580865299246 ], [ 9.220762337780712, 45.495602822330468 ], [ 9.220760913385938, 45.495598002940888 ], [ 9.220914725872129, 45.495575369336763 ], [ 9.220764518730846, 45.495070482923495 ], [ 9.220702918487953, 45.494863397527844 ], [ 9.220667016598815, 45.494742700164458 ], [ 9.220514746855752, 45.494765103172746 ], [ 9.22051424590925, 45.494763409242708 ], [ 9.220512419546004, 45.494757227424351 ], [ 9.220664285859039, 45.494733747215435 ], [ 9.220642149925858, 45.494662931069449 ], [ 9.222597411963191, 45.494637656555156 ], [ 9.222594818668091, 45.494538492857956 ], [ 9.22255781136565, 45.494034947506734 ], [ 9.222534380754226, 45.493132966558697 ], [ 9.222532897793233, 45.493076267336605 ], [ 9.222532106190457, 45.493042700461821 ], [ 9.222506499711345, 45.490818420620116 ], [ 9.222504148039706, 45.490634463911704 ], [ 9.222478498083026, 45.490484676921795 ], [ 9.222449465027383, 45.490393856062603 ], [ 9.219952599489046, 45.490788691629547 ], [ 9.219946064763098, 45.490750521034961 ], [ 9.219947120272757, 45.490833370237219 ], [ 9.219965732947895, 45.492456545337902 ], [ 9.219660832344093, 45.491446287316933 ], [ 9.219650576699706, 45.491411969793866 ], [ 9.219555980080685, 45.491067101935805 ], [ 9.219418190981711, 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9.256251665578867, 45.453254426778663 ], [ 9.255863549648447, 45.453183262474759 ], [ 9.255822679697395, 45.453175723485749 ], [ 9.255736859820461, 45.453163857618989 ], [ 9.255648281110025, 45.453156257087869 ], [ 9.255567410624256, 45.453152878627321 ], [ 9.255444150268255, 45.453153154340747 ], [ 9.255349066730645, 45.453161745121839 ], [ 9.255317836922625, 45.453164749271146 ], [ 9.25527785838346, 45.453170112924347 ], [ 9.255186075905318, 45.453183256510442 ], [ 9.255057615379938, 45.453213707110358 ], [ 9.254971680165216, 45.45323985190408 ], [ 9.254903713737638, 45.45326395979852 ], [ 9.254856300846511, 45.453283179401097 ], [ 9.25480519248959, 45.45330547677321 ], [ 9.254775932627361, 45.453319829597135 ], [ 9.254703268940899, 45.453355511820483 ], [ 9.254595243561161, 45.453425366286965 ], [ 9.254535159425897, 45.453471771579821 ], [ 9.254494563330212, 45.453506286704147 ], [ 9.254459779301342, 45.453539150437692 ], [ 9.254422835281236, 45.453576550373867 ], [ 9.254075958945045, 45.453981792696837 ], [ 9.25398844265543, 45.454084733303041 ], [ 9.253841946805604, 45.45425726973329 ], [ 9.253683265929324, 45.454443099642276 ], [ 9.253472327724134, 45.454688987061175 ], [ 9.253316297417575, 45.454939471465124 ], [ 9.253274868388564, 45.455270262280528 ], [ 9.253303139431031, 45.455470340286915 ], [ 9.253450061630122, 45.456187010665658 ], [ 9.253385470151441, 45.456163706920044 ], [ 9.252792463017036, 45.456996747760691 ], [ 9.251991074678511, 45.456665023969769 ], [ 9.251497074697333, 45.457914024322797 ], [ 9.251484198291339, 45.458110071322338 ], [ 9.251480979185905, 45.458208664281571 ], [ 9.251470425892643, 45.458490356831526 ], [ 9.251465621739548, 45.458650516534838 ], [ 9.251466827236255, 45.458757974425318 ], [ 9.251483147875392, 45.458883008480221 ], [ 9.251489658908039, 45.458916141234148 ], [ 9.251435603285687, 45.458932120217035 ], [ 9.251419942874211, 45.460485117567622 ], [ 9.251759450968134, 45.460480490945514 ], [ 9.251746041954288, 45.460660518390249 ], [ 9.252419685858197, 45.462574785470871 ], [ 9.252988193231706, 45.462578035414666 ], [ 9.252874863110728, 45.462598239853399 ], [ 9.252744270988174, 45.462635334611306 ], [ 9.252697982234489, 45.462651922115008 ], [ 9.252697726750258, 45.462652012714649 ], [ 9.252612367289661, 45.462682375320533 ], [ 9.252443025831761, 45.462766350082752 ], [ 9.252363499973214, 45.462822619380923 ], [ 9.252216899846008, 45.462926256159079 ], [ 9.252124560842322, 45.463057527591907 ], [ 9.25208464263738, 45.463113995931707 ], [ 9.252039423091068, 45.463210465273399 ], [ 9.252016230084276, 45.463276629181891 ], [ 9.251990355914286, 45.463388026212542 ], [ 9.251990685059891, 45.463462251325367 ], [ 9.251990989637397, 45.463526879717605 ], [ 9.252007754328103, 45.463607649946489 ], [ 9.252017874887271, 45.463645444949293 ], [ 9.252027122574589, 45.463674301043326 ], [ 9.252037513489402, 45.463703163895886 ], [ 9.252050559245403, 45.463734018552316 ], [ 9.252073128470292, 45.463781170069964 ], [ 9.252088928567618, 45.463808714969119 ], [ 9.252120443294329, 45.463860925505493 ], [ 9.252180068981261, 45.463937808850694 ], [ 9.252213674765205, 45.463973107758818 ], [ 9.252237952100119, 45.463998587532224 ], [ 9.252279965119602, 45.464036771920952 ], [ 9.252334238171853, 45.464082851132758 ], [ 9.252392691471439, 45.464123726142915 ], [ 9.252426262445582, 45.464145733964273 ], [ 9.252472439689752, 45.46417398653562 ], [ 9.252508677902673, 45.464193691708715 ], [ 9.252549313122559, 45.464214997308723 ], [ 9.252597224118633, 45.464237320598876 ], [ 9.252619688938632, 45.464247131666959 ], [ 9.252638957785562, 45.464255209270696 ], [ 9.252638674146393, 45.464257457982704 ], [ 9.25263705480482, 45.464272499273008 ], [ 9.252636538775869, 45.464277241804332 ], [ 9.252634780963955, 45.464293425733729 ], [ 9.252633785968399, 45.464302663465887 ], [ 9.252632529521456, 45.464314235898833 ], [ 9.252631001551245, 45.464328424581851 ], [ 9.252630084446087, 45.464337998888602 ], [ 9.252629407840747, 45.464344223890066 ], [ 9.252628919948673, 45.464348555707183 ], [ 9.252626763633373, 45.464370479668766 ], [ 9.252625321531843, 45.46438642632868 ], [ 9.252624592751156, 45.464394426905059 ], [ 9.252623536309519, 45.464406989583942 ], [ 9.252622414487689, 45.464420480360104 ], [ 9.25262185277486, 45.464428058681158 ], [ 9.252621662192798, 45.464430730239926 ], [ 9.252621299753237, 45.464434094721135 ], [ 9.252620280330614, 45.464448314845335 ], [ 9.25261927090914, 45.464462464793726 ], [ 9.252618533794129, 45.464472849286459 ], [ 9.252618263740809, 45.464476687823769 ], [ 9.252617033806208, 45.464494446729255 ], [ 9.252616146834519, 45.464509473690121 ], [ 9.252615766131377, 45.464515037676556 ], [ 9.252614738379568, 45.464535663537809 ], [ 9.25261419061345, 45.464546790979057 ], [ 9.252613822637263, 45.464557371488766 ], [ 9.252613365228566, 45.46457188624705 ], [ 9.2526131411562, 45.464578997685173 ], [ 9.252612910340334, 45.464586587961328 ], [ 9.252612590063839, 45.464602912487997 ], [ 9.252612420196684, 45.464615474789511 ], [ 9.252612339505569, 45.464634451286592 ], [ 9.252612447619052, 45.464658658130418 ], [ 9.252612821499085, 45.464677114877503 ], [ 9.252613294837808, 45.464690138386786 ], [ 9.252613586448744, 45.464698148803983 ], [ 9.252614079530538, 45.464711736330564 ], [ 9.252615032777308, 45.464725899846499 ], [ 9.252616763670643, 45.464751290321615 ], [ 9.252618343852612, 45.464770030808531 ], [ 9.252620485699017, 45.464791310212263 ], [ 9.252622026261738, 45.464804562255878 ], [ 9.252623601394697, 45.464818101316638 ], [ 9.252625780061026, 45.464834396855274 ], [ 9.252627645069786, 45.464847820189831 ], [ 9.252629791134629, 45.464861186642999 ], [ 9.25263179025149, 45.464873664034648 ], [ 9.252635313600521, 45.464893266223008 ], [ 9.252639120224936, 45.464912117202516 ], [ 9.252641596778998, 45.464923417462522 ], [ 9.252644517219377, 45.464936789865121 ], [ 9.252649087974946, 45.464955720570615 ], [ 9.252653888648419, 45.464974099424261 ], [ 9.252658183235587, 45.464989593402279 ], [ 9.252662762549292, 45.465005891751296 ], [ 9.252670742004639, 45.465030601235711 ], [ 9.252676794515002, 45.465049477566701 ], [ 9.252683822179213, 45.465068731157459 ], [ 9.252688355346841, 45.465081154672255 ], [ 9.252695085299147, 45.465098630878494 ], [ 9.252699820323146, 45.465110318165152 ], [ 9.252708005375851, 45.465130239317261 ], [ 9.252714902699944, 45.465145730209464 ], [ 9.252719310658652, 45.465155495162392 ], [ 9.252727577403601, 45.465173803305206 ], [ 9.252743000787468, 45.465204914186614 ], [ 9.252752160909303, 45.465222531092813 ], [ 9.252759402911813, 45.465235927162546 ], [ 9.252766718810697, 45.46524926515702 ], [ 9.252776390272665, 45.465266248978985 ], [ 9.252783196007046, 45.465277789526439 ], [ 9.252790830307822, 45.465290717888244 ], [ 9.252801131132781, 45.465307074240357 ], [ 9.252811273115384, 45.46532299639307 ], [ 9.252816250816645, 45.465330638299463 ], [ 9.252831315840851, 45.46535326640609 ], [ 9.252848694876763, 45.465377910674782 ], [ 9.252851522339665, 45.465381838377411 ], [ 9.252856821515621, 45.465389209087341 ], [ 9.252867282957595, 45.465403596404684 ], [ 9.252874574175189, 45.465413148593598 ], [ 9.252889212347478, 45.465432380078539 ], [ 9.252899153223352, 45.46544487835888 ], [ 9.252908885426496, 45.465456963791574 ], [ 9.252916798857727, 45.465466586697538 ], [ 9.252925554131178, 45.465477188156861 ], [ 9.252941568468065, 45.465495916880634 ], [ 9.252952883870607, 45.465508869557468 ], [ 9.252959668360361, 45.465516572883296 ], [ 9.252974397227407, 45.465532815535916 ], [ 9.252980856489771, 45.465539868334588 ], [ 9.252994345705664, 45.465554297305673 ], [ 9.253006355773389, 45.465566887815619 ], [ 9.253015808092268, 45.465576603145863 ], [ 9.25302166764599, 45.465582545632117 ], [ 9.253034779669663, 45.465595753591337 ], [ 9.253049284146822, 45.465609986565383 ], [ 9.253059934988874, 45.465620351192925 ], [ 9.253072585918911, 45.465632369303776 ], [ 9.253080990225856, 45.465640301308319 ], [ 9.253090022614449, 45.465648818283263 ], [ 9.253111663199848, 45.46566848576456 ], [ 9.253123453899141, 45.465679018541749 ], [ 9.253133989346759, 45.465688293787423 ], [ 9.253144479047181, 45.465697358366185 ], [ 9.25315493484942, 45.465706398314964 ], [ 9.253165280522891, 45.465715181606583 ], [ 9.253182237045502, 45.465729365924297 ], [ 9.253207157849953, 45.465749541689831 ], [ 9.253228413681342, 45.465766453845376 ], [ 9.253250550495197, 45.465783506451167 ], [ 9.253264200681617, 45.465793685554864 ], [ 9.253272844258117, 45.465800219555774 ], [ 9.2532912784283, 45.465813616849587 ], [ 9.253303590481766, 45.465822561683119 ], [ 9.253323223216601, 45.465836467920816 ], [ 9.253328430710924, 45.465840101943151 ], [ 9.253334608891416, 45.465844432687156 ], [ 9.253353553281341, 45.465857509472222 ], [ 9.253366188585174, 45.465865999890667 ], [ 9.253372988833474, 45.465870575415195 ], [ 9.253382356838175, 45.465876860890518 ], [ 9.253396469216383, 45.465886170104937 ], [ 9.253413036042964, 45.465896895063572 ], [ 9.253431569145134, 45.46590898699305 ], [ 9.253442838646066, 45.465916195222455 ], [ 9.253449649228724, 45.465920648998612 ], [ 9.253473399071739, 45.46593566854942 ], [ 9.253483396429941, 45.465941992536003 ], [ 9.253503046067436, 45.465954285429689 ], [ 9.253523733225466, 45.465967041422672 ], [ 9.253538189789815, 45.465975886735414 ], [ 9.253545500114525, 45.465980351380175 ], [ 9.253559701511815, 45.465988953183938 ], [ 9.253572439452816, 45.465996660503798 ], [ 9.253595710725682, 45.466010794132714 ], [ 9.25360262819145, 45.466014985834882 ], [ 9.253612296917755, 45.46602081198494 ], [ 9.253618837468277, 45.466024775288496 ], [ 9.253627942372422, 45.466030288629369 ], [ 9.253642719593916, 45.466039199918981 ], [ 9.253648700456331, 45.466042756472667 ], [ 9.253680171170295, 45.466061459436503 ], [ 9.253721693178898, 45.466083310308051 ], [ 9.2537342517836, 45.466089955605895 ], [ 9.253733901497274, 45.466089771530172 ], [ 9.253746326695262, 45.4660964461765 ], [ 9.253755178221263, 45.466101266278727 ], [ 9.253764063571797, 45.466106104798591 ], [ 9.25377690729246, 45.466113192299183 ], [ 9.253782467445037, 45.466116218705821 ], [ 9.253787608207089, 45.466119131549725 ], [ 9.253800841067246, 45.466126510567733 ], [ 9.253810444852965, 45.466131939088747 ], [ 9.25381603616094, 45.466135160327973 ], [ 9.253824593545161, 45.466140043308251 ], [ 9.253827379153089, 45.466141660626626 ], [ 9.25382919898121, 45.466142769914768 ], [ 9.253845860986646, 45.466152755267217 ], [ 9.253850246380036, 45.466159980402594 ], [ 9.253852128776023, 45.466163111201318 ], [ 9.253853200363242, 45.466167963160551 ], [ 9.253854824412771, 45.466175731295642 ], [ 9.253857121834475, 45.466186930252427 ], [ 9.253859426971394, 45.46619758979292 ], [ 9.253861056278357, 45.466204738212291 ], [ 9.253866599065134, 45.466228693057147 ], [ 9.253871123647095, 45.466247657452321 ], [ 9.253874504456698, 45.466261315038437 ], [ 9.253874566810273, 45.466261540299747 ], [ 9.253879039253261, 45.466279303297263 ], [ 9.253879849791703, 45.46628236645391 ], [ 9.253884427033878, 45.466299457051733 ], [ 9.253888782434581, 45.466314956855378 ], [ 9.253891276007652, 45.46632351074183 ], [ 9.253894436683424, 45.466334277384895 ], [ 9.253896690620813, 45.46634197988449 ], [ 9.253902573446883, 45.466361120395476 ], [ 9.253904419339712, 45.466366862589794 ], [ 9.253906400778126, 45.466373071060808 ], [ 9.253912475109473, 45.466391848981516 ], [ 9.253916292520625, 45.466402913062254 ], [ 9.253923007940179, 45.466422221746718 ], [ 9.253930324010598, 45.466442021069135 ], [ 9.253936767715571, 45.466458884598502 ], [ 9.253941754770667, 45.46647154346622 ], [ 9.253945510108768, 45.466480844156386 ], [ 9.253948925777509, 45.466489170455205 ], [ 9.253951027011681, 45.46649436536471 ], [ 9.25395784297536, 45.466510295849879 ], [ 9.253963136034647, 45.466522426648268 ], [ 9.253969091560744, 45.466535766263263 ], [ 9.253972920602813, 45.466544131022744 ], [ 9.253976382207396, 45.466551713446613 ], [ 9.253983586754194, 45.466566763203843 ], [ 9.253987783527313, 45.466575353058602 ], [ 9.253993223691296, 45.466586468468051 ], [ 9.254001721280925, 45.466603045014274 ], [ 9.254008252442635, 45.466615360466378 ], [ 9.254020029785375, 45.46663700182782 ], [ 9.254033552120241, 45.466660572962994 ], [ 9.254043081187948, 45.466676538847246 ], [ 9.254052528285351, 45.466692344528191 ], [ 9.254061959094074, 45.466707297890508 ], [ 9.254069809513638, 45.466719530857624 ], [ 9.254074088575525, 45.466726099756755 ], [ 9.254081062634143, 45.466736679546351 ], [ 9.254095962341509, 45.466758584174123 ], [ 9.254105982760715, 45.466772575110397 ], [ 9.254120566182189, 45.466792651624473 ], [ 9.254130544289174, 45.466805822732908 ], [ 9.254135707803636, 45.466812759917481 ], [ 9.254145778982783, 45.466825875640261 ], [ 9.254156046179226, 45.466839145313457 ], [ 9.254157941739454, 45.466841660215223 ], [ 9.254164316574235, 45.466850201745999 ], [ 9.254170127163036, 45.466857830035956 ], [ 9.254174415698648, 45.466863439306621 ], [ 9.254184188770694, 45.466876198012919 ], [ 9.254185773824009, 45.466878627325194 ], [ 9.254190664443129, 45.466886134991533 ], [ 9.254194500444882, 45.466892223002581 ], [ 9.254205125042441, 45.466908275451168 ], [ 9.254206192487803, 45.466909906447206 ], [ 9.254207083340953, 45.466911239340547 ], [ 9.25421256139083, 45.466919600024802 ], [ 9.254212688098956, 45.466919803441748 ], [ 9.254214501255092, 45.466922746534884 ], [ 9.254218521336306, 45.466929149273696 ], [ 9.254223416958657, 45.466937266113561 ], [ 9.254231771918345, 45.466951302355021 ], [ 9.254246027929044, 45.466973536042858 ], [ 9.254266662998244, 45.467004118763441 ], [ 9.254268477382729, 45.46700679208864 ], [ 9.254278841348482, 45.467021953785554 ], [ 9.25428045397074, 45.467024329831041 ], [ 9.254283560020351, 45.467028907054541 ], [ 9.254284761842035, 45.467030662576953 ], [ 9.254282741717368, 45.46703943502844 ], [ 9.254277860271483, 45.467060453672509 ], [ 9.25427660534128, 45.467065857177751 ], [ 9.254275859658152, 45.467069067955613 ], [ 9.254274574527834, 45.467074061586267 ], [ 9.2542718821381, 45.467085647993166 ], [ 9.254271010141316, 45.467089055314304 ], [ 9.25426634708716, 45.467108497809129 ], [ 9.254264875336281, 45.467114527731887 ], [ 9.254263452848424, 45.467120083347517 ], [ 9.254261203628369, 45.467129309199898 ], [ 9.254256021793474, 45.467149190668856 ], [ 9.254253699758042, 45.467157863588127 ], [ 9.254250806123446, 45.467168671455248 ], [ 9.25424905409437, 45.467175215367789 ], [ 9.254246476443372, 45.467184363493658 ], [ 9.254245004699156, 45.467189638879091 ], [ 9.254242880742355, 45.467196856413842 ], [ 9.254239150581013, 45.467209822712661 ], [ 9.254237935844378, 45.467213761079059 ], [ 9.254234850398742, 45.467224333812112 ], [ 9.254232819120492, 45.467230882963378 ], [ 9.254232446630319, 45.467231993057446 ], [ 9.254229024371465, 45.467242993448735 ], [ 9.254223406240765, 45.467261848610363 ], [ 9.254221369017715, 45.467268741454625 ], [ 9.254219864779122, 45.467273951876159 ], [ 9.254217747172616, 45.467281203677075 ], [ 9.254213221255212, 45.467296944734841 ], [ 9.254211542073051, 45.467303125898766 ], [ 9.254210534272902, 45.467306367434645 ], [ 9.254206473156611, 45.467321313842525 ], [ 9.254204587354689, 45.467328269865561 ], [ 9.254201391998032, 45.467340487236299 ], [ 9.254199597239323, 45.467347020507439 ], [ 9.254194867791551, 45.46736623305361 ], [ 9.254191121762409, 45.467382684930683 ], [ 9.254187205380003, 45.467400802461427 ], [ 9.254184386827873, 45.467414865004336 ], [ 9.254181826164219, 45.467427588289894 ], [ 9.254177957022636, 45.467449146977756 ], [ 9.254175413180558, 45.46746384403054 ], [ 9.254172914220172, 45.467479440903453 ], [ 9.2541707524634, 45.46749441733953 ], [ 9.25416920633832, 45.467505489630916 ], [ 9.25416649349491, 45.46752622727238 ], [ 9.254165422060485, 45.467536450660987 ], [ 9.254164342388526, 45.467546911097038 ], [ 9.254163173663743, 45.467558221242278 ], [ 9.254162494164722, 45.467566280453987 ], [ 9.254161992728974, 45.467572250859632 ], [ 9.25416081431792, 45.467586688139974 ], [ 9.254160363540327, 45.467592122637257 ], [ 9.25415945955649, 45.467603274761274 ], [ 9.254157811255435, 45.467630859670692 ], [ 9.254156907852627, 45.467649020787839 ], [ 9.254156573743321, 45.467657456572688 ], [ 9.25415612948041, 45.467665028526369 ], [ 9.254155865428617, 45.467671216620289 ], [ 9.254155610292251, 45.467677053034201 ], [ 9.254155026059774, 45.467690478996921 ], [ 9.254154289368616, 45.467707393285224 ], [ 9.254153703547827, 45.46772609058111 ], [ 9.254153545492967, 45.467734136676128 ], [ 9.254153520229245, 45.467734776158494 ], [ 9.254153374203664, 45.467739273987107 ], [ 9.254153367219722, 45.46773938663106 ], [ 9.254152810963372, 45.467750220283911 ], [ 9.254152426048053, 45.467756419587396 ], [ 9.254151864841443, 45.467767414658233 ], [ 9.254151265563774, 45.46777711238569 ], [ 9.254150832411579, 45.467787945116541 ], [ 9.254150517839298, 45.467792886942789 ], [ 9.254149943298515, 45.467806902418303 ], [ 9.254149774425496, 45.46781113329812 ], [ 9.254149407616769, 45.467816957383945 ], [ 9.254148440706668, 45.467841143248947 ], [ 9.254148047841133, 45.467851125913469 ], [ 9.254147739113785, 45.467861862862598 ], [ 9.2541476604591, 45.467863799249905 ], [ 9.254147339620934, 45.467871461621591 ], [ 9.254146943282478, 45.467884867640294 ], [ 9.254146664434213, 45.467891849648986 ], [ 9.254146216597675, 45.467909589023307 ], [ 9.254146033781488, 45.467914382522061 ], [ 9.254145351586114, 45.467932070198579 ], [ 9.254145003012804, 45.467941208356173 ], [ 9.25414432081687, 45.467958896031597 ], [ 9.254143977092102, 45.467967807971682 ], [ 9.254143534762914, 45.467979454637131 ], [ 9.254142982402023, 45.467997040126654 ], [ 9.25414272567113, 45.46800377167267 ], [ 9.254142301038012, 45.468014741289551 ], [ 9.254141667436103, 45.468035059132269 ], [ 9.25414117670522, 45.468050691221606 ], [ 9.254140864135689, 45.468058698558828 ], [ 9.254140177417064, 45.46808057375975 ], [ 9.25413991729925, 45.468091014986399 ], [ 9.254139348067486, 45.468109203299072 ], [ 9.254139142372081, 45.468117840249548 ], [ 9.25413855505308, 45.468136444338732 ], [ 9.254138313090786, 45.468146936984155 ], [ 9.254138099488079, 45.468155757776131 ], [ 9.254137883684967, 45.468164669432227 ], [ 9.254117222083453, 45.469027770761564 ], [ 9.254720804982478, 45.469057263287652 ], [ 9.254719714391051, 45.469066957235555 ], [ 9.256044235915505, 45.46916090898268 ], [ 9.257203958973381, 45.46926065174253 ], [ 9.2575201233836, 45.468309116534734 ], [ 9.257553967062531, 45.468151134979571 ], [ 9.257556335017938, 45.468148986964536 ], [ 9.257561414807171, 45.468116368950824 ], [ 9.257577900592667, 45.46803941324697 ], [ 9.25759591987188, 45.467894806271204 ], [ 9.257613181342551, 45.467783966887737 ], [ 9.2587951495605, 45.467847346535088 ], [ 9.259297908970746, 45.467898317605645 ], [ 9.259740400168452, 45.467943684990395 ], [ 9.259518532432818, 45.468756804153657 ], [ 9.259505843851958, 45.468878467634006 ], [ 9.259496395463994, 45.468914913361864 ], [ 9.259408286638429, 45.469162991952651 ], [ 9.259339971975276, 45.469353890113673 ], [ 9.258786572558121, 45.470869464939256 ], [ 9.260436791224706, 45.470561921807992 ], [ 9.260424811732836, 45.470679172258649 ], [ 9.263808767020761, 45.470965714819606 ], [ 9.263776218101055, 45.470883644131384 ], [ 9.263959027606932, 45.47089381163493 ], [ 9.263247547410051, 45.469381768992058 ], [ 9.263207636518606, 45.469297843946734 ], [ 9.263191887577696, 45.469266299950839 ], [ 9.263183811989125, 45.469250234251732 ], [ 9.2631728630104, 45.469231206514387 ], [ 9.263165019428433, 45.469217492218171 ], [ 9.263152036140061, 45.469196598625985 ], [ 9.263139714578219, 45.469177500049469 ], [ 9.263121285934359, 45.469150863513157 ], [ 9.263109272988608, 45.469134901720565 ], [ 9.263097512874063, 45.46911930218922 ], [ 9.263081345634994, 45.469099545364692 ], [ 9.263065640926239, 45.469080602057424 ], [ 9.26303956594974, 45.469052091364233 ], [ 9.263017327443915, 45.469028785822175 ], [ 9.262982075135373, 45.468994913603652 ], [ 9.262944211064804, 45.468962222300128 ], [ 9.262932669337369, 45.468952362635363 ], [ 9.26290797384849, 45.468933185553517 ], [ 9.26289595587474, 45.468923825488183 ], [ 9.262861742735964, 45.468898650822453 ], [ 9.262822163593574, 45.468871937826364 ], [ 9.262793934980943, 45.46885417900755 ], [ 9.262757745676726, 45.468832147046314 ], [ 9.262708293815773, 45.468805145832889 ], [ 9.26266638869942, 45.46878384891982 ], [ 9.262630761962392, 45.46876711170173 ], [ 9.262595804744858, 45.468751271033874 ], [ 9.262562429477724, 45.468737411457113 ], [ 9.262529375951118, 45.468724047995387 ], [ 9.262514347278726, 45.468718526489724 ], [ 9.262552222941988, 45.46860343450652 ], [ 9.262587565931243, 45.46841248312748 ], [ 9.26260466329286, 45.468292980070451 ], [ 9.262609773786986, 45.468245476443876 ], [ 9.262625690539242, 45.468097004228667 ], [ 9.262642883408866, 45.46790701036155 ], [ 9.262653421194289, 45.467798842786848 ], [ 9.26266385032455, 45.467760733659468 ], [ 9.262724484687125, 45.467588152280065 ], [ 9.262760273499921, 45.467488179901402 ], [ 9.262818302300159, 45.467324285209607 ], [ 9.262856625316328, 45.467217157749246 ], [ 9.262881128624551, 45.467135196839678 ], [ 9.26288758563498, 45.467109735079454 ], [ 9.262890325610687, 45.467098763944918 ], [ 9.262894557664689, 45.467081202260339 ], [ 9.26289664269475, 45.467072149048164 ], [ 9.262931221289039, 45.467088118140573 ], [ 9.262948543963157, 45.467095782078907 ], [ 9.262971949437071, 45.467105863807383 ], [ 9.262985284084637, 45.467111451839223 ], [ 9.263004155244765, 45.467119229900511 ], [ 9.263024204966417, 45.467127359942161 ], [ 9.263041214929784, 45.467133854543235 ], [ 9.263053132963316, 45.46713841770481 ], [ 9.263072508819761, 45.467145816236958 ], [ 9.263093602897531, 45.467153415562358 ], [ 9.263128425043579, 45.467165695176824 ], [ 9.263157814444707, 45.467175302880662 ], [ 9.26317326372253, 45.467180346289616 ], [ 9.263197988081682, 45.467188039870258 ], [ 9.263208738771963, 45.467191319929327 ], [ 9.263227367484124, 45.46719683029481 ], [ 9.263255548407814, 45.467205016382486 ], [ 9.263282387406436, 45.467212415944232 ], [ 9.26328242949946, 45.467221457890204 ], [ 9.263284177838409, 45.467282568646645 ], [ 9.263292622392941, 45.467369695053669 ], [ 9.26330465943704, 45.467442783111949 ], [ 9.2633166916569, 45.467497100463568 ], [ 9.263316912883786, 45.467498266223501 ], [ 9.263319473770775, 45.467510014617979 ], [ 9.263322206535642, 45.467522657779078 ], [ 9.263326116094612, 45.46753850535859 ], [ 9.263032619334664, 45.467993441994551 ], [ 9.264085683342044, 45.468413038774557 ], [ 9.264159016272389, 45.468440775578429 ], [ 9.264178098199618, 45.468449974321807 ], [ 9.264182879673545, 45.468452279451832 ], [ 9.26418452060285, 45.468453096725028 ], [ 9.264194643995255, 45.468458099828588 ], [ 9.264207617913216, 45.468464592722022 ], [ 9.264213898774436, 45.468467772416446 ], [ 9.26421776506989, 45.468469758853161 ], [ 9.264226129255633, 45.468474035286036 ], [ 9.264238021638869, 45.468480239735186 ], [ 9.26424593783538, 45.468484403009242 ], [ 9.264252352508699, 45.468487811811805 ], [ 9.264267485089871, 45.468495963727094 ], [ 9.264273911914083, 45.468499425853359 ], [ 9.264285718542871, 45.468505941653362 ], [ 9.264298429371104, 45.468512799360695 ], [ 9.264300163464961, 45.468513756781995 ], [ 9.264301699261216, 45.468514624156448 ], [ 9.264303834356623, 45.468515895398902 ], [ 9.264314638807807, 45.468523447850757 ], [ 9.264327792222458, 45.468532965632463 ], [ 9.26436387861958, 45.468558364422883 ], [ 9.264408243109877, 45.468588074310141 ], [ 9.264452770619656, 45.468616085873222 ], [ 9.264476450839929, 45.468630154381664 ], [ 9.264492161618403, 45.468639260287873 ], [ 9.264501272928666, 45.468644423715965 ], [ 9.264503966510095, 45.468645947683832 ], [ 9.264515510494965, 45.468652489291813 ], [ 9.264550775424036, 45.468671657743897 ], [ 9.264573748117689, 45.468683332319507 ], [ 9.264595997932863, 45.468694574148039 ], [ 9.264618815656556, 45.468705432950259 ], [ 9.26463718138924, 45.468714193835751 ], [ 9.264672086053704, 45.46872990700053 ], [ 9.264688797207397, 45.468737018610049 ], [ 9.264702317107192, 45.468742772246074 ], [ 9.264718208803934, 45.468749297447388 ], [ 9.264734481304586, 45.468755961622819 ], [ 9.264761324908367, 45.46876655537644 ], [ 9.264791066842905, 45.468777481749484 ], [ 9.264815094970436, 45.4687861209106 ], [ 9.264833634608349, 45.468792492688316 ], [ 9.264859937429433, 45.468801390697095 ], [ 9.264890018396937, 45.46881095561146 ], [ 9.264909047174063, 45.468816809910372 ], [ 9.264931888306926, 45.468823502361339 ], [ 9.264951278637746, 45.468829067727953 ], [ 9.264968960883969, 45.468833996857555 ], [ 9.264985136533774, 45.46883830566729 ], [ 9.264997662539628, 45.468841548993758 ], [ 9.265010291813239, 45.468844811072472 ], [ 9.265039451602416, 45.46885206253981 ], [ 9.265065863505837, 45.468858189178839 ], [ 9.265093681746768, 45.468864269993354 ], [ 9.265116230048651, 45.468869060615049 ], [ 9.265138833872562, 45.468873548072096 ], [ 9.26516541952325, 45.468878677832848 ], [ 9.265187504392399, 45.468882528828772 ], [ 9.26519160677816, 45.468883257575037 ], [ 9.265212963772477, 45.46888690025591 ], [ 9.265233500723946, 45.468890161616201 ], [ 9.265252999790352, 45.468893194080273 ], [ 9.265271133659763, 45.468895808373709 ], [ 9.265275268999369, 45.468896396257406 ], [ 9.265300997934514, 45.468900028630927 ], [ 9.265332249970454, 45.468903992541115 ], [ 9.265357123800534, 45.468906789225109 ], [ 9.265368997646766, 45.46890812998425 ], [ 9.265379560433855, 45.468909293980744 ], [ 9.265405693311388, 45.468911858859308 ], [ 9.265444271945121, 45.468915332168464 ], [ 9.265478426647068, 45.468917704234542 ], [ 9.265575066398023, 45.468923193392229 ], [ 9.265596418834402, 45.468923811389651 ], [ 9.265597431467956, 45.468934453008949 ], [ 9.265598724282134, 45.468946414202343 ], [ 9.265599910380935, 45.468957197003405 ], [ 9.26560330500458, 45.468982541586904 ], [ 9.265607596711483, 45.46900939887518 ], [ 9.26561039578103, 45.469024341697327 ], [ 9.265613534557691, 45.469040948066421 ], [ 9.265615643290424, 45.469050917398704 ], [ 9.265618853096154, 45.469065822183474 ], [ 9.265621672263805, 45.469077697897355 ], [ 9.265626549294153, 45.469097875850338 ], [ 9.265633595307776, 45.469124161936875 ], [ 9.26563817950025, 45.469139733008696 ], [ 9.265640644458792, 45.469147754300259 ], [ 9.265645884905357, 45.469164449725298 ], [ 9.26565306604707, 45.46918549839279 ], [ 9.26565789737406, 45.469199509188414 ], [ 9.265666046850987, 45.469221205294929 ], [ 9.265670866604314, 45.469234016273546 ], [ 9.265677985959648, 45.469251520181096 ], [ 9.265685539195267, 45.469269957679167 ], [ 9.265693711841699, 45.469288429037306 ], [ 9.265698615919652, 45.469299392309154 ], [ 9.265704302124369, 45.469311669716653 ], [ 9.265708602339123, 45.469320845495297 ], [ 9.265715124799348, 45.46933446317351 ], [ 9.265728157572303, 45.469360333421228 ], [ 9.265738292835227, 45.469379373027699 ], [ 9.265742456687709, 45.469387051354538 ], [ 9.265751371714186, 45.469403309722253 ], [ 9.265796111872829, 45.469480815136791 ], [ 9.265826704185161, 45.469531144294706 ], [ 9.265824385794966, 45.469537072050002 ], [ 9.265817031788741, 45.469556212778812 ], [ 9.265815538637622, 45.469560167057068 ], [ 9.265813388011054, 45.469565899376725 ], [ 9.265796727306848, 45.469578068661377 ], [ 9.265778942848437, 45.46959119552109 ], [ 9.265755534673131, 45.469608833599018 ], [ 9.26573926825418, 45.469621470115236 ], [ 9.265712280639383, 45.469642663383169 ], [ 9.26569543604878, 45.469656683162818 ], [ 9.265687975725605, 45.46966289789443 ], [ 9.265668487382028, 45.469679290825376 ], [ 9.265651967490877, 45.469693693779639 ], [ 9.265633469427392, 45.469710201600229 ], [ 9.265613976720307, 45.469728008298439 ], [ 9.26560117001166, 45.469740024062737 ], [ 9.265582957751896, 45.469757460937537 ], [ 9.265573278348619, 45.469766973151906 ], [ 9.265562358653076, 45.469777729559674 ], [ 9.265543107133299, 45.469797327150964 ], [ 9.26552440046088, 45.469816923495557 ], [ 9.265514161530133, 45.469828007790959 ], [ 9.265505233633313, 45.469837694683456 ], [ 9.265496267598371, 45.46984769420439 ], [ 9.26549142185694, 45.469853080280799 ], [ 9.265476386109457, 45.46987019700299 ], [ 9.265459849834373, 45.469889639841128 ], [ 9.265446291936602, 45.469906073526531 ], [ 9.26543387617356, 45.469921407851508 ], [ 9.265422663465419, 45.469935719813421 ], [ 9.265413662516726, 45.469947460491177 ], [ 9.265399228067924, 45.469966472112937 ], [ 9.265391504900776, 45.4699770216193 ], [ 9.265388072817581, 45.469981710210639 ], [ 9.265381111455358, 45.46999121640701 ], [ 9.265368453742513, 45.470009006255779 ], [ 9.265361519525069, 45.470019027704438 ], [ 9.265356396620989, 45.470026439806219 ], [ 9.265345622854223, 45.470042178713861 ], [ 9.265333864956947, 45.470060036264229 ], [ 9.265323215742949, 45.470076386795498 ], [ 9.265306147090989, 45.470103481251535 ], [ 9.265293020874756, 45.470125366593521 ], [ 9.265287489700473, 45.470134607138597 ], [ 9.265281643933733, 45.470144534778441 ], [ 9.265273332136459, 45.470159026213892 ], [ 9.265263869316799, 45.47017583207586 ], [ 9.264703807786521, 45.471218189630669 ], [ 9.267247334169303, 45.471506246876459 ], [ 9.267928646478214, 45.470835023339809 ], [ 9.268115669217753, 45.470732969294311 ], [ 9.268293116358528, 45.470475942254794 ], [ 9.268450851768581, 45.470320537232944 ], [ 9.268396623697793, 45.47027043752766 ], [ 9.268402720427945, 45.470256193329185 ], [ 9.268433896343193, 45.470167065031092 ], [ 9.268825995568529, 45.469042439133382 ], [ 9.268446140199366, 45.468987155322218 ], [ 9.268445279472816, 45.468985622167779 ], [ 9.268437370150641, 45.468971518597286 ], [ 9.268437077276245, 45.468971017579356 ], [ 9.268423062137447, 45.46894713996965 ], [ 9.268417742216567, 45.46893828104966 ], [ 9.268408611836632, 45.468923485146767 ], [ 9.268399984308918, 45.468909734933135 ], [ 9.268362627022183, 45.46885089143268 ], [ 9.268310568162381, 45.468770082469781 ], [ 9.268310458072859, 45.468769901759472 ], [ 9.268318511551678, 45.468726948193428 ], [ 9.26831979080492, 45.468720115686857 ], [ 9.26832065191828, 45.468715538430473 ], [ 9.26832276715607, 45.468704084187017 ], [ 9.268325032550315, 45.468690602711661 ], [ 9.268327422559189, 45.468676182010554 ], [ 9.268328396067561, 45.46866947680234 ], [ 9.268330009895809, 45.468658537738534 ], [ 9.26833176225125, 45.468646697364754 ], [ 9.26833414287691, 45.468628078638019 ], [ 9.268335711630245, 45.468615231874942 ], [ 9.268336984929199, 45.468603541975263 ], [ 9.268337721053738, 45.468596689701272 ], [ 9.268339440750941, 45.468578914527598 ], [ 9.26834149073407, 45.468554298226231 ], [ 9.26834254269049, 45.468533811691032 ], [ 9.268343478732316, 45.46851152536626 ], [ 9.2683440509051, 45.46848697243442 ], [ 9.268344188104511, 45.468469203952274 ], [ 9.268344154678406, 45.468460720434855 ], [ 9.268344105304546, 45.468449841611104 ], [ 9.268343786411441, 45.468431314512721 ], [ 9.268343234714072, 45.468412726456158 ], [ 9.26834294184639, 45.468406260535609 ], [ 9.268342427999341, 45.468393743311722 ], [ 9.268341628458675, 45.468380757824562 ], [ 9.268341104058798, 45.468372054592059 ], [ 9.268336388883473, 45.468303458821396 ], [ 9.268335779870693, 45.468294970420573 ], [ 9.268334958514663, 45.46828363085384 ], [ 9.268334639744751, 45.468279229944066 ], [ 9.268334471141062, 45.46827588708706 ], [ 9.268333076295461, 45.468254358801182 ], [ 9.268332049259895, 45.468238536518086 ], [ 9.268331646380778, 45.468231948123041 ], [ 9.268331303394383, 45.468225308042456 ], [ 9.268330670196942, 45.468214938171677 ], [ 9.268330391299038, 45.468209403732786 ], [ 9.268329694013747, 45.468197928220647 ], [ 9.268329306288797, 45.468190153121299 ], [ 9.268328815956782, 45.468180398149116 ], [ 9.268328152325461, 45.468169578101353 ], [ 9.268327942471375, 45.468165369865389 ], [ 9.268327153498323, 45.46814499550559 ], [ 9.268325982708886, 45.468130033701556 ], [ 9.268325680723017, 45.468124385538502 ], [ 9.268325671126382, 45.468124055867442 ], [ 9.268325637983468, 45.468117070516811 ], [ 9.268326040799144, 45.468115123910181 ], [ 9.268337766527813, 45.468076246279516 ], [ 9.268385846097978, 45.467925209139892 ], [ 9.268432106885172, 45.467766520283355 ], [ 9.268485095653446, 45.467554354417892 ], [ 9.268498678782052, 45.467555042618237 ], [ 9.268751225273775, 45.467560368662539 ], [ 9.270582089181223, 45.467608432040954 ], [ 9.270317584551062, 45.466423396555051 ], [ 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], [ 9.120612777431933, 45.44518275796402 ], [ 9.12050308188863, 45.44530000126062 ], [ 9.120439691209429, 45.445382302309156 ], [ 9.120381468398698, 45.445463520859953 ], [ 9.120331847548357, 45.445560214740006 ], [ 9.120286121984595, 45.445657259032778 ], [ 9.120256124981061, 45.445763356490254 ], [ 9.120237746881646, 45.445848288998157 ], [ 9.12023355278586, 45.445888066209385 ], [ 9.119120270934916, 45.447461815449699 ], [ 9.119268908394456, 45.447518100057401 ], [ 9.118925081656261, 45.447998592700174 ], [ 9.119567981147586, 45.448223873375682 ], [ 9.119528035052603, 45.448275535975682 ], [ 9.119516218861659, 45.44829145522197 ], [ 9.119505785996054, 45.448306111240242 ], [ 9.11949454510918, 45.448322594651259 ], [ 9.119486128641702, 45.448335492712616 ], [ 9.119473657901365, 45.44835549139485 ], [ 9.119466385336558, 45.448367713229423 ], [ 9.119456519401545, 45.448385115979534 ], [ 9.11944632133925, 45.448404030429586 ], [ 9.119439469005304, 45.448417419848077 ], [ 9.119429955748611, 45.448437046558865 ], [ 9.11942363962717, 45.448450838468034 ], [ 9.119417275513321, 45.448465587346028 ], [ 9.119408466495415, 45.448487321416835 ], [ 9.11940305554714, 45.448501584310556 ], [ 9.119397231760999, 45.448518051056503 ], [ 9.119391003154254, 45.448537030133672 ], [ 9.119386006713606, 45.448553525751073 ], [ 9.119381573760332, 45.448569483708944 ], [ 9.119377087264624, 45.448587227417164 ], [ 9.119372843845843, 45.448605833964145 ], [ 9.11936984060573, 45.448620598742103 ], [ 9.119366497662813, 45.448639287938661 ], [ 9.119363760676404, 45.44865700999533 ], [ 9.11885444000484, 45.44945631093676 ], [ 9.12136646134679, 45.450249394946162 ], [ 9.121415648376535, 45.450172208047348 ], [ 9.121588905980298, 45.450226905291792 ], [ 9.121457542545917, 45.450478048577118 ], [ 9.121457564532241, 45.450478054427336 ], [ 9.121262161052067, 45.450850328844517 ], [ 9.120989292958184, 45.451370179200005 ], [ 9.120755543793925, 45.451347021825583 ], [ 9.120624063544915, 45.451997734651052 ], [ 9.120268745438649, 45.45267968851077 ], [ 9.119984973441067, 45.453216693858998 ], [ 9.11998568257235, 45.453216877409176 ], [ 9.119896397573321, 45.45338602837252 ], [ 9.119896602918017, 45.45338608157703 ], [ 9.119796102726111, 45.453576475569569 ], [ 9.11979637415309, 45.453576545627371 ], [ 9.119707087914797, 45.453745694038389 ], [ 9.119708594807948, 45.453746083378448 ], [ 9.119661279912757, 45.453836067698006 ], [ 9.119697356900144, 45.453846048645985 ], [ 9.11964084232743, 45.45395749448388 ], [ 9.123282959266943, 45.454903523406543 ], [ 9.123347513098366, 45.455273787649887 ], [ 9.122963385900146, 45.45600915407627 ], [ 9.123535349817203, 45.45643203707035 ], [ 9.123458018764019, 45.456578237777507 ], [ 9.123450733665488, 45.456592114769073 ], [ 9.123284104798641, 45.456913245489304 ], [ 9.12331254215146, 45.457264679861943 ], [ 9.123099014596614, 45.457671853193638 ], [ 9.122656770616228, 45.458515010944154 ], [ 9.122656831750893, 45.458515026814972 ], [ 9.124271752607001, 45.458934253086234 ], [ 9.124314807040726, 45.458946590422777 ], [ 9.126000697471241, 45.459387608612666 ], [ 9.126427181882347, 45.458553036820987 ], [ 9.126922965655375, 45.45854578787997 ], [ 9.12700204147689, 45.458394581750255 ], [ 9.127476837784219, 45.458647645048259 ], [ 9.128375053448641, 45.457164377232587 ], [ 9.128392145494621, 45.457136185293429 ], [ 9.128611514436676, 45.456781856617809 ], [ 9.128821765767569, 45.456849074429364 ], [ 9.129182806367037, 45.455833297279099 ], [ 9.129196169021069, 45.45581131425832 ], [ 9.129202528563855, 45.455801664780928 ], [ 9.129202575286635, 45.455801583379618 ], [ 9.129202602435534, 45.455801542163691 ], [ 9.129215072971256, 45.455779811455173 ], [ 9.129227120808777, 45.455761154424593 ], [ 9.129244751067159, 45.455731080814161 ], [ 9.129287684139989, 45.455660095793732 ], [ 9.129293657480583, 45.455650317468404 ], [ 9.129313947011944, 45.455637537521483 ], [ 9.129379611389798, 45.455528093666338 ], [ 9.130033738563803, 45.454635700670792 ], [ 9.129934548745437, 45.454605315217457 ], [ 9.130114323486985, 45.454306456925558 ], [ 9.130244269255693, 45.45348002482455 ], [ 9.127448162656105, 45.452642020791394 ], [ 9.126927370977457, 45.453534639520633 ], [ 9.126859291329279, 45.453663192846825 ], [ 9.126850036536293, 45.453660357416403 ], [ 9.126576213275953, 45.454188087248184 ], [ 9.126287664861501, 45.454110962104629 ], [ 9.126171673556785, 45.45430227357862 ], [ 9.125738918463513, 45.454338913033148 ], [ 9.125705602603441, 45.454343641540618 ], [ 9.125661213394961, 45.454347824148861 ], [ 9.125622039638754, 45.454351350853258 ], [ 9.125312874728522, 45.454377555464902 ], [ 9.125057730100613, 45.454398893784678 ], [ 9.124392634118635, 45.454450959168014 ], [ 9.124393287619101, 45.454454155262965 ], [ 9.123555226458132, 45.454524742539313 ], [ 9.123599618706766, 45.454440502394554 ], [ 9.123600583305508, 45.454440754544251 ], [ 9.124026969813658, 45.453631616213208 ], [ 9.124449506452423, 45.452839834004173 ], [ 9.124449066154048, 45.452839719100204 ], [ 9.124549994485937, 45.452650588180305 ], [ 9.124549770433777, 45.452650529657184 ], [ 9.1245951802736, 45.452565435123034 ], [ 9.124593839485946, 45.452565085755715 ], [ 9.12464731358472, 45.452464559873128 ], [ 9.124611214692605, 45.452455015899332 ], [ 9.12581556008444, 45.450159439028575 ], [ 9.125814872500614, 45.450159258657457 ], [ 9.126055154915177, 45.449700863507019 ], [ 9.126057771632333, 45.449700531097037 ], [ 9.126297470071053, 45.44923878174572 ], [ 9.126298689853279, 45.449236486961809 ], [ 9.12641579483909, 45.449010992917152 ], [ 9.126422021817255, 45.448998513136075 ], [ 9.126422827745616, 45.448996802365514 ], [ 9.126431595660764, 45.448979436051467 ], [ 9.126435098946914, 45.448970753870945 ], [ 9.126447423181903, 45.448944592774438 ], [ 9.12646148089892, 45.448899732973253 ], [ 9.126472518861762, 45.448865297431865 ], [ 9.126473927126458, 45.44885827992907 ], [ 9.126478284476409, 45.448843595803822 ], [ 9.126483253588315, 45.448811659530584 ], [ 9.126487357239505, 45.448790225740616 ], [ 9.12648875133682, 45.448775149398479 ], [ 9.126493340047086, 45.448743997553265 ], [ 9.126493186017781, 45.44867508584111 ], [ 9.126493174079918, 45.448664231634559 ], [ 9.126490176411226, 45.448633314784985 ], [ 9.126487360910211, 45.448597693572758 ], [ 9.126478877232792, 45.448560233817702 ], [ 9.126471604877514, 45.448523548654649 ], [ 9.126467252426263, 45.448510770812781 ], [ 9.126463220223403, 45.44849391430192 ], [ 9.126451190628655, 45.448463616847526 ], [ 9.126450066722386, 45.44846031729864 ], [ 9.126441772233397, 45.448439897328676 ], [ 9.126441680535194, 45.448439669164756 ], [ 9.126424765809197, 45.448397094747428 ], [ 9.126401547248856, 45.448356424541757 ], [ 9.126395524753589, 45.448345454365274 ], [ 9.12639181449965, 45.448339376398145 ], [ 9.126368524939654, 45.448298581737077 ], [ 9.126335178790221, 45.448255708641618 ], [ 9.126334128628777, 45.448254343878304 ], [ 9.12630490300352, 45.448216225750038 ], [ 9.126302511601477, 45.448213708412069 ], [ 9.126302277840102, 45.448213407864657 ], [ 9.12626208935726, 45.448171124564013 ], [ 9.126256905985935, 45.44816564702532 ], [ 9.126256608985607, 45.448165358522914 ], [ 9.126254163155545, 45.448162785201227 ], [ 9.126240508804415, 45.44814971900243 ], [ 9.126214768383017, 45.44812471504693 ], [ 9.126193529834573, 45.448106832877833 ], [ 9.126171597408872, 45.448087599586827 ], [ 9.126142586819208, 45.448065680550023 ], [ 9.126126065837163, 45.448052929082252 ], [ 9.126082190967653, 45.448022143032873 ], [ 9.126082041345278, 45.448022047591678 ], [ 9.126068361008906, 45.448012446021472 ], [ 9.126044360983018, 45.447998012002785 ], [ 9.126035860160252, 45.447992589484492 ], [ 9.126017315147024, 45.447981746167798 ], [ 9.12601381104365, 45.44797963873809 ], [ 9.126011314717804, 45.447978237699935 ], [ 9.125991355457106, 45.447966567458572 ], [ 9.125977994198712, 45.447959536876866 ], [ 9.125950391191298, 45.447944044935824 ], [ 9.125888615189572, 45.447915151342997 ], [ 9.125887492813195, 45.447914659296885 ], [ 9.125881995081723, 45.447912085278659 ], [ 9.125857741889469, 45.447901616583167 ], [ 9.125843495471472, 45.447895370992299 ], [ 9.125840910355093, 45.447894351381315 ], [ 9.125779285268065, 45.447867751351147 ], [ 9.125740311844547, 45.44785604518718 ], [ 9.125719573335379, 45.447848345637858 ], [ 9.125644700760434, 45.447827949987989 ], [ 9.125563054467129, 45.447805963069172 ], [ 9.124341932501206, 45.447474158397512 ], [ 9.124333897362865, 45.447489965483612 ], [ 9.124332166652987, 45.447489617729069 ], [ 9.124290451920778, 45.447481032928565 ], [ 9.124272199671926, 45.447478198744513 ], [ 9.124219516670438, 45.447469778091772 ], [ 9.124212710039593, 45.447468961254152 ], [ 9.124175632152978, 45.447463203819972 ], [ 9.124117381723689, 45.447458712132232 ], [ 9.124076156118516, 45.447455364094971 ], [ 9.124071324638235, 45.447455160651103 ], [ 9.124070928489996, 45.447455130103855 ], [ 9.124067011825581, 45.447454979047102 ], [ 9.124006134547985, 45.447452415608147 ], [ 9.123999622048371, 45.447452386767672 ], [ 9.123959199856747, 45.4474508361292 ], [ 9.123893336169465, 45.447453479290779 ], [ 9.123861230876173, 45.447454569764432 ], [ 9.123855245321897, 45.447455007889047 ], [ 9.123851129678357, 45.447455173050386 ], [ 9.123828859554859, 45.447456939244077 ], [ 9.123789975738552, 45.447459785405592 ], [ 9.123782605805307, 45.447460607511232 ], [ 9.123742338051569, 45.447463801028668 ], [ 9.123690337360346, 45.44747199410061 ], [ 9.123674806380274, 45.447474343413255 ], [ 9.123887544095663, 45.447115225138234 ], [ 9.124070585961446, 45.446803107748423 ], [ 9.1244638068925, 45.44691188660321 ], [ 9.124556275623517, 45.446818390134581 ], [ 9.125484833344888, 45.44704044252309 ], [ 9.125257738100659, 45.446109118767012 ], [ 9.125515295886085, 45.445848688212955 ], [ 9.125275375679022, 45.44556138334049 ], [ 9.125291789676309, 45.44527874631089 ], [ 9.125294095708341, 45.445274472153969 ], [ 9.125361999866428, 45.445264624254129 ], [ 9.125430889591588, 45.44525196302871 ], [ 9.125498688334998, 45.44523680150288 ], [ 9.125564779055649, 45.445219300270608 ], [ 9.125630957252694, 45.445198941309208 ], [ 9.125694174249251, 45.445176659025783 ], [ 9.125755910269108, 45.44515198209794 ], [ 9.125815621678321, 45.445125120902411 ], [ 9.125874046048885, 45.44509570727395 ], [ 9.125929061586421, 45.445064832142442 ], [ 9.125983381819539, 45.44503093691079 ], [ 9.126033171613717, 45.444996439073478 ], [ 9.126081159226205, 45.444959526023354 ], [ 9.126126738778215, 45.444920563749911 ], [ 9.126169595801867, 45.444879763091414 ], [ 9.126249331162498, 45.444794924541299 ], [ 9.126633093960217, 45.444184001008466 ], [ 9.127798766013987, 45.444178099606916 ], [ 9.128090356691864, 45.44304208903359 ], [ 9.126030067738942, 45.442488507702976 ], [ 9.124900145635733, 45.442140707562722 ], [ 9.123781068282909, 45.441794507115944 ], [ 9.123725947902765, 45.441882801403374 ], [ 9.123332700044255, 45.44175413756637 ], [ 9.122758845617804, 45.442306946107422 ], [ 9.12274828273323, 45.442313363288982 ], [ 9.122726983455005, 45.442326820145311 ], [ 9.122704836896279, 45.442341369048059 ], [ 9.122682264271791, 45.442356786259289 ], [ 9.122661044870815, 45.44237185360636 ], [ 9.122641204114419, 45.442386500566336 ], [ 9.122621193457917, 45.442401859726893 ], [ 9.122600029177548, 45.442418751823666 ], [ 9.122581305297858, 45.442434294760595 ], [ 9.122561174813937, 45.442451679125504 ], [ 9.12254322806192, 45.442467807692445 ], [ 9.122524668798356, 45.442485171409096 ], [ 9.122507206033712, 45.442502187663457 ], [ 9.12249048190694, 45.442519169795524 ], [ 9.122472987182677, 45.442537693005086 ], [ 9.12245722108328, 45.442555110773093 ], [ 9.122441386427264, 45.442573378037721 ], [ 9.122426242077092, 45.442591637663 ], [ 9.122411272279116, 45.442610520141173 ], [ 9.122397576761101, 45.442628612668642 ], [ 9.122382715038809, 45.442649199954964 ], [ 9.12237091391113, 45.442666365434725 ] ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 9.168299467135739, 45.456166780031239 ], [ 9.168182538786366, 45.456128793380763 ], [ 9.168334271347156, 45.455638082658943 ], [ 9.167145767242598, 45.455791968705057 ], [ 9.167114968369964, 45.455781962611006 ], [ 9.166988627350715, 45.455702284420106 ], [ 9.166916694318207, 45.45569198516052 ], [ 9.166566272649289, 45.455446383405302 ], [ 9.166492741542488, 45.455206150076009 ], [ 9.165475686764131, 45.455132322497313 ], [ 9.165091841478091, 45.455743779992581 ], [ 9.165074996193523, 45.455738699842399 ], [ 9.164923909442832, 45.455986338889737 ], [ 9.164918521401649, 45.455988172223698 ], [ 9.164893751074541, 45.455980722710059 ], [ 9.164881626008285, 45.456000726233889 ], [ 9.163366404800245, 45.456516279612053 ], [ 9.163369949160161, 45.456804988448496 ], [ 9.164092939170205, 45.45704016577853 ], [ 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9.161868336027785, 45.468608475334577 ], [ 9.161812607110663, 45.468480307800249 ], [ 9.161666908476244, 45.468140547693544 ], [ 9.161289223837221, 45.467737555020527 ], [ 9.160585137638751, 45.467603505513956 ], [ 9.160133744042714, 45.467633018849561 ], [ 9.160047953603874, 45.467639639175964 ], [ 9.159628867366347, 45.467668842725594 ], [ 9.159079151521976, 45.467707203685009 ], [ 9.158701094898841, 45.467734401173658 ], [ 9.158673933497237, 45.467736620760448 ], [ 9.158672818776354, 45.467736583662798 ], [ 9.158332443573745, 45.467752114592386 ], [ 9.158065591564554, 45.467779488051178 ], [ 9.157656167669543, 45.467848369001167 ], [ 9.157536735487165, 45.46791587050334 ], [ 9.157465747686828, 45.467939450300314 ], [ 9.157127705685962, 45.468162912214929 ], [ 9.156948401331734, 45.468383115676097 ], [ 9.156811526344159, 45.468708210423181 ] ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 9.105359009365676, 45.456895564706542 ], 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9.104173038872297, 45.458825651848962 ], [ 9.104155772355432, 45.458811919280969 ], [ 9.104137227325756, 45.458797720319915 ], [ 9.104116166403937, 45.458782237528744 ], [ 9.10409705107854, 45.458768699785239 ], [ 9.104076414076433, 45.458754648474425 ], [ 9.10405672337984, 45.458741755559707 ], [ 9.104037167395809, 45.458729433535311 ], [ 9.104281595217877, 45.458233737991328 ], [ 9.104249588526413, 45.458208195510146 ], [ 9.102285184068705, 45.458501470274015 ], [ 9.102271343607217, 45.458503240148694 ], [ 9.102251370913395, 45.458505881912473 ], [ 9.102234625989279, 45.458508160159525 ], [ 9.102216737205742, 45.458510670454423 ], [ 9.102199389731249, 45.458513174442508 ], [ 9.102179614462967, 45.458516113158687 ], [ 9.102167627288575, 45.458517949175757 ], [ 9.102158646049341, 45.458519343888646 ], [ 9.102145818279451, 45.458521357544043 ], [ 9.102132443064844, 45.458523492850183 ], [ 9.101890734806879, 45.458559742840016 ], [ 9.100282321651719, 45.458239822117982 ], [ 9.099748858513502, 45.459562786359172 ], [ 9.099200659009723, 45.459658398514357 ], [ 9.098499010337834, 45.459515442648559 ], [ 9.098377670666347, 45.459801931778919 ], [ 9.097920958895733, 45.459881580546742 ], [ 9.097918801606209, 45.45988195563902 ], [ 9.097301805011707, 45.459989554525642 ], [ 9.09671170425446, 45.459953387422786 ], [ 9.096689380601504, 45.460096352361241 ], [ 9.096582176938737, 45.460115046728554 ], [ 9.096531220724088, 45.460414655056852 ], [ 9.096486033994619, 45.460411802217877 ], [ 9.096366328674558, 45.461350624019389 ], [ 9.095817765651718, 45.461242236628671 ], [ 9.095811126425733, 45.461258783090649 ], [ 9.095786792984574, 45.461253920540479 ], [ 9.095577017995401, 45.461153297341703 ], [ 9.095548366387197, 45.461224806595119 ], [ 9.09550133527215, 45.461203559586274 ], [ 9.095331771732582, 45.461471563350457 ], [ 9.094795730105004, 45.462151757613604 ], [ 9.094556224569489, 45.462329734218621 ], [ 9.094179250378509, 45.46260985449419 ], [ 9.094167762742572, 45.462606266369974 ], [ 9.094047138839016, 45.462708019928264 ], [ 9.094009602017699, 45.46273591265021 ], [ 9.09330793376099, 45.463257320294893 ], [ 9.09328176488976, 45.463227728677033 ], [ 9.09322347950558, 45.463172492540274 ], [ 9.09315968422324, 45.463119562571869 ], [ 9.093080777671682, 45.463064165022729 ], [ 9.092984922325035, 45.463007223342125 ], [ 9.092903948986523, 45.462968654122548 ], [ 9.092871736587627, 45.46295462076408 ], [ 9.092271511262354, 45.46270028040216 ], [ 9.092243188367375, 45.462686693163654 ], [ 9.091972826836846, 45.462567143845945 ], [ 9.091934172275627, 45.462546885281455 ], [ 9.091803801204701, 45.462494088564242 ], [ 9.091963820828687, 45.462191983579061 ], [ 9.091114138471747, 45.462086455266764 ], [ 9.090996203436026, 45.462029822197692 ], [ 9.090765657763882, 45.461969192552885 ], [ 9.090643097280108, 45.461950128702675 ], [ 9.090607515735547, 45.461945995515109 ], [ 9.090569154714137, 45.461941559949139 ], [ 9.090498865237457, 45.46193612041818 ], [ 9.09042501582887, 45.46193344387946 ], [ 9.090386726732888, 45.461933473509546 ], [ 9.090315388427184, 45.461933492203727 ], [ 9.090240880084695, 45.461939364123225 ], [ 9.090205496668231, 45.461942169027537 ], [ 9.090134595617046, 45.461950542169589 ], [ 9.090100080514118, 45.461955944164572 ], [ 9.090083970919062, 45.461958502159 ], [ 9.089744661714917, 45.461916355719787 ], [ 9.089654552421765, 45.461983880188193 ], [ 9.089440298386776, 45.461934594009563 ], [ 9.089389395863014, 45.462033948802066 ], [ 9.089385549526718, 45.462032979061235 ], [ 9.089323224950945, 45.462155824420677 ], [ 9.089246089201797, 45.462134521657127 ], [ 9.089096585860803, 45.462071105211933 ], [ 9.087905483708752, 45.461568477572094 ], [ 9.087263838985734, 45.462440819245536 ], [ 9.087261244502056, 45.462444347688468 ], [ 9.085709414143778, 45.463331996432935 ], [ 9.085721556922767, 45.463380945915524 ], [ 9.086626347726991, 45.463603637419638 ], [ 9.086202035343973, 45.464363574485482 ], [ 9.086264542272895, 45.464379762291053 ], [ 9.086221603167926, 45.464470932084879 ], [ 9.086840797590417, 45.464629912323176 ], [ 9.086770159472552, 45.464760816809033 ], [ 9.088157593849422, 45.464998784989383 ], [ 9.088169625620507, 45.465001584650857 ], [ 9.088976409310552, 45.465190189230619 ], [ 9.089270738349919, 45.465268203583221 ], [ 9.089277147251238, 45.465254892933615 ], [ 9.089595507311099, 45.465325449778476 ], [ 9.089638288282494, 45.465335476884164 ], [ 9.090595918360385, 45.465550021511511 ], [ 9.090641127890501, 45.465559226776662 ], [ 9.091245346293697, 45.465694350452566 ], [ 9.091246522131151, 45.465694349540385 ], [ 9.092160733171383, 45.465907965536182 ], [ 9.093074778201304, 45.464594334661122 ], [ 9.093328038625989, 45.464233748516989 ], [ 9.09376560746218, 45.464465582347934 ], [ 9.094032581554046, 45.46460702420795 ], [ 9.093940146817108, 45.464729319798572 ], [ 9.093907005175165, 45.46485229977592 ], [ 9.093442198237572, 45.465949890799131 ], [ 9.093278352717805, 45.46595637795479 ], [ 9.092336290750664, 45.467535112911925 ], [ 9.091765488619556, 45.467352244037222 ], [ 9.090985058581554, 45.468500372616667 ], [ 9.090945382527389, 45.46875419906317 ], [ 9.090982676242817, 45.469300829347169 ], [ 9.091578199896412, 45.469692773515526 ], [ 9.091858024111096, 45.469835299483705 ], [ 9.091773435896219, 45.470079203363838 ], [ 9.091763354965085, 45.470100562655333 ], [ 9.091758938419112, 45.470113598161213 ], [ 9.091301315105301, 45.470424363654772 ], [ 9.091047764485316, 45.470714901640477 ], [ 9.0906586948257, 45.47129147043524 ], [ 9.090666083096965, 45.471298387216457 ], [ 9.090620372749122, 45.471330620912696 ], [ 9.088916911454898, 45.472523287960762 ], [ 9.089047446960647, 45.472784301034352 ], [ 9.091011564528642, 45.472932078594454 ], [ 9.091021368779836, 45.473028805303876 ], [ 9.091067488640878, 45.473171758756862 ], [ 9.091117078428233, 45.473350946138332 ], [ 9.091684991363802, 45.474234277375906 ], [ 9.092701086073935, 45.474023710233269 ], [ 9.093027746708437, 45.474213269053116 ], [ 9.093042975360476, 45.474378125483007 ], [ 9.094268071754659, 45.474820133931523 ], [ 9.094391607565978, 45.474787737317705 ], [ 9.094685898935815, 45.474947365347141 ], [ 9.093897077686449, 45.475735586214981 ], [ 9.093716388796775, 45.475774435304828 ], [ 9.09377900843152, 45.476712771855183 ], [ 9.093976196397737, 45.476740806999118 ], [ 9.093957896813222, 45.476805583011178 ], [ 9.095475252493664, 45.476977138985511 ], [ 9.095479364215445, 45.476983987920583 ], [ 9.09627821838227, 45.477069235065038 ], [ 9.096362756842598, 45.477080086349687 ], [ 9.096388880350842, 45.477083799833807 ], [ 9.097194981587903, 45.4780867443272 ], [ 9.098068427189901, 45.477979257640534 ], [ 9.098172784105818, 45.477551601471902 ], [ 9.09895958888945, 45.477866466571292 ], [ 9.100042751098661, 45.478348669435036 ], [ 9.100134361860706, 45.478240945639016 ], [ 9.10135095987909, 45.478031789994382 ], [ 9.101935802640789, 45.477103404704856 ], [ 9.102087141170095, 45.477155821527788 ], [ 9.102653430491372, 45.476778989659664 ], [ 9.102405723636323, 45.47635742161642 ], [ 9.102561080871338, 45.476110791029008 ], [ 9.102808110615822, 45.476109609310804 ], [ 9.103235636568018, 45.475499106710167 ], [ 9.103457354014321, 45.475204720554871 ], [ 9.104211079655888, 45.47528390313537 ], [ 9.104181031813715, 45.475360311538793 ], [ 9.103592612794371, 45.475588609934903 ], [ 9.104225418165166, 45.476052958460656 ], [ 9.104299445288714, 45.477021085728623 ], [ 9.105088978381906, 45.476701719483358 ], [ 9.106052226233647, 45.478072726254418 ], [ 9.106591516744411, 45.477886313101898 ], [ 9.106367109889794, 45.478210663021464 ], [ 9.105980592375248, 45.478731446874434 ], [ 9.10522854693774, 45.47974791883194 ], [ 9.105082624827391, 45.479968711052152 ], [ 9.105026399133497, 45.480048592888942 ], [ 9.105008930920276, 45.480087463294112 ], [ 9.104939265325841, 45.480189127080479 ], [ 9.104772871270702, 45.480558179613659 ], [ 9.104621433891397, 45.480967548020573 ], [ 9.104552663370093, 45.48114259126109 ], [ 9.104201391028333, 45.482137765679475 ], [ 9.104067815615593, 45.482471958695591 ], [ 9.103888061982939, 45.482759160435656 ], [ 9.103883510171144, 45.482765846638294 ], [ 9.103796965608318, 45.482885059581434 ], [ 9.103787841145989, 45.482900420978375 ], [ 9.103336009899133, 45.483493928730752 ], [ 9.103159118593217, 45.483700397753907 ], [ 9.102875335999281, 45.483972480639068 ], [ 9.102843857342471, 45.484000878594607 ], [ 9.102717744534958, 45.483974735380841 ], [ 9.102408778506778, 45.484494915554158 ], [ 9.10178207529583, 45.485299325243901 ], [ 9.101905039316863, 45.485342996565628 ], [ 9.101356798834946, 45.486265967149883 ], [ 9.100927134261029, 45.486980559454203 ], [ 9.100812823962327, 45.487226337624911 ], [ 9.100592861397514, 45.487688835836103 ], [ 9.100471686994572, 45.487674740047979 ], [ 9.100470087306201, 45.487686905922921 ], [ 9.100446204858221, 45.487683873295481 ], [ 9.100379448078519, 45.488137555795269 ], [ 9.10030722705477, 45.488289405034635 ], [ 9.10013223108179, 45.489810052434017 ], [ 9.100698654351376, 45.489837113106958 ], [ 9.100956346422503, 45.490737422903642 ], [ 9.101226154422539, 45.490764704403411 ], [ 9.101204179649091, 45.490871256138469 ], [ 9.102384425162214, 45.49104963863708 ], [ 9.102681207569756, 45.491103991533585 ], [ 9.102683678561505, 45.491139534257663 ], [ 9.103640093197715, 45.491317920930122 ], [ 9.103542359941532, 45.491569263799818 ], [ 9.103966654066536, 45.491634965526387 ], [ 9.103987232088404, 45.492086340099156 ], [ 9.104788915189095, 45.492221518499392 ], [ 9.104467630139222, 45.493050384879695 ], [ 9.105775625415923, 45.493184273465701 ], [ 9.104818488682216, 45.494027881015427 ], [ 9.104818674466893, 45.49403019116599 ], [ 9.104729464311855, 45.494097789533534 ], [ 9.104635874923451, 45.494268623988958 ], [ 9.10462318741982, 45.494292513630256 ], [ 9.10460413871105, 45.494331754649266 ], [ 9.104578413254645, 45.49439721886214 ], [ 9.104565112922678, 45.494447016882916 ], [ 9.104558368648693, 45.494475706567499 ], [ 9.104557445214063, 45.49448069255758 ], [ 9.104488546865674, 45.494617456680913 ], [ 9.1045551721861, 45.494738629087394 ], [ 9.10456452170982, 45.494786814999429 ], [ 9.10458064808566, 45.494837540322386 ], [ 9.104598188245715, 45.494886612313941 ], [ 9.104622528214023, 45.494937744732987 ], [ 9.104636697663434, 45.494964467653972 ], [ 9.105015051487115, 45.495628461208611 ], [ 9.105196041799255, 45.495904158948676 ], [ 9.105282602623813, 45.496061580471931 ], [ 9.105361072862509, 45.496619880629957 ], [ 9.10536292860445, 45.496660579914398 ], [ 9.105380399110981, 45.497571760401335 ], [ 9.105493527320956, 45.497572126846066 ], [ 9.105495233091579, 45.497574378029007 ], [ 9.105501122604865, 45.497616278854551 ], [ 9.105555250739464, 45.497653585912772 ], [ 9.105651152624517, 45.497780151245735 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"^1.5.1" + chalk "^2.4.1" + q "^1.1.2" + +color-convert@^1.9.0, color-convert@^1.9.1: version "1.9.3" resolved "" integrity sha512-QfAUtd+vFdAtFQcC8CCyYt1fYWxSqAiK2cSD6zDB8N3cpsEBAvRxp9zOGg6G/SHHJYAT88/az/IuDGALsNVbGg== @@ -967,6 +1049,32 @@ color-name@1.1.3: resolved "" integrity sha1-p9BVi9icQveV3UIyj3QIMcpTvCU= +color-name@^1.0.0: + version "1.1.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA== + +color-string@^1.5.2: + version "1.5.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-dC2C5qeWoYkxki5UAXapdjqO672AM4vZuPGRQfO8b5HKuKGBbKWpITyDYN7TOFKvRW7kOgAn3746clDBMDJyQw== + dependencies: + color-name "^1.0.0" + simple-swizzle "^0.2.2" + +color@^3.0.0: + version "3.1.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-vXTJhHebByxZn3lDvDJYw4lR5+uB3vuoHsuYA5AKuxRVn5wzzIfQKGLBmgdVRHKTJYeK5rvJcHnrd0Li49CFpg== + dependencies: + color-convert "^1.9.1" + color-string "^1.5.2" + +concat-map@0.0.1: + version "0.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-2Klr13/Wjfd5OnMDajug1UBdR3s= + concat-stream@~1.6.0: version "1.6.2" resolved "" @@ -994,11 +1102,155 @@ core-util-is@~1.0.0: resolved "" integrity sha1-tf1UIgqivFq1eqtxQMlAdUUDwac= +cosmiconfig@^5.0.0: + version "5.2.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-H65gsXo1SKjf8zmrJ67eJk8aIRKV5ff2D4uKZIBZShbhGSpEmsQOPW/SKMKYhSTrqR7ufy6RP69rPogdaPh/kA== + dependencies: + import-fresh "^2.0.0" + is-directory "^0.3.1" + js-yaml "^3.13.1" + parse-json "^4.0.0" + +css-color-names@0.0.4, css-color-names@^0.0.4: + version "0.0.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-gIrcLnnPhHOAabZGyyDsJ762KeA= + +css-declaration-sorter@^4.0.1: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-BcxQSKTSEEQUftYpBVnsH4SF05NTuBokb19/sBt6asXGKZ/6VP7PLG1CBCkFDYOnhXhPh0jMhO6xZ71oYHXHBA== + dependencies: + postcss "^7.0.1" + timsort "^0.3.0" + +css-select-base-adapter@^0.1.1: + version "0.1.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-jQVeeRG70QI08vSTwf1jHxp74JoZsr2XSgETae8/xC8ovSnL2WF87GTLO86Sbwdt2lK4Umg4HnnwMO4YF3Ce7w== + +css-select@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-dSpYaDVoWaELjvZ3mS6IKZM/y2PMPa/XYoEfYNZePL4U/XgyxZNroHEHReDx/d+VgXh9VbCTtFqLkFbmeqeaRQ== + dependencies: + boolbase "^1.0.0" + css-what "^2.1.2" + domutils "^1.7.0" + nth-check "^1.0.2" + +css-tree@1.0.0-alpha.29: + version "1.0.0-alpha.29" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-sRNb1XydwkW9IOci6iB2xmy8IGCj6r/fr+JWitvJ2JxQRPzN3T4AGGVWCMlVmVwM1gtgALJRmGIlWv5ppnGGkg== + dependencies: + mdn-data "~1.1.0" + source-map "^0.5.3" + +css-tree@1.0.0-alpha.33: + version "1.0.0-alpha.33" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-SPt57bh5nQnpsTBsx/IXbO14sRc9xXu5MtMAVuo0BaQQmyf0NupNPPSoMaqiAF5tDFafYsTkfeH4Q/HCKXkg4w== + dependencies: + mdn-data "2.0.4" + source-map "^0.5.3" + +css-unit-converter@^1.1.1: + version "1.1.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-2bkoGtz9jO2TW9urqDeGiX9k6ZY= + +css-what@^2.1.2: + version "2.1.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-a+EPoD+uZiNfh+5fxw2nO9QwFa6nJe2Or35fGY6Ipw1R3R4AGz1d1TEZrCegvw2YTmZ0jXirGYlzxxpYSHwpEg== + 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"^4.0.1" + postcss-normalize-display-values "^4.0.2" + postcss-normalize-positions "^4.0.2" + postcss-normalize-repeat-style "^4.0.2" + postcss-normalize-string "^4.0.2" + postcss-normalize-timing-functions "^4.0.2" + postcss-normalize-unicode "^4.0.1" + postcss-normalize-url "^4.0.1" + postcss-normalize-whitespace "^4.0.2" + postcss-ordered-values "^4.1.2" + postcss-reduce-initial "^4.0.3" + postcss-reduce-transforms "^4.0.2" + postcss-svgo "^4.0.2" + postcss-unique-selectors "^4.0.1" + +cssnano-util-get-arguments@^4.0.0: + version "4.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-7ToIKZ8h11dBsg87gfGU7UnMFQ8= + +cssnano-util-get-match@^4.0.0: + version "4.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-wOTKB/U4a7F+xeUiULT1lhNlFW0= + +cssnano-util-raw-cache@^4.0.1: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-qLuYtWK2b2Dy55I8ZX3ky1Z16WYsx544Q0UWViebptpwn/xDBmog2TLg4f+DBMg1rJ6JDWtn96WHbOKDWt1WQA== + dependencies: + postcss "^7.0.0" + +cssnano-util-same-parent@^4.0.0: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-WcKx5OY+KoSIAxBW6UBBRay1U6vkYheCdjyVNDm85zt5K9mHoGOfsOsqIszfAqrQQFIIKgjh2+FDgIj/zsl21Q== + +cssnano@^4.1.10: + version "4.1.10" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-5wny+F6H4/8RgNlaqab4ktc3e0/blKutmq8yNlBFXA//nSFFAqAngjNVRzUvCgYROULmZZUoosL/KSoZo5aUaQ== + dependencies: + cosmiconfig "^5.0.0" + cssnano-preset-default "^4.0.7" + is-resolvable "^1.0.0" + postcss "^7.0.0" + +csso@^3.5.1: + version "3.5.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-vrqULLffYU1Q2tLdJvaCYbONStnfkfimRxXNaGjxMldI0C7JPBC4rB1RyjhfdZ4m1frm8pM9uRPKH3d2knZ8gg== + dependencies: + css-tree "1.0.0-alpha.29" + d3-array@1: version "1.2.4" resolved "" @@ -1030,16 +1282,94 @@ deep-equal@1.x, deep-equal@^1.0.0: resolved "" integrity sha1-9dJgKStmDghO/0zbyfCK0yR0SLU= +define-properties@^1.1.2, define-properties@^1.1.3: + version "1.1.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-3MqfYKj2lLzdMSf8ZIZE/V+Zuy+BgD6f164e8K2w7dgnpKArBDerGYpM46IYYcjnkdPNMjPk9A6VFB8+3SKlXQ== + dependencies: + object-keys "^1.0.12" + +dom-serializer@0: + version "0.2.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-sK3ujri04WyjwQXVoK4PU3y8ula1stq10GJZpqHIUgoGZdsGzAGu65BnU3d08aTVSvO7mGPZUc0wTEDL+qGE0Q== + dependencies: + domelementtype "^2.0.1" + entities "^2.0.0" + +domelementtype@1: + version "1.3.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-BSKB+TSpMpFI/HOxCNr1O8aMOTZ8hT3pM3GQ0w/mWRmkhEDSFJkkyzz4XQsBV44BChwGkrDfMyjVD0eA2aFV3w== + +domelementtype@^2.0.1: + version "2.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-5HOHUDsYZWV8FGWN0Njbr/Rn7f/eWSQi1v7+HsUVwXgn8nWWlL64zKDkS0n8ZmQ3mlWOMuXOnR+7Nx/5tMO5AQ== + +domutils@^1.7.0: + version "1.7.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Lgd2XcJ/NjEw+7tFvfKxOzCYKZsdct5lczQ2ZaQY8Djz7pfAD3Gbp8ySJWtreII/vDlMVmxwa6pHmdxIYgttDg== + dependencies: + dom-serializer "0" + domelementtype "1" + +dot-prop@^4.1.1: + version "4.2.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-tUMXrxlExSW6U2EXiiKGSBVdYgtV8qlHL+C10TsW4PURY/ic+eaysnSkwB4kA/mBlCyy/IKDJ+Lc3wbWeaXtuQ== + dependencies: + is-obj "^1.0.0" + earcut@^2.1.5: version "2.1.5" resolved "" integrity sha512-QFWC7ywTVLtvRAJTVp8ugsuuGQ5mVqNmJ1cRYeLrSHgP3nycr2RHTJob9OtM0v8ujuoKN0NY1a93J/omeTL1PA== +electron-to-chromium@^1.3.191: + version "1.3.214" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-SU9yyql6uA0Fc8bWR7sCYNGBtxkC+tQb6UaC7ReaadN42Kx7Ka+dzx3lAIm9Ock+ULEawJuTFcVB2x34uOCg0Q== + electron-to-chromium@^1.3.47: version "1.3.211" resolved "" integrity sha512-GZAiK3oHrs0K+LwH+HD+bdjZ17v40oQQdXbbd3dgrwgbENvazrGpcuIADSAREWnxzo9gADB1evuizrbXsnoU2Q== +entities@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-D9f7V0JSRwIxlRI2mjMqufDrRDnx8p+eEOz7aUM9SuvF8gsBzra0/6tbjl1m8eQHrZlYj6PxqE00hZ1SAIKPLw== + +error-ex@^1.3.1: + version "1.3.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-7dFHNmqeFSEt2ZBsCriorKnn3Z2pj+fd9kmI6QoWw4//DL+icEBfc0U7qJCisqrTsKTjw4fNFy2pW9OqStD84g== + dependencies: + is-arrayish "^0.2.1" + +es-abstract@^1.12.0, es-abstract@^1.5.1: + version "1.13.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-vDZfg/ykNxQVwup/8E1BZhVzFfBxs9NqMzGcvIJrqg5k2/5Za2bWo40dK2J1pgLngZ7c+Shh8lwYtLGyrwPutg== + dependencies: + es-to-primitive "^1.2.0" + function-bind "^1.1.1" + has "^1.0.3" + is-callable "^1.1.4" + is-regex "^1.0.4" + object-keys "^1.0.12" + +es-to-primitive@^1.2.0: + version "1.2.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-qZryBOJjV//LaxLTV6UC//WewneB3LcXOL9NP++ozKVXsIIIpm/2c13UDiD9Jp2eThsecw9m3jPqDwTyobcdbg== + dependencies: + is-callable "^1.1.4" + is-date-object "^1.0.1" + is-symbol "^1.0.2" + escape-string-regexp@^1.0.2, escape-string-regexp@^1.0.5: version "1.0.5" resolved "" @@ -1050,6 +1380,11 @@ esm@~3.0.84: resolved "" integrity sha512-SzSGoZc17S7P+12R9cg21Bdb7eybX25RnIeRZ80xZs+VZ3kdQKzqTp2k4hZJjR7p9l0186TTXSgrxzlMDBktlw== +esprima@^4.0.0: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-eGuFFw7Upda+g4p+QHvnW0RyTX/SVeJBDM/gCtMARO0cLuT2HcEKnTPvhjV6aGeqrCB/sbNop0Kszm0jsaWU4A== + esprima@~1.0.4: version "1.0.4" resolved "" @@ -1060,6 +1395,26 @@ esutils@^2.0.2: resolved "" integrity sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g== 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inherits@^2.0.3, inherits@~2.0.3: version "2.0.4" resolved "" @@ -1131,6 +1536,79 @@ invariant@^2.2.2: dependencies: loose-envify "^1.0.0" +is-absolute-url@^2.0.0: + version "2.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-UFMN+4T8yap9vnhS6Do3uTufKqY= + +is-arrayish@^0.2.1: + version "0.2.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-d8mYQFJ6qOyxqLppe4BkWnqSap0= + +is-arrayish@^0.3.1: + version "0.3.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-eVRqCvVlZbuw3GrM63ovNSNAeA1K16kaR/LRY/92w0zxQ5/1YzwblUX652i4Xs9RwAGjW9d9y6X88t8OaAJfWQ== + +is-callable@^1.1.4: + version "1.1.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-r5p9sxJjYnArLjObpjA4xu5EKI3CuKHkJXMhT7kwbpUyIFD1n5PMAsoPvWnvtZiNz7LjkYDRZhd7FlI0eMijEA== + +is-color-stop@^1.0.0: + version "1.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-z/9HGu5N1cnhWFmPvhKWe1za00U= + dependencies: + css-color-names "^0.0.4" + hex-color-regex "^1.1.0" + hsl-regex "^1.0.0" + hsla-regex "^1.0.0" + rgb-regex "^1.0.1" + rgba-regex "^1.0.0" + +is-date-object@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity 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version "3.3.2" resolved "" integrity sha512-Xdayp8sB/mU+sUV4G7ws8xtYMGdQnxbeIfLjyO9TZZRJdztBGhlmbI5x1qcY4TG5hBkIKGnc28i7nXxaugu88w== +q@^1.1.2: + version "1.5.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-fjL3W0E4EpHQRhHxvxQQmsAGUdc= + quickselect@^1.0.1: version "1.1.1" resolved "" @@ -1350,6 +2232,11 @@ regjsparser@^0.1.4: dependencies: jsesc "~0.5.0" +resolve-from@^3.0.0: + version "3.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-six699nWiBvItuZTM17rywoYh0g= + resolve-protobuf-schema@^2.1.0: version "2.1.0" resolved "" @@ -1364,6 +2251,16 @@ resolve@^1.3.2: dependencies: path-parse "^1.0.6" +rgb-regex@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-wODWiC3w4jviVKR16O3UGRX+rrE= + +rgba-regex@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-QzdOLiyglosO8VI0YLfXMP8i7rM= + rw@^1.3.3: version "1.3.3" resolved "" @@ -1374,6 +2271,11 @@ safe-buffer@~5.1.0, safe-buffer@~5.1.1: resolved "" integrity sha512-Gd2UZBJDkXlY7GbJxfsE8/nvKkUEU1G38c1siN6QP6a9PT9MmHB8GnpscSmMJSoF8LOIrt8ud/wPtojys4G6+g== +sax@~1.2.4: + version "1.2.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-NqVDv9TpANUjFm0N8uM5GxL36UgKi9/atZw+x7YFnQ8ckwFGKrl4xX4yWtrey3UJm5nP1kUbnYgLopqWNSRhWw== + semver@^5.3.0, semver@^5.4.1: version "5.7.0" resolved "" @@ -1388,11 +2290,23 @@ sharkdown@^0.1.0: minimist "0.0.5" split "~0.2.10" -source-map@^0.5.0: +simple-swizzle@^0.2.2: + version "0.2.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-pNprY1/8zMoz9w0Xy5JZLeleVXo= + dependencies: + is-arrayish "^0.3.1" + +source-map@^0.5.0, source-map@^0.5.3: version "0.5.7" resolved "" integrity sha1-igOdLRAh0i0eoUyA2OpGi6LvP8w= +source-map@^0.6.1: + version "0.6.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g== + split@~0.2.10: version "0.2.10" resolved "" @@ -1400,6 +2314,16 @@ split@~0.2.10: dependencies: through "2" +sprintf-js@~1.0.2: + version "1.0.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-BOaSb2YolTVPPdAVIDYzuFcpfiw= + +stable@^0.1.8: + version "0.1.8" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-ji9qxRnOVfcuLDySj9qzhGSEFVobyt1kIOSkj1qZzYLzq7Tos/oUUWvotUPQLlrsidqsK6tBH89Bc9kL5zHA6w== + string_decoder@~1.1.1: version "1.1.1" resolved "" @@ -1414,6 +2338,15 @@ strip-ansi@^3.0.0: dependencies: ansi-regex "^2.0.0" +stylehacks@^4.0.0: + version "4.0.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-7GlLk9JwlElY4Y6a/rmbH2MhVlTyVmiJd1PfTCqFaIBEGMYNsrO/v3SeGTdhBThLg4Z+NbOk/qFMwCa+J+3p/g== + dependencies: + browserslist "^4.0.0" + postcss "^7.0.0" + postcss-selector-parser "^3.0.0" + supercluster@^6.0.1: version "6.0.2" resolved "" @@ -1433,11 +2366,42 @@ supports-color@^5.3.0: dependencies: has-flag "^3.0.0" +supports-color@^6.1.0: + version "6.1.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-qe1jfm1Mg7Nq/NSh6XE24gPXROEVsWHxC1LIx//XNlD9iw7YZQGjZNjYN7xGaEG6iKdA8EtNFW6R0gjnVXp+wQ== + dependencies: + has-flag "^3.0.0" + +svgo@^1.0.0: + version "1.3.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-MLfUA6O+qauLDbym+mMZgtXCGRfIxyQoeH6IKVcFslyODEe/ElJNwr0FohQ3xG4C6HK6bk3KYPPXwHVJk3V5NQ== + dependencies: + chalk "^2.4.1" + coa "^2.0.2" + css-select "^2.0.0" + css-select-base-adapter "^0.1.1" + css-tree "1.0.0-alpha.33" + csso "^3.5.1" + js-yaml "^3.13.1" + mkdirp "~0.5.1" + object.values "^1.1.0" + sax "~1.2.4" + stable "^0.1.8" + unquote "~1.1.1" + util.promisify "~1.0.0" + through@2: version "2.3.8" resolved "" integrity sha1-DdTJ/6q8NXlgsbckEV1+Doai4fU= +timsort@^0.3.0: + version "0.3.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-QFQRqOfmM5/mTbmiNN4R3DHgK9Q= + tinyqueue@^2.0.0: version "2.0.3" resolved "" @@ -1473,11 +2437,51 @@ underscore@^1.9.1: resolved "" integrity sha512-5/4etnCkd9c8gwgowi5/om/mYO5ajCaOgdzj/oW+0eQV9WxKBDZw5+ycmKmeaTXjInS/W0BzpGLo2xR2aBwZdg== +uniq@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-sxxa6CVIRKOoKBVBzisEuGWnNP8= + +uniqs@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-/+3ks2slKQaW5uFl1KWe25mOawI= + +unquote@~1.1.1: + version "1.1.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-j97XMk7G6IoP+LkF58CYzcCG1UQ= + util-deprecate@~1.0.1: version "1.0.2" resolved "" integrity sha1-RQ1Nyfpw3nMnYvvS1KKJgUGaDM8= +util.promisify@~1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-i+6qA2MPhvoKLuxnJNpXAGhg7HphQOSUq2LKMZD0m15EiskXUkMvKdF4Uui0WYeCUGea+o2cw/ZuwehtfsrNkA== + dependencies: + define-properties "^1.1.2" + object.getownpropertydescriptors "^2.0.3" + +util@^0.10.3: + version "0.10.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-0Pm9hTQ3se5ll1XihRic3FDIku70C+iHUdT/W926rSgHV5QgXsYbKZN8MSC3tJtSkhuROzvsQjAaFENRXr+19A== + dependencies: + inherits "2.0.3" + +utils-extend@^1.0.4, utils-extend@^1.0.6: + version "1.0.8" + resolved "" + integrity sha1-zP17ZFQPjpDuIe7Fd2nQZRyril8= + +vendors@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-fOi47nsJP5Wqefa43kyWSg80qF+Q3XA6MUkgi7Hp1HQaKDQW4cQrK2D0P7mmbFtsV1N89am55Yru/nyEwRubcw== + vt-pbf@^3.1.1: version "3.1.1" resolved ""