import * as mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl"; import Bbox from "@turf/bbox"; import BboxPolygon from "@turf/bbox-polygon"; import Center from "@turf/center"; import BooleanContains from "@turf/boolean-contains"; import BooleanOverlap from "@turf/boolean-overlap"; import Buffer from "@turf/buffer"; import confini from "../layers/confini.json"; import confiniHole from "../layers/confini_hole.json"; import aree_omogenee from "../layers/aree_omogenee.json"; import scuole_buffer from "../layers/scuole_buffer.json"; import luoghi_monumentali_buffer from "../layers/luoghi_monumentali_buffer.json"; import mercati_buffer from "../layers/mercati_buffer.json"; import musei_buffer from "../layers/musei_buffer.json"; import ospedali_cliniche_buffer from "../layers/ospedali_cliniche_buffer.json"; import stazioni_ferrovie_buffer from "../layers/stazioni_ferrovie_buffer.json"; import stazioni_metro_buffer from "../layers/stazioni_metro_buffer.json"; import parchi_buffer from "../layers/parchi_buffer.json"; import "../style.css"; mapboxgl.accessToken = "pk.eyJ1IjoidGVvIiwiYSI6IllvZUo1LUkifQ.dirqtn275pAKdnqtLM2HSw"; const bounds = Bbox(confini); const maxBounds = Bbox(Buffer(confini, 100)); const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: "map", zoom: 11, center: Center(confini).geometry.coordinates, style: "mapbox://styles/teo/cjyxhh5n92wy51ck4a4uiymtu/draft", maxBounds: [[maxBounds[0], maxBounds[1]], [maxBounds[2], maxBounds[3]]], maxZoom: 16 }); map.addControl(new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl()); const nav = new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(); map.addControl(nav, "top-right"); map.addControl(new mapboxgl.FullscreenControl()); map.fitBounds([[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]], { padding: 20 }); // const slider = document.getElementById("slider"); // const sliderValue = document.getElementById("slider-value"); map.on("load", function() { map.setLayoutProperty("building", "visibility", "none"); map.setLayoutProperty("building-outline", "visibility", "none"); map.addSource("aree_omogeneeSource", { type: "geojson", data: aree_omogenee }); map.addSource("scuoleBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: scuole_buffer }); map.addSource("luoghiMonumentaliBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: luoghi_monumentali_buffer }); map.addSource("mercatiBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: mercati_buffer }); map.addSource("museiBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: musei_buffer }); map.addSource("ospedaliClinicheBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: ospedali_cliniche_buffer }); map.addSource("stazioniFerrovieBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: stazioni_ferrovie_buffer }); map.addSource("stazioniMetroBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: stazioni_metro_buffer }); map.addSource("parchiBufferSource", { type: "geojson", data: parchi_buffer }); map.addSource("confiniHoleSource", { type: "geojson", data: confiniHole }); map.addSource("confiniSource", { type: "geojson", data: confini }); map.addSource("osmbuildings", { type: "vector", url: "" }); const layers = map.getStyle().layers; //console.log(layers); let labelLayerId = ""; for (let i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i].type === "symbol" && layers[i].layout["text-field"]) { labelLayerId = layers[i].id; break; } } map.addLayer( { id: "aree_omogenee", type: "fill", source: "aree_omogeneeSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "parchi_buffer", type: "fill", source: "parchiBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "mercati_buffer", type: "fill", source: "mercatiBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "scuole_buffer", type: "fill", source: "scuoleBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "musei_buffer", type: "fill", source: "museiBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", type: "fill", source: "ospedaliClinicheBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", type: "fill", source: "stazioniFerrovieBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "stazioni_metro_buffer", type: "fill", source: "stazioniMetroBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", type: "fill", source: "luoghiMonumentaliBufferSource", layout: { visibility: "visible" }, paint: { "fill-color": "#f5553d", "fill-opacity": 1 } }, "building-outline" ); map.addLayer( { id: "buildings-base", type: "fill", source: "osmbuildings", "source-layer": "building", // filter: ["all", ["==", "minHeight", 0]], // layout: {}, paint: { "fill-color": "#fff", "fill-opacity": { stops: [[16, 0], [17.5, 1]] } } }, labelLayerId ); map.addLayer( { id: "buildings-3d", type: "fill-extrusion", source: "osmbuildings", "source-layer": "building", paint: { "fill-extrusion-color": "#f5553d", "fill-extrusion-height": [ "interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 15, 0, 15.05, [ "number", ["get", "height"], ["*", ["number", ["get", "levels"], 3], 3] ] ], "fill-extrusion-base": [ "interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 15, 0, 15.05, [ "number", ["get", "minHeight"], ["*", ["number", ["get", "minLevel"], 0], 3] ] ], "fill-extrusion-opacity": { stops: [[15, 0], [15.5, 1], [16, 1], [17.5, 0.6]] } }, //filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] filter: ["match", ["get", "id"], "", true, false] }, labelLayerId ); map.addLayer( { id: "confiniHole", source: "confiniHoleSource", type: "fill", paint: { "fill-color": "#fff" } }, "settlement-subdivision-label" ); map.addLayer( { id: "confini", source: "confiniSource", type: "line", paint: { "line-color": "#000" } }, "settlement-subdivision-label" ); }); map.on("moveend", function() { if (map.getZoom() >= 15) { const aulenti = aree_omogenee.features.filter( f => === " Garibladi, Como, Gae Aulenti" )[0]; let buildings = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ layers: ["buildings-base"], filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] }); let features = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ layers: [ "aree_omogenee", "parchi_buffer", "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", "mercati_buffer", "musei_buffer", "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", "scuole_buffer", "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", "stazioni_metro_buffer" ] }); const filtered = buildings .filter(b => { let inside = false; for (let feature of features) { //console.log(b, feature); if (BooleanContains(feature, b)) { inside = true; break; } else { inside = false; } } return inside; }) .map(b =>; const ids = [ Set(filtered)].filter(i => i); const filter = ["match", ["get", "id"], ids, true, false]; if (ids.length) { map.setFilter("buildings-3d", filter); } } }); map.on("zoomend", function() { if (map.getZoom() >= 15) { const aulenti = aree_omogenee.features.filter( f => === " Garibladi, Como, Gae Aulenti" )[0]; let buildings = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ layers: ["buildings-base"], filter: ["!=", ["string", ["get", "shape"], ""], "none"] }); let features = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ layers: [ "aree_omogenee", "parchi_buffer", "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", "mercati_buffer", "musei_buffer", "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", "scuole_buffer", "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", "stazioni_metro_buffer" ] }); const filtered = buildings .filter(b => { let inside = false; for (let feature of features) { //console.log(b, feature); if (BooleanContains(feature, b)) { inside = true; break; } else { inside = false; } } return inside; }) .map(b =>; const ids = [ Set(filtered)].filter(i => i); const filter = ["match", ["get", "id"], ids, true, false]; if (ids.length) { map.setFilter("buildings-3d", filter); } } }); var toggleableLayerIds = [ { id: "scuole_buffer", label: "Scuole e università" }, { id: "mercati_buffer", label: "Mercati stradali" }, { id: "parchi_buffer", label: "Parchi" }, { id: "ospedali_cliniche_buffer", label: "Ospedali e cliniche" }, { id: "luoghi_monumentali_buffer", label: "Luoghi monumentali" }, { id: "musei_buffer", label: "Musei" }, { id: "aree_omogenee", label: "Macro aree" }, { id: "stazioni_ferrovie_buffer", label: "Stazioni ferroviarie" }, { id: "stazioni_metro_buffer", label: "Stazioni metropolitane" } ]; for (var i = 0; i < toggleableLayerIds.length; i++) { var layer = toggleableLayerIds[i]; var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = "#"; link.className = "active"; link.textContent = i + 1 + ". " + layer.label; link.setAttribute("layerid",; link.onclick = function(e) { var clickedLayer = this.getAttribute("layerid"); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var visibility = map.getLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility"); if (visibility === "visible") { map.setLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility", "none"); this.className = ""; } else { this.className = "active"; map.setLayoutProperty(clickedLayer, "visibility", "visible"); } }; var layers = document.getElementById("menu"); layers.appendChild(link); }