#!/usr/bin/python3 from mastodon import Mastodon, StreamListener from dateutil.tz import tzutc from dateutil import parser import datetime import re import csv API_URL = "https://botsin.space" regex_h = re.compile("\d+(?=\s(ore|heu|Stu|stu|hor|hou))") regex_m = re.compile("\d+(?=\s(min|Min))") languages = { "it":["Ciao @"," ti ricorderò di andare a dormie fra "," è ora di andare a dormire! Buonanotte!"], "es":["Hola @"," te recordaré que te vayas a dormi en "," es hora de ir a dormir, buenas noches!"], "fr":["Salut @"," je vais te rappeler d'aller dormir en "," il est temps de dormir! Bonne nuit!"], "pt":["Ola' @"," vou lembrá-lo a dormir em "," é hora de ir dormir! Boa noite!"], "de":["Hallo @"," ich werde Sie daran erinnern in "," es ist Zeit zu schlafen! Gute Nacht!"], "en":["Hello @"," I'll remind you to go to sleep in "," time to go to bed! Good night!"] } class goodListener(StreamListener): def on_notification(self,notification): try: account = notification["account"]["acct"] content = notification["status"]["content"] goodNight_hours = regex_h.search(content) goodNight_minutes = regex_m.search(content) if content.find("dormire") != -1: lang = 'it' elif content.find("dormiria") != -1: lang = 'es' elif content.find("dormir") != -1: lang = 'fr' elif content.find("dormia") != -1: lang = 'pt' elif content.find("schlafen") != -1: lang = 'de' else: lang = 'en' greet = languages[lang][0] reminder = languages[lang][1] except KeyError: return result = "" try: hours_delay = int(goodNight_hours.group()) result += goodNight_hours.group()+"h " except AttributeError: hours_delay = 0 try: minutes_delay = int(goodNight_minutes.group()) result += goodNight_minutes.group()+"m" except AttributeError: minutes_delay = 0 if hours_delay == minutes_delay == 0: mastodon.status_post("Can't find a valid time") datesleep = (datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(hours=hours_delay,minutes=minutes_delay)).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M") with open("/mnt/nas/tmp/schedule.csv","a") as file: row = [datesleep,account,lang] writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(row) mastodon.status_post(greet+account+reminder+result,visibility="direct") return def handle_heartbeat(self): with open("/mnt/nas/tmp/schedule.csv","r") as file: reader = csv.reader(file) sentToBed = [] for line,row in enumerate(reader): if (parser.parse(row[0]) < datetime.datetime.now()): greet = languages[row[2]][0] goodnight = languages[row[2]][2] mastodon.status_post(greet+row[1]+goodnight,visibility="direct") sentToBed.append(line) if (len(sentToBed) > 0): with open("/mnt/nas/tmp/schedule.csv","r") as file: lines = file.readlines() with open("/mnt/nas/tmp/schedule.csv","w") as file: for line,row in enumerate(lines): if not (line in sentToBed): file.write(row) if __name__ == "__main__": with open("/home/goodnight/Documents/buonanotte/token") as f: createapp = f.readlines() createapp = [x.strip() for x in createapp] TOKEN = createapp[0] mastodon = Mastodon(access_token = TOKEN, api_base_url = API_URL) listener = goodListener() mastodon.stream_user(listener)