#!/usr/bin/python3 from mastodon import Mastodon import draughts_engine as dama import login import pickle import random import os import time import sys import re #configuration server api_url = sys.argv[1] save_position = "/tmp/" CLEANR = re.compile('<.*?>') botname = "@damastodon " #board appearence frstrow = "🇻1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣\n" column = "🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬🇭" space="🟥 " white_norm="◽ " white_knight="⚪ " black_norm="◾ " black_knight="⚫ " empty="🟦 " def cleanHTML(raw): cleanText = re.sub(CLEANR, '',raw) return cleanText def check_message(notification): account = notification["account"]["acct"] try: content = cleanHTML(notification["status"]["content"]) except KeyError: return content = content[len(botname):] saves = os.listdir(save_position) if "help" in content.lower(): #Ask for help mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \nchallenge an user by writing to me\nCHALL \nEx. \"CHALL @someone@mastdn.inst.wxyz\"\nThe challenger takes WHITE and begins the match.\nFor movements and jumps, write the coords separated by spaces.\nEx. \"A4 B5\" (normal movement) or \"A4 C6 D8\" (double jump)\nQUIT ends the match.\nCommands are NOT case sensitive.",visibility="direct") return if not os.path.exists(save_position+account): #If there is no a savegame file, then lobby mode is activated try: challenged = notification["status"]["mentions"][1]["acct"] #If there isn't another account cited, then the request is malformed except: mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n your request is not valid",visibility="direct") return if content[:5].lower() == "chall": #Challenge someone, check if a savegame is already existing file_save_white = [sv for sv in saves if account in sv] file_save_black = [sv for sv in saves if challenged in sv] if len(file_save_white) > 0: #We are playing a match mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n you're already playing a match",visibility="direct") return elif len(file_save_black) > 0: #Our opponent is already playing with someone mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n the user you challenged is already playing a match",visibility="direct") return else: with open(save_position+account,"wb") as f: #The request is valid, writes a savegame with the first element as False, that marks that the game isn't started yet pickle.dump("WAIT",f) ident = mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+challenged+" \n@"+account+" challenged you to a match of draughts! Answer \n@"+account+" OK\n to accept the chellenge or \n@"+account+" NO\n to cancel.",visibility="direct") return elif content.split(" ")[1].lower() == "ok": #The opponent accepted the match try: challenger = notification["status"]["mentions"][1]["acct"] except: mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n your request is not valid",visibility="direct") #Somehow, the opponent answered with only one account return try: with open(save_position+challenger,"rb") as f: start = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n unfortunately, your savegame is corrupted or missing",visibility="direct") #The file has moved or corrupted return if start != "WAIT": mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n your request is not valid",visibility="direct") #The user that challenged us is playing a game with someone else return os.symlink(save_position+challenger,save_position+account) #Linked the two savegames together board = dama.init_board() with open(save_position+account,"wb") as f: pickle.dump("START",f) #Now the game has started pickle.dump("@"+account,f) pickle.dump("@"+challenger,f) pickle.dump(False,f) pickle.dump(board,f) mastodon.status_post("◾: @"+account+" ◽: @"+challenger+" \nturn ◽\n"+dama.draw_checkerboard(board,space,white_norm,white_knight,black_norm,black_knight,empty,column,frstrow),visibility="direct") return elif content.split(" ")[1].lower() == "no": #The opponent refused the game try: challenger = notification["status"]["mentions"][1]["acct"] except: mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \n your request is not valid",visibility="direct") #Only one user in the message return os.remove(save_position+challenger) mastodon.status_post("@"+account+" you cancelled the challenge from @"+challenger,visibility="direct") #Game is cancelled, free to challenge someone else return else: mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \nI can't understand your command or you're not in a match.\nWrite HELP to see the list of available commands.",visibility="direct") #Every other command for the lobby ends here return else: #We are in a game, so movements are parsed and lobby commands are disabled with open(save_position+account,"rb") as f: start = pickle.load(f) if start: #The game is started, load other parameters black = pickle.load(f) white = pickle.load(f) turn = pickle.load(f) board = pickle.load(f) if (start == "WAIT"): #The game is not started yet if "quit" in content.lower(): #Game withdrawn os.remove(save_position+account) mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \nthe challenge has been withdrawn.",visibility="direct") else: #Lobby is disabled if a challenge request is active mastodon.status_post("Hello @"+account+" \nyou have already challenged someone, type QUIT to withdraw,",visibility="direct") return if "quit" in content.lower(): #The game is quitted os.remove(save_position+black[1:]) os.remove(save_position+white[1:]) mastodon.status_post(black+" "+white+" the match was cancelled.",visibility="direct") return if (black == "@"+account and turn == 1) or (white == "@"+account and turn == 0): #Check if the turn is right board = dama.valid_move(content.lower(),turn,board,inversion=True) #Function dama.valid_move parses the input for couples of letter and number if board == -1: #We made an invalid move mastodon.status_post("@"+account+" \nInvalid move.",visibility="direct") return else: with open(save_position+account,"wb") as f: #Save the updated board pickle.dump("START",f) turn = not turn pickle.dump(black,f) pickle.dump(white,f) pickle.dump(turn,f) pickle.dump(board,f) if turn == 0: colour = "◽" else: colour = "◾" winner = dama.checkWin(board) #Check for winner if winner == (False,False): #No one is winning yet mastodon.status_post("◾: "+black+" ◽: "+white+" \nturn "+colour+"\n"+dama.draw_checkerboard(board,space,white_norm,white_knight,black_norm,black_knight,empty,column,frstrow),visibility="direct") return else: #Someone won if winner == (True,False): winner_t = "WHITE" else: winner_t = "BLACK" os.remove(save_position+black[1:]) os.remove(save_position+white[1:]) mastodon.status_post("◾: "+black+" ◽: "+white+"\n"+winner_t+" WINS!\n"+dama.draw_checkerboard(board,space,white_norm,white_knight,black_norm,black_knight,empty,column,frstrow),visibility="direct") return else: #We moved in a wrong turn mastodon.status_post("@"+account+" \nIt's not your turn.",visibility="direct") return if __name__ == "__main__": if api_url[:4] != "http": print("Invalid address.") quit() mastodon = login.login(api_url) while True: time.sleep(10) for x in mastodon.notifications(): check_message(x) mastodon.notifications_dismiss(x["id"])