#!/usr/bin/python3 from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFont from PIL import ImageDraw import csv import random import os import json fileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def replaceText(text,config): """This function replace $WILDCARD with a word found in subs.csv subs.csv definition is 1st colum $WILDCARD, subsequent columns, possible values (chosen at random), delimiter is ;""" with open(config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvSubs"]) as subs: csvReader = csv.reader(subs,delimiter=";") for row in csvReader: if text.find(row[0]) != -1: text = text.replace(row[0],row[random.randint(1,len(row)-1)],1) return text print("Parsing error \""+text+"\" not found") quit() def fetchText(indText,config): """This function fetch the text for the image with two characters rtext.csv definition is: 1st column the name of the file (i.e. B001.png), 2nd number of actors (at the moment they are limited to two; then a couple of columns or each actor with x and y coord of the strings; after the coords the outcomes, one column for each actor Delimiter is ; and line feeds @, if there aren't any options, it returns 0 (no text) It returns two arrays, coords is a tuple (x,y) and result is the outcome""" with open(config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvSpeech"]) as rtext: csvReader = csv.reader(rtext,delimiter=';') for row in csvReader: if row[0]==indText: noActors = int(row[1]) if noActors == 0: return 0 else: firstElement = 2+(noActors*2) lastElement = len(row)-(noActors-1) randQuote = random.randrange(firstElement,lastElement,noActors) coords = [] result = [] for x in range(0,noActors): coords.append((row[2+x*2],row[3+x*2])) result.append(row[randQuote+x]) return coords,result def fetchVign(config): """This functions fetch an image, randomly, chosen from a markov tree defined in ram.csv ram.csv definition is: 1st column the name of the image (without extension), subsequent columns, possible outcomes chosen randomly It returns an array with the file names""" starts = [] startdest = [] nvign = 0 currVign = "000" story = [] with open(config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvTree"]) as ram: csvReader = csv.reader(ram) for row in csvReader: starts.append(row[0]) startdest.append(row) while nvign <100: story.append(startdest[starts.index(currVign)][random.randint(1,len(startdest[starts.index(currVign)])-1)]) currVign = story[nvign] if currVign == "END": return story story[nvign]+=".png" nvign +=1 print("tree with no END") quit() def addThing(indVign,config): """This function adds a small image (object) to a larger image obj.csv definition is: name of the image (i.e. A001.png), x-coord, y-coord, subsequent columns possible outcomes It returns a tuple (object file name, x, y)""" objects = list() with open(config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvObj"]) as obj: csvReader = csv.reader(obj) for row in csvReader: if row[0] == indVign: objects.append( (row[random.randint(3,len(row)-1)],row[1],row[2] )) return objects def fetchAltText(config,csvFile,indVign): """Function to fetch the correct alt text for the image""" if os.path.exists(config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvAltText"]): with open(csvFile) as alt_text_csv: csvReader = csv.reader(alt_text_csv,delimiter=";") for row in csvReader: if row[0] == indVign: return row[1] else: return "" def writeStrip(story,config): """This function creates the strip returning an image object that could be saved or viewed. It takes an array with filenames as parameter The first image is always 000, then appends to strip the files, then decorates it fetching text and adding objects. If the object is an R, then repeats the last object. It also generates alt text if setted correctly in the config file.""" strip = [] alt_text = "" for indVign in story: try: vign = Image.open(config["imagesLocation"]+"/"+indVign).convert('RGBA') addtext = ImageDraw.Draw(vign) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(config["font"],config["fontSize"]) text_vign_ind = fetchText(indVign,config) ind_text_vign = 1 alt_text += fetchAltText(config,config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvAltText"],indVign)+"\n" if text_vign_ind!=0: try: for x in range(len(text_vign_ind[0])): text_vign = text_vign_ind[1][x] try: while text_vign.find('$') != -1: text_vign = replaceText(text_vign,config) except AttributeError as err: print("Problem parsing:") print(text_vign_ind) print(err) quit() while '$'+str(ind_text_vign) in alt_text: alt_text = alt_text.replace('$'+str(ind_text_vign),text_vign.replace('@'," ")) ind_text_vign += 1 text_vign = text_vign.replace('@','\n') addtext.multiline_text((int(text_vign_ind[0][x][0]),int(text_vign_ind[0][x][1])),text_vign,fill="#000000",font=fnt,align="center") text_vign = "" except TypeError: print("Problem finding text for:") print(indVign) quit() obj_list = addThing(indVign,config) if obj_list!=0: for obj in obj_list: if obj[0] == 'R': objImg = Image.open(config["imagesLocation"]+"/"+prevObj[0]) else: prevObj = obj objImg = Image.open(config["imagesLocation"]+"/"+obj[0]) try: vign.paste(objImg,(int(obj[1]),int(obj[2])),objImg) except ValueError: vign.paste(objImg,(int(obj[1]),int(obj[2]))) if "$0" in alt_text: alt_text = alt_text.replace("$0",fetchAltText(config,config["csvLocation"]+"/"+config["csvAltText"],obj_list[0][0])+" ") strip.append(vign) except FileNotFoundError: pass image = Image.new('RGBA',(config["xSize"],config["ySize"])) xshift=0 for vign in strip: image.paste(vign,(xshift,0)) xshift += config["panelLength"] ImageDraw.Draw(image).rectangle([0,0,config["xSize"]-1,config["ySize"]-1], fill=None, outline="black", width=1) return image,alt_text def createStrip(config,specialPlatform="",altTextRequested=False): """Create strip and save it, if altTextRequested is True then returns also the alt text createStrip(str path/filename)""" try: story = fetchVign(config) finalStrip,altText = writeStrip(story,config) if specialPlatform == "android": return finalStrip else: finalStrip.save(config["saveLocation"]+config["filename"]) if altTextRequested: return 0,altText else: return 0 except Exception as err: return err def readConfig(profile=False,platform=False): """Read configuration file""" try: with open(fileDir+"/config.json") as f: config = json.load(f) except IOError: print("config.json not found") return False if not(profile): profile = config["defaultProfile"] else: profile = profile[0] try: checkProfile = config[profile] except KeyError: print("Profile "+profile+" not found") profile = config["defaultProfile"] saveLocation = checkLocal(config[profile]["saveLocation"]) imagesLocation = checkLocal(config[profile]["imagesLocation"]) csvLocation = checkLocal(config[profile]["csvLocation"]) csvTree = config[profile]["csvTree"] csvSpeech = config[profile]["csvSpeech"] csvSubs = config[profile]["csvSubs"] csvObj = config[profile]["csvObj"] csvAltText = config[profile]["csvAltText"] font = checkLocal(config[profile]["font"]) fontSize = int((config[profile]["fontSize"])) xSize = config[profile]["xSize"] ySize = config[profile]["ySize"] panelLength = config[profile]["panelLength"] if platform: token = checkLocal(config[profile][platform]["token"]) filename = checkLocal(config[profile][platform]["filename"]) try: text = config[profile][platform]["text"] except KeyError: text = False return {"saveLocation":saveLocation,"imagesLocation":imagesLocation,"csvLocation":csvLocation,"fontSize":fontSize,"font":font,"token":token,"filename":filename,"xSize":xSize,"ySize":ySize,"panelLength":panelLength,"csvTree":csvTree,"csvSpeech":csvSpeech,"csvSubs":csvSubs,"csvObj":csvObj,"csvAltText":csvAltText,"text":text} filename = config[profile]["filename"] return {"saveLocation":saveLocation,"imagesLocation":imagesLocation,"csvLocation":csvLocation,"fontSize":fontSize,"font":font,"filename":filename,"xSize":xSize,"ySize":ySize,"panelLength":panelLength,"csvTree":csvTree,"csvSpeech":csvSpeech,"csvSubs":csvSubs,"csvObj":csvObj,"csvAltText":csvAltText} def checkLocal(directory): """Checks if it's a relative or absolute path""" if directory[0] == ".": return fileDir + directory[1:] else: return directory if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s','--story',metavar='story',default='',nargs=4,help='story = image file name') parser.add_argument('-a','--a4',default=False,action='store_true',help='print on an A4 in PDF, needs -o output, disables -x xsize') parser.add_argument('-m','--multiple',metavar='multiple',default=[1],nargs=1,type=int,help='multiple output (int >0), if no output -o specified, it just tests the stories') parser.add_argument('-x','--xsize',metavar='xsize',default=0,type=int,nargs=1,help='output image width') parser.add_argument('-p','--profile',metavar='profile',default="",type=str,nargs=1,help='select a profile registered in config.json, if it doesn\'t exist it will use the default one') parser.add_argument('-o','--output',metavar='output',const=True,default=False,nargs="?",help='output file, if name not specified, default path will be used') args = parser.parse_args() if args.multiple[0] <= 0: #Wrong multiple choice quit() config = readConfig(profile=args.profile) if args.output == True: #Output on but no filename specified fileName = config["saveLocation"]+config["filename"] elif type(args.output) == str: #Output specified fileName = args.output pdfs = list() #Prepare a list for the PDF for ist in range(0,args.multiple[0]): if (args.story == ''): #No story specified story = fetchVign(config) else: story = [] #Story specified for x in args.story: story.append(x) finalStrip,alt_text = writeStrip(story,config) if args.a4: #Prints a PDF finalStrip = finalStrip.resize((2249,516)) pdfs.append(finalStrip) else: if args.xsize != 0: #Resize specified finalStrip = finalStrip.resize((args.xsize[0],int(args.xsize[0]/2400*500))) if args.multiple[0] == 1: #No multiple selected if args.output == False: finalStrip.show() print(alt_text) else: finalStrip.save(fileName) else: #Multiple selected if args.output == False: print(story,alt_text) else: finalStrip.save(fileName + str(ist).zfill(3) + ".png") if args.a4: ypos = 100 nopage = 0 if args.output == False: print("Output not specified") quit() pagePdf = list() for pag in range(0,int((args.multiple[0]-1)/6+1)): image = Image.new('RGB',(2479,3508),(255,255,255)) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(config["font"],config["fontSize"]) ImageDraw.Draw(image).text((2479 - 500, 3508 - 200),"https://github.com/oloturia/fumcaso",fill="black",font=fnt) pagePdf.append(image) for ist,strip_num in enumerate(range(0,args.multiple[0])): pagePdf[nopage].paste(pdfs[strip_num],box=(110,ypos)) ypos += 516 + 20 if ypos > 3508-569: ypos = 100 nopage += 1 if fileName[len(fileName)-4:] != ".pdf": fileName += ".pdf" pagePdf[0].save(fileName, resolution=300, save_all=True, append_images=pagePdf[1:])