* Removes dependency on lsb-release and/or Facter >1.7 (values are based on $::lsbdistcodename, when available) * Simplifies maintenance: only lib/facter/util/* require updates as new releases are made Caveats: * apt::codename is removed; to override debian_* facts, set the FACTER_debian_codename environment variable for puppet * If tracking unstable, make sure lsb-release is installed, as other methods can't tell between testing and unstable
24 lines
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class apt::apticron(
$ensure_version = 'installed',
$config = "apt/${::operatingsystem}/apticron_${::debian_codename}.erb",
$email = 'root',
$diff_only = '1',
$listchanges_profile = 'apticron',
$system = false,
$ipaddressnum = false,
$ipaddresses = false,
$notifyholds = '0',
$notifynew = '0',
$customsubject = ''
) {
package { 'apticron': ensure => $ensure_version }
file { '/etc/apticron/apticron.conf':
content => template($apt::apticron::config),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
require => Package['apticron'];