varac f12b007edd [refactor] Unify apt-get update into one resource
Before, there were two Execs that did an `apt-get update`,
`Exec[refresh_apt]` and `Exec[apt_updated]`, which were triggered
by different resources.
This changes gets rid of the first one, and all resources now depend
on `Exec[apt_updated]`.
2016-02-01 20:25:46 +01:00

13 lines
369 B

define apt::key::plain ($source) {
file {
source => $source;
ensure => directory;
exec { "apt-key add '${apt::apt_base_dir}/keys/${name}'":
subscribe => File["${apt::apt_base_dir}/keys/${name}"],
refreshonly => true,
notify => Exec['apt_updated'],