Gabriel Filion 2942cd0dd8 remove requirement on lsb package for sources.list file
Managing requirements for installing the lsb package has proven over
time to make no sense. The best approach to this is to require
lsb-release to be installed alongside puppet, since otherwise there are
so much facts that get no value during the run and you end up needing to
run puppet twice to get the real end result.

Also, since we're not including a class that is actually installing the
'lsb' package, that require line makes it so that including the apt
module doesn't work, and there's no documentation in the README about
needing to provide a package{'lsb':} resource with the apt class.

Because of all that, it makes more sense to just get rid of that require
line and mark lsb as a pre-requirement in the README file.
2015-12-04 14:35:27 -05:00

143 lines
4.3 KiB

# apt.pp - common components and defaults for handling apt
# Copyright (C) 2008 Micah Anerson <>
# Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt <>
# See LICENSE for the full license granted to you.
class apt(
$use_lts = $apt::params::use_lts,
$use_volatile = $apt::params::use_volatile,
$use_backports = $apt::params::use_backports,
$include_src = $apt::params::include_src,
$use_next_release = $apt::params::use_next_release,
$debian_url = $apt::params::debian_url,
$security_url = $apt::params::security_url,
$backports_url = $apt::params::backports_url,
$lts_url = $apt::params::lts_url,
$volatile_url = $apt::params::volatile_url,
$ubuntu_url = $apt::params::ubuntu_url,
$repos = $apt::params::repos,
$custom_preferences = $apt::params::custom_preferences,
$custom_sources_list = '',
$disable_update = $apt::params::disable_update,
$custom_key_dir = $apt::params::custom_key_dir
) inherits apt::params {
case $::operatingsystem {
'debian': {
$real_repos = $repos ? {
'auto' => 'main contrib non-free',
default => $repos,
'ubuntu': {
$real_repos = $repos ? {
'auto' => 'main restricted universe multiverse',
default => $repos,
package { 'apt':
ensure => installed,
require => undef,
$sources_content = $custom_sources_list ? {
'' => template( "apt/${::operatingsystem}/sources.list.erb"),
default => $custom_sources_list
file {
# include main and security
# additional sources should be included via the apt::sources_list define
content => $sources_content,
notify => Exec['refresh_apt'],
owner => root,
group => 0,
mode => '0644';
apt_conf { '02show_upgraded':
source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_apt/${::fqdn}/02show_upgraded",
'puppet:///modules/apt/02show_upgraded' ]
if ( $::virtual == 'vserver' ) {
apt_conf { '03clean_vserver':
source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_apt/${::fqdn}/03clean_vserver",
'puppet:///modules/apt/03clean_vserver' ],
alias => '03clean';
else {
apt_conf { '03clean':
source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_apt/${::fqdn}/03clean",
'puppet:///modules/apt/03clean' ]
case $custom_preferences {
false: {
include apt::preferences::absent
default: {
# When squeeze becomes the stable branch, transform this file's header
# into a preferences.d file
include apt::preferences
include apt::dot_d_directories
## This package should really always be current
package { 'debian-archive-keyring': ensure => latest }
# backports uses the normal archive key now
package { 'debian-backports-keyring': ensure => absent }
if ($use_backports and !($::debian_release in ['testing', 'unstable', 'experimental'])) {
apt::sources_list {
content => "deb $backports_url ${::debian_codename}-backports ${apt::real_repos}",
if $include_src {
apt::sources_list {
content => "deb-src $backports_url ${::debian_codename}-backports ${apt::real_repos}",
include common::moduledir
common::module_dir { 'apt': }
$apt_base_dir = "${common::moduledir::module_dir_path}/apt"
if $custom_key_dir {
file { "${apt_base_dir}/keys.d":
source => $custom_key_dir,
recurse => true,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0755',
exec { 'custom_keys':
command => "find ${apt_base_dir}/keys.d -type f -exec apt-key add '{}' \\; && /usr/bin/apt-get update",
subscribe => File["${apt_base_dir}/keys.d"],
refreshonly => true,
if $custom_preferences != false {
Exec['custom_keys'] {
before => [ Exec[refresh_apt], File['apt_config'] ]
} else {
Exec['custom_keys'] {
before => Exec[refresh_apt]
# workaround for preseeded_package component
file { [ '/var/cache', '/var/cache/local', '/var/cache/local/preseeding' ]: ensure => directory }