Now, we have the possibility to externally add snippes, so that we can preferences for packages that are for example only in backports or unstable.
28 lines
802 B
28 lines
802 B
class apt::preferences {
include apt::module_dir
module_dir{'apt/preferences': }
dir => '/var/lib/puppet/modules/apt/preferences',
header => 'Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 2
# use Concatenated_file[apt_config] to reference a completed configuration
# See "The Puppet Semaphor" 2007-06-25 on the puppet-users ML
alias => apt_config,
# only update together
require => File["/etc/apt/sources.list"];
config_file {
# little default settings which keep the system sane
content => "APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;\nDSelect::Clean $real_apt_clean;\n",
before => Concatenated_file[apt_config];