The logic in specifying the default value for apt::repos is in the wrong place: it should be in apt::params since this is exactly what this latter class is for. There's no special case that can involve making default the value follow the value of another parameter so there's no point in having that logic in the main class.
76 lines
2.6 KiB
76 lines
2.6 KiB
# This file is managed by puppet
# all local modifications will be overwritten
### Debian current: <%= codename=scope.lookupvar('::debian_codename') %>
# basic
deb <%= debian_url=scope.lookupvar('apt::debian_url') %> <%= codename %> <%= lrepos=scope.lookupvar('apt::repos') %>
<% if include_src=scope.lookupvar('apt::include_src') -%>
deb-src <%= debian_url %> <%= codename %> <%= lrepos %>
<% end -%>
# security
<% if ((release=scope.lookupvar('::debian_release')) == "stable" || release == "oldstable") -%>
deb <%= security_url=scope.lookupvar('apt::security_url') %> <%= codename %>/updates <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src -%>
deb-src <%= security_url %> <%= codename %>/updates <%= lrepos %>
<% end -%>
<% else -%>
# There is no security support for <%= release %>
<% end -%>
<% if use_volatile=scope.lookupvar('apt::use_volatile') -%>
# volatile
<% if (release == "testing" || release == "unstable" || release == "experimental") -%>
# There is no volatile archive for <%= release %>
<% else -%>
deb <%= debian_url %> <%= codename %>-updates <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src -%>
deb-src <%= debian_url %> <%= codename %>-updates <%= lrepos %>
<% end
end -%>
<% if use_lts=scope.lookupvar('apt::use_lts') -%>
<% if release_lts=scope.lookupvar('::debian_lts') == "false" -%>
# There is no LTS archive for <%= release %>
<% else -%>
deb <%= debian_url %> <%= codename %>-lts <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src -%>
deb-src <%= debian_url %> <%= codename %>-lts <%= lrepos %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if next_release=scope.lookupvar('apt::use_next_release') -%>
### Debian next: <%= next_release=scope.lookupvar('::debian_nextrelease') ; next_codename=scope.lookupvar('::debian_nextcodename') %>
# basic
deb <%= debian_url %> <%= next_codename %> <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src -%>
deb-src <%= debian_url %> <%= next_codename %> <%= lrepos %>
<% end -%>
# security
<% if (next_release == "unstable" || next_release == "experimental") -%>
# There is no security support for <%= next_release %>
<% else -%>
deb <%= security_url %> <%= next_codename %>/updates <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src then -%>
deb-src <%= security_url %> <%= next_codename %>/updates <%= lrepos %>
<% end
end -%>
<% if use_volatile -%>
# volatile
<% if (next_release == "testing" || next_release == "unstable" || next_release == "experimental") -%>
# There is no volatile archive for <%= next_release %>
<% else -%>
deb <%= debian_url %> <%= next_codename %>-updates <%= lrepos %>
<% if include_src -%>
deb-src <%= debian_url %> <%= next_codename %>-updates <%= lrepos %>
<% end
end -%>