Jerome Charaoui d007a40333 Replace debian_*() parser functions with facts
* Removes dependency on lsb-release and/or Facter >1.7
    (values are based on $::lsbdistcodename, when available)
* Simplifies maintenance: only lib/facter/util/* require updates as new
  releases are made

* apt::codename is removed; to override debian_* facts, set the
  FACTER_debian_codename environment variable for puppet
* If tracking unstable, make sure lsb-release is installed, as other
  methods can't tell between testing and unstable
2015-05-11 12:01:35 -04:00

20 lines
596 B

class apt::preferences {
$pref_contents = $apt::custom_preferences ? {
'' => $::operatingsystem ? {
'debian' => template("apt/${::operatingsystem}/preferences_${::debian_codename}.erb"),
'ubuntu' => template("apt/${::operatingsystem}/preferences_${::ubuntu_codename}.erb"),
default => $apt::custom_preferences
file { '/etc/apt/preferences':
ensure => present,
alias => 'apt_config',
# only update together
content => $pref_contents,
require => File['/etc/apt/sources.list'],
owner => root, group => 0, mode => '0644';