Gabriel Filion e714859a10 Make it possible to specify own template.
Micah found an issue with usage of config_content: if you call template('...')
yourself and pass that on to config_content, then your template gets evaluated
without all of the variables. This means that you don't hava access to
blacklisted_packages, mail_recipient or mailonlyonerror.

To make it possible to use a different template while still having access to
those variables, let's make it possible to change the template name that we're
2015-10-09 17:22:31 -04:00

24 satır
574 B

class apt::unattended_upgrades (
$config_content = undef,
$config_template = 'apt/50unattended-upgrades.erb',
$mailonlyonerror = true,
$mail_recipient = 'root',
$blacklisted_packages = [],
$ensure_version = present
) {
package { 'unattended-upgrades':
ensure => $ensure_version
$file_content = $config_content ? {
undef => template($config_template),
default => $config_content
apt_conf { '50unattended-upgrades':
content => $file_content,
require => Package['unattended-upgrades'],
refresh_apt => false