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This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 403 additions and 0 deletions
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A Puppet module that can construct files from fragments.
Please see the comments in the various .pp files for details
as well as posts on my blog at www.devco.net
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
- In 0.24.8 you will see inintended notifies, if you build a file
in a run, the next run will also see it as changed. This is due
to how 0.24.8 does the purging of unhandled files, this is improved
in 0.25.x and we cannot work around it in our code.
- At present you cannot change the ownership of the file by just setting
the property on the resources, we have a work around in mind.
- 2010/02/19 - initial release
- 2010/03/12 - add support for 0.24.8 and newer
- make the location of sort configurable
- add the ability to add shell comment based warnings to
top of files
- add the ablity to create empty files
- 2010/04/05 - fix parsing of WARN and change code style to match rest
of the code
- Better and safer boolean handling for warn and force
- Don't use hard coded paths in the shell script, set PATH
top of the script
- Use file{} to copy the result and make all fragments owned
by root. This means we can chnage the ownership/group of the
resulting file at any time.
- You can specify ensure => "/some/other/file" in concat::fragment
to include the contents of a symlink into the final file.
- 2010/04/16 - Add more cleaning of the fragment name - removing / from the $name
Paul Elliot - Provided 0.24.8 support, shell warnings and empty file
creation support.
Chad Netzer - Various patches to improve safety of file operations
- Symlink support
David Schmitt - Patch to remove hard coded paths relying on OS path
- Patch to use file{} to copy the resulting file to the
final destination. This means Puppet client will show
diffs and that hopefully we can change file ownerships
R.I.Pienaar - rip@devco.net / www.devco.net / @ripienaar
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Executable file
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# Script to concat files to a config file.
# Given a directory like this:
# /path/to/conf.d
# |-- fragments
# | |-- 00_named.conf
# | |-- 10_domain.net
# | `-- zz_footer
# The script supports a test option that will build the concat file to a temp location and
# use /usr/bin/cmp to verify if it should be run or not. This would result in the concat happening
# twice on each run but gives you the option to have an unless option in your execs to inhibit rebuilds.
# Without the test option and the unless combo your services that depend on the final file would end up
# restarting on each run, or in other manifest models some changes might get missed.
# -o The file to create from the sources
# -d The directory where the fragments are kept
# -t Test to find out if a build is needed, basically concats the files to a temp
# location and compare with what's in the final location, return codes are designed
# for use with unless on an exec resource
# -w Add a shell style comment at the top of the created file to warn users that it
# is generated by puppet
# -f Enables the creation of empty output files when no fragments are found
# -n Sort the output numerically rather than the default alpha sort
# the command:
# concatfragments.sh -o /path/to/conffile.cfg -d /path/to/conf.d
# creates /path/to/conf.d/fragments.concat and copies the resulting
# file to /path/to/conffile.cfg. The files will be sorted alphabetically
# pass the -n switch to sort numerically.
# The script does error checking on the various dirs and files to make
# sure things don't fail.
while getopts "o:s:d:tnwf" options; do
case $options in
n ) SORTARG="-zn";;
w ) WARN="true";;
f ) FORCE="true";;
t ) TEST="true";;
* ) echo "Specify output file with -o and fragments directory with -d"
exit 1;;
# do we have -o?
if [ x${OUTFILE} = "x" ]; then
echo "Please specify an output file with -o"
exit 1
# do we have -d?
if [ x${WORKDIR} = "x" ]; then
echo "Please fragments directory with -d"
exit 1
# can we write to -o?
if [ -a ${OUTFILE} ]; then
if [ ! -w ${OUTFILE} ]; then
echo "Cannot write to ${OUTFILE}"
exit 1
if [ ! -w `dirname ${OUTFILE}` ]; then
echo "Cannot write to `dirname ${OUTFILE}` to create ${OUTFILE}"
exit 1
# do we have a fragments subdir inside the work dir?
if [ ! -d "${WORKDIR}/fragments" ] && [ ! -x "${WORKDIR}/fragments" ]; then
echo "Cannot access the fragments directory"
exit 1
# are there actually any fragments?
if [ ! "$(ls -A ${WORKDIR}/fragments)" ]; then
if [ x${FORCE} = "x" ]; then
echo "The fragments directory is empty, cowardly refusing to make empty config files"
exit 1
if [ x${WARN} = "x" ]; then
cat /dev/null > "fragments.concat"
echo '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.' > "fragments.concat"
# find all the files in the fragments directory, sort them numerically and concat to fragments.concat in the working dir
find fragments/ -type f -follow -print0 |sort ${SORTARG}|xargs -0 cat >>"fragments.concat"
if [ x${TEST} = "x" ]; then
# This is a real run, copy the file to outfile
cp fragments.concat ${OUTFILE}
# Just compare the result to outfile to help the exec decide
cmp ${OUTFILE} fragments.concat
exit $RETVAL
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# Puts a file fragment into a directory previous setup using concat
# - target The file that these fragments belong to
# - content If present puts the content into the file
# - source If content was not specified, use the source
# - order By default all files gets a 10_ prefix in the directory
# you can set it to anything else using this to influence the
# order of the content in the file
# - ensure Present/Absent
# - mode Mode for the file
# - owner Owner of the file
# - group Owner of the file
define concat::fragment($target, $content='', $source='', $order=10, $ensure = "present", $mode = 0644, $owner = root, $group = root) {
$safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
$safe_target_name = regsubst($target, '/', '_', 'G')
$concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
$fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_target_name}"
# if content is passed, use that, else if source is passed use that
# if neither passed, but $ensure is in symlink form, make a symlink
case $content {
"": {
case $source {
"": {
case $ensure {
"", "absent", "present", "file", "directory": {
crit("No content or source specified")
default: { File{ source => $source } }
default: { File{ content => $content } }
mode => $mode,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
ensure => $ensure,
alias => "concat_fragment_${name}",
notify => Exec["concat_${target}"]
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# A system to construct files using fragments from other files or templates.
# This requires at least puppet 0.25 to work correctly as we use some
# enhancements in recursive directory management and regular expressions
# to do the work here.
# The basic use case is as below:
# concat{"/etc/named.conf":
# notify => Service["named"]
# }
# concat::fragment{"foo.com_config":
# target => "/etc/named.conf",
# order => 10,
# content => template("named_conf_zone.erb")
# }
# This will use the template named_conf_zone.erb to build a single
# bit of config up and put it into the fragments dir. The file
# will have an number prefix of 10, you can use the order option
# to control that and thus control the order the final file gets built in.
# The class concat::setup defines a variable $concatdir - you should set this
# to a directory where you want all the temporary files and fragments to be
# stored. Avoid placing this somewhere like /tmp since you should never
# delete files here, puppet will manage them.
# If you are on version 0.24.8 or newer you can set $puppetversion to 24 in
# concat::setup to enable a compatible mode, else just leave it on 25
# Before you can use any of the concat features you should include the
# class concat::setup somewhere on your node first.
# We use a helper shell script called concatfragments.sh that gets placed
# in /usr/local/bin to do the concatenation. While this might seem more
# complex than some of the one-liner alternatives you might find on the net
# we do a lot of error checking and safety checks in the script to avoid
# problems that might be caused by complex escaping errors etc.
# Apache Version 2
# 2010/02/19 - First release based on earlier concat_snippets work
# R.I.Pienaar <rip@devco.net>
# Volcane on freenode
# @ripienaar on twitter
# www.devco.net
# Sets up so that you can use fragments to build a final config file,
# - mode The mode of the final file
# - owner Who will own the file
# - group Who will own the file
# - force Enables creating empty files if no fragments are present
# - warn Adds a normal shell style comment top of the file indicating
# that it is built by puppet
# - Creates fragment directories if it didn't exist already
# - Executes the concatfragments.sh script to build the final file, this script will create
# directory/fragments.concat and copy it to the final destination. Execution happens only when:
# * The directory changes
# * fragments.concat != final destination, this means rebuilds will happen whenever
# someone changes or deletes the final file. Checking is done using /usr/bin/cmp.
# * The Exec gets notified by something else - like the concat::fragment define
# - Defines a File resource to ensure $mode is set correctly but also to provide another
# means of requiring
# - The exec can notified using Exec["concat_/path/to/file"] or Exec["concat_/path/to/directory"]
# - The final file can be referened as File["/path/to/file"] or File["concat_/path/to/file"]
define concat($mode = 0644, $owner = "root", $group = "root", $warn = "false", $force = "false") {
$safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
$concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
$version = $concat::setup::majorversion
$fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_name}"
$concat_name = "fragments.concat.out"
case $warn {
'true',true,yes,on: { $warnflag = "-w" }
'false',false,no,off: { $warnflag = "" }
default: { fail("Improper 'warn' value given to concat: $warn") }
case $force {
'true',true,yes,on: { $forceflag = "-f" }
'false',false,no,off: { $forceflag = "" }
default: { fail("Improper 'force' value given to concat: $force") }
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => $mode,
ensure => directory;
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
ignore => [".svn", ".git", ".gitignore"],
source => $version ? {
24 => "puppet:///concat/null",
default => undef,
notify => Exec["concat_${name}"];
ensure => present;
ensure => present;
source => "${fragdir}/${concat_name}",
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
checksum => md5,
mode => $mode,
ensure => present,
alias => "concat_${name}";
user => root,
group => root,
notify => File[$name],
subscribe => File[$fragdir],
alias => "concat_${fragdir}",
require => [ File["/usr/local/bin/concatfragments.sh"], File[$fragdir], File["${fragdir}/fragments"], File["${fragdir}/fragments.concat"] ],
unless => "/usr/local/bin/concatfragments.sh -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} -t ${warnflag} ${forceflag}",
command => "/usr/local/bin/concatfragments.sh -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} ${warnflag} ${forceflag}",
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# Sets up the concat system.
# $concatdir should point to a place where you wish the fragments to
# live. This should not be somewhere like /tmp since ideally these files
# should not be deleted ever, puppet should always manage them
# $puppetversion should be either 24 or 25 to enable a 24 compatible
# mode, in 24 mode you might see phantom notifies this is a side effect
# of the method we use to clear the fragments directory.
# The regular expression below will try to figure out your puppet version
# but this code will only work in 0.24.8 and newer.
# It also copies out the concatfragments.sh file to /usr/local/bin
class concat::setup {
$concatdir = "/var/lib/puppet/concat"
$majorversion = regsubst($puppetversion, '^[0-9]+[.]([0-9]+)[.][0-9]+$', '\1')
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 755,
source => $majorversion ? {
24 => "puppet:///concat/concatfragments.sh",
default => "puppet:///modules/concat/concatfragments.sh"
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 755;
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Reference in a new issue