#!/bin/sh # Script to concat files to a config file. # # Given a directory like this: # /path/to/conf.d # |-- fragments # | |-- 00_named.conf # | |-- 10_domain.net # | `-- zz_footer # # The script supports a test option that will build the concat file to a temp location and # use /usr/bin/cmp to verify if it should be run or not. This would result in the concat happening # twice on each run but gives you the option to have an unless option in your execs to inhibit rebuilds. # # Without the test option and the unless combo your services that depend on the final file would end up # restarting on each run, or in other manifest models some changes might get missed. # # OPTIONS: # -o The file to create from the sources # -d The directory where the fragments are kept # -t Test to find out if a build is needed, basically concats the files to a temp # location and compare with what's in the final location, return codes are designed # for use with unless on an exec resource # -w Add a shell style comment at the top of the created file to warn users that it # is generated by puppet # -f Enables the creation of empty output files when no fragments are found # -n Sort the output numerically rather than the default alpha sort # # the command: # # concatfragments.sh -o /path/to/conffile.cfg -d /path/to/conf.d # # creates /path/to/conf.d/fragments.concat and copies the resulting # file to /path/to/conffile.cfg. The files will be sorted alphabetically # pass the -n switch to sort numerically. # # The script does error checking on the various dirs and files to make # sure things don't fail. OUTFILE="" WORKDIR="" TEST="" FORCE="" WARN="" SORTARG="" ENSURE_NEWLINE="" PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin ## Well, if there's ever a bad way to do things, Nexenta has it. ## http://nexenta.org/projects/site/wiki/Personalities unset SUN_PERSONALITY while getopts "o:s:d:tnw:fl" options; do case $options in o ) OUTFILE=$OPTARG;; d ) WORKDIR=$OPTARG;; n ) SORTARG="-n";; w ) WARNMSG="$OPTARG";; f ) FORCE="true";; t ) TEST="true";; l ) ENSURE_NEWLINE="true";; * ) echo "Specify output file with -o and fragments directory with -d" exit 1;; esac done # do we have -o? if [ "x${OUTFILE}" = "x" ]; then echo "Please specify an output file with -o" exit 1 fi # do we have -d? if [ "x${WORKDIR}" = "x" ]; then echo "Please fragments directory with -d" exit 1 fi # can we write to -o? if [ -f "${OUTFILE}" ]; then if [ ! -w "${OUTFILE}" ]; then echo "Cannot write to ${OUTFILE}" exit 1 fi else if [ ! -w `dirname "${OUTFILE}"` ]; then echo "Cannot write to `dirname \"${OUTFILE}\"` to create ${OUTFILE}" exit 1 fi fi # do we have a fragments subdir inside the work dir? if [ ! -d "${WORKDIR}/fragments" ] && [ ! -x "${WORKDIR}/fragments" ]; then echo "Cannot access the fragments directory" exit 1 fi # are there actually any fragments? if [ ! "$(ls -A """${WORKDIR}/fragments""")" ]; then if [ "x${FORCE}" = "x" ]; then echo "The fragments directory is empty, cowardly refusing to make empty config files" exit 1 fi fi cd "${WORKDIR}" if [ "x${WARNMSG}" = "x" ]; then : > "fragments.concat" else printf '%s\n' "$WARNMSG" > "fragments.concat" fi # find all the files in the fragments directory, sort them numerically and concat to fragments.concat in the working dir IFS_BACKUP=$IFS IFS=' ' for fragfile in `find fragments/ -type f -follow -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 basename | LC_ALL=C sort ${SORTARG}` do cat "fragments/$fragfile" >> "fragments.concat" # Handle newlines. if [ "x${ENSURE_NEWLINE}" != "x" ]; then echo >> "fragments.concat" fi done IFS=$IFS_BACKUP if [ "x${TEST}" = "x" ]; then # This is a real run, copy the file to outfile cp fragments.concat "${OUTFILE}" RETVAL=$? else # Just compare the result to outfile to help the exec decide cmp "${OUTFILE}" fragments.concat RETVAL=$? fi exit $RETVAL