# === Class: concat::setup # # Sets up the concat system. This is a private class. # # [$concatdir] # is where the fragments live and is set on the fact concat_basedir. # Since puppet should always manage files in $concatdir and they should # not be deleted ever, /tmp is not an option. # # It also copies out the concatfragments.{sh,rb} file to ${concatdir}/bin # class concat::setup { if $caller_module_name != $module_name { warning("${name} is deprecated as a public API of the ${module_name} module and should no longer be directly included in the manifest.") } if $::concat_basedir { $concatdir = $::concat_basedir } else { fail ('$concat_basedir not defined. Try running again with pluginsync=true on the [master] and/or [main] section of your node\'s \'/etc/puppet/puppet.conf\'.') } # owner and mode of fragment files (on windows owner and access rights should # be inherited from concatdir and not explicitly set to avoid problems) $fragment_owner = $::osfamily ? { 'windows' => undef, default => $::id } $fragment_mode = $::osfamily ? { 'windows' => undef, default => '0640' } # PR #174 introduced changes to the concatfragments.sh script that are # incompatible with Solaris 10 but reportedly OK on Solaris 11. As a work # around we are enable the .rb concat script on all Solaris versions. If # this goes smoothly, we should move towards completely eliminating the .sh # version. $script_name = $::osfamily? { /(?i:(Windows|Solaris))/ => 'concatfragments.rb', default => 'concatfragments.sh' } $script_path = "${concatdir}/bin/${script_name}" $script_owner = $::osfamily ? { 'windows' => undef, default => $::id } $script_mode = $::osfamily ? { 'windows' => undef, default => '0755' } $script_command = $::osfamily? { 'windows' => "ruby.exe '${script_path}'", default => $script_path } File { backup => false, } file { $script_path: ensure => file, owner => $script_owner, mode => $script_mode, source => "puppet:///modules/concat/${script_name}", } file { [ $concatdir, "${concatdir}/bin" ]: ensure => directory, mode => '0755', } }