require 'spec_helper' describe 'concat', :type => :define do shared_examples 'concat' do |title, params, id| params = {} if params.nil? id = 'root' if id.nil? # default param values p = { :ensure => 'present', :path => title, :owner => nil, :group => nil, :mode => '0644', :warn => false, :force => false, :backup => 'puppet', :replace => true, :order => 'alpha', :ensure_newline => false, }.merge(params) safe_name = title.gsub('/', '_') concatdir = '/var/lib/puppet/concat' fragdir = "#{concatdir}/#{safe_name}" concat_name = 'fragments.concat.out' default_warn_message = '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.' file_defaults = { :backup => false, } let(:title) { title } let(:params) { params } let(:facts) do { :concat_basedir => concatdir, :id => id, :osfamily => 'Debian', :path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', :kernel => 'Linux', } end if p[:ensure] == 'present' it do should contain_file(fragdir).with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'directory', :mode => '0750', })) end it do should contain_file("#{fragdir}/fragments").with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'directory', :mode => '0750', :force => true, :ignore => ['.svn', '.git', '.gitignore'], :purge => true, :recurse => true, })) end [ "#{fragdir}/fragments.concat", "#{fragdir}/#{concat_name}", ].each do |file| it do should contain_file(file).with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'present', :mode => '0640', })) end end it do should contain_file(title).with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'present', :owner => p[:owner], :group => p[:group], :mode => p[:mode], :replace => p[:replace], :path => p[:path], :alias => "concat_#{title}", :source => "#{fragdir}/#{concat_name}", :backup => p[:backup], })) end cmd = "#{concatdir}/bin/ " + "-o \"#{concatdir}/#{safe_name}/fragments.concat.out\" " + "-d \"#{concatdir}/#{safe_name}\"" # flag order: fragdir, warnflag, forceflag, orderflag, newlineflag if p.has_key?(:warn) case p[:warn] when TrueClass message = default_warn_message when 'true', 'yes', 'on' # should generate a stringified boolean warning message = default_warn_message when FalseClass message = nil when 'false', 'no', 'off' # should generate a stringified boolean warning message = nil else message = p[:warn] end unless message.nil? cmd += " -w \'#{message}\'" end end cmd += " -f" if p[:force] cmd += " -n" if p[:order] == 'numeric' cmd += " -l" if p[:ensure_newline] == true it do should contain_exec("concat_#{title}").with({ :alias => "concat_#{fragdir}", :command => cmd, :unless => "#{cmd} -t", }) end else [ fragdir, "#{fragdir}/fragments", "#{fragdir}/fragments.concat", "#{fragdir}/#{concat_name}", ].each do |file| it do should contain_file(file).with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'absent', :backup => false, :force => true, })) end end it do should contain_file(title).with(file_defaults.merge({ :ensure => 'absent', :backup => p[:backup], })) end it do should contain_exec("concat_#{title}").with({ :alias => "concat_#{fragdir}", :command => 'true', :unless => 'true', :path => '/bin:/usr/bin', }) end end end context 'title' do context 'without path param' do # title/name is the default value for the path param. therefore, the # title must be an absolute path unless path is specified ['/foo', '/foo/bar', '/foo/bar/baz'].each do |title| context title do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/' end end ['./foo', 'foo', 'foo/bar'].each do |title| context title do let(:title) { title } it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not an absolute path/) end end end end context 'with path param' do ['./foo', 'foo', 'foo/bar'].each do |title| context title do it_behaves_like 'concat', title, { :path => '/etc/' } end end end end # title => context 'as non-root user' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', {}, 'bob' end context 'ensure =>' do ['present', 'absent'].each do |ens| context ens do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :ensure => ens } end end context 'invalid' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :ensure => 'invalid' }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /#{Regexp.escape('does not match "^present$|^absent$"')}/) end end end # ensure => context 'path =>' do context '/foo' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :path => '/foo' } end ['./foo', 'foo', 'foo/bar', false].each do |path| context path do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :path => path }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not an absolute path/) end end end end # path => context 'owner =>' do context 'apenney' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :owner => 'apenny' } end context 'false' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :owner => false }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a string/) end end end # owner => context 'group =>' do context 'apenney' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :group => 'apenny' } end context 'false' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :group => false }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a string/) end end end # group => context 'mode =>' do context '1755' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :mode => '1755' } end context 'false' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :mode => false }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a string/) end end end # mode => context 'warn =>' do [true, false, '# foo'].each do |warn| context warn do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :warn => warn } end end context '(stringified boolean)' do ['true', 'yes', 'on', 'false', 'no', 'off'].each do |warn| context warn do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :warn => warn } it 'should create a warning' do pending('rspec-puppet support for testing warning()') end end end end context '123' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :warn => 123 }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a string or boolean/) end end end # warn => context 'force =>' do [true, false].each do |force| context force do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :force => force } end end context '123' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :force => 123 }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a boolean/) end end end # force => context 'backup =>' do context 'reverse' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :backup => 'reverse' } end context 'false' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :backup => false } end context 'true' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :backup => true } end context 'true' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :backup => [] }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /backup must be string or bool/) end end end # backup => context 'replace =>' do [true, false].each do |replace| context replace do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :replace => replace } end end context '123' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :replace => 123 }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a boolean/) end end end # replace => context 'order =>' do ['alpha', 'numeric'].each do |order| context order do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :order => order } end end context 'invalid' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :order => 'invalid' }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /#{Regexp.escape('does not match "^alpha$|^numeric$"')}/) end end end # order => context 'ensure_newline =>' do [true, false].each do |ensure_newline| context 'true' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :ensure_newline => ensure_newline} end end context '123' do let(:title) { '/etc/' } let(:params) {{ :ensure_newline => 123 }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a boolean/) end end end # ensure_newline => describe 'deprecated parameter' do context 'gnu =>' do context 'foo' do it_behaves_like 'concat', '/etc/', { :gnu => 'foo'} it 'should create a warning' do pending('rspec-puppet support for testing warning()') end end end end end # vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:textwidth=79