# == Define: concat::fragment # # Puts a file fragment into a directory previous setup using concat # # === Options: # # [*target*] # The file that these fragments belong to # [*content*] # If present puts the content into the file # [*source*] # If content was not specified, use the source # [*order*] # By default all files gets a 10_ prefix in the directory you can set it to # anything else using this to influence the order of the content in the file # [*ensure*] # Present/Absent or destination to a file to include another file # [*mode*] # Mode for the file # [*owner*] # Owner of the file # [*group*] # Owner of the file # [*backup*] # Controls the filebucketing behavior of the final file and see File type # reference for its use. Defaults to 'puppet' # define concat::fragment( $target, $content=undef, $source=undef, $order=10, $ensure = 'present', $mode = '0644', $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $backup = 'puppet') { $safe_name = regsubst($name, '[/\n]', '_', 'GM') $safe_target_name = regsubst($target, '[/\n]', '_', 'GM') $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_target_name}" # if content is passed, use that, else if source is passed use that # if neither passed, but $ensure is in symlink form, make a symlink case $ensure { '', 'absent', 'present', 'file', 'directory': { if ! ($content or $source) { crit('No content, source or symlink specified') } } default: { # do nothing, make puppet-lint happy } } file{"${fragdir}/fragments/${order}_${safe_name}": ensure => $ensure, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, source => $source, content => $content, backup => $backup, alias => "concat_fragment_${name}", notify => Exec["concat_${target}"] } }