require 'spec_helper' describe 'concat::setup', :type => :class do shared_examples 'setup' do |id='root', concatdir='/foo'| let(:facts) {{ :id => id, :concat_basedir => concatdir }} it do should contain_file("#{concatdir}/bin/").with({ :owner => id, :group => id == 'root' ? 0 : id, :mode => '0755', :source => 'puppet:///modules/concat/', }) end [concatdir, "#{concatdir}/bin"].each do |file| it do should contain_file(file).with({ :ensure => 'directory', :owner => id, :group => id == 'root' ? 0 : id, :mode => '0750', }) end end it do should contain_file('/usr/local/bin/').with({ :ensure => 'absent', }) end end context 'facts' do # concat::setup is a private module so we need pretend that we are calling # it from elsewhere in the same module let(:pre_condition) do "$caller_module_name = 'concat'" end context 'id =>' do context 'root' do it_behaves_like 'setup', 'root' end context 'apenny' do it_behaves_like 'setup', 'apenny' end end context 'concat_basedir =>' do context '/foo' do it_behaves_like 'setup', 'root', '/foo' end context 'undef' do let(:facts) {{ :id => 'root' }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /#{Regexp.escape('$concat_basedir not defined. Try running again with pluginsync=true on the [master] and/or [main] section of your node\'s \'/etc/puppet/puppet.conf\'.')}/) end end end end # facts context 'called from another module namespace' do let(:facts) {{ :id => 'root', :concat_basedir => '/foo' }} it 'should fail' do expect { should }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Use of private class concat::setup/) end end end