# == Define: concat # # Sets up so that you can use fragments to build a final config file, # # === Options: # # [*ensure*] # Present/Absent # [*path*] # The path to the final file. Use this in case you want to differentiate # between the name of a resource and the file path. Note: Use the name you # provided in the target of your fragments. # [*mode*] # The mode of the final file # [*owner*] # Who will own the file # [*group*] # Who will own the file # [*force*] # Enables creating empty files if no fragments are present # [*warn*] # Adds a normal shell style comment top of the file indicating that it is # built by puppet # [*backup*] # Controls the filebucketing behavior of the final file and see File type # reference for its use. Defaults to 'puppet' # [*replace*] # Whether to replace a file that already exists on the local system # # === Actions: # * Creates fragment directories if it didn't exist already # * Executes the concatfragments.sh script to build the final file, this # script will create directory/fragments.concat. Execution happens only # when: # * The directory changes # * fragments.concat != final destination, this means rebuilds will happen # whenever someone changes or deletes the final file. Checking is done # using /usr/bin/cmp. # * The Exec gets notified by something else - like the concat::fragment # define # * Copies the file over to the final destination using a file resource # # === Aliases: # # * The exec can notified using Exec["concat_/path/to/file"] or # Exec["concat_/path/to/directory"] # * The final file can be referened as File["/path/to/file"] or # File["concat_/path/to/file"] # define concat( $ensure = 'present', $path = $name, $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $mode = '0644', $warn = false, $force = false, $backup = 'puppet', $replace = true, $gnu = undef, $order='alpha', $ensure_newline = false, ) { include concat::setup $safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G') $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir $version = $concat::setup::majorversion $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_name}" $concat_name = 'fragments.concat.out' $default_warn_message = '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.' case $warn { 'true', true, yes, on: { $warnmsg = $default_warn_message } 'false', false, no, off: { $warnmsg = '' } default: { $warnmsg = $warn } } $warnmsg_escaped = regsubst($warnmsg, "'", "'\\\\''", 'G') $warnflag = $warnmsg_escaped ? { '' => '', default => "-w '${warnmsg_escaped}'" } case $force { 'true', true, yes, on: { $forceflag = '-f' } 'false', false, no, off: { $forceflag = '' } default: { fail("Improper 'force' value given to concat: ${force}") } } case $order { numeric: { $orderflag = '-n' } alpha: { $orderflag = '' } default: { fail("Improper 'order' value given to concat: ${order}") } } case $ensure_newline { 'true', true, yes, on: { $newlineflag = '-l' } 'false', false, no, off: { $newlineflag = '' } default: { fail("Improper 'ensure_newline' value given to concat: ${ensure_newline}") } } File { owner => $::id, group => $group, mode => $mode, backup => $backup, replace => $replace } $source_real = $version ? { 24 => 'puppet:///concat/null', default => undef, } if $ensure == 'present' { file { $fragdir: ensure => directory, } file { "${fragdir}/fragments": ensure => directory, force => true, ignore => ['.svn', '.git', '.gitignore'], notify => Exec["concat_${name}"], purge => true, recurse => true, source => $source_real, } file { "${fragdir}/fragments.concat": ensure => present, } file { "${fragdir}/${concat_name}": ensure => present, } file { $name: ensure => present, path => $path, alias => "concat_${name}", group => $group, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, source => "${fragdir}/${concat_name}", } exec { "concat_${name}": alias => "concat_${fragdir}", command => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/concatfragments.sh -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag} ${newlineflag}", notify => File[$name], require => [ File[$fragdir], File["${fragdir}/fragments"], File["${fragdir}/fragments.concat"], ], subscribe => File[$fragdir], unless => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/concatfragments.sh -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} -t ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag} ${newlineflag}", } if $::id == 'root' { Exec["concat_${name}"] { user => root, group => $group, } } } else { file { [ $fragdir, "${fragdir}/fragments", "${fragdir}/fragments.concat", "${fragdir}/${concat_name}" ]: ensure => absent, backup => false, force => true; $name: ensure => absent, } exec { "concat_${name}": alias => "concat_${fragdir}", command => 'true', path => '/bin:/usr/bin' } } } # vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:textwidth=79