57 lines
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57 lines
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# == Defined type: icinga2::object::idomysqlconnection
# This is a defined type for Icinga 2 IDO MySQL connection objects.
# See the following Icinga 2 doc page for more info:
# http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/configuring-icinga2#objecttype-idomysqlconnection
# === Parameters
# See the inline comments.
define icinga2::object::idomysqlconnection (
$object_name = $name,
$host = 'localhost',
$port = 3306,
$user = 'icinga',
$password = 'icinga',
$database = 'icinga',
$table_prefix = 'icinga_',
$instance_name = 'default',
$instance_description = undef,
$cleanup = {
acknowledgements_age => 0,
commenthistory_age => 0,
contactnotifications_age => 0,
contactnotificationmethods_age => 0,
downtimehistory_age => 0,
eventhandlers_age => 0,
externalcommands_age => 0,
flappinghistory_age => 0,
hostchecks_age => 0,
logentries_age => 0,
notifications_age => 0,
processevents_age => 0,
statehistory_age => 0,
servicechecks_age => 0,
systemcommands_age => 0
$categories = [],
$target_dir = '/etc/icinga2/conf.d',
$target_file_name = "${name}.conf",
$target_file_owner = 'root',
$target_file_group = 'root',
$target_file_mode = '644'
) {
file {"${target_dir}/${target_file_name}":
ensure => file,
owner => $target_file_owner,
group => $target_file_group,
mode => $target_file_mode,
content => template('icinga2/object_idomysqlconnection.conf.erb'),
notify => Service['icinga2'],