# == Defined type: icinga2::object::graphitewriter # # This is a defined type for Icinga 2 GraphiteWriter objects. # See the following Icinga 2 doc page for more info: # http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/configuring-icinga2#objecttype-graphitewriter # # === Parameters # # See the inline comments. # define icinga2::object::graphitewriter ( $graphite_host = '', $graphite_port = 2003, #Put the object files this defined type generates in features-available #since the Graphite writer feature is one that has to be explicitly enabled. $target_dir = '/etc/icinga2/features-available', $target_file_name = "${name}.conf", $target_file_ensure = file, $target_file_owner = 'root', $target_file_group = 'root', $target_file_mode = '0644', $refresh_icinga2_service = true ) { #Do some validation validate_string($host) validate_bool($refresh_icinga2_service) #If the refresh_icinga2_service parameter is set to true... if $refresh_icinga2_service == true { file { "${target_dir}/${target_file_name}": ensure => $target_file_ensure, owner => $target_file_owner, group => $target_file_group, mode => $target_file_mode, content => template('icinga2/object_graphitewriter.conf.erb'), #...notify the Icinga 2 daemon so it can restart and pick up changes made to this config file... notify => Service['icinga2'], } } #...otherwise, use the same file resource but without a notify => parameter: else { file { "${target_dir}/${target_file_name}": ensure => $target_file_ensure, owner => $target_file_owner, group => $target_file_group, mode => $target_file_mode, content => template('icinga2/object_graphitewriter.conf.erb'), } } }