# Define icinga2::nrpe::plugin # # This defined type distributes . # # Parameters: # * $plugin_name = What Puppet knows this plugin resource as. This is used to create the # filenameon the client machine in the file resource. By default, it's # taken from the resource's name # # * $nrpe_plugin_liddir = The directory where the NRPE plugins themselves live # # * $source_file = The file that will get distributed to Icinga client machines. This can # be anywhere on your Puppet master. See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/3.stable/type.html#file-attribute-source # for more info on what formats of URLs you can use to specify which files # you want to distribute. define icinga2::nrpe::plugin ( $plugin_name = $name, $nrpe_plugin_liddir = $icinga2::params::nrpe_plugin_liddir, $source_file = undef, ) { file { "${nrpe_plugin_liddir}/${plugin_name}": owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '755', source => $source_file, require => Package[$icinga2::params::icinga2_client_packages], notify => Service[$icinga2::params::nrpe_daemon_name] } }