/** * WARNING: This host definition is automatically generated by Puppet. * ANY MANUAL CHANGES TO IT WILL GET OVERWRITTEN! */ /** * A host definition. You can create your own configuration files * in the conf.d directory (e.g. one per host). By default all *.conf * files in this directory are included. * */ //Parameters to include: // * displayname // * address // * address6 // * groups // * vars // * check_command // * max_check_attempts // * check_period // * check_interval // * retry_interval // * enable_notifications // * enable_active_checks // * enable_passive_checks // * enable_event_handler // * enable_flap_detection // * enable_perfdata // * event_command // * flapping_threshold // * volatile // * notes // * notes_url // * action_url // * icon_image // * icon_image_alt object Host "<%= @object_hostname %>" { <%#- If any of the @ parameters are undefined, don't print anything for them: -%> <%- if @template_to_import -%> <%#- Otherwise, include the parameter: -%> import "<%= @template_to_import -%>" <%- end -%> <%- if @display_name -%> display_name = "<%= @display_name -%>" <%- end -%> <%- if @ipv4_address -%> address = "<%= @ipv4_address -%>" <%- end -%> <%- if @groups.length != 0 -%> groups = [ <%- @groups.each do |group| -%> "<%= group %>", <%- end -%>] <%- end -%> }