#Changelog - - - ###v0.5.1 (unreleased) * Added a defined type for `ServiceGroup` objects * Bug #[7189](https://dev.icinga.org/issues/7189): Fixed `liddir` typo in some manifests * Bug #[7190](https://dev.icinga.org/issues/7190): Fully qualify uses of the `operatingsystem` Facter fact * Added CentOS 7 support * Feature #[7264](https://dev.icinga.org/issues/7264): Added Debian 7 support ###v0.5 (August 17th, 2014) * Added a defined type for the `User` Icinga 2 object type ###v0.4 (August 2nd, 2014) * Added object definitions for service objects and apply objects that apply services to hosts * Added a `Modulefile` and a `metadata.json` ###v0.3 (July 26th, 2014) * Added an object definition for the **host** object type